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American Stabbed To Death By Burglar


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One thing that hasn't been discussed is living on the perimeter of the mooban vs. the interior. Maybe its common knowledge but i've heard the perimeter homes have much higher break in rates.

3 places have been burgled on our 5 year old moo baan, 2 on the perimeter. One the thieves came over the wall but the 2nd was workmen already on the moo baan.

The interior burglary was committed by 2 farangs who walked around ringing doorbells on a Saturday evening then saying oops wrong house until they found an empty one.

Many of our Thai neighbors completely screen their houses with trees giving thieves a perfect screen from prying eyes, fortunately our security guards are so far very conscientious and we had a police box (room sized with tv) built at the top of the road.

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

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I'm sure the 'so called' security guards are a wealth of information for potential burglars.

Employed house cleaners, gardeners etc, all have a good eye for what is and what's not easily available inside the house and the best way in. Don't be complacent, it's a great place to live, but there are those that will kill you in a heartbeat for just a few dollars and an iPod/Pad.

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One thing that hasn't been discussed is living on the perimeter of the mooban vs. the interior. Maybe its common knowledge but i've heard the perimeter homes have much higher break in rates.

I think this is very true, it seems quite obvious really. If a thief can have an unobserved entry and egress then that has got to make a house a more attractive target.

The house I had which was broken into, although down a soi in the middle of town rather than on a moobaan, had a small patch of waste land behind. There was a 6 foot wall but that would have been easy enough to vault.

I can say with almost certainty they came in and out that way because they left by the back door. We also believe they stood on the side wall and lifted up the roof tiles to come in through the loft. The best place to do that was from the back corner.

Definitely something to consider when choosing your next place.

Edited by LucidLucifer
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I'm sure the 'so called' security guards are a wealth of information for potential burglars.

Funnily enough, we've just had a whole new set of security guards start out our moobaan. My wife and I were coming back home the other day and there were a couple of policemen there. They had them lined up against the wall and were taking photos of them.

I don't know what all that was about, but there are more than a few fairly senior coppers living in the village, I kind of suspect it was a, 'make sure you do you job and don't get up to any funny business, we know who you are!'

A nice touch if it was......thumbsup.gif

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I can say with almost certainty they came in and out that way because they left by the back door. We also believe they stood on the side wall and lifted up the roof tiles to come in through the loft. The best place to do that was from the back corner.

Razor wire over the back wall, lots of it........ bolt down the loft hatch and.........


A certified and proven watch dog, the Bullmastiff is amazingly quiet. You'll find this gigantic breed sociable and yet territorial, playful and yet self-assured. It is immensely strong and has an impressive muscular tone to show. For the kind-hearted pet owner, this breed might be a handful to manage, but for the seasoned dog lover, the Bullmastiff is a fine catch.


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Bullmastiffs are gorgeous dogs, but having been born and brought up with German Shepherds, they are just about the only breed I would touch. My German breed standard shepherd is back in the UK now, living with my parents. I miss my baby...crying.gif , but she just wouldn't cope with the heat here.

For me, personally, the next best thing would be:


And yes, two of the lovelies. When we get a little more settled we will definitely get them.

But we digress.....any decent dog will do.

Edited by LucidLucifer
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And your point uptheos, about keeping them inside the house at night, is spot on......thumbsup.gif

I think most farang's would, but Thai people don't like it.......they prefer the yacking outside.......and if it's a Thai wife/gf they usually get their way coz their nagging and sulkiness, can be worse than the yacking.

If only we could educate them that with a bit of hard work, house training a dog is quite easy.

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One time when leaving a friends appartment around 2am i found a security guy leying under my car with tools attempting to unmount something, The second security guy was standing around keeping watch but did,nt see me coming...as i got there he seen me and gave a whistle to warn the one under the car but i was fast enough to jump on his leg while he tried to crawl out,

The incident was reported to the management but nothing happened...the same 2 guys are still working there.

Sorry, I am not that nice, and maybe not that smart. The perp would have a difficult time using his hands, ever again, if I caught them. Might have a difficult time seeing again too for that matter.

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When we went back to the UK to live my missus didn't have a problem with the dog being in the house, but took exception to her being in the bedroom.

It didn't take my dog long to work out she could open the bedroom door by jumping up, putting her paw on the handle and pushing it down. Result, she came into the bedroom anyway. The missus soon got tired of getting up and shooing her out and closing the door, I certainly wasn't going to do it.

We could have changed the handles to round ones, or put a lock on the door, but after my missus did nag so much, as a short term messure i turned the handle upside down so it need lifting instead. My dog jumped up and stratched all the paint work and sat and cried all night to get in. Next morning the wife had me turn the handles back the right way. 2 nil to the German Shep.

Need to stop now....i'm going offtopic.gif

So to bring us back on track so this doesn't get deleted, the moral of this story to our Thai brethren is, keep the dog inside, it's where they belong, you'll soon get used to it....thumbsup.gif

Edited by LucidLucifer
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Great... this is just what I was worried about.

If it's too easy to become a target, and then have to triple up on security, building your own private prison, I don't think it's worth it to come live there.

Don't know if you follow news from back home (I'm from UK), but it's way worse there.......I've lost count of people (especially senior citizen's) who have been violently murdered in their own homes.

Edited by uptheos
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Great... this is just what I was worried about.

If it's too easy to become a target, and then have to triple up on security, building your own private prison, I don't think it's worth it to come live there.

Don't get paranoid, it's simply about taking precautions to make yourself a less viable target. Same in Europe, the US and the world over.

One time when leaving a friends appartment around 2am i found a security guy leying under my car with tools attempting to unmount something, The second security guy was standing around keeping watch but did,nt see me coming...as i got there he seen me and gave a whistle to warn the one under the car but i was fast enough to jump on his leg while he tried to crawl out,

The incident was reported to the management but nothing happened...the same 2 guys are still working there.

Sorry, I am not that nice, and maybe not that smart. The perp would have a difficult time using his hands, ever again, if I caught them. Might have a difficult time seeing again too for that matter.

Not that smart would probably be the more accurate of the two. Unless of course you were looking for a way out of those annoying visa runs. Apparently you don't need a visa to stay in the Bangkok Hilton, and after you've been in there, you won't be let back in the country either. Visa issues solved.

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it's where they belong, you'll soon get used to it....thumbsup.gif

It's not where they belong, well perhaps in the western world where they are pampered too much.

Maybe keeping 1 small dog in the house is not a problem but anything more than that and your house begins to smell like a zoo which i'm not too fond of 31.gif

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Great... this is just what I was worried about.

If it's too easy to become a target, and then have to triple up on security, building your own private prison, I don't think it's worth it to come live there.

Don't get paranoid, it's simply about taking precautions to make yourself a less viable target. Same in Europe, the US and the world over.

One time when leaving a friends appartment around 2am i found a security guy leying under my car with tools attempting to unmount something, The second security guy was standing around keeping watch but did,nt see me coming...as i got there he seen me and gave a whistle to warn the one under the car but i was fast enough to jump on his leg while he tried to crawl out,

The incident was reported to the management but nothing happened...the same 2 guys are still working there.

Sorry, I am not that nice, and maybe not that smart. The perp would have a difficult time using his hands, ever again, if I caught them. Might have a difficult time seeing again too for that matter.

Not that smart would probably be the more accurate of the two. Unless of course you were looking for a way out of those annoying visa runs. Apparently you don't need a visa to stay in the Bangkok Hilton, and after you've been in there, you won't be let back in the country either. Visa issues solved.

I still don't know why this was reported to the management and the BIB not called while he had the guy?

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A very sad story indeed.

I once had my house broken into while I was asleep in it. Thankfully I didn't wake up, a belly full of beer chang saw to that. I count myself lucky I chose to have a drink that night as I know I would have confronted him. Lucky I had my bedroom door locked too.

The thief had took a knife out of the kitchen to cut the wires from my stereo to the speakers.The thought of someone walking around my house in the dead of night with a particularly large and sharp knife in their hand sent shivers down my spine.

May the poor guy RIP.

I've had exactly the same experience recently. Its an aweful feeling and i also agree that is excellent advice from Wolf

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it's where they belong, you'll soon get used to it....thumbsup.gif

It's not where they belong, well perhaps in the western world where they are pampered too much.

Maybe keeping 1 small dog in the house is not a problem but anything more than that and your house begins to smell like a zoo which i'm not too fond of 31.gif

I had just written you a long reply to this but i've decided to edit it. I think it is better to agree to disagree. I personally don't think it is right to derail this thread with this debate.

Edited by LucidLucifer
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I can say with almost certainty they came in and out that way because they left by the back door. We also believe they stood on the side wall and lifted up the roof tiles to come in through the loft. The best place to do that was from the back corner.

Razor wire over the back wall, lots of it........ bolt down the loft hatch and.........


A certified and proven watch dog, the Bullmastiff is amazingly quiet. You'll find this gigantic breed sociable and yet territorial, playful and yet self-assured. It is immensely strong and has an impressive muscular tone to show. For the kind-hearted pet owner, this breed might be a handful to manage, but for the seasoned dog lover, the Bullmastiff is a fine catch.


Great idea.

Does anyone know where you could find a Bullmastiff or a Staffordshire Bull Terrier in Chiang Mai?

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I can say with almost certainty they came in and out that way because they left by the back door. We also believe they stood on the side wall and lifted up the roof tiles to come in through the loft. The best place to do that was from the back corner.

Razor wire over the back wall, lots of it........ bolt down the loft hatch and.........


A certified and proven watch dog, the Bullmastiff is amazingly quiet. You'll find this gigantic breed sociable and yet territorial, playful and yet self-assured. It is immensely strong and has an impressive muscular tone to show. For the kind-hearted pet owner, this breed might be a handful to manage, but for the seasoned dog lover, the Bullmastiff is a fine catch.


Great idea.

Does anyone know where you could find a Bullmastiff or a Staffordshire Bull Terrier in Chiang Mai?

Nienke's a great resource person.

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He was found stabbed naked in his garden with his own pocket knife. It's thought he interrupted the burglary and confronted the intruders with the knife where it was wrestled off him and used to stab him.

His body was discovered by his 43-year old girlfriend, Ratchadakon Ritthiwakon on the morning of the 30th. She hadn't been there on the night of the murder but discovered the body when she came in in the morning. She said he had retired 6 years ago and divorced his wife in America coming to live in Thailand. His Thai girlfriend said she managed and had control over his property and assets...

Two village security guards have been taken in for questioning. One had scratches and a cut on his arm but they deny any involvement.





http://www.thairath....t/region/264615 (slightly different details here).

I just wish that they had an english version of this articles cause I can't even read the content of these links.

Edited by lily416
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A little bit hypothetical but!

what situation would one find themselves in if an intruder inside thier home died somehow as a result of self defence on the part of the home owner?

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security at these moo bans is nothing but a joke,this week we had a new one on nights,pissed at clock in [6pm] asleep by 6.30pm was he dismissed? was he hell.another sad day in los.

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Our Juristic Board don't want to pay the new minimum wages of 300 baht so looks like we'll take a dip in security competence

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

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