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Thai Police Arrest Nigerian Facebook Cheat


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Here is a story that I heard many years ago concerning a scam. I doubt that it is true but may give rise to some amusement.

A Swedish guy became infatuated with a Pattaya bar lady and told her that he wanted to marry her and bring her to Sweden to live. He returned home and started beavering away trying to get her a visa while sending her money to sustain herself so that she could call a halt to her bar work. However a friend told him that the girl was still plying her trade and supplied photographs. The Swedish guy then emailed the lady and said that he had been successful in obtaining the visa. He said that he had booked her a flight for the following week using a BKK travel agency and a room in a 5 star hotel for an overnight stay as she would be on an early morning flight. On booking in she should ask for a package he had sent addressed to her and was awaiting her arrival. The package would contain a letter of introduction to a nearby bank so that she could obtain the money he had deposited in her name, the visa and the name of the travel agency. The bank account was held at a branch just around the corner from the hotel and the credit balance would provide enough money to pay for her airline ticket, her hotel bill and a few thousand for last minute shopping.

The girl was overjoyed and told all and sundry of her good fortune. After a huge celebratory party the lady set off for BKK. Sure enough she checked into the hotel and received the afore mentioned package. Inside were two envelopes, one marked bank and the other visa, and the name and address of the travel agency. She presented the bank letter and was told that the credit balance of the account was 20 baht. When she opened the envelope marked visa she found it contained datestamped photographs of her working in the bar. She was stuck with the hotel bill and could never return to Pattaya having totally lost all face.

Don't get mad, get even.

Classic story.

A much better way to get even than monaing and groaning about it.

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