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Big Bussiness In Khonkean


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just wounder if you know when farang talking with thai lady from dating website often it is not lady you think you talking with and more often it is a farang man or thai lady this is thier business to find a farang husband for thai lady, the thai lady has to pay 180,000 bath to these people or thier land and then when farang and thai lady meet for the first time and speak then you can know thier english is not the same when chating on internet and then farang have to pay company for meet lady or 50% sinsod (money for married ).

how many men she have to meet and stay with before she can find someone serious? most lady that use this business they have little education, work factory or massage some lady can have 2-3 farang husband and they send money every month


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180k ? Damned, I'll have to send a bill. Got two happily married couples that needed the help in translating. I bet their husbands would not only hand over the dosh, but treat me a beer like they always do when we meet. Is that bad then ?

Edited by DrTuner
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180k ? Damned, I'll have to send a bill. Got two happily married couples that needed the help in translating. I bet their husbands would not only hand over the dosh, but treat me a beer like they always do when we meet. Is that bad then ?

I was refering to the people that do this as a business, you say you have helped translate so is that for free out of the goodness of your heart, or for a fee??? and also when people do this without saying that they are a buisness and not the person in the picture that is striat up missrepresentation wich is a crime in many countrys, better to be upfront and then there can be no suprise at a possable meeting.

you sound like an aussie?

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I know two couples who do this. They charge half the dowry amount.

What surprises me is that the guys come here to get married without ever seeing the girl and dont seem to mind that the girl cant speak English.

Nothing wrong with it - two desparate people(in different ways) being joined together.

It is morally wrong for some English speaker to comunicate with these dottwry old guys but if they had half a brain they could ask to meet her first or even use skype before agreeing marriage.

This method of Thai village girls meeting farang saves the girl going to Pattaya and losing face. Also nice for the guy to tell everyone that his Thai bride is not whoring herself as they met online. He is off course olnly fooling himself.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

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farang who use this business you cant garantee your lady never been pattaya or phuket you know why? every morning in front factory have mini bus that is mini bus send lady's work factory to bar in patong beach phuket they make holiday for 1 week some lady stay and work bar some can not work because can not speak english differecult for find farang customer and they come back work factory find farang husband another way

near factory have village people call mooban inter ( international village ) because almost all village married with farang from around the word they meet from bar in phuket, pattaya or from this business in khonkean

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I remember when I was out in a village with satellite internet the woman I was living with was asked by many other ladies if I would make up profiles for them so they could get foreign men to meet. They were more than happy to pay for the service too. The ladies offered to pay by the week or month. Not huge amounts but it could have been a steady income.

Personally I felt uncomfortable with doing so, yet I can imagine that if you have a good English speaking Thai woman nearby that she would be more than happy to do the work for a living.

Is it deception? I don't think so, but I do not like the idea of a big pay off at the end of the day if a relationship / marriage ensues. And no-one is forcing these women to pay for such a service.

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Lookinf at your style of writing, you are either a bar-girl or have spent many years in a PAttaya bar.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

johnniey looking at YOUR answer you are either a person who spends many hrs with bar girl's or in a pattaya bar , you are very wrong in your assoumption when you assume( you make an as out of you and me. )

my english is not perpect because not my mother language, how is your thai writing skills???

i have never been a bar girl i have university education and i can speak 3 languages how about you? and i look down at farang who stay with and or marry bar girls ( prostitutes )

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... and i look down at farang who stay with and or marry bar girls ( prostitutes )

And there we have it. The OP has finally be drawn out as just another narrow-minded, misogynistic, bigoted and opinionated pseudo- troll... with bad spelling. You 'look down' far too much!

If you want to start another boring thread about Thai hookers being bad for the health of the average lonely dumb farang internet punter that lacks social skills and a life then stop beating around the bush with this 'big bussiness on khonkean' crap about silly farangs being sucked into marriages by ex- Pattaya & Phuket hookers masquerading as factory workers.

It's NOT news. Really it isn't.

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Lookinf at your style of writing, you are either a bar-girl or have spent many years in a PAttaya bar.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

johnniey looking at YOUR answer you are either a person who spends many hrs with bar girl's or in a pattaya bar , you are very wrong in your assoumption when you assume( you make an as out of you and me. )

my english is not perpect because not my mother language, how is your thai writing skills???

i have never been a bar girl i have university education and i can speak 3 languages how about you? and i look down at farang who stay with and or marry bar girls ( prostitutes )


I'm a happily married man actually - how on earth would you think I spent hours in bars with prostitutes by my answer?

My Thai writing skills are not perfect but after studying it for 20 years it is about the same as your English writing skills. I know they should be better as I live in Thailand but when I got to Prathom six exam I felt I had enough to get by. So you are Thai - interesting. So you are a university educated Thai girl posting on a expat forum. What is the motive? BTW when transliterating 'บาท' the final '' is not written as 'th'.

Do you look down on prostitutes that marry farang? If so, why?

Edited by Johnniey
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On this thread you write " My wife saw the power companys truck blocked by..... "


Then in the following thread you say " i run a small business i'm a lady of education and of good morale background,


Good morale background my arse - what about honesty?

So what are you - a man a woman or a lesbian?

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On this thread you write " My wife saw the power companys truck blocked by..... "


Then in the following thread you say " i run a small business i'm a lady of education and of good morale background,


Good morale background my arse - what about honesty?

So what are you - a man a woman or a lesbian?

My money is on prat.

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Lookinf at your style of writing, you are either a bar-girl or have spent many years in a PAttaya bar.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

johnniey looking at YOUR answer you are either a person who spends many hrs with bar girl's or in a pattaya bar , you are very wrong in your assoumption when you assume( you make an as out of you and me. )

my english is not perpect because not my mother language, how is your thai writing skills???

i have never been a bar girl i have university education and i can speak 3 languages how about you? and i look down at farang who stay with and or marry bar girls ( prostitutes )


I'm a happily married man actually - how on earth would you think I spent hours in bars with prostitutes by my answer?

My Thai writing skills are not perfect but after studying it for 20 years it is about the same as your English writing skills. I know they should be better as I live in Thailand but when I got to Prathom six exam I felt I had enough to get by. So you are Thai - interesting. So you are a university educated Thai girl posting on a expat forum. What is the motive? BTW when transliterating 'บาท' the final '' is not written as 'th'.

Do you look down on prostitutes that marry farang? If so, why?

Firstly Johnniey, it was you who judges me at my english and make a simple coment into a personal attack,,, and then I use YOUR words aginst you, and your still not happy, you try to insult me more,,, well you failed septacularly, i'm happy for you that you are happily married as am I,

johnniey you have a very low grade of thai writing skills after "20 years", sorry but that is the truth.

you ask me "why I look down people who go with bar girls???" ; because any man can buy the girl for 500 baht, and she will keep her job after married, that makes the man long horn same as a buffalo, stupid...

it seems you have serched any thing i have commented on and try to use it agianst me, you have to much time on your hands i think, well johnniey I am UNDERWHELMED!!!

Dawin say's man descended from trees, but I wounder maybe you just fell too a lower limb, hmmm neanderthal.

Anyway I wish you well in the future, have a nice day;-)

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Lookinf at your style of writing, you are either a bar-girl or have spent many years in a PAttaya bar.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

johnniey looking at YOUR answer you are either a person who spends many hrs with bar girl's or in a pattaya bar , you are very wrong in your assoumption when you assume( you make an as out of you and me. )

my english is not perpect because not my mother language, how is your thai writing skills???

i have never been a bar girl i have university education and i can speak 3 languages how about you? and i look down at farang who stay with and or marry bar girls ( prostitutes )


I'm a happily married man actually - how on earth would you think I spent hours in bars with prostitutes by my answer?

My Thai writing skills are not perfect but after studying it for 20 years it is about the same as your English writing skills. I know they should be better as I live in Thailand but when I got to Prathom six exam I felt I had enough to get by. So you are Thai - interesting. So you are a university educated Thai girl posting on a expat forum. What is the motive? BTW when transliterating 'บาท' the final '' is not written as 'th'.

Do you look down on prostitutes that marry farang? If so, why?

Firstly Johnniey, it was you who judges me at my english and make a simple coment into a personal attack,,, and then I use YOUR words aginst you, and your still not happy, you try to insult me more,,, well you failed septacularly, i'm happy for you that you are happily married as am I,

johnniey you have a very low grade of thai writing skills after "20 years", sorry but that is the truth.

you ask me "why I look down people who go with bar girls???" ; because any man can buy the girl for 500 baht, and she will keep her job after married, that makes the man long horn same as a buffalo, stupid...

it seems you have serched any thing i have commented on and try to use it agianst me, you have to much time on your hands i think, well johnniey I am UNDERWHELMED!!!

Dawin say's man descended from trees, but I wounder maybe you just fell too a lower limb, hmmm neanderthal.

Anyway I wish you well in the future, have a nice day;-)

I think my Thai writing skills are adequate - I actually never use them now. Reading is much more beneficial.

I didn't personally attack you.

I'm thinking you are a lady lesbian with a wife. Maybe that's why you are so jealous of the bar girls.

I'm also thinking that you are here to try to find a farang who likes lesbians.

Would you like to meet for a drink? I'm open-minded.

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