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Thai Women Extorting Money From Farlangs Through Facebook


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The same applies to the guys who sole ambitions become to bed the girl, again giving the semblance that they are genuinely interested in the relationship but in actuality is looking for some freebies with no strings attached and couldn’t give a rat’s behind regarding the feelings of the girl and the emotional traumas this may cause to them. They could be described as emotional rapists, exploiting a girl’s feelings and affections for a guy.

The problem is that many are just seeking something for nothing, cheapskates that have no decency or respect for anyone, who use bluff and deception without any regard that within these relationships someone is going to get hurt, quite often with dire consequences. This pertains to both the guys and the gals. No wonder there is so much crap going on between people with these sorts of attitudes.

The problems are that the selfish and in some cases criminal actions of the Jack the Lads, fly by night boys and the femme fatale among us makes it extremely difficult to put trust into any relationships and really does spoil things for those seeking genuine partners and a soul mate. Plus that’s called; using people. Those who have mastered the art of bluff, lying and deception so flawlessly, without a bat of an eyelid or any feelings of remorse are of dubious character and should never be trusted, whether is business, as friends or even as an addition to a social circle and should be well avoided for obvious reasons.

This is a very good point, Beetle dude. I know quite a few guys who are into this, usually younger farang guys who are lacking in the finance department. They would basically say anything to get a girl in the sack, from promises of marriage to life in a faraway paradise. Of course, they'll target the most vulnerable and needy. The OP should start another thread with the title "Farangs extorting sex from Thai women through lying and deception." How about some equal time, Mr. Ebmzlm?

Aren't you objectifying women too much? Women don't trade sex for security. Women like sex as much as men and only involve themselves with young men because of love and mutual attraction.

I am sorry to burst your bubble, my dear, but this is simply not fact.

Women do use sex as a means of gain and do not perceive it in the same perspective as men, although this does not mean that women don`t enjoy sex. Most men see sex as a way of bonding, displaying their love and asserting his claim on the woman, women see sex as a way of securing their future or in other words, getting the man hooked on them as providers, giving part of themselves as a form of saying; or as in commercial sex giving the semblance of; I like you or love you, whether it be marital or commercial. It`s the law of the jungle and has probably been this way since the Stone Age.

This by no way suggests that most women are prostitutes, as they still have ambitions of marriage and starting a family, but the overwhelming majority of women if given the choice would prefer to marry or become involved with wealthy men rather than being financially independent themselves. Even regarding all the publicity from women’s lib organisations and the do gooder messages that prostitution is a sin and immoral, has not convinced women to change their ways of thinking. Many women continue to use sex, whether it be in marriage or commercially as an alternative or additions to their employment and careers.

On the commercial front, whether by deception, the pretence of love, or direct prostitution, that if the sex aspect was taken out of the equation, then these women would simply go out of business

With marriage, many women are fantastic wives and mothers and truly love their families, but the sex element does have more significance for the men during the relationship. Of course there are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but on average, the above is standard practice.

The problems lie when women use the lure of love and sex as a deceptive means of gaining wealth, which brings the morality of all women into question. Because it is human nature to place scrutiny on the majority due to the actions of the minority.

It`s just the way it is - Welcome to the real world.

You mean wedding cake is really the best anaphrodisiac?

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I felt guilty about that later and I ended up sending her about 5,000 baht. I was angry with myself for abandoning my duty of care for her, it doesn't matter how angry you get with someone you always have to remember that duty of care, and I let myself down. So the money I sent was what I saved by sending her back on a bus instead of a flight.

Now I know that story doesn't fit in with the OP, however it does show that it's possible to meet beautiful, ( and by the way, she was jaw droppingly beautiful ) women via the net. WITHOUT PAYING A PENNY!!!

Or (more likely)

You met a prostitute on the Internet, hired her for an 'all expenses' week, and paid her 5,000bht for her time.

For her a profitable week. If she could do that every week she would be well pleased.

Tut tut Tommo, there's enough people taking the opinion that every woman in Thailand is a hooker without men like ourselves tarring everyone with the same brush.

Trust me, I know the difference between a lady and a hooker.

You're doing better than Rudyard Kipling.

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Its the deception and coercion that is wrong, not the "not mainstream approved" sexual behavior.

I always though marriage meant I was going to get regular sex, mainstream appears to involve deception as far as I can see.

Given your direct response to a female member above Tommo I am sad to say I am not surprised.

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I always though marriage meant I was going to get regular sex, mainstream appears to involve deception as far as I can see.

Sure, mainstream sexual relations are full of deception all the time, as is "normal" modern business practice. Doesn't make it right though does it.

In this instance, that deception was most likely not intentional but just part of your and her cultural programming, basically wishful thinking superstition by those advocating monogamy. Once past the "in love" honeymoon stage, sexual stimulation requires variety, for women as well as men.

Committing to a contract promising monogamy "'til death do us part" is equivalent to signing away your rights to sexual fulfillment.

Entering into such a contract without doing a little basic research into the evidence-based truth in this topic domain would be pretty silly in this day and age wouldn't it? IMO only yourself to blame, your partner was probably equally deceived, but not by any individual, just the Judeo-Christian cultural programming.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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Its the deception and coercion that is wrong, not the "not mainstream approved" sexual behavior.

I always though marriage meant I was going to get regular sex, mainstream appears to involve deception as far as I can see.

Couldn't deception be perceived in a variety of manners?

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HAHA,this is priceless. We come to their country to use and abuse these people and take advantage of their cheap economy. Yet we complain when they give us back some of our own medicine. We are all hypocrites in one form or another.

Hold on a second......

The vast majority of foreign guys do not use and abuse these people....??

Don't claim your blinkered views apply to all of us.

Oh,so these guys aren't heading over to Patts just to have sex with many young Thai ladies for as little money as they can?

These guys are involved in a business transaction between consenting adults. No abuse involved.

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Entering into such a contract without doing a little basic research into the evidence-based truth on this area would be pretty silly in this day and age wouldn't it? IMO only yourself to blame, your partner was probably equally deceived, but not by any individual, just the Judeo-Christian cultural programming.

In my defense, it didn't happen to me in this 'day and age' but over 35 years ago, and back then the chances for a teenager to do a 'little basic research' were extremely limited.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Trust me, I know the difference between a lady and a hooker.

Me too

Hooker shags you the first time you meet her, Lady shags you after a month or two of dating.

If you met a girl on the Internet and took her away for a week of shagging, I'm betting hooker.

Unless of course one emits that wonderful raw exciting pulsating sexual attraction which means even the most resilient lady cannot control her natural desire on the first date..smile.png .

Ha Ha. You blokes crack me up. Lolbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Yeah, of course no decent girl is gonna go for a 1 week sex holiday with some bloke she's just met off an internet dating site. It'd be a massive loss of face with family and friends and the people at work. People would think she's cheap and loose.

It's sad for the blokes that get caught like this. I guess they are lonely and don't understand that these girls are stitching up dozens of blokes all at the same time. Some blokes marry these slappers and the girl carries on writing to other men to get money off them. I've seen it happen.

No! I am shocked. It might not be cheap and loose. If it was with a wealthy Thai guy it might be expensive and loose.

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If that is the lesson you took from that story then you have a one track mind.

Not at all. The man out of sympathy and guilt gave her 5000 baht for no reason. As claimed he met her off the Internet, and arranged a date to stay with each other. It didn't work out. Why then would you give her money.

Do you do this in your home country?

Because she was Thai, and he thought it would help her. She doesn't give a monkeys, she'll be on to the next guy.

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If that is the lesson you took from that story then you have a one track mind.

Not at all. The man out of sympathy and guilt gave her 5000 baht for no reason. As claimed he met her off the Internet, and arranged a date to stay with each other. It didn't work out. Why then would you give her money.

Do you do this in your home country?

Because she was Thai, and he thought it would help her. She doesn't give a monkeys, she'll be on to the next guy.

Yep.... throughout my life part of my salary has been deducted to take care of those less fortunate than myself......

I doubt a lot of them give a monkeys either....

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In my defense, it didn't happen to me in this 'day and age' but over 35 years ago, and back then the chances for a teenager to do a 'little basic research' were extremely limited.

I just did the math and my first marriage was around the same time. On our wedding day my wife said "promise me it won't change anything, it's just a piece of paper to get residency right?"

She was 9 years older and much wiser than I, and she not only taught me how to negotiate an open marriage, but later on chose to work as a very high-end escort in order to pay for the house we built together. Which of course she kept when we split, and rightly so.

She's still very active in social causes, specifically sex workers' rights. Yes a feminist but the best kind, has helped keep my past decades' activities on the righteous path and my conscience clear.

So yes I did have a bit of a head start on this next phase of social evolution, which IMO has barely started. Australia may have been a bit more out in front, but even in the UK it was all out there if you were open to it, but yes the Internet has made information much more available.

No blame involved anyway me make our beds and then have to lie in them. . .

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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They are, I think most have some kind of emotional problem. To send money to some one u don't know.

My friend came here for a month when I was not here and fell for one of these girls.

He came another time when I was here and I told him I wanted to meet her she did not want to meet me,

She knew I lived here and would figure her out and I did when I seen what she was driving I new there were many farang BF sending money

She spoke 4 languages including Russia car worth about 1.2 million baht motorcycle worth 125 thousand baht gold jewelry and she told my friend she Sends 10,000baht a month to her family.

He was so blind this girl worked in an eyeglass store selling to farang.

I sat him down and explained it to him at first he would not accept it so he started looking at her mobile and found 4 other farang were sending her money when it cam up on her mobile she didn't delete it.

You know the rest of the story

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If that is the lesson you took from that story then you have a one track mind.

Not at all. The man out of sympathy and guilt gave her 5000 baht for no reason. As claimed he met her off the Internet, and arranged a date to stay with each other. It didn't work out. Why then would you give her money.

Do you do this in your home country?

Because she was Thai, and he thought it would help her. She doesn't give a monkeys, she'll be on to the next guy.

Yep.... throughout my life part of my salary has been deducted to take care of those less fortunate than myself......

I doubt a lot of them give a monkeys either....

I give money to charity, I also sponsor animals etc.

These women are not charity cases, they are lazy. They allow themselves to be abused by some falangs, because they get the money at the end of the day.

They are not very well educated people. It's sad.

If you want to do them a real favour, find a nice girl or even a crazy girl and change there life, offer them security. Treat them like women should be treated.

Otherwise it becomes a big game. And the falang ends up losing out.

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I give money to charity, I also sponsor animals etc. These women are not charity cases, they are lazy. They allow themselves to be abused by some falangs, because they get the money at the end of the day. They are not very well educated people. It's sad. If you want to do them a real favour, find a nice girl or even a crazy girl and change there life, offer them security. Treat them like women should be treated.

I find your attitude sad.

Education has nothing to do with it, I know many graduate students that are just as much explicit sex workers and just as much lying scammers as the Isaan rice farmers' daughters.

How should a woman really be treated?

And where is the abuse if a woman chooses to sell her body? The abuse comes only from deception not free choice, and may just as easily be the male that's abused in these relationships as the female.

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I give money to charity, I also sponsor animals etc. These women are not charity cases, they are lazy. They allow themselves to be abused by some falangs, because they get the money at the end of the day. They are not very well educated people. It's sad. If you want to do them a real favour, find a nice girl or even a crazy girl and change there life, offer them security. Treat them like women should be treated.

I find your attitude sad.

Education has nothing to do with it, I know many graduate students that are just as much explicit sex workers and just as much lying scammers as the Isaan rice farmers' daughters.

How should a woman really be treated?

And where is the abuse if a woman chooses to sell her body? The abuse comes only from deception not free choice, and may just as easily be the male that's abused in these relationships as the female.

How long have you been here. The whole country runs on money. They get an education because it's paid for. Everyone passes their education if they don't leave school and that's a fact. They learn nothing.

They also no. That they can earn more money selling themselves than being a government worker. And even to get a high paid job they have to pay for it. Ie my brother in law paid 120,000 baht for a 5 year contract working for the local umpar so he can earn 8,000 baht a month. A rise of 3,000, plus a higher positioned job.

Simply Women should be treated the way you'd expect to be treated. And that goes for everyone not just women.

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I give money to charity, I also sponsor animals etc. These women are not charity cases, they are lazy. They allow themselves to be abused by some falangs, because they get the money at the end of the day. They are not very well educated people. It's sad. If you want to do them a real favour, find a nice girl or even a crazy girl and change there life, offer them security. Treat them like women should be treated.

I find your attitude sad.

Education has nothing to do with it, I know many graduate students that are just as much explicit sex workers and just as much lying scammers as the Isaan rice farmers' daughters.

How should a woman really be treated?

And where is the abuse if a woman chooses to sell her body? The abuse comes only from deception not free choice, and may just as easily be the male that's abused in these relationships as the female.

How long have you been here. The whole country runs on money. They get an education because it's paid for. Everyone passes their education if they don't leave school and that's a fact. They learn nothing.

They also no. That they can earn more money selling themselves than being a government worker. And even to get a high paid job they have to pay for it. Ie my brother in law paid 120,000 baht for a 5 year contract working for the local umpar so he can earn 8,000 baht a month. A rise of 3,000, plus a higher positioned job.

Simply Women should be treated the way you'd expect to be treated. And that goes for everyone not just women.

There are many other countries poorer than Thailand. Many other countries with worse education systems and worse political systems. Many other countries more corrupt. Hookers account for about 10% of the Thai GNP. Why do you think?

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Extortion, fraud... this is nothing but 'gifting', so ripe are these guys for the picking and willing to hand it over in order for "lub you long time..."

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They are, I think most have some kind of emotional problem. To send money to some one u don't know.

My friend came here for a month when I was not here and fell for one of these girls.

He came another time when I was here and I told him I wanted to meet her she did not want to meet me,

She knew I lived here and would figure her out and I did when I seen what she was driving I new there were many farang BF sending money

She spoke 4 languages including Russia car worth about 1.2 million baht motorcycle worth 125 thousand baht gold jewelry and she told my friend she Sends 10,000baht a month to her family.

He was so blind this girl worked in an eyeglass store selling to farang.

I sat him down and explained it to him at first he would not accept it so he started looking at her mobile and found 4 other farang were sending her money when it cam up on her mobile she didn't delete it.

You know the rest of the story

Reading some posts, yes these women do seem to like to try it on with 'novices'.

Go to an internet dating site and put a Thai town in the where you live section. Add in your profile that you live here and have done so for some time. And then see how many replies you get.

They know you understand the rules and the small time scams and that those are unlikely to work on you.

Yes, far better to get some novice on the internet to send cash :)

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God you lot do go round and round in circles.

Fine upstanding socially respectable women have sex at the drop of a hat for no money these days and continue to be fine upstanding socially respectable women as long as they're discreet about it.

Some women know they can take care of themselves without a man and just have sex for fun.

brilliant.yes some women and good girls do like sex you know

don't believe what the church told you


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You guys are doing something wrong. I have met dozens of thai girls from online and never has one wanted or asked for money.

Yes you're right. The smart ones don't ask for money in the beginning of a relationship. It will take some time, but the question will arise eventually. Maybe you have just had 'short time' relationships?

Just meet well off independant girls like i do and you never get any begging.

Just cant get my head around how guys gets scammed.

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Just meet well off independant girls like i do and you never get any begging.

Well as a fat old ugly almost blind fellow without a pot to piss in, I find that type of girl either has no interest in me or ends up giving every bit as much trouble as the western ones do, so no thanks, I'll stick to the totally poverty-stricken cuties straight off the rice farm thanks, just keep things on a business-like footing, works for me.

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Long ago there was a very funny blog called Mango Sauce (in fact there were many excellent blogs back then including TV of course), and it covered the story of an online girl that was very adept at extracting significant amounts of money from foreigners. She messed up somewhere along the line and the Thai coppers actually caught her...however it turned out it wasn't actually a pretty young Noy but a not well-aged Austrian butcher by the name of Claus.

Moral is that you really don't know who is scamming you online.

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I am sorry to burst your bubble, my dear, but this is simply not fact.

Women do use sex as a means of gain and do not perceive it in the same perspective as men, although this does not mean that women don`t enjoy sex. Most men see sex as a way of bonding, displaying their love and asserting his claim on the woman, women see sex as a way of securing their future or in other words, getting the man hooked on them as providers, giving part of themselves as a form of saying; or as in commercial sex giving the semblance of; I like you or love you, whether it be marital or commercial. It`s the law of the jungle and has probably been this way since the Stone Age.


With marriage, many women are fantastic wives and mothers and truly love their families, but the sex element does have more significance for the men during the relationship. Of course there are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but on average, the above is standard practice.

It`s just the way it is - Welcome to the real world.

I don't know whether you are just cynical or really have never met women who just enjoy sex for sex's sake.

Sex is part of the human condition. if we didn't like sex, we would die away without offspring.

Women are more than willng to enjoy sex just for the sake of it, without regards to securing a future source of security. Take married women who have affairs. Do you think they are looking for a second source of security? Or perhaps they just like the attention, romance, and yes, down and dirty sex.

If you believe the stats, over 80% of western women have some degree of infidelity at some point in their lives. How does that fit in with your view on things?

And why is it a standard fare of humor in the west to have the husband of a long married couple dreading his wife's sexual advances? Is this for her security or perhaps for her phsyical desires?

As a younger man in Thailand, without any money to speak of, I had more than one experience with an older woman. They seemed to be beign ignored by their husbands, but I didn't ask too many questions. I got a good meal and an enjoyable intimate time. No, none of them were goign to run off with me to live in poverty. They all had good lives and were not about to throw that away. But they wanted something from me, for sure.

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I am sorry to burst your bubble, my dear, but this is simply not fact.

Women do use sex as a means of gain and do not perceive it in the same perspective as men, although this does not mean that women don`t enjoy sex. Most men see sex as a way of bonding, displaying their love and asserting his claim on the woman, women see sex as a way of securing their future or in other words, getting the man hooked on them as providers, giving part of themselves as a form of saying; or as in commercial sex giving the semblance of; I like you or love you, whether it be marital or commercial. It`s the law of the jungle and has probably been this way since the Stone Age.


With marriage, many women are fantastic wives and mothers and truly love their families, but the sex element does have more significance for the men during the relationship. Of course there are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but on average, the above is standard practice.

It`s just the way it is - Welcome to the real world.

I don't know whether you are just cynical or really have never met women who just enjoy sex for sex's sake.

Sex is part of the human condition. if we didn't like sex, we would die away without offspring.

Women are more than willng to enjoy sex just for the sake of it, without regards to securing a future source of security. Take married women who have affairs. Do you think they are looking for a second source of security? Or perhaps they just like the attention, romance, and yes, down and dirty sex.

If you believe the stats, over 80% of western women have some degree of infidelity at some point in their lives. How does that fit in with your view on things?

And why is it a standard fare of humor in the west to have the husband of a long married couple dreading his wife's sexual advances? Is this for her security or perhaps for her phsyical desires?

As a younger man in Thailand, without any money to speak of, I had more than one experience with an older woman. They seemed to be beign ignored by their husbands, but I didn't ask too many questions. I got a good meal and an enjoyable intimate time. No, none of them were goign to run off with me to live in poverty. They all had good lives and were not about to throw that away. But they wanted something from me, for sure.

Your Zuchinni?

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So industrious these Thai women. I applaud them! clap2.gif

Sounds like it didn't make any of the foreigners go bankrupt after sending them a little bit of money. This happens everywhere, not just THAI women.
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So industrious these Thai women. I applaud them! clap2.gif

Sounds like it didn't make any of the foreigners go bankrupt after sending them a little bit of money. This happens everywhere, not just THAI women.

If you love women then ya don't mind this though. Its just part of the normal way of things really.

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