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It's strange how a thread like this can contain so much silliness.The implications of wearing a lot of gold can easily be picked up in Thailand by anyone with a reasonable sense of observation.Broadly speaking it is indeed the low-so,uneducated and unsophisticated who have come into a bit of cash -sometimes avery great deal of cash- who adorn themselves in this way.Trailer trash is too unkind a description but is I am afraid a pointer.Thailand may be an extreme example but the same vulgarity can be seen in many other cultures.I should also mention that many low rent farangs of the visa run variety are also very keen on gold, and adorning their "girlfriends" similarly.

I'm starting to suspect that "Cassandra" is really Queen Elizabeth II's computer-nick. :o

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Seems to be a bargirl thing. It shows they have a rich "papa" ( we would say "sugar daddy" in the US) and adds status within their circle. I agree with most here who say mostly it makes the girl look cheap to anyone outside the bargirl subculture.


I think it also depends on where you are.

If you are off in the depths of Issan, then it sems to be considered Hi-So. However, the people I work with in an office in Bangkok, mostly Thai, think that men wearing gold is very low class. Comments like

"You put your money in a bank - not around your neck"
That sort of thing says you are the same as "Trailer Trash"

I think a little bit looks looks ok on the ladies, but not the men.

It's strange how a thread like this can contain so much silliness.The implications of wearing a lot of gold can easily be picked up in Thailand by anyone with a reasonable sense of observation.Broadly speaking it is indeed the low-so,uneducated and unsophisticated who have come into a bit of cash -sometimes avery great deal of cash- who adorn themselves in this way.Trailer trash is too unkind a description but is I am afraid a pointer.Thailand may be an extreme example but the same vulgarity can be seen in many other cultures.I should also mention that many low rent farangs of the visa run variety are also very keen on gold, and adorning their "girlfriends" similarly.

I am amazed at the crap these threads throw up.Surley it's each to their own, or do we all share the same taste.Is your taste better than mine? :o

Does one make a comment when you see a wealthy business man with a $30,000 watch on. I mean ,why wear an expensive watch when a nice Seiko will do the trick.Why not change the diamonds on a womans ring to glass crystal etc.

Is 18ct gold worn in the west cool? (even though its value drops by 50% after purchase?) Do Thais think that westerners are bloody idiots for wearing 18crt, or do they think we are just mugs for buying something cosmetic that drops in value so quickly. :D

Each to their own. :D


I think it also depends on where you are.

If you are off in the depths of Issan, then it sems to be considered Hi-So. However, the people I work with in an office in Bangkok, mostly Thai, think that men wearing gold is very low class. Comments like

"You put your money in a bank - not around your neck"
That sort of thing says you are the same as "Trailer Trash"

I think a little bit looks looks ok on the ladies, but not the men.

It's strange how a thread like this can contain so much silliness.The implications of wearing a lot of gold can easily be picked up in Thailand by anyone with a reasonable sense of observation.Broadly speaking it is indeed the low-so,uneducated and unsophisticated who have come into a bit of cash -sometimes avery great deal of cash- who adorn themselves in this way.Trailer trash is too unkind a description but is I am afraid a pointer.Thailand may be an extreme example but the same vulgarity can be seen in many other cultures.I should also mention that many low rent farangs of the visa run variety are also very keen on gold, and adorning their "girlfriends" similarly.

I am amazed at the crap these threads throw up.Surley it's each to their own, or do we all share the same taste.Is your taste better than mine? :o

Does one make a comment when you see a wealthy business man with a $30,000 watch on. I mean ,why wear an expensive watch when a nice Seiko will do the trick.Why not change the diamonds on a womans ring to glass crystal etc.

Is 18ct gold worn in the west cool? (even though its value drops by 50% after purchase?) Do Thais think that westerners are bloody idiots for wearing 18crt, or do they think we are just mugs for buying something cosmetic that drops in value so quickly. :D

Each to their own. :D

Yes a businessman wearing a new $30,000 watch does raise some questions about taste.But the more serious point is whether there such a thing as taste at all, ie it is really is all about "each to his own" as you put it.In other words, depending on your perspective Jeffrey Archer is as good a writer as Shakespeare, Idi Amin as great a statesman as Winston Churchill, Blue Eagle whisky as good as Highland Malt,Rolf Harris as great an artist as Titian.If you really do believe this there's really not much more to be said.

<snip>Trailer trash is too unkind a description but is I am afraid a pointer.<snip>

That was a quote from a well-to-do Thai who is from Bangkok, and we work together in the same office. If you go far enough Up-Country, I sure the attitude would be different.

I just think it is shocking you see these dirt-poor rice farmers bareley enough to feed the family or send the kids to school, but they have adorned themselves with gold.

I think the roots of it is in the "Old Culture" and the blatant materialism upcountry.

<snip>Trailer trash is too unkind a description but is I am afraid a pointer.<snip>

That was a quote from a well-to-do Thai who is from Bangkok, and we work together in the same office. If you go far enough Up-Country, I sure the attitude would be different.

I just think it is shocking you see these dirt-poor rice farmers bareley enough to feed the family or send the kids to school, but they have adorned themselves with gold.

I think the roots of it is in the "Old Culture" and the blatant materialism upcountry.

I think you are manking something out of nothing. First off i dont see any people starving in isaan sure they are poor but no one goes hungry. And I dont see them adorne them selfs with gold unless they have excess money or it is a gift and the first hour of need it is sold off.

If you belive the people on this thread the only people that buy gold are lo-so farang and thai. Bar girls. And

greedy Thai farmers that wear it to feel important while there familys go with out. You people sit there with you flash comuters and dvd cameras and cars and you want to take the piss out of some people living up country that likes to wear a gold chain

Shit you people are un real :o:D:D


[quote name='Rigger' date='2006

I think you are manking something out of nothing. First off i dont see any people starving in isaan sure they are poor but no one goes hungry. And I dont see them adorne them selfs with gold unless they have excess money or it is a gift and the first hour of need it is sold off.

If you belive the people on this thread the only people that buy gold are lo-so farang and thai. Bar girls. And

greedy Thai farmers that wear it to feel important while there familys go with out. You people sit there with you flash comuters and dvd cameras and cars and you want to take the piss out of some people living up country that likes to wear a gold chain

Shit you people are un real :o:D:D

I wear a gold 1 baht chain with two small amulets given to me by my wife. The amulets were her fathers and have sentimental value as well as monetary.

My wife on the other hand is now throughly westernized and I know that what I get her will be appreciated if a diamond is involved somewhere.

To me what I see as an extravagant and utterly unnecessary show of wealth is the gangster rappers covering their teeth with gold, platinum and precious stones. They call it the "grill", as in show me your grill. Be pretty messy getting robbed for whats in your mouth, the rapid extraction process, would smart a bit.

Seems to be a bargirl thing.

You could be right although I've never noticed it myself.

The bar girls I've met never wear much at all except for the occasional snake :o

Yes a businessman wearing a new $30,000 watch does raise some questions about taste.

But the more serious point is whether there such a thing as taste at all, ie it is really is all about "each to his own" as you put it.In other words, depending on your perspective Jeffrey Archer is as good a writer as Shakespeare, Idi Amin as great a statesman as Winston Churchill, Blue Eagle whisky as good as Highland Malt,Rolf Harris as great an artist as Titian.If you really do believe this there's really not much more to be said.

So now a busnessman wearing an expensive watch says something about taste?shouldn't you have a look at the watch first to make that suggestion.It could be a 'classy' antique....again, who decides? What about a $3000 dollar watch? (About 12 baht of near pure gold that dosn't devalue)Would you think of that as tacky?

Is Stephen King a better writer than Billy Shakesspeare?..he sold more books and is obviously more popular . :D

Personally I prefer a Charles Goldie over a Titan/Titien any day, but I suppose that reflects where I am from and what I would want to hang on my wall. As for Rolf Harris, the last memory I had of him as an artist was when I was 5 and he was on TV, so I'm sorry ,I can't give you my opinion here as I can not remember. :D

As for Idi, wasn't there a song written about him? :o


To a Thai, gold is portable wealth and to be displayed.

But in this day and age a little modesty is needed to avoid robbery.



i'm on your side, cut the nasty stuff; i was making a point which here in israel is a cultural one: the european types (polish german etc... dont like to wear gold; the n. african groups ing general including also the arab men and women, delight in gold... i am an american ashkenazi (european) jew raised believing that too much gold equates to being white trash, however, i like too much gold and think it looks good on men also... as i said before and u should learn to read (and u should know me by now from all my other posts, anything but racist, and i'm anthropologist trained so going at the moment by observation here)... :

there is no accounting for taste i.e. i like comic books and shakespear, graffiti and picasso, raised as an intellectual but live as a farmer.... chuchok says it all.... i'm no wanna be hi/so, and no snob... to each his own, the whole thread is really rediculous because i could also claim that fancy cars and expensive name brands in clothes are a waste of money but i own an expensive imported pure bred dog (waste of money also)...

for many of my thai friends, the gold is portable instant cash and a good investment, better to wear it then to own it and keep it in the safe deposit box like other friends that have expensive rock jewelry but cant wear it (whats the point of owning something if u dont use it???)


Gotta laugh at some of those old Pattaya sexpats dripping in medallions buddhas ,sov rings and wrist chains.

The missus and her sis here in aus collect the stuff when they are flush..sell when they are broke(pokies)easily monetised assett and an appreciating one if they manage to hold it.

If they are going to a thai event ,or birthday its a bit of a bling bling show off thing to say they have made it here in aus.


i'm on your side, cut the nasty stuff; i was making a point which here in israel is a cultural one: the european types (polish german etc... dont like to wear gold; the n. african groups ing general including also the arab men and women, delight in gold... i am an american ashkenazi (european) jew raised believing that too much gold equates to being white trash, however, i like too much gold and think it looks good on men also... as i said before and u should learn to read (and u should know me by now from all my other posts, anything but racist, and i'm anthropologist trained so going at the moment by observation here)... :

there is no accounting for taste i.e. i like comic books and shakespear, graffiti and picasso, raised as an intellectual but live as a farmer.... chuchok says it all.... i'm no wanna be hi/so, and no snob... to each his own, the whole thread is really rediculous because i could also claim that fancy cars and expensive name brands in clothes are a waste of money but i own an expensive imported pure bred dog (waste of money also)...

for many of my thai friends, the gold is portable instant cash and a good investment, better to wear it then to own it and keep it in the safe deposit box like other friends that have expensive rock jewelry but cant wear it (whats the point of owning something if u dont use it???)

I think you are manking something out of nothing. First off i dont see any people starving in isaan sure they are poor but no one goes hungry. And I dont see them adorne them selfs with gold unless they have excess money or it is a gift and the first hour of need it is sold off.

If you belive the people on this thread the only people that buy gold are lo-so farang and thai. Bar girls. And

greedy Thai farmers that wear it to feel important while there familys go with out. You people sit there with you flash comuters and dvd cameras and cars and you want to take the piss out of some people living up country that likes to wear a gold chain

Shit you people are un real bah.gif bah.gif bah.gif

nothing more to add to this comment - well said



i would say that for many thais, its not just about the aesthetics or showing off, wearing gold is a sort of security system, usually for the lower educated and those from lower economic strata, they buy gold when they come into some spare money, and instead of tucking it under the pillow, they buy gold and strap it on themselves, so that if they should ever encounter the need, it could easily be converted back to cash.

many thai people of lower economic means rent a room, move from job to job, and spend much of the time in the streets and on the move, and so wearing their wealth is a far more sensible and practical thing to do than putting it in a bank or keeping cash at home. it suits their lifestyle and its part of their mobile 'street' culture.

that the gold serves an aesthetic or visual value i think is a secondary issue for many, and so it would be wrong of us to be so narrow minded and judgemental if we see a big ass gold dragon hung on a chain, it has its own ornamental or cultural meaning to the wearer.

of course there will always be those whose goal is to show off, but then we all try to express our worth in various ways. if we wear a porsche design watch or use philip starck furniture, we are showing off our refined taste in design which requires a lot of money to buy. same intent, different audience, so its all the same to me.


Like anything else, moderation and taste should prevail.

If wearing formal attire for a nice dinner out at a good restaurant, there's nothing wrong with a tasteful gold ring or watch.

Heavy hanging necklaces IMO do look tacky with the whole bling thing, even when connected to amulets,

I've seen chains so thick you could use them to tow a car.

Like anything else, moderation and taste should prevail.

If wearing formal attire for a nice dinner out at a good restaurant, there's nothing wrong with a tasteful gold ring or watch.

Heavy hanging necklaces IMO do look tacky with the whole bling thing, even when connected to amulets,

I've seen chains so thick you could use them to tow a car.

Mr. T was a pretty classy guy. :o

...Gold has a religious significance for Thais. In Buddhist literature, both Pali and Sanskrit, the Buddha is described as having skin of gold. A golden complexion is the eleventh of the 32 characteristics of the Buddha. Many Buddha images in Thailand are made of gold and gold leaf is stuck onto Buddha images as part of religious rituals...

My wife (who only wear a small amulet with a 1฿ chain) gave me a priceless Buddha and forced me to accept the 15฿ chain to wear it. She told me, everyting else less than this would be disrespectful to the amulet :o .

Now I'm wearing it with a 1฿ chain, always under the shirt except while driving. It was just too heavy and uncomfortable and Mea showed consideration :D .



Yes a businessman wearing a new $30,000 watch does raise some questions about taste.

But the more serious point is whether there such a thing as taste at all, ie it is really is all about "each to his own" as you put it.In other words, depending on your perspective Jeffrey Archer is as good a writer as Shakespeare, Idi Amin as great a statesman as Winston Churchill, Blue Eagle whisky as good as Highland Malt,Rolf Harris as great an artist as Titian.If you really do believe this there's really not much more to be said.

So now a busnessman wearing an expensive watch says something about taste?shouldn't you have a look at the watch first to make that suggestion.It could be a 'classy' antique....again, who decides? What about a $3000 dollar watch? (About 12 baht of near pure gold that dosn't devalue)Would you think of that as tacky?

Is Stephen King a better writer than Billy Shakesspeare?..he sold more books and is obviously more popular . :D

Personally I prefer a Charles Goldie over a Titan/Titien any day, but I suppose that reflects where I am from and what I would want to hang on my wall. As for Rolf Harris, the last memory I had of him as an artist was when I was 5 and he was on TV, so I'm sorry ,I can't give you my opinion here as I can not remember. :D

As for Idi, wasn't there a song written about him? :o

You have made my point better than I ever could if you only knew.Others will pick up on this though I suspect you never will.

Incidentally no-one is having a go at upcountry folk who enjoy wearing a gold neckalace or similar.The waspishness, if there was any, is really directed at the amulet festooned Pattaya sexpats and their "girlfriends".



i'm on your side, cut the nasty stuff;

Hey bina I wasn’t having a go at you I was just telling you I was not of the tan Varity

Where I was from even a W_ _calls him self a W_ _


Yes a businessman wearing a new $30,000 watch does raise some questions about taste.

But the more serious point is whether there such a thing as taste at all, ie it is really is all about "each to his own" as you put it.In other words, depending on your perspective Jeffrey Archer is as good a writer as Shakespeare, Idi Amin as great a statesman as Winston Churchill, Blue Eagle whisky as good as Highland Malt,Rolf Harris as great an artist as Titian.If you really do believe this there's really not much more to be said.

So now a busnessman wearing an expensive watch says something about taste?shouldn't you have a look at the watch first to make that suggestion.It could be a 'classy' antique....again, who decides? What about a $3000 dollar watch? (About 12 baht of near pure gold that dosn't devalue)Would you think of that as tacky?

Is Stephen King a better writer than Billy Shakesspeare?..he sold more books and is obviously more popular . :D

Personally I prefer a Charles Goldie over a Titan/Titien any day, but I suppose that reflects where I am from and what I would want to hang on my wall. As for Rolf Harris, the last memory I had of him as an artist was when I was 5 and he was on TV, so I'm sorry ,I can't give you my opinion here as I can not remember. :D

As for Idi, wasn't there a song written about him? :o

You have made my point better than I ever could if you only knew.Others will pick up on this though I suspect you never will.

Incidentally no-one is having a go at upcountry folk who enjoy wearing a gold neckalace or similar.The waspishness, if there was any, is really directed at the amulet festooned Pattaya sexpats and their "girlfriends".

My father used to have an attitude that any bloke with a gold chain is a girl and anybody wearing an earring should also be wearing a dress. Was he correct?

BTW, it dosn't just have to be "upcountry folk" that enjoy wearing gold.Some would say that this comment illustrates your own prejudices and preconceived thinking, but I would never say that. :D


Yes a businessman wearing a new $30,000 watch does raise some questions about taste.

But the more serious point is whether there such a thing as taste at all, ie it is really is all about "each to his own" as you put it.In other words, depending on your perspective Jeffrey Archer is as good a writer as Shakespeare, Idi Amin as great a statesman as Winston Churchill, Blue Eagle whisky as good as Highland Malt,Rolf Harris as great an artist as Titian.If you really do believe this there's really not much more to be said.

So now a busnessman wearing an expensive watch says something about taste?shouldn't you have a look at the watch first to make that suggestion.It could be a 'classy' antique....again, who decides? What about a $3000 dollar watch? (About 12 baht of near pure gold that dosn't devalue)Would you think of that as tacky?

Is Stephen King a better writer than Billy Shakesspeare?..he sold more books and is obviously more popular . :D

Personally I prefer a Charles Goldie over a Titan/Titien any day, but I suppose that reflects where I am from and what I would want to hang on my wall. As for Rolf Harris, the last memory I had of him as an artist was when I was 5 and he was on TV, so I'm sorry ,I can't give you my opinion here as I can not remember. :D

As for Idi, wasn't there a song written about him? :o

You have made my point better than I ever could if you only knew.Others will pick up on this though I suspect you never will.

Incidentally no-one is having a go at upcountry folk who enjoy wearing a gold neckalace or similar.The waspishness, if there was any, is really directed at the amulet festooned Pattaya sexpats and their "girlfriends".

My father used to have an attitude that any bloke with a gold chain is a girl and anybody wearing an earring should also be wearing a dress. Was he correct?



My father used to have an attitude that any bloke with a gold chain is a girl and anybody wearing an earring should also be wearing a dress. Was he correct?

I agree with your Dad about the earing bit, my 17 y/o son keeps asking to be allowed to have an earing but both his Mum and me say no. How long he'll keep taking notice of us is another matter :o But then again I'm an old codger according to some so out of touch with reality.

Off topic but I kept taking the Michael out of a Thai friend's 18 y/o Son for the girlish cut of his hair, in the end he either got pi**ed off with me or the fashion changed, cos so did his haircut!

I think you are manking something out of nothing. First off i dont see any people starving in isaan sure they are poor but no one goes hungry. And I dont see them adorne them selfs with gold unless they have excess money or it is a gift and the first hour of need it is sold off.

If you belive the people on this thread the only people that buy gold are lo-so farang and thai. Bar girls. And

greedy Thai farmers that wear it to feel important while there familys go with out. You people sit there with you flash comuters and dvd cameras and cars and you want to take the piss out of some people living up country that likes to wear a gold chain

I have not seen too many rural folks wearing ostentatious gold baat ornamentation. At best the women may have a single chain, maybe 1 baat in weight, they might wear to a wedding or temple festival. Most chains I see owned by rural folk are measured in saleung.

The people I see in Thailand wearing ostentatious displays of Thai Baat gold chain are the middle-aged Farang men wasting away in places like lower Sukhumwit (giving us other over-weight, middle-aged curmudgeons a bad name) and middle-aged (and middle class and not "lo-so") Thai-Chinese women in the cities wearing the obligatory over-sized sunglasses and either bright paisley or animal print shirts.

You want to see high society ostentation then do a Google search on "Octopus" and "Allen." The results will show you what happens when uber high society people become genuinely psychotic. But be warned, most of my pals, after the initial oohs amd aahs, become overwelmed by disgust akin to having to watch hard core scataological pornorgrphy. The man has clearly become one sicko phuck. Methinks Toxin is on the same downward path bringing down the entire nation with him.

I agree with your Dad about the earing bit, my 17 y/o son keeps asking to be allowed to have an earing but both his Mum and me say no. How long he'll keep taking notice of us is another matter :o But then again I'm an old codger according to some so out of touch with reality.

A 16 year old son of a mate of mine (john), arrived home with an earing after spending holidays with his mates.john said to his son "no problems with the earing, just don't wear it around the house etc" next day he said to him "Hey fella, I'll give you a lift to the shopping certer" Son "I don't want to go to the shopping center" john "Yes you do, we have to go to victoria secrets" Son "why on earth do we have to go to VS for" john "So we can buy you a set of matching bra and knickers to go with your earing" Earing was not seen again. :D

Whenever i see Thai gold it reminds me of the garbage that the african "lucky lucky" man would try and sell me on the beach in Fueringarola 20 years ago.

Discerning Thai folk know that this stuff is coveted by those who aspire to be more than they are.

They don't think otherwise!


...Gold has a religious significance for Thais. In Buddhist literature, both Pali and Sanskrit, the Buddha is described as having skin of gold. A golden complexion is the eleventh of the 32 characteristics of the Buddha. Many Buddha images in Thailand are made of gold and gold leaf is stuck onto Buddha images as part of religious rituals...

My wife (who only wear a small amulet with a 1฿ chain) gave me a priceless Buddha and forced me to accept the 15฿ chain to wear it. She told me, everyting else less than this would be disrespectful to the amulet :o .

Now I'm wearing it with a 1฿ chain, always under the shirt except while driving. It was just too heavy and uncomfortable and Mea showed consideration :D .


Yes, Buddha taught of understanding towards fellow men. Also, He said that don't worship me as God, as I'm only human like you and had many life cycles before. I would consider characteristics of Buddha differently as in previous posts, more naturally I would say.

Buddhism in Thailand is mixed with animalism and use of gold is a way to show respect. I would say it's so in many places around Asia. Most of Buddhist scriptures that survive 'till today in SEA were written on that time on expensive metals too. As it's been for long, Buddhism has taken many different forms in Asia.


"Money talks...............Wealth whispers"

(actually ripped it from an advert in Geneva Airport - but for me it just about sums it up. Just wish it applied to me :o:D )


I think it just advertises them as a target for some idiot to rob them - many women have been assaulted and robbed , some suffering serious injury or death in the process , for the gold they are wearing.

Yes thats quite true although is it an idiot who steals the gold or the person who is advertising the fact that they are wearing something so easily stolen.........guess the same things could be said about ipods and even the latest training shoes........but I digress

What I really want to know is your opinion of whether you think it is classy or classless to wear gold nowadays. What is your perception of people who wear gold on a day to day basis. Does it elevate their status or enhance their appearance. Do the hi so set wear gold everyday or is it something that the lower class wear to purport that they have lots of money.........these are the opinions I am hoping to hear



-So classless

-"hi so" thai prefer white gold, yellow gold looks too countryside...

-Yellow gold turn me off, it shows too much the way these people think...

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