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India- Tiger Poachers To Be Shot On Sight


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I would assume that all the posters who believe poachers should be shot on sight believe in the death penality? Or maybe not? I guess this makes India the only country in the world that is using the death penality for animal cruelty. I wonder how Amnesty International feels about it?

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I would assume that all the posters who believe poachers should be shot on sight believe in the death penality? Or maybe not? I guess this makes India the only country in the world that is using the death penality for animal cruelty. I wonder how Amnesty International feels about it?

It's not an issue for Am.Int'l. I believe the death penalty is called for in some cases, and poaching endangered species fits. I would take it a step further, and call for jail sentences for purveyors of exotic animal parts (that's nearly all the traditional pharmacies in China, HK and Taiwan) and similar for those who purchase the same. I'm particularly incensed about dealers and users of bear bile, tiger penises, rhino horns. To me, it's 20 times more heinous than dealing or using illegal drugs.

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I would assume that all the posters who believe poachers should be shot on sight believe in the death penality? Or maybe not? I guess this makes India the only country in the world that is using the death penality for animal cruelty. I wonder how Amnesty International feels about it?

It's not an issue for Am.Int'l. I believe the death penalty is called for in some cases, and poaching endangered species fits. I would take it a step further, and call for jail sentences for purveyors of exotic animal parts (that's nearly all the traditional pharmacies in China, HK and Taiwan) and similar for those who purchase the same. I'm particularly incensed about dealers and users of bear bile, tiger penises, rhino horns. To me, it's 20 times more heinous than dealing or using illegal drugs.

The death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state. This cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment is done in the name of justice.It violates the right to life as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception regardless of the nature of the crime, the characteristics of the offender, or the method used by the state to kill the prisoner.http://www.amnesty.org/en/death-penalty

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But people sneak up on tigers and kill them. The thread is about poachers and tigers.

[/media] Yeah but not only do they sneak up tigers they set wire snares which quite often leads to a lingering death and sometimes loss of a limb and death due to starvation ,if someone is shot he dies quick ,the Tiger has in many cases no such luxury . Edited by Colin Yai
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People get shot for stealing valuable items, Why can't we decide that killing a valuable member of the cat species carries the ultimate penalty. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. You don't poach by accident.

In civilized cultures, shooting someone for stealing constitute 2nd or perhaps even first degree murder if there was adequate time for reflection and premeditation. Only in whack countries with whack values and whack cultures is this considered alright. Then again, I get extremely annoyed when green peace place peoples' life in danger to save whales or sharks. I also always get a laugh when people oppose culling Great Whites or looking for a man eater when several attacks occur back to back in the same area such as Perth/Rotterdam recently. They say we are in there world so we surfers deserve to get bit. Haha, I see the ocean as a part of my world too since I have been considered a pro or sponsored surfer for 25 years. Tigers can kill us quickly, but we can't kill them.

Burglars do get shot while burglarizing, Yes it is true that these days in the PC west you can go to jail for protecting your property but it wasn't always so.

I am sure this law is about shooting those caught in the act of poaching tigers, and not later after a trial as a form of capital punishment.

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People get shot for stealing valuable items, Why can't we decide that killing a valuable member of the cat species carries the ultimate penalty. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. You don't poach by accident.

In civilized cultures, shooting someone for stealing constitute 2nd or perhaps even first degree murder if there was adequate time for reflection and premeditation. Only in whack countries with whack values and whack cultures is this considered alright. Then again, I get extremely annoyed when green peace place peoples' life in danger to save whales or sharks. I also always get a laugh when people oppose culling Great Whites or looking for a man eater when several attacks occur back to back in the same area such as Perth/Rotterdam recently. They say we are in there world so we surfers deserve to get bit. Haha, I see the ocean as a part of my world too since I have been considered a pro or sponsored surfer for 25 years. Tigers can kill us quickly, but we can't kill them.

Burglars do get shot while burglarizing, Yes it is true that these days in the PC west you can go to jail for protecting your property but it wasn't always so.

I am sure this law is about shooting those caught in the act of poaching tigers, and not later after a trial as a form of capital punishment.

The top end and side of this debate is in essence quite simple ,ALL and I do mean ALL of these people in outlieing villages know now what the punishment is for poaching Tigers ,it's not like they are being "sneaked up on" and Shot thats bloody nonsense, they are fully aware of the consequences of their actions , soon if this acute problem is not faced head on ,the Only tigers left will be in Zoo's and private wildlife parks , this is part of India's heritage and they are quite within their rights to preserve it by any means possible , Edited by Colin Yai
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I would assume that all the posters who believe poachers should be shot on sight believe in the death penality? Or maybe not? I guess this makes India the only country in the world that is using the death penality for animal cruelty. I wonder how Amnesty International feels about it?

The death penalty would not be used for "animal cruelty". Rather, it would be to prevent serious crimes against the nation and the looting of a national asset. The loss of the tigers impacts tourism. Thousands would be unemployed and without means to engage in legitimate honest work, if the tigers disappeared. Millions of Indians respect their tigers and consider them to be national treasures. What would you do if a man entered St. Paul's and set about on a rampage destroying priceless works of art and endangering the lives of the visitors? I think there would be grounds to use lethal force. These poachers are not nice people. They have murdered game wardens and locals and don't think twice about it. The local community is entitled to be protected from violent offenders that seek to rob them of their livelihoods, and to kill them.

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Hopefully, the King of Spain will take note as he was off on an elephant shooting expedition in Africa.

Perhaps stringing up the dead poachers bodies might also hammer home the message.

How about we skin them, mount their heads on plaques and sell their hides. Sounds like poetic justice to me.

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Hopefully, the King of Spain will take note as he was off on an elephant shooting expedition in Africa.

Perhaps stringing up the dead poachers bodies might also hammer home the message.

How about we skin them, mount their heads on plaques and sell their hides. Sounds like poetic justice to me.

Don't forget the Penus ,this is an extremely valuable part of the anatomy , Actually its laughable ,no one bats an Eye if a guy gets hung in Iran, Malaysia ,or Singapore for dealing in Heroin ,I have seen first hand what this vile substance does to people and how many die of injecting it "cut" with all sorts of crap ,and also the crimes people commit so they can purchase it ,the dealers in both endangered wildlife and Drugs know in no uncertain terms what they are getting into and the risks they take ,so please ,with respect lets have less of the hand wringing for these low lifes
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Even though stealing a TV is a far lesser crime than killing off an endangered species like the tiger, I say shoot burglars too. Not like we need them around and they cause more harm to mankind than any other animal.

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Even though stealing a TV is a far lesser crime than killing off an endangered species like the tiger, I say shoot burglars too. Not like we need them around and they cause more harm to mankind than any other animal.

In my opinion, simply imprisoning them permanently (after a full trial and conviction) would be better

They could then be released if and when an effective method for preventing re-offending is invented

Until we create a zero crime utopia, we should prioritise the rights of the victims-of-crime over the criminals

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I would assume that all the posters who believe poachers should be shot on sight believe in the death penality? Or maybe not? I guess this makes India the only country in the world that is using the death penality for animal cruelty. I wonder how Amnesty International feels about it?

It's not an issue for Am.Int'l. I believe the death penalty is called for in some cases, and poaching endangered species fits. I would take it a step further, and call for jail sentences for purveyors of exotic animal parts (that's nearly all the traditional pharmacies in China, HK and Taiwan) and similar for those who purchase the same. I'm particularly incensed about dealers and users of bear bile, tiger penises, rhino horns. To me, it's 20 times more heinous than dealing or using illegal drugs.

The death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state. This cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment is done in the name of justice.It violates the right to life as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception regardless of the nature of the crime, the characteristics of the offender, or the method used by the state to kill the prisoner.http://www.amnesty.org/en/death-penalty

You're entitled to agree with Am.Int'l that the death penalty is wrong in every case. I like Am.Int'l and a lot of other do-good organizations (greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, etc) but don't agree the death penalty is wrong in every situation.

Nurofied says; "anyone who argues against the killing of animals and in the same breath justifies the killing of humans, makes me laugh, i must say."

First off, humans are animals. Secondly, humans do some dastardly things that no animals do. Thirdly, humans are by far the most destructive life form on the planet. Humans are also capable of far more cruelty than any other species. Any questions?

The less humans on the planet, the better it will be for all other species, except perhaps rats, cockroaches and the HIV virus.

Humans are also capable of great things (Mozart's music, saving the condor, a-capella do-wap for example) but the cumulative good that people do is far outweighed by their destructive traits.

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The less humans on the planet, the better it will be for all other species, except perhaps rats, cockroaches and the HIV virus.

I would prefer to keep the humans

I didn't say eradicate humans, I merely advocate less is better.

However, after a day riding a bus and going to the Mall, perhaps no humans is preferable.

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The less humans on the planet, the better it will be for all other species, except perhaps rats, cockroaches and the HIV virus.

I would prefer to keep the humans

I didn't say eradicate humans, I merely advocate less is better.

However, after a day riding a bus and going to the Mall, perhaps no humans is preferable.

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This is a beautiful post. Shooting poachers on site is one of the most clever ways to reduce poaching, I have ever heard. Why would they need to be arrested, and tried, when more than likely their gang leader would just buy the judge off. This is a brilliant way to getting right to the heart of the problem. I think I would volunteer for this project myself. Hunting endangered species is one of the most heinous acts a human being can commit. When you aim a rifle at an animal as majestic as these tigers, perhaps you have revoked your right to breathe oxygen? Food for thought?

Did you type that with one hand?

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Even though stealing a TV is a far lesser crime than killing off an endangered species like the tiger, I say shoot burglars too. Not like we need them around and they cause more harm to mankind than any other animal.

Shooting burglars / intruders is already legal in some places. As long as they are on your property and you feel threatened, you are justified in poppin' a cap in their ass.

In my opinion, simply imprisoning them permanently (after a full trial and conviction) would be better

At whose expense? In the US, the average annual cost to house, feed and rehabilitate a prisoner is 1,415,000 baht.

The less humans on the planet, the better it will be for all other species, except perhaps rats, cockroaches and the HIV virus.

I would prefer to keep the humans

All of them? Push is going to come to shove in the future over natural resources. 7 billion humans on the planet and counting, with projections of 9 billion before 2050.

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At whose expense? In the US, the average annual cost to house, feed and rehabilitate a prisoner is 1,415,000 baht.

Ah, well if it's too expensive then we should just shoot people who look suspicious. In fact, aren't bullets expensive? Perhaps some cheaper method should be found to kill all the people you don't like.

All of them? Push is going to come to shove in the future over natural resources. 7 billion humans on the planet and counting, with projections of 9 billion before 2050.

There are more than enough resources for everyone in the world. It will soon become clear that we need to find a better way to distribute them. Unless you have a better idea.

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At whose expense? In the US, the average annual cost to house, feed and rehabilitate a prisoner is 1,415,000 baht.

Ah, well if it's too expensive then we should just shoot people who look suspicious. In fact, aren't bullets expensive? Perhaps some cheaper method should be found to kill all the people you don't like.

All of them? Push is going to come to shove in the future over natural resources. 7 billion humans on the planet and counting, with projections of 9 billion before 2050.

There are more than enough resources for everyone in the world. It will soon become clear that we need to find a better way to distribute them. Unless you have a better idea.

The solution is quite simple. Solyent Green. Now go in peace.

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Hopefully, the King of Spain will take note as he was off on an elephant shooting expedition in Africa.

Perhaps stringing up the dead poachers bodies might also hammer home the message.

How about we skin them, mount their heads on plaques and sell their hides. Sounds like poetic justice to me.

How much would such trophy heads sell for on eBay? rolleyes.gif

Edited by Payboy
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Rather like the facile "war on drugs" focusing on the suppliers of a trafficked product is all fine and dandy and shoot on sight policies get lots of headlines, and there is the illusion of something being done about the problem. But it will do little to actually solve the problem of disappearing tiger populations.

Having largely destroyed the tigers of much of Asia, India represents the next area to be exploited. Why? Because there is a huge demand for tiger products. Unless this is tackled tigers will probably vanish from the wild. Restricting supply simply drives up the price (and demand seems to be very elastic in terms of price) which increases the profit margin allowing for enhanced corruption, better weaponry and more poachers. Think Mexican drug wars and switch locations and products.

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I think there is a difference here between want and need. Drug addicts need their drugs. Many people want tiger products.

That's another whole discussion on the topic of addiction as a disease, drug use/abuse etc and there is some evidence that drug addiction is only a very small % of drug users, thus most consumers of drugs in the USA for instance use them recreationally not because of an addiction, similar to tiger parts in China.

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I think there is a difference here between want and need. Drug addicts need their drugs. Many people want tiger products.

Quite correct , Having personally seen first hand the effects of Going "cold turkey" ,I hardly think there is intense physical and mental stress if Some Chinese guy does not get his daily fix /ration of ground up tigers penis .
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No story about tigers would really be complete without mention of A Rolls Royce New Phantom Torpedo Sports Tourer custom-made in 1925 for Umed Singh II, Maharaja of Kotah, to hunt tigers.


I think one can still hunt tigers in South Africa where they are brought in from Asia for that purpose.That gun on the back of the Rolls is a swivel cannon to shoot elephants in case you run into any.


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I think there is a difference here between want and need. Drug addicts need their drugs. Many people want tiger products.

That's another whole discussion on the topic of addiction as a disease, drug use/abuse etc and there is some evidence that drug addiction is only a very small % of drug users, thus most consumers of drugs in the USA for instance use them recreationally not because of an addiction, similar to tiger parts in China.

Have you never been to a "crack house" or a "shooting gallery" these people are totally enslaved by their "habit" I have seen them quite a few times in Manchester, and believe me when I say quite frankly they are on the increase , There was a clinic quite near me were young men and women used to wait in file on a Monday morning for Needles and methadone ,then sell the methadone and buy a tenner bag of "brown " to "shoot up" with ,many try "rehab", sadly most go back to their "old ways" in a very short space of time ,I take no pride in saying there is not much about the vile drug trade I have not witnessed by my own eyes .
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I am not happy about hearing this, but then again we seem to have WAY too many people and WAY too few tigers left.

The only good poacher is a dead one!

I think this is great

And after that the bodies should be fed to them.

Indeed a splendid idea and leave their carcasses where they may drop so as they become part of the food chain as a reward for the illegally hunted creatures in general.

Perhaps stringing up the dead poachers bodies might also hammer home the message.

The above quote are from “civilized” people. You gotta wonder if the people here are from some weird Australian si fi movie with Tina Turner.

A tiger is a cat. Bigger than the ones in your house but still just a cat. I bet there are posters out there who would justify killing people without due process for killing cats too. And a cat is an animal like a rat is an animal. There is a difference between animals and people including whales and dolphins.

No need to really worry about this new edict, just don't poach tigers! A rat might be an animal but it hardly compares to the majesty of a tiger in the same way that worm hardly compares to an Eagle. Besides there must be millions of rats and a few hundred tigers, worth preserving in my opinion--don't poach and you will not be shot.

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