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Canadian Police Hunt For Man Who Videotaped Gruesome Murder


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Canadian police hunt for man who videotaped gruesome murder < br />

2012-06-01 03:14:02 GMT+7 (ICT)

OTTAWA, ONTARIO (BNO NEWS) -- An international arrest warrant was issued on Thursday for a Canadian man suspected of killing a man and mailing parts of his victim's body to the Conservative and Liberal party headquarters. Meanwhile, a video believed to show the gruesome murder has surfaced online.

The investigation began on Tuesday morning when a Conservative Party employee, working at the party's headquarters in Ottawa, called police when she noticed an overwhelming smell and blood stains while opening a package. Police found the package contained a severed human foot.

Hours later, on early Tuesday evening, workers at a Canada Post office in Ottawa discovered another suspicious package and called police. "Upon examination, it was found to contain another human body part," Ottawa police said that evening, adding that the body part was a human hand. Officials later said the second package was addressed to the Liberal Party headquarters.

That same day, a janitor discovered a suitcase containing a torso in a pile of garbage in the Côte-des-Neiges borough of Montreal, some 165 kilometers (100 miles) east of Ottawa. Residents first noticed the suitcase last week but no one opened it until Tuesday morning when people started complaining about a stench in the air. Maggots were found crawling all over the suitcase.

But on Wednesday afternoon, the case took an unexpected turn when Montreal police issued an arrest warrant for 29-year-old Luka Rocco Magnotta and named him as the suspect in the murder investigation. Magnotta previously worked as a low-budget pornographic actor, but it was videos allegedly produced by him which made him notorious on the internet.

The first known video to surface, published in December 2010, showed a young man placing two small kittens in a vacuum seal bag before sucking the air out of it, leaving the kittens to suffocate. Subsequent videos and photos showed the dead cats in a freezer, their corpses dismembered and the man simulating sex acts on them.

This and other videos, showing cats being eaten by a python and another being drowned in a bath tub, made Magnotta notorious among animal lovers who discovered his real name and launched an online campaign to seek his arrest and prosecution. Several rewards were issued but police seemed to have little, if any, interest in finding the person responsible.

Montreal police have confirmed Magnotta is believed to have filmed the murder, apparently referring to a so-called snuff film which appeared online last week. "[This video] is without a doubt the sickest thing you will have ever seen in your entire life," said a posting on a website which specializes in gore videos and images. The website published the video last week and its members identified Magnotta as the likely suspect before the first package was delivered.

The video was heavily discussed in the dark corners of the internet where websites feature such graphic content, and some visitors told Canadian media outlets they were ignored when they attempted to inform police. "It can't be real. They have pretty good special effects these days," a Toronto police officer allegedly told U.S. lawyer Roger Renville when he tried to report the video, according to the Toronto Sun.

The video was no longer available on the gore website on Thursday, hours after Canadian police said they were attempting to remove the gruesome video, but experts believe it will be impossible to prevent it from resurfacing. The so-called Dnepropetrovsk maniacs, two Ukrainian serial killers, are also known for making video recordings of some of their murders. One of them leaked onto the internet and remains easily available years later.

The video allegedly showing the Canadian murder shows a man, believed to be Magnotta, using an ice pick to repeatedly stab an Asian man who is tied to a bed. An analysis of the room in the video matches photos of Magnotta's apartment, where police found a gruesome crime scene.

The nearly 11-minute video continues to show the murderer dismember his victim with a kitchen knife before sexually abusing the dismembered and decapitated corpse. One scene appears to show Magnotta eating the victim's flesh and allowing a dog to feast on the torso. Other acts shown in the video are too disturbing to describe in this report.

The horrific events have led to a all-out national effort to find Magnotta, especially in light of a note found in one of the packages in which the killer promises to kill again. The note also indicates that up to six packages containing body parts may have been sent through the mail, although only two have been found so far.

CTV News reported on Thursday that Magnotta, already subject to a Canada-wide arrest warrant, has been formally charged with 2nd degree murder and indignity to a human body. Canadian police have also issued an international arrest warrant, leading the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to issue a so-called Red Notice to its member states around the world.

Police are concerned Magnotta may have fled Canada after he carried out the killing. A June 2009 blog post on the citizen news website DigitalJournal.com was apparently written by Magnotta and provides a step-by-step guide to disappear and never be found. "For best results under normal circumstances, a minimum of four months is really necessary to successfully carry out the heroic actions necessary to leave your old life behind," the post said.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-06-01

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This is an incredible case. People have been trying to have this fellow stopped for years ever since he posted his animal cruelty videos.

His orignal name wasn't Magnotta, it was Newman. Despite the description of the accused as being a gay porn star, he was nothing of the sort. He was a real low end prostitute. There is enough reading material on the internet to scare you for days.

I don't know what the world is coming too. There was the wacko that was shot as he kept trying to eat some homeless guy on the street in Miami this week, there is the Taiwanese guy in Bangkok with the golden foetus, the Russian psycho cannibals etc, etc. What's next?

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This is an incredible case. People have been trying to have this fellow stopped for years ever since he posted his animal cruelty videos.

His orignal name wasn't Magnotta, it was Newman. Despite the description of the accused as being a gay porn star, he was nothing of the sort. He was a real low end prostitute. There is enough reading material on the internet to scare you for days.

I don't know what the world is coming too. There was the wacko that was shot as he kept trying to eat some homeless guy on the street in Miami this week, there is the Taiwanese guy in Bangkok with the golden foetus, the Russian psycho cannibals etc, etc. What's next?

This guy really is off the chart. Let's just hope he gets arrested quickly and kept somewhere far away from the rest of society.

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This is an incredible case. People have been trying to have this fellow stopped for years ever since he posted his animal cruelty videos.

His orignal name wasn't Magnotta, it was Newman. Despite the description of the accused as being a gay porn star, he was nothing of the sort. He was a real low end prostitute. There is enough reading material on the internet to scare you for days.

I don't know what the world is coming too. There was the wacko that was shot as he kept trying to eat some homeless guy on the street in Miami this week, there is the Taiwanese guy in Bangkok with the golden foetus, the Russian psycho cannibals etc, etc. What's next?

Don't forget the mother ripping the eyes out of her own child's head.

This is all some pretty sick stuff. It just gets more shocking year after year. I don't even want to think about what kind of sick crimes we'll read about 10 years from now.

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Would it be too vindictive to hold a competition to determine his method of execution? At least he isn't Norwegian or he would currently no doubt be experiencing an improved quality of life right now.

Bit of a waste of time as Canada is a civilised country that abolished capital punishment in 1976. No intolerance of intolerance required!

He could be sentenced to sharing a jail cell with Brievik, though having to listen to Brievik's drivel could well be considered cruel and unusual punishment.

Edited by folium
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Would it be too vindictive to hold a competition to determine his method of execution? At least he isn't Norwegian or he would currently no doubt be experiencing an improved quality of life right now.

Unfortunately the most he can get in Canada is 25 years.

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Would it be too vindictive to hold a competition to determine his method of execution? At least he isn't Norwegian or he would currently no doubt be experiencing an improved quality of life right now.

Unfortunately the most he can get in Canada is 25 years.

Nope. He can be kept indefinitely if he is deemed a "dangerous offender". The most famous detainee in Canada is convicted murderer Paul Bernardo. Just like Charles Manson in the states, Bernardo gets to appear before a parole board every few years, rant and rave and get sent back to solitary confinement never to be released.

BTW, interesting twist to the case as the victim was a Chinese national, 33 years old and a university student. And now, the French surete have confirmed the suspect in this case is in France. This case is going to have a few more twists and turns before it concludes. Hopefully, he doesn't kill anyone else before then.

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Real sickening !

I am against the death penalty but I am also very much against lenient sentences, as often happens in countries like Norway and Canada.

Such killers should get LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE, wherever in the world ! Preferably 23 hours a day in a small cell in solitary confinement, with only 1 hour a day outside the cell.

I am sure that if potential killers know that what is awaiting them, if caught, is life without parole in tough conditions, most wouldn't commit the crime.

Edited by JemJem
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Its horrible & I also pray he is caught before committing any more crimes. I don't think this or the cannibal story etc. are a sign of society going downhill as such, theres always been mad killers all through human history but in an increasingly faceless & polarized 21C world when people do "lose it" they seem to go out in more extreme ways. The newer phenomena of internet where anyone can become a video celebrity online by just pushing acceptable boundaries to a new extreme, is appealing to people with ego-disorders and if they are psychotic too then that can spiral into a dangerous attention-seeking psychosis. It sounds strange but many killers are so isolated from other people (for variety of reasons) they just want to be recognised by anyone including news media and the net. Ultimately this person is dangerous psychotic and should be in mental hospital for life meaning life.

To me its often the self-inflicted stories that are most shocking, I am still a bit freaked out by that UK woman pulling out 18 of her own teeth with a pair of pliers in 2002, while high on the rave drug GHB. She saw a luminous pink fly go down her throat and decided to remove her teeth to get the fly out. "It was hard to remove the first one but after that they just seemed to fall out".http://news.bbc.co.u...and/2500497.stm To me that story was so shocking because she was a normal sane person and took this tablet and went berserk.

Edited by Yunla
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