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Teenage Girl Dies After Being Hit By Train: Bangkok Asok-Phetchaburi Railroad Crossing


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I see more and more people (mostly young) walking around (or driving car! ) no attention left for their sourrounding just looking at their i-phone etc. or chatting with someone in their mobile. I think, if you are still able to direct your attention to your surrounding world, you all would see this phenomen ...

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....I cannot tell you how many times I am driving on a main boulevard or main road, and someone merges into traffic and is not even looking my way. They simple drive into the road without looking. As if they are bulletproof. As if nothing in the world could hurt them. As if they could survive a passing cement truck, no problem. No concern for either their own well being, that of their passengers, or that of the person about to collide into them. What is up with that? Where are the driving skills in the LOS?

Contrary to standard right-of-way laws in other countries and common sense, the merging traffic has right of way here in Thailand. Maybe the law was originally drafted to allow buffalo carts to ease onto tracks but nowadays, despite the fact that the only buffalo's you will encounter are behind the wheel, the same law still applies to main roads and motorways.

Where on earth did you hear that one NanLaew?! It is absolute hogwash. I was involved in an accident where just such a thing happened. The merger was found guilty and had to pay for all damages. Please do not spread unfounded dis-information as it only serves to further confound and confuse.

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