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Red Shirts To Rally Outside Parliament: Bangkok


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I note you chose to completely ignore the fact that the other side had no qualms in using this very same process to instate Abhisit, but had objected so vehemently when used previously to instate Somchai!

By "objecting vehemently" do you mean taking the capital city hostage and threatening to burn it down if parliament wasn't immediately dissolved? Cos i don't recall them doing that. You must mean some other sort of "objecting vehemently".

There is blatant hypocrisy on display by both sides here. The stark difference for me remains that Abhisit has never won a general election, while Yingluck and the PTP have.

Yes, both sides have committed all sorts of wrongs, but this desperation held by red sympathisers for everyone to agree that the respective wrongs of both sides have been in exactly the same measure, is both silly and sad, and in contradiction to the facts.

Quote: Ferangled, on Today, 10:58 , said:

There is blatant hypocrisy on display by both sides here. The stark difference for me remains that Abhisit has never won a general election, while Yingluck and the PTP have.

Clever retoric but highly misleading to say the least.

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Maybe because the reds are the ones trying to bully/force thru a bill that will white wash the fugitive Ex-PM of all his crimes, allow him to walk back into the coutnry and never serve a day of his sentence and give him all of his ill-gotten gains back to him... all the while throwing the country deeper and deeper into civil war.

Given the above, i'd take the yellows over the reds any day of the week.

Can you remind us all of what the military junta did when they overthrew the people's government in 2006?

Oh the yellows on here will say that was to protect the country, to rid it of a tyrant, while ignoring it put the country back 10 years and even the coup leader realised his mistake and said the biggest mistake they made after the coup was to not follow Thaksins policies.

Some people have no idea what a democracy is, you take the bad with the good, thats democracy. the biggest laugh is however they follow the 'democrats' haha, a misnomer if ever i heard one.

Yes he changed his mind after getting his pastry box...and personal threats.
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I personally think every expat in Thailand should be paying attention to what happens regarding this so called "reconciliation" deal the red shirts protest is showing its support for.

Anything put through which results in the charges against Thaksin being dropped is going to have a major effect on national stability. Whether the courts have overstepped their authority or not, IMO they put a potentially very volatile situation on ice - at least for the time being.

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Maybe because the reds are the ones trying to bully/force thru a bill that will white wash the fugitive Ex-PM of all his crimes, allow him to walk back into the coutnry and never serve a day of his sentence and give him all of his ill-gotten gains back to him... all the while throwing the country deeper and deeper into civil war.

Given the above, i'd take the yellows over the reds any day of the week.


they are doing what is legal and will get the bill through the house because they have the most seats in the house, pure and simple, that is democracy, whether you like it or not that is how democracy works.

Let me ask you a question, do you believe in democracy for all or do you think it is ok as long as the people you support have the control?

Democracy is rather more complicated than the simplified view you are offering. The Parliament is subject to checks on its power, as are all branches of government. The Constitution Court is an important part of that.

@carra, your comment strongly suggests that whoever has the most seats can do anything they please without question and with no boundaries and without staying within the law and within what are socially acceptable boundaries. Is that really what you mean? I hope not!

All dictators and oligarches had the majority of seats in the recent past. Only the judicial power can control or restrict them (Berlustconi made this experience)

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Wow! I have been reading all these replies on here and it seems that everyone has forgotten what the yellow shitrs did to Thailand and to the Parlament buildind and grounds? Am I right? Tell me what country has 100% uncorrupt government! Can you?????? So stop complaining and go with the tide.

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It is almost like a cartoon in that Pua Thai just won't reset the clock and make it look like certain things never happened when we all know they did. How stupid do they think the whole country is?

Do you really need an answer to that?

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they are doing what is legal and will get the bill through the house because they have the most seats in the house, pure and simple, that is democracy, whether you like it or not that is how democracy works.

Let me ask you a question, do you believe in democracy for all or do you think it is ok as long as the people you support have the control?

I class intimidation in parliament, ignoring the opposition (to the bill) and a house speaker who refuses to consider anyone's point of view except the red government - bullying yes, what do you call it?

Yes, i whole heartedly believe in Democracy for all and not 'as long as the people you support have control' - however this is not democracy, as has been stated many times in the recent threads these past few days, being in government doesn't mean you can do what the <deleted> you want, you still have responsibilities to the entire nation and need to listen to and understand all groups point of view... oh, its also a good start to actually turn up to work and answer direct questions...

This is not democracy, and you are a fool (or brainwashed/bought) if you believe it is

I class intimidation in parliament, ignoring the opposition (to the bill) and a house speaker who refuses to consider anyone's point of view except the red government

and how do you know this is the case? because it's what the democrats say happened??? because it's what you read in the nation?????

i prefer to be a bit more skeptical to the type of thing i lap up so easily.

(and i'll get this in preemptively - if anybody wants to make an accusation of me lapping up red shirt/thaksin stuff and stating it as fact then present it with evidence, cos i'm sick of people making crap up on here without backing it up.)

The pot calling the kettle "black".

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Wow! I have been reading all these replies on here and it seems that everyone has forgotten what the yellow shitrs did to Thailand and to the Parlament buildind and grounds? Am I right? Tell me what country has 100% uncorrupt government! Can you?????? So stop complaining and go with the tide.

Only dead fish go with the tide.

And of course a Red Tide causes dead fish, so there you go.

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Wow! I have been reading all these replies on here and it seems that everyone has forgotten what the yellow shitrs did to Thailand and to the Parlament buildind and grounds? Am I right? Tell me what country has 100% uncorrupt government! Can you?????? So stop complaining and go with the tide.

Only dead fish go with the tide.

And of course a Red Tide causes dead fish, so there you go.

Yes and red snapper is a fish and tastes awesome when dead and bbq'd.... whistling.gif

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The trouble with your opinion is that it is an uninformed load of <deleted>. Portraying the yellow shirt protests as violent is ridiculous - had you been living here at the time, you would know that. Comparing it to the violence associated with red shirt protests is spectacularly ignorant.

i was living here and I was affected, just as I was living here during the coup and the red shirt protests, and i know for a fact that the yellow shirt protests were violent, i am amazed that someone would try and deny this with the evidence available from a simple internet search, I feel it might me you that was not living here at the time if you think the yellows were not violent.

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You are out of your mind. Especially this part:

The levels of violence probably seem much worse with the reds but i guess having armed soldiers on the street randomly shooting at unarmed people as well as medics and photographers.

Thaksin is not coming back any time soon.

Fully in control of my senses thank you very much, balanced and viewing both sides, save your insults for the blinkered ones without the ability to be rational. The people that think the yellows were not violent seem to be the ones out of their minds,

i reiterate 'both sides are as bad as each other' and 'Thaksin will be back whether people like it or not'

just a thought, if the shooting was not random can you explain why photographers were shot, why a medic was shot whilst helping people, and don't say that was the reds shooting them as it is clear that the soldiers were panicking and shooting at random as can be seen when one soldier shot one of his own men when they were approaching on motorcycles to help them and were posing no immediate threat, so yes, the army were responsible for many deaths when they were under no immediate threat, I would call this random shooting at targets that were no threat.

Can you explain who killed the 20 or so officials? You shoot at officials in ANY other country in the world and and you are in deep shit Mr. balanced (red) view.

Have you witnessed both groups protesting? Have you been living here for the past 7 years? The yellows are annoying, the reds ARE violent (and their leaders don't seem to mind at all).

i refer you to my previous post, i have lived here for 8 years, in Bangkok, and witnessed violence from both sides, anyone that says they did not witness violence by the yellows is a liar, pure and simple

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You know much as I enjoy the discussion on TV, we should all remain calm and remember that Thailand is for the Thais and if this and all that has gone before is seen by them as acceptable and appropriate then fine so be it.

There is no need for us (foreigners) to get so hot under the collar and state our opinions as truth. I moved here to relax, enjoy the weather and opportunities for outdoor recreation, as I'm sure most of us did as well. Not hang out on an internet forum discussing the same politics time and time again? (although I do perversely enjoy it) and slating other expats as being misguided, disillusion etc for supporting the reds, yellows, pinks greens or blacks.

Let the Thais sort it out, they neither want nor desire our opinions and they prefer their prefer their politics served with a large helping of corruption, nepotism with a large side dish of bullshit and <deleted>. So let them eat it.

I'm pretty sure that whatever we discuss/debate/agree on here will never float high enough to reach anyone who gives a toss and has the power to do anything anyway, so let us have our fun debating/arguing our points of view. Isn't that the whole point of internet discussion forums such as this one?

Thai's will do what they see fit, nothing we say or do will make an iota of difference, but that doesn't change the horror story from opening and developing before our very eyes...

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You are out of your mind. Especially this part:

The levels of violence probably seem much worse with the reds but i guess having armed soldiers on the street randomly shooting at unarmed people as well as medics and photographers.

Thaksin is not coming back any time soon.

Fully in control of my senses thank you very much, balanced and viewing both sides, save your insults for the blinkered ones without the ability to be rational. The people that think the yellows were not violent seem to be the ones out of their minds,

i reiterate 'both sides are as bad as each other' and 'Thaksin will be back whether people like it or not'

just a thought, if the shooting was not random can you explain why photographers were shot, why a medic was shot whilst helping people, and don't say that was the reds shooting them as it is clear that the soldiers were panicking and shooting at random as can be seen when one soldier shot one of his own men when they were approaching on motorcycles to help them and were posing no immediate threat, so yes, the army were responsible for many deaths when they were under no immediate threat, I would call this random shooting at targets that were no threat.

Can you explain who killed the 20 or so officials? You shoot at officials in ANY other country in the world and and you are in deep shit Mr. balanced (red) view.

Have you witnessed both groups protesting? Have you been living here for the past 7 years? The yellows are annoying, the reds ARE violent (and their leaders don't seem to mind at all).

i refer you to my previous post, i have lived here for 8 years, in Bangkok, and witnessed violence from both sides, anyone that says they did not witness violence by the yellows is a liar, pure and simple

You made following statements:

The levels of violence probably seem much worse with the reds but i guess having armed soldiers on the street randomly shooting at unarmed people as well as medics and photographers.

so yes, the army were responsible for many deaths when they were under no immediate threat, I would call this random shooting at targets that were no threat.

And I ask you again, if the people (I assume you mean the Reds) were unarmed (as claimed in your post) who killed the 20 or so officials?

Edited by Nickymaster
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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Go with the tide.

(I'll be clinging on to the airport, thanks)

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Even more astounding is that Red Shirt Leader Yoswaris "Jeng Dokjik" Chuklom is a member of the government as the Yingluck Cabinet-appointed Deputy Secretary-General to the Interior Minister.



Edited by Buchholz
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You made following statements:

The levels of violence probably seem much worse with the reds but i guess having armed soldiers on the street randomly shooting at unarmed people as well as medics and photographers.

so yes, the army were responsible for many deaths when they were under no immediate threat, I would call this random shooting at targets that were no threat.

And I ask you again, if the people (I assume you mean the Reds) were unarmed (as claimed in your post) who killed the 20 or so officials?

I think you need to read and understand things a little better, some of the reds that were killed were unarmed, as was the nurse and the photographers, do you dispute this? I for one am amazed that all these armed blackshirts running around none of them were actually shot by the army.

If you take a little care when reading you will understand what is written better and won't jump to these wrong conclusions then go on a little crusade.

let me reiterate again, the reds were violent, as were the yellows, I am not trying to condone the reds, I am trying to get people to have a little balance here, both sides are as bad as each other.

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Do any of the pro-red (or Anti-Yellow) want to comment on this?

Legal or moral approach to tackling this problem?

To me, this is just another example of intimidation tactics by the Reds...

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I could go on but you get the point, anyone that says the yellow shirts were not violent is lying, pure and simple.

now lets be sensible here, BOTH the RED and Yellow shirts were violent, none of this nonsense about one being more violent than the other, as soon as an ounce of violence is used in a democracy then it is an ounce too much.

If people want to be taken seriously they need to stop with this crap about the yellows being peaceful, they had violent elements just as the reds had and trying to pretend that is didn't happen just makes people look a little bit silly and negates the rest of their argument as biased bullshit.

The only one biased here is the one trying to rewrite history in some sort of effort to spread the blame around a bit thinner; apportioning blame for violence in an exactly equal measure for all sides, when people who have been here to witness events first hand, know this not to be the case.

sadly it seems my post full of pictures of yellow shirt violence has been removed, or you could see it for yourself,

I was here, i did witness it myself.

the yellows and reds are both violent, fact, the levels are not relevant, both used violence to try and force issues, as for me, if I am on the end of one yellow gun or 10 red guns the outcome will be the same, or if I am walking up sukhothai road and the car bomb goes off, do you think i will be laying there wondering about who is most violent at the time i was working sukhothai road so I have seen it first hand, i can even tell you where this car was then parked for the next few weeks as i past it every day,

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I could go on but you get the point, anyone that says the yellow shirts were not violent is lying, pure and simple.

now lets be sensible here, BOTH the RED and Yellow shirts were violent, none of this nonsense about one being more violent than the other, as soon as an ounce of violence is used in a democracy then it is an ounce too much.

If people want to be taken seriously they need to stop with this crap about the yellows being peaceful, they had violent elements just as the reds had and trying to pretend that is didn't happen just makes people look a little bit silly and negates the rest of their argument as biased bullshit.

The only one biased here is the one trying to rewrite history in some sort of effort to spread the blame around a bit thinner; apportioning blame for violence in an exactly equal measure for all sides, when people who have been here to witness events first hand, know this not to be the case.



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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Even more astounding is that Red Shirt Leader Yoswaris "Jeng Dokjik" Chuklom is a member of the government as the Yingluck Cabinet-appointed Deputy Secretary-General to the Interior Minister.



Yes, how low can you go to involve families into this mess.

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Do any of the pro-red (or Anti-Yellow) want to comment on this?

Legal or moral approach to tackling this problem?

To me, this is just another example of intimidation tactics by the Reds...

Disgusting behaviour

however it should have never needed to come to this if everyone did their jobs properley

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