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Soil Test, Green Manure, Bulk Seed, And Inoculant--Maha Sarakham

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Thailand farm newbie here. Farmed organic back in the world, but much of that knowledge does not seem to apply here.

Question 1 : Where can I get a basic NPK, Ph, and organic matter soil test in Maha Sarakham?

Question 2: Can I buy inoculant anywhere in Isaan? I am intrigued my the homemade recipes I read about in this forum and will experiment when I move to MS, but it does not work for me at this time.

Question 3: Where can I buy bulk seed in MS?

Question 4: There is 1 rai in mature eucalyptus the neighbors are helping themselves to. I want to cut it and sell it while there is still some left. How does one market eucalyptus in MS?

Let me start by assuring everyone I have read all of the relevant pinned subjects. Here is my situation and my current plan, subject to modification if experience or sage advice dictates.

I live in CM and have 10 rai of chemically intensive monocropped paddy land in Maha Sarakham I am taking organic. I have a pension and don't need farm income, but I don't want to lose money either. I will move to the land in about one year and want to get a head start improving the soil

Soil is Isaan sand.

Those who know are invited to comment on the plan, suggest changes, and answer what you can.


I plan to stir the soil and broadcast mung bean on the 7 dry rai, letting the neighbor take the hay and graze his cattle. No plan for the 3 wet rai.

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If you don't need the income & don't want to loose money, why not do a smaller land area say 3- 5 rai & go self sufficient.

A few chickens a 1 buffalo, 1/2 rai rice followed by wheat & beans. 1/2 rai mixed veg plot. Mixed fruit trees on the rest.

What else do you need ?

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If your 7 dry rai stays that way through the wet season, then I would think seriously about growing fodder grasses and anything else that cattle will eat and fixes nitrogen. People are always looking for grazing for their cows while the rice is in their ground.

You can get innoculants specific to the crop at most feed and grain stores where you buy the seed.

Not specific to MS but generally you will find it hard to get more than an NPK test in Isaan. Dr Treelove made a suggestion of sending soil samples to the US and posted details of how to do it, have a look at that.

Most eucalyptus is cut by operators who negotiate a total price. To locate one of these guys try talking to the local building supplier, he will probably buy from them.

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I plan to stir the soil and broadcast mung bean on the 7 dry rai, letting the neighbor take the hay and graze his cattle. No plan for the 3 wet rai.

Are you planning on harvesting the mung beans or just using it to fix nitrogen in the soil? Do you mean that your neighbour will cut the hay and take it away? Maybe an idea to allow his cattle to graze the land as will be dropping their manure and urine straight to the soil.

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Hello All, for NPK-pH test kits, the Azomite thread in The OG section

gives the type and cost of kits and testing services.

The kits will give you some idea as where you are in the ballpark,

better than a poke with a sharp stick.

They will EMS to you!


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Thanks to all for the thoughtful replies. Good idea about grazing others cattle during rice growing season. Mung bean is a cover crop. Tahi partner and I are current absentee owner/future Isaan farmer.of 10 rai.

Here's an update.

Went to the government Office of Land Management this AM. The soil sciebtist there said they could test for Ph onsite, but NPK and OM is tested in Khon Kaen and results come back in 2-4 weeks by fax. Took email address and said he would scan and mail. No charge.

Cover green manure seed and inoculant are free to Thai citizens. He concurred with waiting until November. Said to plow once, wait 2 weeks, then plow again.

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