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Mama Instant Noodle To Freeze Prices For 4 Months: Thailand


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Could always recommend not putting in the MSG, but actually there is no evidence of MSG having a negative impact on the body.

Instead of putting in the palm oil, put in a beer Chang export..... much healthier. wink.png

-mel. giggle.gif

Could always recommend not putting in the MSG, but actually there is no evidence of MSG having a negative impact on the body.

Instead of putting in the palm oil, put in a beer Chang export..... much healthier. wink.png

-mel. giggle.gif

Wrong about MSG.

Search "MSG Obese Rat"

[ The monosodium glutamate (MSG) obese rat as a model for the study of exercise in obesity.... Obesity was induced by MSG administration (4 mg/g, each other day, from birth to 14 days old) ]

Or see here:


Did you know that if you sew up dimes in a rats bladder, they will develop bladder cancer?

Edited by Gonsalviz
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Could always recommend not putting in the MSG, but actually there is no evidence of MSG having a negative impact on the body.

Instead of putting in the palm oil, put in a beer Chang export..... much healthier. wink.png

-mel. giggle.gif

Sorry but are you being sarcastic, it's sometimes difficult to tell on here?! No evidence of MSG having a negative effect on the body?! I guess that depends who you believe...

U.S. Government Food Safety Warning. The transport of MSG is controlled by the Bioterrorism Act of 2002. [PDF source] Because there is so much concern about MSG, the FDA commissioned a study be conducted by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). The study resulted in a 350 page report completed on 31 July 1995 [this report mysteriously deleted from public archives]. The research determined that MSG consumption can result in the following side-effects:

  • burning sensation in the back of the neck, forearms and chest
  • numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the arms and back
  • tingling, warmth and weakness in the face, temples, upper back, neck and arms
  • facial pressure or tightness
  • chest pain
  • headache
  • nausea
  • rapid heartbeat
  • bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) in MSG-intolerant people with asthma
  • drowsiness
  • weakness

Lack of Government Regulation. Despite numerous findings by government agencies and health institutions, the FDA refuses to take any action that would prohibit the use of MSG. As with many uncontrolled substances, it all comes down to money. The sale of Monosodium Glutamate is big business. Despite the health hazards, annual worldwide demand is about 1.1 million tons. So, it’s unlikely that any government agency will limit the use of MSG. In such circumstances, it is up to consumers to become informed to protect themselves.

The article goes on to say:

Dr. Olney’s studies on various species of test animals disclosed that MSG, when fed in doses similar to those found in human diets, destroys hypothalamic neurons. This type of hypothalamic damage produces a particular syndrome in animals which caused them to be short in stature, obese, and to have reproductive problems. … Recognizing the immediate danger to the public, especially to the unborn child, Dr. Olney and others testified before Congress concerning these dangers. As a result of their vigilance, MSG was voluntarily removed from baby foods in 1969. But no one had warned pregnant women of the danger to their developing babies caused by the MSG found within their own food. This danger would exist if the glutamate from the mother’s blood entered the blood of their unborn baby. In 1974, Dr. Olney demonstrated that MSG, when fed to pregnant Rhesus monkeys, could cause brain damage to their offspring. Other researchers found similar results when pregnant rats were fed MSG.”


If you OD on it I can see this but as far as I can tell you have just given us another damned statistic to read. I have eaten the stuff for years and suffered nonte of those effects.

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The unhealthy eating phenomenon in the 'less upwardly mobile classes' is far from unique to Thailand. Substitute Mama noodles for chips, chicken nuggets and pizza, and you'll get what a sizable proportion of UK kids live on.

It occurs to me that the upwardly mobile are the ones that eat more of this. The people I live with eat very healthy vegetables and fish.I am the one that comes along and ruins their diet with pork.

In Thailand, i'd say you are correct. In the UK, which is what I was refering to, the trend is the other way round.

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If you OD on it I can see this but as far as I can tell you have just given us another damned statistic to read. I have eaten the stuff for years and suffered nonte of those effects.

and that equates to a scientific study how.....?

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They could give away their soup for free, I would not touch it. I'd rather find me some junkfood without MSG.

There is a brand of instant noodles that I occasionally buy from Central Supermarket (I think it is Coca, in reddish packaging)...it's MSG free and no trans fat.

What is this thing about msg? My wife and her family use it all the time. They nor I have any ill effects. All asians in general use it. I haven't heard about any ill effects.

I agree that if food is prepared correctly it is not needed and even then, a tiny anount of sugar will do the same thing but being completely paranoid of a natural substance is ridiculous.

MSG is NOT a natural substance. Here are some side effects:

  • Headache, sometimes called MSG headache
  • Flushing
  • Sweating
  • Sense of facial pressure or tightness
  • Numbness, tingling or burning in or around the mouth
  • Rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations)
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Weakness

...in my case it is that I cannot sleep after eating foods containing msg for about eight hours.

More here or at numerous other sources:


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Could always recommend not putting in the MSG, but actually there is no evidence of MSG having a negative impact on the body.

Instead of putting in the palm oil, put in a beer Chang export..... much healthier. wink.png

-mel. giggle.gif

Sorry but are you being sarcastic, it's sometimes difficult to tell on here?! No evidence of MSG having a negative effect on the body?! I guess that depends who you believe...

U.S. Government Food Safety Warning. The transport of MSG is controlled by the Bioterrorism Act of 2002. [PDF source] Because there is so much concern about MSG, the FDA commissioned a study be conducted by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). The study resulted in a 350 page report completed on 31 July 1995 [this report mysteriously deleted from public archives]. The research determined that MSG consumption can result in the following side-effects:

  • burning sensation in the back of the neck, forearms and chest
  • numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the arms and back
  • tingling, warmth and weakness in the face, temples, upper back, neck and arms
  • facial pressure or tightness
  • chest pain
  • headache
  • nausea
  • rapid heartbeat
  • bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) in MSG-intolerant people with asthma
  • drowsiness
  • weakness

Lack of Government Regulation. Despite numerous findings by government agencies and health institutions, the FDA refuses to take any action that would prohibit the use of MSG. As with many uncontrolled substances, it all comes down to money. The sale of Monosodium Glutamate is big business. Despite the health hazards, annual worldwide demand is about 1.1 million tons. So, it’s unlikely that any government agency will limit the use of MSG. In such circumstances, it is up to consumers to become informed to protect themselves.

The article goes on to say:

Dr. Olney’s studies on various species of test animals disclosed that MSG, when fed in doses similar to those found in human diets, destroys hypothalamic neurons. This type of hypothalamic damage produces a particular syndrome in animals which caused them to be short in stature, obese, and to have reproductive problems. … Recognizing the immediate danger to the public, especially to the unborn child, Dr. Olney and others testified before Congress concerning these dangers. As a result of their vigilance, MSG was voluntarily removed from baby foods in 1969. But no one had warned pregnant women of the danger to their developing babies caused by the MSG found within their own food. This danger would exist if the glutamate from the mother’s blood entered the blood of their unborn baby. In 1974, Dr. Olney demonstrated that MSG, when fed to pregnant Rhesus monkeys, could cause brain damage to their offspring. Other researchers found similar results when pregnant rats were fed MSG.”


If you OD on it I can see this but as far as I can tell you have just given us another damned statistic to read. I have eaten the stuff for years and suffered nonte of those effects.

If you are happy consuming a substance that has absolutely nothing worthwhile to contribute to your diet but has been linked with a number of serious health issues including brain damage and stunted growth in children born to mothers on MSG diets, please go ahead. Sorry to burden your brain with yet more "damned statistics"....

You seem to miss the fact this article is based on scientific study, didn't actually list any statistics, just demonstrated a few worrying facts about MSG but I digress, ignore the independent scientists, don't strain yourself by trying to weigh the evidence and come up with your own informed opinion... you "have eaten the stuff for years and suffered none of those effects" and that's clearly a better indication of any long term health effects than any scientific analysis of the subject.

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They could give away their soup for free, I would not touch it. I'd rather find me some junkfood without MSG.

There is a brand of instant noodles that I occasionally buy from Central Supermarket (I think it is Coca, in reddish packaging)...it's MSG free and no trans fat.

Thanks, I will buy that one as soon I get there. Normally I do my own stock, boil it down in order to obtain an essence, which I then freeze into portions like ice cubes, and use them whenever I make a soup.

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They could give away their soup for free, I would not touch it. I'd rather find me some junkfood without MSG.

There is a brand of instant noodles that I occasionally buy from Central Supermarket (I think it is Coca, in reddish packaging)...it's MSG free and no trans fat.

What is this thing about msg? My wife and her family use it all the time. They nor I have any ill effects. All asians in general use it. I haven't heard about any ill effects.

I agree that if food is prepared correctly it is not needed and even then, a tiny anount of sugar will do the same thing but being completely paranoid of a natural substance is ridiculous.

Why consume something of no dietary value if there is even the slightest chance of negative effect on your health? If you really haven't heard of any ill effects you must have been living life in an isolated bubble....

"Some misinformation that’s become increasingly promoted is that MSG is naturally found in food and therefore it is safe. While it is true that there are minute levels of unprocessed glutamate found in some foods, this is irrelevant when considering the safety of MSG. Just because Cocaine is naturally occurring in the Coca leaf, doesn’t mean processed raw cocaine is safe. The beautiful poppy flower is relatively harmless, yet it’s the source of opium, heroin, and many harmful and addictive opiates such as morphine andcodeine. Tobacco is a harmless plant that grows in nature, yet when smoked or chewed it can cause cancer. Just because glutamates are found to be naturally occurring in small quantities doesn’t make them safe."

Older members may recall the resistance by the tobacco industry and their beneficiaries to admitting the negative effects of tobacco:

"In the early days of tobacco product promotion, all those involved in the tobacco industry assured the public that tobacco consumption would not have an adverse impact on health. The manufacturers, advertisers, and the tobacco lobby had much at stake. Today’s equivalent to tobacco is MSG. So, it’s not surprising that there is an MSG alliance of organizations attempting to ensure the ongoing sale and profitability of MSG distribution. Simply known as, The Glutamate Association, the front organization for promoting and defending MSG sales is shrouded behind a cloak of secrecy."

No similarities at all... nothing to see here, move along...

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... you "have eaten the stuff for years and suffered none of those effects" and that's clearly a better indication of any long term health effects than any scientific analysis of the subject.

The irony of that statement apparently escapes you and says a whole lot about the world we live in today..



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They could give away their soup for free, I would not touch it. I'd rather find me some junkfood without MSG.

There is a brand of instant noodles that I occasionally buy from Central Supermarket (I think it is Coca, in reddish packaging)...it's MSG free and no trans fat.

What is this thing about msg? My wife and her family use it all the time. They nor I have any ill effects. All asians in general use it. I haven't heard about any ill effects.

I agree that if food is prepared correctly it is not needed and even then, a tiny anount of sugar will do the same thing but being completely paranoid of a natural substance is ridiculous.

Why consume something of no dietary value if there is even the slightest chance of negative effect on your health? If you really haven't heard of any ill effects you must have been living life in an isolated bubble....

"Some misinformation that’s become increasingly promoted is that MSG is naturally found in food and therefore it is safe. While it is true that there are minute levels of unprocessed glutamate found in some foods, this is irrelevant when considering the safety of MSG. Just because Cocaine is naturally occurring in the Coca leaf, doesn’t mean processed raw cocaine is safe. The beautiful poppy flower is relatively harmless, yet it’s the source of opium, heroin, and many harmful and addictive opiates such as morphine andcodeine. Tobacco is a harmless plant that grows in nature, yet when smoked or chewed it can cause cancer. Just because glutamates are found to be naturally occurring in small quantities doesn’t make them safe."

Older members may recall the resistance by the tobacco industry and their beneficiaries to admitting the negative effects of tobacco:

"In the early days of tobacco product promotion, all those involved in the tobacco industry assured the public that tobacco consumption would not have an adverse impact on health. The manufacturers, advertisers, and the tobacco lobby had much at stake. Today’s equivalent to tobacco is MSG. So, it’s not surprising that there is an MSG alliance of organizations attempting to ensure the ongoing sale and profitability of MSG distribution. Simply known as, The Glutamate Association, the front organization for promoting and defending MSG sales is shrouded behind a cloak of secrecy."

No similarities at all... nothing to see here, move along...

Tomorrow's equivalent to MSG will be Cola drinks.

Edited by sparebox2
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... you "have eaten the stuff for years and suffered none of those effects" and that's clearly a better indication of any long term health effects than any scientific analysis of the subject.

The irony of that statement apparently escapes you and says a whole lot about the world we live in today..



I thought that was fairly obviously deliberate irony from the content and context of the post... thumbsup.gif

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For those of us who find ourselves trapped outside of Thailand at times in food deserts where Thai or other Asian food is scare - this until recently included most of the US - having a box of Dom Yam flavored MaMa in the pantry can be a lifeline.

Nutritionally they may very well be on par with particleboard and caulk, but they take 2 minutes to prepare and taste quite good - especially if you've got a little bit of "pak" on hand to chop up and toss in.

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Whats up with this MSG paranoia? It isn't banned anywhere.

You should be much more concerned about Dihydrogen Monoxide.

"It isn't banned anywhere"

Your blind trust in the "system" is unparalleled.

Aspartame isn't banned anywhere either (that I was able find with minimal effort)... nor was saccharine one point. For that matter, thalidomide wasn't banned at one point either. Do you see the fallacy in your "reasoning"?

and... Dihydrogen monoxide? So you think people who actually have researched MSG, as opposed to those who haven't, are stupid? Seriously?

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They could give away their soup for free, I would not touch it. I'd rather find me some junkfood without MSG.

There is a brand of instant noodles that I occasionally buy from Central Supermarket (I think it is Coca, in reddish packaging)...it's MSG free and no trans fat.

This is not correct, Coca Noodles also contain MSG. But there is one brand available TOPS, which has no MSG added. The Name of the brand is Moroheija Noodles and was available two styles: Tomyum Vegetarian and Shiitake Vegetarian.

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They could give away their soup for free, I would not touch it. I'd rather find me some junkfood without MSG.

There is a brand of instant noodles that I occasionally buy from Central Supermarket (I think it is Coca, in reddish packaging)...it's MSG free and no trans fat.

This is not correct, Coca Noodles also contain MSG. But there is one brand available TOPS, which has no MSG added. The Name of the brand is Moroheija Noodles and was available two styles: Tomyum Vegetarian and Shiitake Vegetarian.

I doubled checked the spelling...it is Koka; label clearly says NO MSG and it is also not present on ingredient list.

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They could give away their soup for free, I would not touch it. I'd rather find me some junkfood without MSG.

There is a brand of instant noodles that I occasionally buy from Central Supermarket (I think it is Coca, in reddish packaging)...it's MSG free and no trans fat.

This is not correct, Coca Noodles also contain MSG. But there is one brand available TOPS, which has no MSG added. The Name of the brand is Moroheija Noodles and was available two styles: Tomyum Vegetarian and Shiitake Vegetarian.

I doubled checked the spelling...it is Koka; label clearly says NO MSG and it is also not present on ingredient list.

We both are right, I checked their website and found your MSG-free Koka noodles. But I did see this pack at TOPS: http://www.spicesofindia.co.uk/acatalog/Koka-Oriental-Style-Instant-Noodles-Chicken-Flavour.html Check it out.

I hope I will find the non MSG-Koka brand one day at our Tops.

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