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Suu Kyi To Visit Bangkok Next Week: Party


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Suu Kyi to go abroad for first time in 24 years

YANGON, May 24, 2012 (AFP) - Myanmar pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will visit Bangkok next week on her first trip overseas in more than two decades, her party said Thursday.

"She will go to the World Economic Forum in Thailand," said Nyan Win, a spokesman for the Nobel Peace Prize winner's National League for Democracy.

The event is being held from May 30 to June 1.

The veteran activist also plans to travel to Europe next month where she will accept in person her 1991 Nobel peace prize in Oslo, and address Britain's parliament and an International Labour Organisation conference in Geneva.

The 66-year-old opposition leader spent much of the last two decades locked up in her Yangon home by Myanmar's former junta, but has now been issued with a passport and is able to travel abroad for the first time in 24 years.

She had previously been unwilling to leave for fear the former British colony's military rulers would not let her return.

Myanmar's relations with the international community have improved dramatically since a nominally civilian government took over last year and Suu Kyi won her first ever seat in parliament in by-elections last month.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-05-24

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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

Edited by atyclb
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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

Goes just goes to show the intelligence of the average person (Thai or foreign).

I'd rather see Yingluck than Lady Gaga to be honest. I've probably got more chance with Yingluck to 'poker face'. Maybe meet up in a hotel or something.

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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

'The Lady' drew small audiences in Thailand because a great deal of Thai's don't even know who she is, much less care about what goes on outside of Thailand. I asked several Thai people about what they thought about recent happenings in Burma and they did not have even the slightest clue that anything had happened at all !

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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

'The Lady' drew small audiences in Thailand because a great deal of Thai's don't even know who she is, much less care about what goes on outside of Thailand. I asked several Thai people about what they thought about recent happenings in Burma and they did not have even the slightest clue that anything had happened at all !

If the film had been called 'The Ladyboy' and had plenty of bullets and blood it would have been a huge success.

We English have a special affinity with Aung San Suu Kyi with her connections to our country. Not many can be the personification of the spirit and hopes of a whole nation of downtrodden people but she is up there with Mandela in that regard.

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She might be in for a bit of a shock.. I remember when I arrived back in the US after spending 27 months in Vietnam, I couldn't believe the changes.

I wish her all the best and hope she gets to visit the US on her trip. She's a remarkable lady. thumbsup.gif

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Suu Kyi to meet PM during WEF event in Bangkok

Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation, Agencies


BANGKOK: -- Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will meet with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in Bangkok when she arrives here to deliver a speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF) during her first foreign trip in 24 years.

Thawat Bounfeuang, acting secretary to the Myanmar prime minister, said there was no formal appointment for Suu Kyi to see Yingluck but they might meet during a reception dinner at Navy Auditorium on May 31. The two female leaders met for the first time in Yangon in December when Yingluck visited the country for the Greater Mekong Subregion summit.

Suu Kyi arrives in Bangkok on Monday to deliver her speech at the WEF, which is being held on May 31 and June 1, according to a National League for Democracy official.

NLD spokesman Nyan Win confirmed that Suu Kyi would make her first international visit to Thailand but declined to give further information about her schedule.

Myanmar President Thein Sein will be one of world leaders attending the WEF on East Asia in Bangkok, Thawat said. Thein Sein, who has been championing reform and reconciliation in his country since he took office last year, will meet with Yingluck on June 1, he said.

Suu Kyi has a tight schedule in June after she was granted permission by Myanmar authorities to travel abroad. She plans to visit Europe, where she will deliver a speech at the International Labour Organisation in Geneva on June 14. On June 16, she will be in Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize she won in 1991 for her peaceful struggle for democracy in her country. The Nobel laureate also plans to travel to Britain, where she lived and studied for many years, and has been given the rare honour of addressing the UK Parliament on June 21.

Suu Kyi, 66, has become Myanmar's face for the international community after her release from house arrest in November 2010 going on to become a member of parliament after her victory in a by-election last month.


-- The Nation 2012-05-25

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What a great ambassador for Myamar, she is loved and respected world wide. A lady of dignity, style and elegancy with empathy for her people. The Bangkok trip will mark the evolution of Myamar democracy. Then she will meet with the Thai PM, Yingluck, a lady person handpuppet of dignity empathy shopping diligent empathy.

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What a great ambassador for Myamar, she is loved and respected world wide. A lady of dignity, style and elegancy with empathy for her people. The Bangkok trip will mark the evolution of Myamar democracy. Then she will meet with the Thai PM, Yingluck, a lady person handpuppet of dignity empathy shopping diligent empathy.

lol, she's not even a person in your eyes... says it all really

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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

I'm glad that "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Hope so in other countries around the round. Because this film does not reflect the historical events. It is just another bad movie like Rambo 4. These films are just stepping stones for american film production which use our country's image just for their profit.

If they really had the good-will for our country, they should learn more in details to be a real professional one. These films are just another examples of "americans save the world" by using other countries as bad image. We are just victims.

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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

I'm glad that "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Hope so in other countries around the round. Because this film does not reflect the historical events. It is just another bad movie like Rambo 4. These films are just stepping stones for american film production which use our country's image just for their profit.

If they really had the good-will for our country, they should learn more in details to be a real professional one. These films are just another examples of "americans save the world" by using other countries as bad image. We are just victims.

An anti American post on your second time out. Great work. And in a thread involving Suu Kyi visit to Thailand, well done!

Not many would have thought of that. Good shew and all that.

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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

I'm glad that "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Hope so in other countries around the round. Because this film does not reflect the historical events. It is just another bad movie like Rambo 4. These films are just stepping stones for american film production which use our country's image just for their profit.

If they really had the good-will for our country, they should learn more in details to be a real professional one. These films are just another examples of "americans save the world" by using other countries as bad image. We are just victims.

Nonsense. You don't know what you are talking about. It was a French company that made the film and it was a GREAT film.

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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

I'm glad that "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Hope so in other countries around the round. Because this film does not reflect the historical events. It is just another bad movie like Rambo 4. These films are just stepping stones for american film production which use our country's image just for their profit.

If they really had the good-will for our country, they should learn more in details to be a real professional one. These films are just another examples of "americans save the world" by using other countries as bad image. We are just victims.

Please tell us you are Burmese and love The Lady.

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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

I'm glad that "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Hope so in other countries around the round. Because this film does not reflect the historical events. It is just another bad movie like Rambo 4. These films are just stepping stones for american film production which use our country's image just for their profit.

If they really had the good-will for our country, they should learn more in details to be a real professional one. These films are just another examples of "americans save the world" by using other countries as bad image. We are just victims.

Nonsense. You don't know what you are talking about. It was a French company that made the film and it was a GREAT film.

French or American or proamerican or whatever... Who knows the history better than the citizens whom passed through it. That might be a Great film, but it is bloody true that it does not reflect the history.

Edited by CDeeds
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A big crowd greeted Gaga in Thailand but the movie "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Image over Substance is quite common. Sadly substance is a scarce commodity.

With their video messages from Aung San Suu Kyi, Bishop Tutu, tributes to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. Barack Obama, Lech Walensa and The Pope, dont expect U2 to perform in Thailand anytime soon.

I'm glad that "The Lady" drew small audiences in Thailand. Hope so in other countries around the round. Because this film does not reflect the historical events. It is just another bad movie like Rambo 4. These films are just stepping stones for american film production which use our country's image just for their profit.

If they really had the good-will for our country, they should learn more in details to be a real professional one. These films are just another examples of "americans save the world" by using other countries as bad image. We are just victims.

Please tell us you are Burmese and love The Lady.

We all love the lady who sacrifices her life. But apparently, we are not happy to see the one you love (the lady or the country) be used as stepping stones.

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I watched 'The Lady' with my wife, who is Thai. She couldn't find New York on a map of the world or even know which country it's in, but she certainly knew about Aung San Suu Kyi despite what from my observation has been a distinct lack of helpfulness by Thai governments to the Burmese people. Perhaps they have too many business deals going with the Myanmar military government.

What a resilient person Aung San Suu Kyi is. I hope someone asks her what type of concrete she drinks. I want some.

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Makes all those days spent protesting and chucking red paint at the Burmese and Chinese Embassys in London over the last 5-10 years or so worth it....Free Free ASSK...etc.

Honest M"Lud it wisnae me....

Met most of the Government in Exile so maybe in a couple of years time they will be running the place......

pzz.. any chance of a visa..?..Free Fre.....

Happy days

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