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Raw Chocolate ?


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The highest cocoa content in chocolate bars I've seen here so far is 80%.

Sold in Rimping.

Good quality cocoa powder is available from "Droste" it is a red tin can with a Dutch girl in traditional dress printed on

Sold in many supermarkets

And the girl is holding a tray with a can of Droste that has a picture of a girl holding a tray with a can of Droste that has a picture of a girl holding a tray with a can of Droste that has a picture of a girl holding a tray with a can of Droste that has a picture of a girl holding a tray with a can of Droste that has a picture of a dinosaur.

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Raw chocolate is basically cocoa beans that haven't been heated or chemically treated in any way. Most cocoa powder has been exposed to alkali (Dutch process) so it isn't raw. In fact, even if it weren't exposed to alkali, it still wouldn't qualify as raw since it's been heated.

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I think cocoa has had the fat (cocoa butter) removed. The op is talking about what are sometimes marketed as chocolate "nibs' , bitter but mixed with something sweet and they are good. I saw on the link that the one available here are grown here, didn't know T-land grew cocau trees, probably a good crop for here.

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good name for an exotic dancer

the unprocessed stuff is fairly hard to find in Thailand.

I have seen it for purchase here. http://www.healthfoo...products_id=232

I tried it recently when I visited the US and its not that great tasting.

A real eye opener that page. I would have never guessed chocolate could be so good for a person Expensive though.

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A real eye opener that page. I would have never guessed chocolate could be so good for a person Expensive though.

Just eat a small amount two or three times a week......this is enough and it's not expensive.

You don't need to gobble up a bar a day to get health benefits.....it's a long term thing.

Edited by uptheos
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A real eye opener that page. I would have never guessed chocolate could be so good for a person Expensive though.

Just eat a small amount two or three times a week......this is enough and it's not expensive.

You don't need to gobble up a bar a day to get health benefits.....it's a long term thing.

It dosen't come in bars from them it comes in beans. You should read the article. It was a real eye opener.

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Just being pedantic here, but wouldn't it be more accurate to call them just "cocoa beans" and not "raw chocolate?" I imagine chocolate just refers to a product made from cocoa beans, or the flavour of such, and so saying chocolate already implies some sort of process has gone on.

I wouldn't mind trying a couple beans ground up and in my morning coffee...

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