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My Water Well Smells A Bit

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I have had a well 14 rings deep in fro about 1 year, it did not dry out in the wet, it is in white sand.

The water is clear to look at, but just has a bit of a smell to it. After daily pumping it for nearly 2.5 hours to a very low level for months, it still has a little smell. I also split the hose and a small hose goes back into it to, to air rate it.

Still smells.

I put in powdered chlorine and left it a few days, after that t took a week of daily pumping and all the smell of that went, and it then smells the same.

I was told to put in some bacteria like I do to the septic tanks. I am like <deleted>?

Does anyone have any experiences with this?

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You say "Well" which i take to mean water coming from the ground as in artesian well, but you also say "14 rings deep" which suggests a water storage tank?

If it is the latter - where is your water coming from?

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It is 14 rings deep (each ring abut 1 foot deep about) and it is 1.5m diameter.

In wet season it is naturaly about 9 wings full of water and dry it got down to about 4 rings full of water. (This after pumping it dry and looking in the next day.

We are not using it for drinking, actually we are only using it for the garden and I used it over the dry to stop the ground from drying out to much, I would like to use it for house hold water including showering, washing up, toilet. Not drinking.

It is a faint stagnant smell. I bit like when you have a vase full of roses and the water smells after 3 days.

When it was first dug, I left it untouched for about 7 weeks, it was really smelly then, it is just a faint smell now, but I can't rid the smell. Chlorine didn't work.

Just after some ideas

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If it is purely an aresian well, there is no reason why it should have just suddendly started to smell. First think that would make sense would be to check for animal carcasses. On a longer term, if you have the time and the person who can check and advice, try to find out how to improve the use and water circulation

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