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Why Do Hot Farangs Dislike It Here?


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I have spent about 4 months here with two long term Caucasian (one yank and one from Germany) GFs and they all despise it even though I pay for them to come out and support them while here. .....


Can anybody suggest some coping mechanisms that I can deploy to keep my girlfriend content while chillin in BKK?


Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately, my dilemma does fit the normal paradigm for men in the LOS so it's hard for many to address the issue at hand.

My personal peccadilloes for characteristics that I find attractive on women are irrelevant. Perhaps the fault partially lies with me for the paucity of the replies....maybe too much chaff in my original post.

Average western women like it just fine here....my question is why don't beautiful farang women like it here? And if anyone has a hot (8 or above) western girl in BKK how do they cope with their complaints.


It's a nice place IMHO.

Once you accept that its a nice place in your honest opinion, then you might be a tad more frank with yourself with the alternative explanations:

Possibilities include: You are importing the wrong women; You really do have a problem with the mechanisms you might employ to keep your g/f's content in BKK and, they might not like the company they are keeping when they get here.

I wonder is the Bangkok you described to them before they agreed to come over anything like the reality. Or indeed are you yourself what you led them to believe you would be?

You hit the proverbial nail on the head my friend.

No, I do not drastically change personalities when in Dubai, Vegas, or BKK. Remember that I don't dig the local cuisine so I don't portend to be a gentleman in London and become a mongerer in LOS.

Your first comment is more germane than your second.

Thanks for your reply.

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There are two common links in all your failures. Bangkok and you.

You could eliminate one as the cause by moving somewhere else. Bangkok is a hot uncomfortable shithole, why are you surprised they don't like it? What aspects of it do you expect they would enjoy?

I agree. The genesis of most faults is the mirror.

I actually fancy BKK (see my original post). Good food, nice clubs like Bed and Qbar, good spa services, cheap tennis, and the skytrain.

The place used to work for me in so many ways.

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Aurellian, the reason most trolls post only once and then watch the thread is because very few of them have the ability to keep working the BS in a believable manner.

Your marks for trolling 2 out of 10, as you did broach an interesting subject, before you peed all over your leg.

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If the women you bring to Thailand dislike it so much, why do you keep bringing them here? Surely there are other countries with good weather and a fairly cheap lifestyle you could choose. The Greek islands perhaps?

You are correct. I initially thought that just one of them did not like it, but now realize the type of lady I am dating does not jibe with BKK. Like taking a black guy to a Nascar event..you may find one that digs it but most would not.

I never really thought of this until you pointed it out. Thanks. And I am not being flippant.

Ios or Santorini...ehh...not sure that would work....Seriously, if you were to develop a check list for most desirable expat locales for those that work in the ME...BKK would be at the top of it.

I thought about the Cape... the violence there makes me pause and you need a car...but in BKK I just use the skytrain and cheap taxis.

Maybe the Canary islands or Lisbon after the EU buckles and I can get a cheap place there...but I like Thai people and the whole live and and let live mantra.

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Aurellian, the reason most trolls post only once and then watch the thread is because very few of them have the ability to keep working the BS in a believable manner.

Your marks for trolling 2 out of 10, as you did broach an interesting subject, before you peed all over your leg.

He gets OK marks in slang but uses some words that went out of fashion in my grandmothers time. Gotta wonder why people do it. Maybe practice for something else.

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You do not refer to your Gf's cultural or activity likes/dis-likes; only that in your opinion they are beautiful; seems like a very shallow criteria. Perhaps it's a good starting point to understand their needs prior to them coming to Thailand.

Good point.

I think they dislike the quality of the people here.

A good example: We were in Brew in Thong Lo a day or two ago and when we walked into the foray at least 60 people laid eyes on us and held gaze for an extended period. I commented to my GF that everybody was checking her out and made a self-depreciating comment about my value in the LOS...she rolled her eyes and said, "<deleted> could any of these people do for me. I don't give a dam_n...none of them would even buy me a drink if I was alone."

Compare this to when we were at Ghost Bar six weeks ago, when she literally perked up the moment she walked in and was beaming that some douche bag actor paid her a compliment. Whatever.

Her attitude changed 100 percent.

It was like talking to an old man and suddenly seeming him get 40 years younger and his eyes sparkle when he tells you of his time in his war when you drop the fact you served in Baghdad in 2003. ..K-rations and MREs and FOBBITS...ain't nothing changed but the century and fowl names for the chow and the officers in the rear who never slept in the field.

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I just realized after waking up that I'm a hot farang woman. I base this on the fact that I don't like BKK either, it's in my view a dirty, hot, congested concrete ants nest and I'd rather feed my feet to a meat grinder than spend any length of time there. Point being perhaps it's got nothing to do with the looks department. Ever tried dating a really ugly one, just to see if they do love BKK ?

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, personally i think 6 foot blondes with over inflated false tits just look ridiculous!!, especially the ones that think they are HOT!!

Kinda, but society establishes norms...of course outliers exist....but is does not negate the fact that Kate Upton can command millions per year for getting her picture taken while my fat niece can't.

Most of us say Kate Upton is hot, most of us say my niece has a good heart.

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So OP likes LOS, but the modded tall imports don't. Would the OP then consider a native, if suitably tall and modified ?

If so, then the question changes it's form into where to find one. There, as my preference is totally opposite, I have no clue, but perhaps the good folks of TV could give a pointer or two.

there ya go...more on target now....I like LOS mainly because it works for me and people leave you alone here...would I rather be in Vegas or Boulder...yes, but not so much that I'd lose my federal income tax exemption....

I have no problem with local women. I just don't find the ones here attractive mentally or physically. And they don't dig me either...not the quality that I am into. I have seen some very pretty Thai girls in Vegas and I even dated one a few times...nice girl.

thanks for your reply...aside from the possible allusion to katoeys...lol...

I don't understand your problem with tax exemption. All USAID contractors with whom I have worked received their federal tax exemption (up to the limit) no matter their residency. And I don't see how changing your destination when leaving the conflict zone changes that. Most people with whom I worked chose Thailand as their getaway as it was within the distance allowed for a free ticket, was inexpensive, and fit their needs for a week or two of relaxation. I should point out that this included both male and female employees.

I no longer work for the government but a Thai company. I am a resident of the US. Yet I still get my tax exemption as the key is that I earn my salary here. There is some sort of number of day limit of spending time in the US, but anyone who has a real job should not reach that limit. And when I was in a conflict zone, that requirement was null and void.

As far as what you consider "hot" women, well, that is all a matter of opinion. To me, hot is more than superficial appearances but attitude. But given your predilection, I still know a number of "hot" (by your definition) western women who have made their homes here in Thailand and are seemingly quite happy about it.

Foreign Income Tax Exclusion. Sorry for not being more precise but I found it not to be relevant.

In brevity: your first 92,000 a year is exempt from federal income taxes if you remain outside of the US for 11 months of the year. I normally get 2.5 months a year off and often take a break between contracts.


I hope this clarifies things.

You are correct, defining hot over a message board is asinine. It's like defining a good salary...to a Wharton MBA working at Goldman its one things, to a guy driving a truck it's another.

Let me rephrase it: she is normally the prettiest farang girl--by standard/normal definitions--that we see for days at at time and we hang out in Thong Lo, Bed Supper Club, and Q bar...I have seen prettier here, but they are normally on the way to Samui or are E. Euro models...but she can beat 70% of those EE models.

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1/ You can't find a real hair dresser in Bangkok

2/ Shopping sucks

3/ music/art scene is non existent

Seriously, why do you stay?

You are so full of hatred and resentment to the place. What keeps you here?

Man, so many of the long term expats here that I see around the gym hate it here but are trapped..they have nothing to go home to..i feel for these guys but they came over chasing girls and soon found that it ain't all smiles...some also have niche businesses that they could not do anyplace else.

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Speaking out of my arse of course, but I got a wild idea: why not ask the Angie-lookalike the question you've posed to the forum ?

I have and did and we discuss this topic ad nauseum. I am curious to get others input.

I'm not sure why you think other people's input would be more valid than the women themselves. But since you're asking, let me opine a bit. The topic is rather unique.

I don't think it's overly complicated. For example, there aren't many hot, young, and wealthy farang MALES in Thailand. These attractive and successful farang males and females (just being an attractive female is enough) can live most anywhere. Why would they want to live in Thailand...or Asia, for that matter? To be an outsider, not familiar with the culture or the language, not having a support network....being at a DISADVANTAGE. As opposed to being in farangland, where all is familiar, where they can be celebrated, and clearly enjoy the advantages of their standing in society. Pretty clear, I think.


good point about hot girls getting whatever they want...its not fair. we have to work to get them but they just have to be born and be tolerable enough.

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So OP likes LOS, but the modded tall imports don't. Would the OP then consider a native, if suitably tall and modified ?

If so, then the question changes it's form into where to find one. There, as my preference is totally opposite, I have no clue, but perhaps the good folks of TV could give a pointer or two.

there ya go...more on target now....I like LOS mainly because it works for me and people leave you alone here...would I rather be in Vegas or Boulder...yes, but not so much that I'd lose my federal income tax exemption....

I have no problem with local women. I just don't find the ones here attractive mentally or physically. And they don't dig me either...not the quality that I am into. I have seen some very pretty Thai girls in Vegas and I even dated one a few times...nice girl.

thanks for your reply...aside from the possible allusion to katoeys...lol...

I don't understand your problem with tax exemption. All USAID contractors with whom I have worked received their federal tax exemption (up to the limit) no matter their residency. And I don't see how changing your destination when leaving the conflict zone changes that. Most people with whom I worked chose Thailand as their getaway as it was within the distance allowed for a free ticket, was inexpensive, and fit their needs for a week or two of relaxation. I should point out that this included both male and female employees.

I no longer work for the government but a Thai company. I am a resident of the US. Yet I still get my tax exemption as the key is that I earn my salary here. There is some sort of number of day limit of spending time in the US, but anyone who has a real job should not reach that limit. And when I was in a conflict zone, that requirement was null and void.

As far as what you consider "hot" women, well, that is all a matter of opinion. To me, hot is more than superficial appearances but attitude. But given your predilection, I still know a number of "hot" (by your definition) western women who have made their homes here in Thailand and are seemingly quite happy about it.

I don't see where he is concerned about his tax status. The guy is not an American unless he is a naturalized American.

On Thai Visa there have been a number of posters over the years with the same issue. They all come from the same country. I would think this fellow is a remake of one of them.

Born and raised in the States...my dad and his dad and his dad too...I am sure you will stand corrected when you see a picture of me with butterbars on my collar....I don't hold it against you...there are so many bsers among the populace here.

Why do you think I am naturalized? Never been accused of that before..the formality of the diction or sumptin?

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Actual hot women face little competition anywhere, no matter what their genealogy.

Thailand girls may seem prettier on average, but is generally down to the fact that a higher percentage of them are thin and petite, dress a certain way, compared to Europeans.

Stunning women are stunning anywhere. I think there are more stunners in the west, but maybe I have been here too long.

Why don't western stunners like it here? They have more options than we do, But I bet if you knew one they would say Thailand is nice to visit.

Yea, they like for a week and I can even extend it to three if I place a week in Samui between week one and two in BKK.

Who can say possibly say anything bad about LOS as a vacation spot...to live her for more than a month is a different matter.

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there ya go...more on target now....I like LOS mainly because it works for me and people leave you alone here...would I rather be in Vegas or Boulder...yes, but not so much that I'd lose my federal income tax exemption....

I have no problem with local women. I just don't find the ones here attractive mentally or physically. And they don't dig me either...not the quality that I am into. I have seen some very pretty Thai girls in Vegas and I even dated one a few times...nice girl.

thanks for your reply...aside from the possible allusion to katoeys...lol...

I don't understand your problem with tax exemption. All USAID contractors with whom I have worked received their federal tax exemption (up to the limit) no matter their residency. And I don't see how changing your destination when leaving the conflict zone changes that. Most people with whom I worked chose Thailand as their getaway as it was within the distance allowed for a free ticket, was inexpensive, and fit their needs for a week or two of relaxation. I should point out that this included both male and female employees.

I no longer work for the government but a Thai company. I am a resident of the US. Yet I still get my tax exemption as the key is that I earn my salary here. There is some sort of number of day limit of spending time in the US, but anyone who has a real job should not reach that limit. And when I was in a conflict zone, that requirement was null and void.

As far as what you consider "hot" women, well, that is all a matter of opinion. To me, hot is more than superficial appearances but attitude. But given your predilection, I still know a number of "hot" (by your definition) western women who have made their homes here in Thailand and are seemingly quite happy about it.

I don't see where he is concerned about his tax status. The guy is not an American unless he is a naturalized American.

On Thai Visa there have been a number of posters over the years with the same issue. They all come from the same country. I would think this fellow is a remake of one of them.

Born and raised in the States...my dad and his dad and his dad too...I am sure you will stand corrected when you see a picture of me with butterbars on my collar....I don't hold it against you...there are so many bsers among the populace here.

Why do you think I am naturalized? Never been accused of that before..the formality of the diction or sumptin?

"why you are being all jew over her food and hotel." An American would not use that phrase. Boggles the mind in its crudeness.

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How long have you guys been talking about this? The answer is very simple. A hot girl that spends her money on bigger boobs generally spends an above average amount of time on hair and make up. Two hours to put on her face and get her hair straight is normal. When she walks outside it is all ruined. The make up starts to drip down her face and her hair frizzes up to the moon. Ladies that waste their money on plastic surgery tend to be less secure about how they look so when the humidity wrecks it all they feel ugly.

I like Bangkok. I'm one of the no make up frumpy ladies. I look the same in A/C as I do walking down the street.

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Please note that my offer still stands to establish bonifides. If you know of a good sushi place in Thong Lo or Tenderlions I will meet one established and trusted member who appears to be able to string together a coherent sentence. I will pay for the meal and your taxi fare to and fro.

You guys sort it out among yourselves. Preferably for dinner today

Moreover, to establish that I am not taking a pis%. i will prepay/deposit the cost of the meal at the location and you may call prior to departure to make sure that i paid the 60 bucks or whatever for the meal.

I would prefer Tenderloins because the guy that owns it recognizes me and it will be easier to explain why I am putting a deposit down of 2000 bhat at his eaterie.

I do ask that you give me your word that you will honestly report back...as i said, earlier, if I show up with Jennie Mcarthy circa 1996 you cant say she is ugly out of spite.

Any men wanna step up and take this from the virtual to the actual.

Edit; I prefer that the delegate be 40 or under that has been exposed to a cosmopolitan culture so that they can better understand the nuances of status.

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How long have you guys been talking about this? The answer is very simple. A hot girl that spends her money on bigger boobs generally spends an above average amount of time on hair and make up. Two hours to put on her face and get her hair straight is normal. When she walks outside it is all ruined. The make up starts to drip down her face and her hair frizzes up to the moon. Ladies that waste their money on plastic surgery tend to be less secure about how they look so when the humidity wrecks it all they feel ugly.

I like Bangkok. I'm one of the no make up frumpy ladies. I look the same in A/C as I do walking down the street.

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

Your comment can be correct.

One was a high-maintenance beau the other was a low maintenance beau. There are some girls that are naturally beautiful and others that can be so with right amount of cash.

You are right: a vegas style silicone queen would not fancy the heat and stuff here.

However, both the high maintenance one and the natural one disliked the joint immensely...virtually analogous complaints.

by the way, not every girl pays for her own plastic surgery:) Most long term gf was a semi pro athlete and DI competitor with a gorgeous face but with the body of a gymnast. she spent four hours a day on the tennis court and another two in the gym and ate only raw vegetables and chicken breast...once she became a tennis pro I bought her breasts so i could me more sexually attracted to her.

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lol, you'd be surprised what some Americans say...even to a 1/2 jewish one :). read the comments on the WAPO sometime...nauseating.

Many of us may say un pc things which may or may not be part of accepted vernacular.. especially to a loved one in private....i certainly do; i.e, that place is all ghetto or what a bunch of trailer trash, etc...and I am not racist or crude in public.

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They sell sport silicones for tennis pro's ? Learn something new every day.

A tennis pro means a person that makes a living by teaching tennis at the club level. Sorry, I should have been clearer.

After her competitive playing days were over it was possible, during a semi pro career of course not...a tennis pro or a golf prom means a tennis or golf teacher.

I can understand your confusion.

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They sell sport silicones for tennis pro's ? Learn something new every day.

Yes I can just imagine a budding tennis pro deciding to have surgery on her chest at the beginning of her career. Not like you need to protect those pectoral muscles to make top seed.

Edit: Oh I just saw your retraction. I guess I have trouble deciphering your ivy league writing skills.

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Sorry......but I just can't stop feeling that this thread places sooooo much importance on appearances.

Probably because "I just don't get it" as with the fashion industry, I just find it totally plastic. sick.gif

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I'm not sure why you think other people's input would be more valid than the women themselves. But since you're asking, let me opine a bit. The topic is rather unique.

I don't think it's overly complicated. For example, there aren't many hot, young, and wealthy farang MALES in Thailand. These attractive and successful farang males and females (just being an attractive female is enough) can live most anywhere. Why would they want to live in Thailand...or Asia, for that matter? To be an outsider, not familiar with the culture or the language, not having a support network....being at a DISADVANTAGE. As opposed to being in farangland, where all is familiar, where they can be celebrated, and clearly enjoy the advantages of their standing in society. Pretty clear, I think.

Aside from Bangkok being a generally pretty steamy hot and horrible (imo) place to hang out, and the OP's obvious superficiality...i guess some possibilities might be..

If you are not a loner, and enjoy the company of others, then LOS may be a difficult place for some people.

If you are intelligent farang (man or woman), then truthfully, finding intelligent articulate like-minded people is not easy.

If you are attractive woman, then finding attractive interesting respectable (ie: without major hang-ups) company is also not so easy (in general).

Many guys here have ginormous chips on their shoulders regarding western woman..a known fact. Some would even take pleasure in playing disgusted at an attractive western woman, even if shes 100 times out of his league, purely for some lame sense of satisfactions.

Many farang guys here are not what you would call "eye candy". Even if attached, its still pleasant to be around attractive opposite sexes.

Fact is that Thailand attracts quite a lot of men that arent real catches in the west (not saying ALL ok! Just that it does..be honest!).

Even on the Thai front, there isnt a lot of real deep conversations around...(in general! ..before i get slammed).

If you are are an attractive woman, with some level of intelligence its better if you prefer a more loner life-style. For, if you looking for attractive, like-minded company, particularly male, you are pretty much buggered.

There we have it, from TV's hot farang.

Can we have another picture of your legs, please?


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They sell sport silicones for tennis pro's ? Learn something new every day.

Yes I can just imagine a budding tennis pro deciding to have surgery on her chest at the beginning of her career. Not like you need to protect those pectoral muscles to make top seed.

Edit: Oh I just saw your retraction. I guess I have trouble deciphering your ivy league writing skills.

No, it's industry specific jargon.

It was not a retraction but an explanation for those unfamiliar with the culture of the sport.

Perfectly understandable mistake.

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Sorry......but I just can't stop feeling that this thread places sooooo much importance on appearances.

Probably because "I just don't get it" as with the fashion industry, I just find it totally plastic. sick.gif

Mam, the fashion industry is about anorexia and photo shop more than it is about plastic....

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BTW what age are the aforementioned sizzlers, vintage or fresh out of factory ? Guessing from retired tennis pro's and <40 requirements for the beefeaters, in the 30-40 bracket ?

sorry, not sure if I am tracking.

I am 30 and one gf was 23 and the one here now is 26. my ex tennis pro was my same age. we met in college while i was taking some classes during the summer at home.

if you are a decent bloke and can be honest, i will waive my age requirement..don't have any takers thus far.

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