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Thai Intelligence Agencies Put On Alert


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"Police checkpoints in the provinces have been instructed to stop proPAD, or antiPheu Thai caravans of supporters from entering Bangkok."

On what basis? Is it illegal to hold a point of view? Or travel to the capital to express that point of view? Has a SoE been declared?

Thaksins brother in law is the boss of the police.

Another of his relatives is boss of the bangkok police.

That is basis enough, or?

Luckily we have the strong man in Dubai who can decide without wasting time discussing laws.....His words are law.

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Here we go again, the elite yellowshirts are about to plunge Thailand into kaos again. What is it with these people?

Here we go again, the elite Thaksinistas are about to plunge Thailand into chaos again. What is it with these people?

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You may want to reflect on the fact Yingluck is not responsible for this "reconcilliation bill". Former coup maker and Matubhum party leader General Sonthi Boonyaglin is the originator of the bill.

Yes and he admitted to met Thaksin for it.....Must be a nice cheque

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^ Hmm, in another thread someone mentioned police being recalled to duty and mobilised. A battle between police and the army would be very very bad for this country. sad.png

Won't happen.....The normal policemen isn't interested to die.

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If Yingluck has hardly set foot in parliament in 6 months, then she cannot be deemed to be in charge, the matter is known worldwide and is a joke. If the woman cannot fulfill her duties she should have to go, the opening of new malls and visits abroad many can be done with royals and other VIP M.Ps. Likewise in Democratic countries she should show a balance, she is clearly not do ing that.

I do not believe that there should ever be, or the populace led to believe, that there is any such animal as a VIP MP. All Members of Parliament are servants of the people but that concept seems to be a pipedream in Thailand. The same goes for the US where it seems that Senators sit on the right hand of God - and I don't mean Obama.

BTW I suggest that you capitalise the word 'royals' to ensure that you don't get a visit from 'the boys' quoting one of the most ridiculous laws ever enacted.

Edited by Bagwan
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Today while I was at the dentist, some one put a sticker on my gate indicating that I support PT. A large quantity of Red Shirts have poped up in my village and have started of winning hears & minds program. AS if I have eather. ph34r.png

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defacto leader Thaksin Shinawatra

Or to put it another way, "dangerous fleeing criminal Thaksin Shinawatra".

measures that would move the country forward to untangle the ongoing political conflicts coming with the bill.

And there you have the central problem. Bills are supposed to promote unity and prosperity for the citizenry, or to augment and improve existing legislation for the benefit of the electorate.

Before Yingluck started this bill process, Thailand was not seeing demonstrations or threats of coup and did not have police and James Bond on standby. Yingluck *knew* the chaos that would accompany this bill, the potential loss of life, the unbalancing of society yet again, but she went through with it anyway. How completely self-interested she truly is, to cause all these problems just to exonerate her guilty criminal brother. Has she no shame?

She arrived in this PM job and could have just worked through policies for Thailand, and worked hard by being at the centre of political debate and policy-augmentation, and seen Thailand grow and prosper peacefully without coups and battles and sonic-cannons and talk of dead demonstrators. She chose to bring this bill through, knowing it would unbalance an already fragile developing nation & lead to further division and Thai against Thai.

She had a mandate and could have used it for a genuine unity government - listening to all sides and not making any unpopular personal-interest bills, but instead it is Yingluck Shinawatra who has created the very chaos that the intelligence agencies are now promising to "untangle the ongoing political conflicts coming with the bill". That line from the OP should read - "ongoing political conflicts coming with Yingluck Shinawatra" since she brought it in her portfolio in 2011 & has done nothing but try to implement it since.

You may want to reflect on the fact Yingluck is not responsible for this "reconcilliation bill". Former coup maker and Matubhum party leader General Sonthi Boonyaglin is the originator of the bill.

She didn't write it, she is just it's PR girl.

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Attention !! 2 persons known very well to me are army personnel, their duties are domestic to the boss in BKK. They were never given formal training, and are used for their computor skills, English, Cooking etc.

I want to inform you they are now on emergency-crash course training with arms, as of yesterday. They are reluctant to say too much, but know that thier main function will be to stop the goverment abusing it's power. Thaksin did it, that's why we are in the state that were in. Before anyone uses Abhisit as a kicking post, he was voted out, NOT KICKED OUT. SOMEONE has to stop these dictators from abusing the country. Like it or lump it.

The Royal Thai Army had 20,000 personnel to work with when removing the redshirts in 2010. I find it slightly beyond belief that the situation has deteriorated to such an extent that they need to provide emergency-crash course arms training to a couple of Officers aides/batmen or whatever they are called to help Prayuth and his boot boys out "to stop the government abusing it's power".

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You may want to reflect on the fact Yingluck is not responsible for this "reconcilliation bill". Former coup maker and Matubhum party leader General Sonthi Boonyaglin is the originator of the bill.

Yes and he admitted to met Thaksin for it.....Must be a nice cheque

Where do you get this stuff? You couldn't make it up - but you do................

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Attention !! 2 persons known very well to me are army personnel, their duties are domestic to the boss in BKK. They were never given formal training, and are used for their computor skills, English, Cooking etc.

I want to inform you they are now on emergency-crash course training with arms, as of yesterday. They are reluctant to say too much, but know that thier main function will be to stop the goverment abusing it's power. Thaksin did it, that's why we are in the state that were in. Before anyone uses Abhisit as a kicking post, he was voted out, NOT KICKED OUT. SOMEONE has to stop these dictators from abusing the country. Like it or lump it.

if you serious-its little worrying to be honest(referring to army personnel, not the rest of your post, with which i agree 100%)

if you joking- its also worryingtongue.png

By 'boss in BKK' do you mean THE boss or the sister of PT's de facto boss?

Edited by bigbamboo
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You may want to reflect on the fact Yingluck is not responsible for this "reconcilliation bill". Former coup maker and Matubhum party leader General Sonthi Boonyaglin is the originator of the bill.

Yes and he admitted to met Thaksin for it.....Must be a nice cheque

Where do you get this stuff? You couldn't make it up - but you do................

Agreed..... it was probably 30 pieces of silver.

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Bagwan, in my old age I am not as good as I was, capitol R for our beloved Royals, the other should have read VIP + MPs. Sorry if my English typing wasn't to a high standard. The points I made were relevant, but you failed to comment on them, only picked out bits that appealed to you, please accept all kinds of posters from different walks of life. I was in government in England, and understand what an MP is. Local town politicions are VIP it's shown by 30 mini buses headlights on with police rushing them around (for money)

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You may want to reflect on the fact Yingluck is not responsible for this "reconcilliation bill". Former coup maker and Matubhum party leader General Sonthi Boonyaglin is the originator of the bill.

Yeah, and there's a reason Yingluck won't officially get involved with this bill - Dems will nail her for conflict of interest.

Or do you really believe Sonthi was the real originator? Without any external input? That he hatched onto one possible proposal from KPI report and thought to himself - this is my chance to make history, without consulting with anyone else?

Edited by volk666
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PhiPhidon My god you bite very quick, All I put in my post was fact, because I only know 2 army personnel. The fact they were stationed in Bkk is a reason why they have gone for training. What was the ratio Army-Reds in numbers?? you are the one who is throwing numbers around and I did note you didn't give numbers of Thaksins army, but thats another story. Suppose if there is a mega brawl again, you will find a way to blame the previous government, not this one. Abusing power is taken very seriously, and here we we go again-this time it's the man on the runs sister. Please do not blame PAD or any other objectors, if Yingluck was governing well and not trying to give pardons to offenders, we wouldn;t have this SH#T.

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Today while I was at the dentist, some one put a sticker on my gate indicating that I support PT. A large quantity of Red Shirts have poped up in my village and have started of winning hears & minds program. AS if I have eather. ph34r.png

yes Thaksin is handing out money again

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You may want to reflect on the fact Yingluck is not responsible for this "reconcilliation bill". Former coup maker and Matubhum party leader General Sonthi Boonyaglin is the originator of the bill.

Yes and he admitted to met Thaksin for it.....Must be a nice cheque

Where do you get this stuff? You couldn't make it up - but you do................

Check the nation there is an interview a few days ago where he openly admit that he met Thaksin to "hear all sides".

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there is no way that they would move in on the South. they know the passion of the southerners would end all hostilities (I know the Northerners know about the passion of the southerners) They fear it.

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