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Eyelash Extensions


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I recall a thread where it was discussed on how to find it but nobody had ever done it. Well, Jezebel (great page!) has a review


the important bit:

My solution was to go the semi-permanent route by getting eyelash extensions. I am in love with the results. I no longer wear mascara or eyeliner and even at my most disgusting moments, like very early in the morning or after a sweaty gross workout at the gym, there is always an element of glamor to my face. It's kind of nice to look in the mirror again and be like, "Ooh!" instead of "Oh." Additionally, I no longer have the perpetual black/gray under-eye smudges from half-worn makeup that used to exacerbate the dark circles under my eyes.

The procedure is painless but a little time consuming. Depending on what kind of look you're going for (thickness, length, and curl) the application process can take over an hour, since each lash is individually glued to your own. But I'd rather carve out an hour one Saturday a month—in which I get to sleep while one person does my lashes and another gives me a complimentary foot massage—instead of spending tens of minutes in my bathroom working on my eyes every single day. It can also be a costly habit.

Tempting, esp in this climate where even the staunchest of waterproof mascaras don't seem to work

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I didnt see your thread asking about that, or would have replied. I tried it once about 5 years back, and once was enough. Im pretty happy with my lashes as is, but wanted to see what i would be like. Maybe its the lashes she used, but It felt like little spikes poking into my eyes when i slept. Felt heavy and was very aware of them, like if you wear false lashes. I couldnt rub my eyes (not good for you i know, but i still like to do it), or wash them normally. I felt overdone and fake. I decided to try remove them, and in doing so lost clumps of lashes. My fault of course, but hated the feeling of them. They grew back thankfully!

I dont find mascara a problem here tbh, but only use a lightweight one.

If you are itching to try them out, id say check what kind of lashes they use, as they may use different kinds. The ones i tried were like false lashes and felt heavy. Just felt really fake on me, but i dont really suit a more done up look. I dont have great skin, so end up looking overdone and trying too hard with too much glamour stuff. Again, might have just been the lashes and the person doing them. Sure to be better places and lashes around. (Had mine done at a small concession nail bar place in kad suan kaew)

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I've considered having this done, however the one problem I have is that my eyelashes are very fair naturally... I've had them dyed before but the dye doesn't last very long (a week perhaps?) so if I got extensions would I be able to and have to dye my eyelashes every week or so?

I've got very sensitive eyes also so getting the eyelashes dyed was a nightmare for me. I had y legs flailing in the air and I was pulling away as the dye was stinging my eyes! Hah! But I'm just a pussy obviously.

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I was wondering the same but I didn't think so when I had them done, it were very 'stiff' and hard extensions...maybe nowadays they do?

Edit: Spelling [early morning ;)]

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  • 2 months later...

i've heard some nasty things about the glues they use, causing problems with the eyes. Even the really expensive ones have toxic glue that have made me shy away from the idea.

the last time i got eyelash tinting in bangkok was at zenred, lasted about 5 weeks and its nice to wake up and look good even if you feel like poo ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've heard some nasty things about the glues they use, causing problems with the eyes. Even the really expensive ones have toxic glue that have made me shy away from the idea.

the last time i got eyelash tinting in bangkok was at zenred, lasted about 5 weeks and its nice to wake up and look good even if you feel like poo wink.png

The glue used in Thailand when having eyelash extensions can cause blindness if unlucky. I love having my eyelashes extended but now I buy and bring my own expensive surgical glue from Denmark when having my eyelashes done in Thailand. It is much safer and last longer as well - 3-4 weeks otherwise 1-2 weeks. I have mine done in Central Kad Suan Kaew, Chiang Mai. The eyelash woman now moved from the basement to the first floor in KSK and share a shop with a hairdresser.

Still my eyelashes are more beautiful and natural done when having the eyelash extensions in Denmark and those last from 6-7 weeks. Both in Denmark and in Thailand I have never felt any irritation when having eyelash extensions but I guess some eyes are more sensitive than others. I love waking up, looking like a queen :-)

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  • 3 months later...

I was managing a salon in the UK a year ago (an upmarket company) and had regular free treatments (perks of the job); we used the best quality and most advanced products on the market. I had my semi-permanent lashes done 3 times and the regular top ups.

I was lucky and had a super beauty therapist to pick the best length, curl and thickness for my face... They ended up looking pretty and natural. However, I had a few friends try out other salons in London and they looked a bit crap (oversized and too much glue built up where they are attached to your real lash)

So it's really down to the therapist you pick (an eye for beauty and a steady hand is paramount) and the options of lash styles they can offer.

Plus a warning... Whatever you do... Be gentle with them. I lost a few of my own lashes and have a bit of a gap on my eyelid now. I wouldn't recommend it to ladies with sensitive eyes but its always worth trying something once.

Good luck and feel beautiful.

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