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Do I Need My Passport To Fly Domestic In Thailand?


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It can be a really big deal to be caught in public without your passport. At the minimum, have a copy of the front page and your visa page.

Personally, I wouldn't travel anywhere away from home without my passport. Just not worth the risk.

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I fly domestic a few times a year and only ever carry my Thai driver's licence for ID, Ive never had an issue with flights or hotels, Don't know about the police (as mentioned by Mario) but I suspect it will not be an issue as the legal requirement is to be carrying ID, no mention this 100% has to be a passport.

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I think we need to differentiate here. To get on the plane, a Thai DL "should" be OK. If you get stopped by the police while out and about without your passport (or copy), it's up to the police as to the fine. Could be nothing, could be a ride to the local station and a hefty penalty.

Again, not worth the risk.

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A drivers license or another form of legal ID will ‘usually’ suffice for boring a domestic flight

However, given that the Thai Law states that you must be able to provide your Passport as identification within a ‘reasonable’ time frame, it wouldn’t be wise to travel without your passport.

Realistically: You’ll be fine without your passport by carrying just a photo copy, but are you prepared for the headache if there is an issue?

Its not worth travelling without your passport unless circumstances dictate its really necessary.

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If you are going to get on an aircraft and travel out of town, I recommend you carry your passport. It's my understanding that Thai law requires foreigners to have their passport with them.

That being said; Many, myself included, photocopy the photo/personal data page and the visa/entry stamp page(s). I carry those around with me in the local area/town. But to travel out of town whether by plane, train, bus, or car, I definitely carry my passport (in a little zip-lock bag to keep it in good condition) with me.

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It's my understanding that Thai law requires foreigners to have their passport with them.

That's incorrect, farangs are merely required to produce their passports within a reasonable period of time. If a persons home was say Chiang Mai and they were in Phuket on holiday and asked to produce their passport, the definition of "reasonable time" might be expected to be different than if they were asked to produce it in their home town.

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I disagree, a Thai drivers license has the bearers passport number printed on it hence I believe it is a suitable substitute for the passport, for the purpose of internal travel.

Sorry you are incorrect, mine does not have my passport number on it, also what happens if you renew your passport, do you have to change your DL.

I have an identity number that begins with 6 on my DL.

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A Thai driving license certainly verifies who you are and satisfies the requirement to carry id. However your passport provides the proof that you are in the country legally (within "permission to stay" date). Therefore, as said, should be producible within a reasonable time.

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I disagree, a Thai drivers license has the bearers passport number printed on it hence I believe it is a suitable substitute for the passport, for the purpose of internal travel.

Sorry you are incorrect, mine does not have my passport number on it, also what happens if you renew your passport, do you have to change your DL.

I have an identity number that begins with 6 on my DL.

No I am not incorrect, a five year Thai driving license contains the bearers passport number, I'm looking at my five year license (new style) and it contains what I have described, issued in Phuket three years ago. I cannot imagine what identity number you have on yours, unless you are a Thai citizen of course.

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The airline might or might not accpet your drivers license, the police can only accept your passport.

If you want to stay in a hotel, you will need your passport.

Incorrect in most cases.

I've used my Thai Drivers License to travel all over the country and only once been asked about not producing my passport when checking into a hotel.

I informed them that my passport is at home in my safe as I don't want to loose it and they were fine with this.

By the letter of the law we as foreigners / aliens should carry our passports all the time and should be able to produce them to be inspected by police / immigration etc regardless of time or location.

In reality we all no that this very rarely is enforced.

By the way, if you have a Thai License then your passport number is on it anyway.

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The net is: Carry your passport! At least a copy. Unless you are out of town, then have the passport for sure. We know the police here. If they want to, they can make a big deal out of it. It does happen. The odds are VERY low. In 10 years of traveling all over the Kingdom, I've never been asked to produce my passport in public. But I've also never been in an accident, many of my friends have. Things happen. Be prepared.

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I disagree, a Thai drivers license has the bearers passport number printed on it hence I believe it is a suitable substitute for the passport, for the purpose of internal travel.

Sorry you are incorrect, mine does not have my passport number on it, also what happens if you renew your passport, do you have to change your DL.

I have an identity number that begins with 6 on my DL.

No I am not incorrect, a five year Thai driving license contains the bearers passport number, I'm looking at my five year license (new style) and it contains what I have described, issued in Phuket three years ago. I cannot imagine what identity number you have on yours, unless you are a Thai citizen of course.

My 5 yr Thai DL (new type also issued 3 yrs ago) has both my passport number and also an 8 digit licence number.

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I have done this many times

while my passport is shipped of to someplace out of country via DHL to get visa's for work etc...

Proper ID to board domestic flight for sure,

I've used copy of picture page of passport to board plane

ive used USA (Mass) drivers licence...

Ive used my seamans book...

I always have a copy of my passport in my wallet or under my motorbike seat....

NEVER just wonder around public with your originial passpoert just asking for trouble.

never had any problems with the coppers at all... ..


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I disagree, a Thai drivers license has the bearers passport number printed on it hence I believe it is a suitable substitute for the passport, for the purpose of internal travel.

Sorry you are incorrect, mine does not have my passport number on it, also what happens if you renew your passport, do you have to change your DL.

I have an identity number that begins with 6 on my DL.

No I am not incorrect, a five year Thai driving license contains the bearers passport number, I'm looking at my five year license (new style) and it contains what I have described, issued in Phuket three years ago. I cannot imagine what identity number you have on yours, unless you are a Thai citizen of course.

If you have a yellow book you have a 13 digit number, this appears on a DL, also the License Number which is 8 digits long. A passport can be changed and the numbers change, a 13 digit ID number only changes when you get PR or Citizenship.

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To say a passport number is on a DL is incorrect.

Also if you change your passport and get a new one, is your DL then illegal as it refers to a cancelled passport, and is not current proof of identity.

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To say a passport number is on a DL is incorrect.

Also if you change your passport and get a new one, is your DL then illegal as it refers to a cancelled passport, and is not current proof of identity.

<deleted> Beano, my UK passport number is printed on my Thai drivers license, what's incorrect about that!

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To say a passport number is on a DL is incorrect.

Also if you change your passport and get a new one, is your DL then illegal as it refers to a cancelled passport, and is not current proof of identity.

<deleted> Beano, my UK passport number is printed on my Thai drivers license, what's incorrect about that!

What I said was it is incorrect to say that a passport number is on a DL, this is not always the case, like in mine it is my 13 digit ID number

By looking at your post number 8 in this topic, you seem to suggest that a DL has the passport number on it, I am saying that this is not always the case.

Edited by beano2274
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To say a passport number is on a DL is incorrect.

Also if you change your passport and get a new one, is your DL then illegal as it refers to a cancelled passport, and is not current proof of identity.

<deleted> Beano, my UK passport number is printed on my Thai drivers license, what's incorrect about that!

What I said was it is incorrect to say that a passport number is on a DL, this is not always the case, like in mine it is my 13 digit ID number

I don't know how many people viewing this thread will have yellow books and I don't really care, my guess is that the vast majority do not. So, to satisfy your pedantic whim I'll modify my statement for the sake of accuracy and insert the word "typically" or "usually".

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Not a pedantic whim, but stating a fact.

Yes there are occasions when people will not have their passport number on a DL, we all agree on that point.

I got a Tambien Baan, as I want to stay here and am happy being here, so it was the next logical step to get one, it helps with proof of address (no extra letter from Embassy that costs money), and also gives me a unique 13 Digit ID number which is used on my DL and other documentation.

Edited by beano2274
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To OP : No you don't NEED your passport for inland travel.

Is it wise to NOT have it on you in view of existing laws : NO

Anyway I don't understand your reluctance to carry it on you in view of the fact that your in a foreign country, and might need to prove your identity at any moment.

But that's just me


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I always present my Thai DL at check in and gate clearance with no problems. My passport though is within reach whenever I travel outside of province.

As for the pedantics and passport number on your Thai DL - it is on it but not necessarily your current passport number depending if you renewed your passport during the interim validity of your Thai DL. Yellow Tambien Bahn may be an exception though I thought they may use your passport number and add additional fill numbers such as to identify nationality? Believe that covers the bases. biggrin.png

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The airline might or might not accpet your drivers license, the police can only accept your passport.

If you want to stay in a hotel, you will need your passport.

airport , passport reqd, ID for travel.

drivers license , for presenting to the police ,if reqd .

simple as dat.,coffee1.gif

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