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American Stabbed To Death By Burglar


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A pestle, as mentioned earlier is a good choice for a weapon, basicly a short club, cheap, comes in many sizes and weights and easy to use. Can be swung or jabbed, usually not lethal....... can also be used for pounding som tam.

Edited by daoyai
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Again, not trying to be funny..... regarding Uptheos"

Good question. Without looking back, I think it said the victim slipped and lost the knife. This would give the burglar an easy advantage to put the knife somewhere it would do a lot of harm. In a face to face, one on one situation, it does take a lot of skill to inflict a mortal wound on someone, with a knife unless you're an expert.

Do you have knowledge of how to use a knife? I have a reason for asking, which is not to start an argument.


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Again, not trying to be funny..... regarding Uptheos"

Good question. Without looking back, I think it said the victim slipped and lost the knife. This would give the burglar an easy advantage to put the knife somewhere it would do a lot of harm. In a face to face, one on one situation, it does take a lot of skill to inflict a mortal wound on someone, with a knife unless you're an expert.

Do you have knowledge of how to use a knife? I have a reason for asking, which is not to start an argument.


I have a reason for not answering, no argument started.

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Again, not trying to be funny..... regarding Uptheos"

Good question. Without looking back, I think it said the victim slipped and lost the knife. This would give the burglar an easy advantage to put the knife somewhere it would do a lot of harm. In a face to face, one on one situation, it does take a lot of skill to inflict a mortal wound on someone, with a knife unless you're an expert.

Do you have knowledge of how to use a knife? I have a reason for asking, which is not to start an argument.


I have a reason for not answering, no argument started.

Fair enough.

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Pros and Cons of stun-guns and tasers? They're readily available, right?

I like that idea, only thing is, once you've stunned and incapacitated them, you then need to restrain them, which could then escalate the problem. Personally i'd prefer to see them legging it away.

I suppose it would give the family time to escape, and possibly time to summon help or at least attention from the neighbours, but I wouldn't rely on most of mine neighbours doing much. The security guards to our moobarn are quite literally 1km, and to be honest, I doubt they would do much either.

I suppose you could keep stunning them for the next 2-24hours until BiB arrived, if they can be bothered.

Just out of curiosity, where can you by a Tazer? How much are they? and are they legal?

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RIP to the family and friends. One of the things that I miss from the states, is the ability to own a firearm for protection. I always kept a pistol in my night stand, next to the bed, with a full clip next to it. There is nothing worse than comming to a gun fight with a knife in hand.

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RIP to the family and friends. One of the things that I miss from the states, is the ability to own a firearm for protection. I always kept a pistol in my night stand, next to the bed, with a full clip next to it. There is nothing worse than comming to a gun fight with a knife in hand.

I do not want a gun, because if I had one, I surely would use it. I have difficulty justifying that. I would always prefer to give the burglars whatever they want and have peace.

Having said this, If one really wanted a small gun, one surely could find a way to purchase one.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Pro active v's reactive.

Lock up, use bars on windows, trim shrubs and trees to give nowhere to hide. leave a light or a radio on, get a goose, etc, etc ,etc. There is alot one can do to secure thier safety. Surveilance is proactive if it is known you have it.

Keep em out and you don't need to be concerned with guns and knifes. For personal protection I would choose a taser if I felt i NEEDED to, I like the idea of a taser because after the initial effect of being tasered has been overcome then there are no onging physical effects that could possibly lead to legal action.

I dont think apart from a firearm or a taser that I would really be capable of using anything else, not particularly in the dark in the midle of the night in a half slumber.

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How about just having a dog around to bark and make it not such an easy job? We have one and he lets us know when the locals are out after a rain, at night, looking for gope! So if you have a small yard, you have to pick up some dookie every now and then...ett

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Again, not trying to be funny..... regarding Uptheos"

Good question. Without looking back, I think it said the victim slipped and lost the knife. This would give the burglar an easy advantage to put the knife somewhere it would do a lot of harm. In a face to face, one on one situation, it does take a lot of skill to inflict a mortal wound on someone, with a knife unless you're an expert.

Do you have knowledge of how to use a knife? I have a reason for asking, which is not to start an argument.


Uptheos is being modest, he use to be a Gurkha and could slit ya throat before you could say Jack robinson 17.gif

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Again, not trying to be funny..... regarding Uptheos"

Good question. Without looking back, I think it said the victim slipped and lost the knife. This would give the burglar an easy advantage to put the knife somewhere it would do a lot of harm. In a face to face, one on one situation, it does take a lot of skill to inflict a mortal wound on someone, with a knife unless you're an expert.

Do you have knowledge of how to use a knife? I have a reason for asking, which is not to start an argument.


Uptheos is being modest, he use to be a Gurkha and could slit ya throat before you could say Jack robinson 17.gif

Learn something new everyday...... I've heard of gender realignment , but never racial realignment....a whole new field of controversy for a new thread.....

But back to the topic...... anyone been apprehended or charged in this tragic incident??

Condolences to family and friends of the deceased.

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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No one apprehended so far .. things may have moved more quickly if the CCTV camera system in the village was working.

It broke down a few months ago, the security guards told the village management but nothing was done about it :(

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I found this a very sad story on different levels. As males we are traditionally expected to defend our homes and families, a task we accept without thinking about it. But here we have a 67 yo man grabbing a knife to confront a burglar probably at least 40 years his junior, a scenario that will rarely turn out well for a man of that age. Advice has been to make noise and hope the scum runs away, fair enough, but what if you have young daughters also in the home, can you guarantee that money is all they are after? What are the consequences if you guess wrong?

This guy I think was very brave, he took a life/death action with a risky outcome to deal with a scenario that few of us have had to deal with, and he lost his life in the process. The police here can capture people quite efficiently when they are motivated either by media exposure or financial gain from the victims. If neither is on offer the killer will be in someone else's home tonight confident that he can get away with anything.

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I can tell you that burglaries are rampant among these moo bahns, within the Chiang Mai area and a very high number in Lamphun.

Most of the burglaries or attempted burglaries we don’t hear about and unless someone is seriously injuried or killed, than the police do not regard them as high priority and will often tell the victims, just claim off the insurance and if no insurance, tough, the police will just make a report and the odds are the victim will never hear from them again.

My advice is; get a medium to large size dog. Two dogs are even better. Dogs are one of best early warning alarm systems and will usually deter the opportunists.

If possible try to ensure that there is always someone at home; otherwise hire a live in housekeeper.

In each room keep a can of strong insect killer. Chaindrite that can be purchased in any large stores and is the most potent, strong enough to lay out a bull elephant.

If any burglar attempts or does break into the home, spray directly into their face. I can assure you he/she/they will be put out of action immediately.

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Dogs get poisoned the night before, leading to more distress. Hit the guy sideways in the knee with something like a baseball bat, not particularly hard, and he will go down. However winning a serious, unrefereed fight has a lot to do with luck / bad luck, so think twice about getting into physical contact. Better is to have alarms, flashing lights and CCTV.

The insect killer sounds like a good option.

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It will be ashamed if the police couldn't catch this killer. We know that Richard's life cannot be taken back, but we are just asking for the justice of his death. I think it is not alot to ask. I wouldn't recommend this place if they are being irresponsible. They just gonna have a bad reputation if they won't do anything and scare the future residents to reside this village.

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In each room keep a can of strong insect killer. Chaindrite that can be purchased in any large stores and is the most potent, strong enough to lay out a bull elephant.

....what if,in the heat of the moment,in the dark you grab the can and spray yourself in the face.....oops!...w00t.gif

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He was found stabbed naked in his garden with his own pocket knife. It's thought he interrupted the burglary and confronted the intruders with the knife where it was wrestled off him and used to stab him.

His body was discovered by his 43-year old girlfriend, Ratchadakon Ritthiwakon on the morning of the 30th. She hadn't been there on the night of the murder but discovered the body when she came in in the morning. She said he had retired 6 years ago and divorced his wife in America coming to live in Thailand. His Thai girlfriend said she managed and had control over his property and assets...

Two village security guards have been taken in for questioning. One had scratches and a cut on his arm but they deny any involvement.





http://www.thairath....t/region/264615 (slightly different details here).

Edited by katana
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A lot of burglars work in two or threes.........you have to think of more than just one strategy.

My 10 year old dog is house trained, part of the family, loving but very protective. Most leave their dogs outside yacking where they can be poisoned and wake up everyone. If a burglar knows there's a fairly big dog that they can't see, inside a dark house, they won't take any chances.

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