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Late Italian Journalist Fabio Polenghi's Case Will Go To Court In July


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Late Italian journalist's case will go to court in July

The Nation May 18, 2012 1:00 am


BANGKOK: -- Police revealed yesterday that the case of the Italian journalist, who was killed in the government crackdown on red shirts in 2010, would be heard in court from July 23.

The late journalist Fabio Polenghi's sister, Elizabeth, visited the Metropolitan Police Bureau yesterday to ask about the progress of the investigation into her brother's death.

Thaksin Shinawatra's lawyer Robert Amsterdam and red-shirt lawyer Karom Poltaklang accompanied her to the bureau. The three were also spotted at the funeral of lese majeste convict Amphon "Akong" Tangnoppakul on Wednesday.

Elizabeth said later that they had visited the police to provide some evidence.

Late last year, Elizabeth had released several photographs taken of her brother in his last moments with an unidentified man. She believes that the man in the photograph might be able to provide information about who killed Polenghi. She has also set up a Facebook page, called "who is this man?", so people can help identify the mysterious photographer.

Meanwhile, Deputy Metropolitan Police Chief Pol Maj-General Anuchai Lekbamrung said a fact-finding panel set up to investigate Polenghi's murder had taken the case to the Southern Bangkok Criminal Court earlier this month and the first hearing has been set for July 23.

He added that Elizabeth would have to testify as well. Testimony will also be provided by three witnesses, he said, adding that it has been confirmed that the death was caused by a state officer, though the division he hails from is still unknown.


-- The Nation 2012-05-18

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i just wonder, is his family also entitled to the millions of baht promised in damages for each red shirt's family member killed ?

or is that a thai only thing ?

No, she was "invited" also:


The family of the Japanese photographer however keeps low profile.

Here's more concerning Fabio:


Edited by mistitikimikis
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Interestingly the overwhelming evidence pointing to a specific soldier is described in somewhat different terms on another website

"2012-05-18: Eyewitnesses have come forward in the case of slain Italian photographer Fabio Polenghi, his sister said today, ensuring that his case will be heard before Thai courts.


We don't have the man who killed Fabio. We don't have this kind of evidence, but until now we have general witnesses that can say, at that moment, the army were shooting… We haven't identified the shooter, but we have elements to think that the shooting came from the Army side.

... "


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Interestingly the overwhelming evidence pointing to a specific soldier is described in somewhat different terms on another website

"2012-05-18: Eyewitnesses have come forward in the case of slain Italian photographer Fabio Polenghi, his sister said today, ensuring that his case will be heard before Thai courts.


We don't have the man who killed Fabio. We don't have this kind of evidence, but until now we have general witnesses that can say, at that moment, the army were shooting… We haven't identified the shooter, but we have elements to think that the shooting came from the Army side.

... "


we'll wait and see; at least this (English) link hasn't been blocked (yet), the main Thai-link has been blocked.

The plea of Fabio's family is to identify the man who is more than clearly pictured and who collected the personal belongings of Fabio. Still missing are his camera including the cards, his helmet and his shoes. His video-camera was still in his bag but only with previous shots not concerning Bangkok's violence:

"As there are several question-marks she kindly asks you to visit her site as in there photos can be found of an until now unidentified person taking Fabio's private belongings from his body. She should be very grateful when somebody, eventual under anonymity, can identify the person!

<a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Who-is-this-man/240714019314299" rel="nofollow">THIS LINK</a> leads you to the identifying photos. When you are not in Facebook you don't have to sign-in but only scroll down for more images!"

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Finally the thread where this question is relevant - if Fabio was running away from advancing soldiers, how come he was shot in the stomach? Was he facing the soldiers? Were the soldiers advancing or just shooting from protected positions?

How did this all happen? How would re-enact circumstances of his shooting?

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WHAT he is I can tell you with almost no doubt. A heartless opportunistic thief. This sort of thing is much more common than most people would like to believe - ask an ambo or copper.

I hope Elizabeth realises that the 2 lawyers "helping' her very much have their own agenda. I sincerely hope she is not trusting them for accurate translations of witness evidence.

It should be asked what is the function of small groups of armed blackshirts. IMHO opinion they were there to "keep the pot boiling". It would be a simple job to shadow a group of RTA either patrolling or static, and pop off a couple of shots as a group of red shirts came close. In an urban environment with lots of hard reflecting surfaces it is difficult to tell the source of the shots, so the soldiers would engage the reds. Up to you whether you believe the RTA might even get little assistance if their accuracy was lacking.

If there is any evidence at all to support that theory, you can bet your butt RA isn't going to pass it along.

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WHAT he is I can tell you with almost no doubt. A heartless opportunistic thief. This sort of thing is much more common than most people would like to believe - ask an ambo or copper.

I hope Elizabeth realises that the 2 lawyers "helping' her very much have their own agenda. I sincerely hope she is not trusting them for accurate translations of witness evidence.

It should be asked what is the function of small groups of armed blackshirts. IMHO opinion they were there to "keep the pot boiling". It would be a simple job to shadow a group of RTA either patrolling or static, and pop off a couple of shots as a group of red shirts came close. In an urban environment with lots of hard reflecting surfaces it is difficult to tell the source of the shots, so the soldiers would engage the reds. Up to you whether you believe the RTA might even get little assistance if their accuracy was lacking.

If there is any evidence at all to support that theory, you can bet your butt RA isn't going to pass it along.

Shame on you .

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Well, TheCure, could you tell me how he was shot in the stomach while running away?

The idea that black shirted snipers would pick up targets among the reds is not that outrageous. What have they got to loose? Conscience? Whoever they killed, reds would blame the soldiers, and without a few very visible red corpses there'd be no fuel to the "revolution". What was the main purpose of having armed militants anyway? Surely not to overrun the army but to help in the overall goal of provoking public anger against the "ruthless" government.

Shooting at the soldiers serves as provocation, shooting reds themselves, however, serves the main goal more directly. Why discount this idea?

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Well, TheCure, could you tell me how he was shot in the stomach while running away?

The idea that black shirted snipers would pick up targets among the reds is not that outrageous. What have they got to loose? Conscience? Whoever they killed, reds would blame the soldiers, and without a few very visible red corpses there'd be no fuel to the "revolution". What was the main purpose of having armed militants anyway? Surely not to overrun the army but to help in the overall goal of provoking public anger against the "ruthless" government.

Shooting at the soldiers serves as provocation, shooting reds themselves, however, serves the main goal more directly. Why discount this idea?

Ignorance is bliss .

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PLEASE, Fabio's family is ONLY asking for some support to identify the one who was collecting his belongings, not less and not more.

If we can leave certain conclusions and hatred posts pro and/or contra undone they appreciate that very much!

If you want to vent your thoughts and /or anger please start a separate posting.

They are ONLY looking for where his belongings went, which can be important for the court-case.


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PLEASE, Fabio's family is ONLY asking for some support to identify the one who was collecting his belongings, not less and not more.

If we can leave certain conclusions and hatred posts pro and/or contra undone they appreciate that very much!

If you want to vent your thoughts and /or anger please start a separate posting.

They are ONLY looking for where his belongings went, which can be important for the court-case.


I wish you well, but your chances are close to none. In a comparable case here, a friend was knocked from his bike in front of the local market and in plain view of a CCTV traffic camera. While lying unconscious with a fractured skull, his wallet, watch and shoes were stolen. None of the many witnesses could/would identify the thief, nothing was recovered.

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Thanks OzMick and yes, unfortunately we all know the local reactions and here are already lots of "forces" involved I guess, but first of all the relatives aren't too common with this and one never knows how the ball rolls: not trying is always wrong.

Also a sad and difficult to accept experience of your friend!

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Honestly, there's a fat zero chance the "belongings" can be recovered after two years in the wind. Maybe someone will come across the camera by chance but they guy who took/stole it clearly does not want to be identified and even if you find him he won't provide any useful information.

The cynic in me also wonders whether the family wants the belongings or the last shots that could possibly identify which side shot Fabio. Without those shots no one will never know for sure. Reds will believe it was the soldiers and the other side can always raise enough reasonable doubt that it was black shirts.

The family appears to believe it was the soldiers. Fine, but how he got shot in the stomach while running away from the shooters?

TheCure, could you please dispel my ignorance in this matter. I know it's bliss and all but if there's higher truth, why don't you share it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The latest graphic video about Fabio's last minutes released during a television-interview by RAI-news with his sister this week. It contents how and where he died, an interview with Fabio before his death and an interview with the lawyer Robert Amsterdam. The main-language is Italian.




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WHAT he is I can tell you with almost no doubt. A heartless opportunistic thief. This sort of thing is much more common than most people would like to believe - ask an ambo or copper.

I hope Elizabeth realises that the 2 lawyers "helping' her very much have their own agenda. I sincerely hope she is not trusting them for accurate translations of witness evidence.

It should be asked what is the function of small groups of armed blackshirts. IMHO opinion they were there to "keep the pot boiling". It would be a simple job to shadow a group of RTA either patrolling or static, and pop off a couple of shots as a group of red shirts came close. In an urban environment with lots of hard reflecting surfaces it is difficult to tell the source of the shots, so the soldiers would engage the reds. Up to you whether you believe the RTA might even get little assistance if their accuracy was lacking.

If there is any evidence at all to support that theory, you can bet your butt RA isn't going to pass it along.

I completely agree with you!!

Thaksin is responsible for this mess and now supplies lawyers to the victims.. What a hypocrite. (but we knew that already).

Edited by Nickymaster
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PLEASE, Fabio's family is ONLY asking for some support to identify the one who was collecting his belongings, not less and not more.

If we can leave certain conclusions and hatred posts pro and/or contra undone they appreciate that very much!

If you want to vent your thoughts and /or anger please start a separate posting.

They are ONLY looking for where his belongings went, which can be important for the court-case.


With Amsterdam sitting there, people might doubt the real intentions.

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WHAT he is I can tell you with almost no doubt. A heartless opportunistic thief. This sort of thing is much more common than most people would like to believe - ask an ambo or copper.

I hope Elizabeth realises that the 2 lawyers "helping' her very much have their own agenda. I sincerely hope she is not trusting them for accurate translations of witness evidence.

It should be asked what is the function of small groups of armed blackshirts. IMHO opinion they were there to "keep the pot boiling". It would be a simple job to shadow a group of RTA either patrolling or static, and pop off a couple of shots as a group of red shirts came close. In an urban environment with lots of hard reflecting surfaces it is difficult to tell the source of the shots, so the soldiers would engage the reds. Up to you whether you believe the RTA might even get little assistance if their accuracy was lacking.

If there is any evidence at all to support that theory, you can bet your butt RA isn't going to pass it along.

Shame on you .


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Whilst I admire Elizabeth's courage and strength in wanting to get to the truth, I rather fear that jumping onto the Thaksin/Amsterdam/Red Shirt bandwagon has politicised the case.

If evidence materialised within the Red camp that the shot was fired from within, it would never find it's way to her.

As it is, the most likely outcome is that her brother was killed by persons unknown.

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First and for all has to be mentioned that Robert Amsterdam is NOT the lawyer of the family! The family wants to keep the whole question 100% separated from the whole political matter.

This topic was only started as they want to try to identify the person on the photo. Further discussions about the Thai politics HERE are not evident as discussions if the victim should have been there or not and that it was his risk (job). Keep it clean please, how difficult it is for certain people................

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PLEASE, Fabio's family is ONLY asking for some support to identify the one who was collecting his belongings, not less and not more.

If we can leave certain conclusions and hatred posts pro and/or contra undone they appreciate that very much!

If you want to vent your thoughts and /or anger please start a separate posting.

They are ONLY looking for where his belongings went, which can be important for the court-case.


With Amsterdam sitting there, people might doubt the real intentions.

Did you have a problem with understanding this part of the comment?

If we can leave certain conclusions and hatred posts pro and/or contra undone they appreciate that very much!

If you want to vent your thoughts and /or anger please start a separate posting.

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First and for all has to be mentioned that Robert Amsterdam is NOT the lawyer of the family! The family wants to keep the whole question 100% separated from the whole political matter.

This topic was only started as they want to try to identify the person on the photo. Further discussions about the Thai politics HERE are not evident as discussions if the victim should have been there or not and that it was his risk (job). Keep it clean please, how difficult it is for certain people................

I believe it has nothing to do with respect for the journalist (keep it clean). I assume the family wants to know who shot the journalist. Why do they want to know that?

Sister is sitting there with RA.

Who's lawyer is he then?

Why is he sitiing there (what is his purpose)?

I believe that being a journalist in a life fire zone brings along major risks.

I am sorry but looking at the picture raises more questions then answers.

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First and for all has to be mentioned that Robert Amsterdam is NOT the lawyer of the family! The family wants to keep the whole question 100% separated from the whole political matter.

This topic was only started as they want to try to identify the person on the photo. Further discussions about the Thai politics HERE are not evident as discussions if the victim should have been there or not and that it was his risk (job). Keep it clean please, how difficult it is for certain people................

Whether Elizabeth likes it or not, attending the funeral of a Red Shirt and attending the police office with Amsterdam and a Red Shirt leader will politicise it.

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i just wonder, is his family also entitled to the millions of baht promised in damages for each red shirt's family member killed ?

or is that a thai only thing ?

No, she was "invited" also:


The family of the Japanese photographer however keeps low profile.

Here's more concerning Fabio:


The family received money from PTP. You can look it up.

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PLEASE, Fabio's family is ONLY asking for some support to identify the one who was collecting his belongings, not less and not more.

If we can leave certain conclusions and hatred posts pro and/or contra undone they appreciate that very much!

If you want to vent your thoughts and /or anger please start a separate posting.

They are ONLY looking for where his belongings went, which can be important for the court-case.


With Amsterdam sitting there, people might doubt the real intentions.

Did you have a problem with understanding this part of the comment?

If we can leave certain conclusions and hatred posts pro and/or contra undone they appreciate that very much!

If you want to vent your thoughts and /or anger please start a separate posting.

No because it has nothing to do with the fact that Amsterdam is a s...b.g without credibility.

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I sympathize with the poor journalist's sister. But the reality is she is dreaming. The truth will never come out. Families of victims of the 1973 and 1976 massacres by the "establishment" are still waiting to find out the truth.

Edited by Time Traveller
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  • 1 month later...

I sympathize with the poor journalist's sister. But the reality is she is dreaming. The truth will never come out. Families of victims of the 1973 and 1976 massacres by the "establishment" are still waiting to find out the truth.

W'll see how it's going. I see her this afternoon as she starts preparing for the court-case which is July 23rd.: Nothing ventured, nothing gained! At least the "news" isn't fading like they want to realize.................

Fabio Polenghi

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Update: the court-case will start 23-7-2012 09:00h at Bangkok South Civil Court - BTS Saphan Taksin

Charoen Krung Soi 63, Charoen Krung Road, Sathorn 10120 Thailand

Dear M, no offence meant, none at all. It's just that I feel that in the history of things it's much more important to understand (and therefor know) circumstances which led to the March grenade attacks, the April 10th dead and wounded; and the follow up leading to a 'cleanup' on the 19th of May 2010. I do feel for Fabio's sister and other close family, but he had a choice and his was to be in the fray of it. Lots of others didn't have that choice, were forced / pushed.

On the 19th of May, 2010 Canadian reporter vanderGrift was wounded together with one/two army soldiers around Ratchaprasong due to a grenade attack. May I wonder how people would have followed-up on this if the poor chap had died that day, not even mentioning the fate of the wounded soldiers? wai.gif

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