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No To America's Use Of U-Tapao: Thai Opinion


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The PRC is bullying everyone in the region. The Vietnamese have a much longer history with the Chinese than with the Americans.

From what I have read, the Vietnamese HATE the Chinese.

cheesy.gif .....yes and the Vietnamese are partial to the US as I understand it ?....lets not talk about bully boy tactics shall we....what was the quote "your either with us or against us".....in reference to one the US's oldest allies....the French...

How is this a rebuttal in any way to Evil Dr's post? Are you saying the Vietnamese are not currently partnering with the US?

Must admit I am a little baffled what soutpeel is laughing about as well...blink.png Not to mention, his post...

He usually is coherent.

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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The PRC is bullying everyone in the region. The Vietnamese have a much longer history with the Chinese than with the Americans.

From what I have read, the Vietnamese HATE the Chinese.

cheesy.gif .....yes and the Vietnamese are partial to the US as I understand it ?....lets not talk about bully boy tactics shall we....what was the quote "your either with us or against us".....in reference to one the US's oldest allies....the French...

Actually the VN fought a quite nasty little war with the Chinese after they won they won what they call "the American war."

When VN invaded Cambodia, China invaded northern VN while their best troops were in the far south, only to find that VN border guards and militia were more than capable, and were forced to withdraw. You won't find it mentioned in Chinese history books.

I heard about that incident, but I was referring to much older events. Going back several hunderd years or more.

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The PRC is bullying everyone in the region. The Vietnamese have a much longer history with the Chinese than with the Americans.

From what I have read, the Vietnamese HATE the Chinese.

cheesy.gif .....yes and the Vietnamese are partial to the US as I understand it ?....lets not talk about bully boy tactics shall we....what was the quote "your either with us or against us".....in reference to one the US's oldest allies....the French...

Actually the VN fought a quite nasty little war with the Chinese after they won they won what they call "the American war."

When VN invaded Cambodia, China invaded northern VN while their best troops were in the far south, only to find that VN border guards and militia were more than capable, and were forced to withdraw. You won't find it mentioned in Chinese history books.

Dont you watch any movies....Vietnam never won the "American war"...you silly billy...rolleyes.gif ...with Rambo and Chuck Norris running how could VN have won ?

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Actually the VN fought a quite nasty little war with the Chinese after they won they won what they call "the American war."

When VN invaded Cambodia, China invaded northern VN while their best troops were in the far south, only to find that VN border guards and militia were more than capable, and were forced to withdraw. You won't find it mentioned in Chinese history books.

Dont you watch any movies....Vietnam never won the "American war"...you silly billy...rolleyes.gif ...with Rambo and Chuck Norris running how could VN have won ?

By the simple method of not giving a toss how long they fought or how many lives were lost.

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It took a couple of years to build U-Tapao; the 11,000 foot runway was opened in 1966. It was a front line US Air Force facility from 1966 to 1975. 80% of all air strikes against North Vietnam originated in Thailand. The US deployed 30 to 50,000 combat troops in Thailand and they were withdrawn in 1976 at the request of the Thai government. The whole Thai operation was hush hush because of a lot of Laos and Cambodian stuff among other reasons.

The chapel is still there. It is next to a Tesco Lotus now.

[media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtLbHU496ig  If[/media] you want to see what the place looked like in 1069.

"1069"....one hopes you are talking about 1969..kerryk...or me and you need to talk about the wright brothers...etc...and my remarks are not to be interpeted as anti-american..whistling.gif

Sorry old chap it was a typo. I corrected it. I hope you are OK with that. How many US negative posts in this thread alone? Hmmm I think you've posted 18. Might be a bit obsessive. Free speech and all cheerio.

Edited by kerryk
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China is Thailand's direct competitor for exports and has already badly damaged Thailand rice industry with the manipulation of their currency. The United States on the other hand has been Thailand's #1 ally in terms of trade and foreign policy for more than a century. Cowtowing to China who look to exploit Thailand more than anything else is plain foolish. Thailand's relations with the US is FAR more important than appeasing the Chinese.

Edited by ThomasBird
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China is Thailand's direct competitor for exports and has already badly damaged Thailand rice industry with the manipulation of their currency. The United States on the other hand has been Thailand's #1 ally in terms of trade and foreign policy for more than a century. Cowtowing to China who look to exploit Thailand more than anything else is plain foolish. Thailand's relations with the US is FAR more important than appeasing the Chinese.

look at this way...China is the new big boy on the block and will end up being the worlds only superpower whether you like it or not...So Thailand would be very wise to Kowtow down to China....

It is my belief that China will end up "owing" most the US over the next 20 years or so...

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I work in exports here in Thailand and China is our biggest problem. Anybody who thinks China wants friendly mutual relations with Thailand is delusional. China wants to BURY Thailand and factories such as ours that have to keep lowering our prices because the Chinese keep their currency artifically low.

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You sound giddy about a totalitarian state taking over the world, but China is centuries away from being the world's only Superpower. The US military dwarfs that of the Chinese who rely on the US consumer more than the rest of the world combined. Totalitarian states have not had good longevity and nobody knows what China's currency is worth so Id put away your party hats for awhile. Maybe Thailand should ask Burma and North Vietnam how well cowtowing to the Chinese has worked out for those countries.

Edited by ThomasBird
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Does "Thai Opinion" also question Chinese patrols of the Mekong and, apparently, the surrender to the Chinese military of Thai sovereignty to police its own country and arrest its own citizens?

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I think everyone here has a piece of the puzzle, but this is not clear cut in my mind.

1) Is the base really a strategic advantage for the US?

2) Why was Hilliary REALLY here in December, glad handing Thailand and Myanmar?

3) Is the base an alternative for American warships because Fukushima Tepco is worse than we know?

4) Do people realize that the United States jacked China big time with junk real estate financing?

I would think China would like their money back and will be more than willing to help the US out by raising the rent.

Don't believe I have ever heard of any TARP money coming out of the People's Republic.

5) Why are the gigantic natural gas reserves on the east border, no longer considered sufficient to meet

Thailand's energy needs by 2015?

6) China's lack of love for baby girls is coming back to bite them.

All the well educated sons are leaving their parent's high and dry, in search of hot chicks and BMW's.

Chinese businesses are very concerned about trying to find enough available labor to make use of the immense amount of raw

materials they have been purchasing for the past 15 years.

Thailand is the nearest, educated place with reasonably abundant energy.

Thailand stands to benefit more by industrializing on China's yuan, than by cleaning the base chow hall and selling Starbucks.coffee1.gif

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You sound giddy about a totalitarian state taking over the world, but China is centuries away from being the world's only Superpower. The US military dwarfs that of the Chinese who rely on the US consumer more than the rest of the world combined. Totalitarian states have not had good longevity and nobody knows what China's currency is worth so Id put away your party hats for awhile. Maybe Thailand should ask Burma and North Vietnam how well cowtowing to the Chinese has worked out for those countries.

Why centuries ? a certain little Ex-British colony went from growing tabacco and cotton to a superpower in a 100 odd years....China is a little further down the line in its development than that little colony was...there is abolutely no reason why China would not become a the only superpower in the next 20 -30 years

The US military is shrinking as and while there is no boogieman to be defending against, military budgets will get smaller

Irrespective of the political policies in China, the name of the game is captialism and China has fully embraced that concept....The one aspect a lot of posters cant accept or will not accept is that US is declining in its influence and will go the same way as the British empire...there are new kids on the block who are going to be the top dogs...

I will not comment any further as regards a comparision between the totalitarian state called the PRC versus the totalitarian state called US...same same but different..I will leave it at that...because our colonial cousins get really upset when I make references to certain goverment act's in place in the US and what that act allows the US goverment to do to its citizens and foreign nationals..thumbsup.gif

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China is Thailand's direct competitor for exports and has already badly damaged Thailand rice industry with the manipulation of their currency. The United States on the other hand has been Thailand's #1 ally in terms of trade and foreign policy for more than a century. Cowtowing to China who look to exploit Thailand more than anything else is plain foolish. Thailand's relations with the US is FAR more important than appeasing the Chinese.

Manipulation of their currency??? Come on, you don't believe that or?

#1 ally? Also when they kicked out the Americans from the base and when they fought with the axis?

When Thailand helped to conquer Afghanistan, Thaksin had to take back the troops as the public pressure was against war.

Since Bush and the wars there isn't as much love in the population as before.

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I don't see China as wanting to be a threat to the US. They are suppliers, competitors and have behaved in a friendly manner. No need for this war talk. US just wants to move out of its bases in Japan since the whole country is radiated. US wants to have bases in Asia to maintain the balance of power but it doesn't take resources from anyone. You mistake the US for the British empire of years ago. (They really should give all the gold, etc. they took from weaker countries back to those countries... and how is it that Billions of acres of land in foreign countries is still held by the British?).

Yeah,and give America back to the Americans(Indians)
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You sound giddy about a totalitarian state taking over the world, but China is centuries away from being the world's only Superpower. The US military dwarfs that of the Chinese who rely on the US consumer more than the rest of the world combined. Totalitarian states have not had good longevity and nobody knows what China's currency is worth so Id put away your party hats for awhile. Maybe Thailand should ask Burma and North Vietnam how well cowtowing to the Chinese has worked out for those countries.

Why centuries ? a certain little Ex-British colony went from growing tabacco and cotton to a superpower in a 100 odd years....China is a little further down the line in its development than that little colony was...there is abolutely no reason why China would not become a the only superpower in the next 20 -30 years

The US military is shrinking as and while there is no boogieman to be defending against, military budgets will get smaller

Irrespective of the political policies in China, the name of the game is captialism and China has fully embraced that concept....The one aspect a lot of posters cant accept or will not accept is that US is declining in its influence and will go the same way as the British empire...there are new kids on the block who are going to be the top dogs...

I will not comment any further as regards a comparision between the totalitarian state called the PRC versus the totalitarian state called US...same same but different..I will leave it at that...because our colonial cousins get really upset when I make references to certain goverment act's in place in the US and what that act allows the US goverment to do to its citizens and foreign nationals..thumbsup.gif

You only need to count: How many countries did the US attack in the last 20-50 years, how many did China attack.

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I think people, including the OP here, are making way too much out a NASA using U-Tapao as a base for a climate study.


This statement is starting to make more sense by the minute, considering all Geo-political and history arguments going on.

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Thailand is the nearest, educated place with reasonably abundant energy.

Thailand doesn have reasonabily abundant energy..if you are referring to natural gas...reserves are declining and would suggest currently less than 20 years left..

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You sound giddy about a totalitarian state taking over the world, but China is centuries away from being the world's only Superpower. The US military dwarfs that of the Chinese who rely on the US consumer more than the rest of the world combined. Totalitarian states have not had good longevity and nobody knows what China's currency is worth so Id put away your party hats for awhile. Maybe Thailand should ask Burma and North Vietnam how well cowtowing to the Chinese has worked out for those countries.

Why centuries ? a certain little Ex-British colony went from growing tabacco and cotton to a superpower in a 100 odd years....China is a little further down the line in its development than that little colony was...there is abolutely no reason why China would not become a the only superpower in the next 20 -30 years

The US military is shrinking as and while there is no boogieman to be defending against, military budgets will get smaller

Irrespective of the political policies in China, the name of the game is captialism and China has fully embraced that concept....The one aspect a lot of posters cant accept or will not accept is that US is declining in its influence and will go the same way as the British empire...there are new kids on the block who are going to be the top dogs...

I will not comment any further as regards a comparision between the totalitarian state called the PRC versus the totalitarian state called US...same same but different..I will leave it at that...because our colonial cousins get really upset when I make references to certain goverment act's in place in the US and what that act allows the US goverment to do to its citizens and foreign nationals..thumbsup.gif

You only need to count: How many countries did the US attack in the last 20-50 years, how many did China attack.

Good point. But from a economic point of view China has taken over more control of other countries in the world than the Yanks have. In the end who will be the winner. Leave us not forget India is going to be a factor to be dealt with down the line. They are predicted to have a larger population than China in 40 years.

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I wonder if the price for this loss of sovereignty by Thailand is the granting of a USA visa to Thaksin?

Defense Minister: US’s use of U-Tapao Airport not exchanged for Thaksin’s visa

BANGKOK, 6 June 2012 (NNT) - Defense Minister Air Chief Marshal Sukumpol Suwanatat has denied rumors that the Thai government allows the US military to use U-Tapao Airport in exchange for ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s US visa.

Air Chief Marshal Sukumpol revealed that the government has allowed the US to use U-Tapao Airport in the eastern region as part of their military cooperation and the matter has nothing to do with Mr Thaksin’s visa. He claimed that the former Prime Minister can enter the US any time he wants.

The Minister said the US will use the airport as a center for disaster relief and humanitarian operations, rather than using it as a military base. He added that Supreme Commander General Tanasak Patimapragorn has talked to Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin E. Dempsey about holding a joint military exercise, Cobra Gold, at the airport to test its efficiency.

Air Chief Marshal Sukumpol explained that U-Tapao Airport is a national airport and is accessible to any visitors; therefore, it is not a suitable place to establish a military base. He also assured that the issue will not irritate China as there will be no weapons at the site.


-- NNT 2012-06-06 footer_n.gif

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Good point. But from a economic point of view China has taken over more control of other countries in the world than the Yanks have. In the end who will be the winner. Leave us not forget India is going to be a factor to be dealt with down the line. They are predicted to have a larger population than China in 40 years.

yes you are right.....But having a strong economic that dominates isn't something illegal or shameful. The USA economic dominated for decades.

If there is a winner, everyone else looses....The best would be similar powerful countries, so they balance themselves.

I recall living between the power blocks in the cold war and USA and Soviet showed their most friendly face to convince us that their system is the best for the people.

But maybe I am wrong, because now it isn't a fight which system is better, it is just equal capitalists against each other. So maybe there is no sense to show anything to the population....

I don't know

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The USA, The USA, why, why, why, can't the just mind their own business. All they can think about is destruction. Why can't they just get on with their own business and leave everyone else alone.

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I don't see China as wanting to be a threat to the US. They are suppliers, competitors and have behaved in a friendly manner. No need for this war talk. US just wants to move out of its bases in Japan since the whole country is radiated. US wants to have bases in Asia to maintain the balance of power but it doesn't take resources from anyone. You mistake the US for the British empire of years ago. (They really should give all the gold, etc. they took from weaker countries back to those countries... and how is it that Billions of acres of land in foreign countries is still held by the British?).

wacko.png ???

"China no threat to USA"

"Whole of Japan is radiated"

"US does not take resources from anyone"

"Billions of acres in foreign countries still held by British"

Not quite sure which statement wins the prize for the most inane!!!

You forgot "They ... have behaved in a friendly manner." which should win first price considering the blatant currency manipulation, unfair trade practices, patent infringement, corporate espionage, and continuous provocative actions of it's military.

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The US military is shrinking as and while there is no boogieman to be defending against, military budgets will get smaller

Red China is looking mighty boogy-ish these days. If you don't have a reason, make one.

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Think the writer of this piece is being a little naive here...just say no

If the US wants to use UTP for what ever reason, they will get it, if it serves the US's interests...resistance is futile...as they will just do the same as they have done in other places...

"just say no".........."just say invade"..............."mission accomplished"...............thumbsup.gif

LOL Get real

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You sound giddy about a totalitarian state taking over the world, but China is centuries away from being the world's only Superpower. The US military dwarfs that of the Chinese who rely on the US consumer more than the rest of the world combined. Totalitarian states have not had good longevity and nobody knows what China's currency is worth so Id put away your party hats for awhile. Maybe Thailand should ask Burma and North Vietnam how well cowtowing to the Chinese has worked out for those countries.

Why centuries ? a certain little Ex-British colony went from growing tabacco and cotton to a superpower in a 100 odd years....China is a little further down the line in its development than that little colony was...there is abolutely no reason why China would not become a the only superpower in the next 20 -30 years

The US military is shrinking as and while there is no boogieman to be defending against, military budgets will get smaller

Irrespective of the political policies in China, the name of the game is captialism and China has fully embraced that concept....The one aspect a lot of posters cant accept or will not accept is that US is declining in its influence and will go the same way as the British empire...there are new kids on the block who are going to be the top dogs...

I will not comment any further as regards a comparision between the totalitarian state called the PRC versus the totalitarian state called US...same same but different..I will leave it at that...because our colonial cousins get really upset when I make references to certain goverment act's in place in the US and what that act allows the US goverment to do to its citizens and foreign nationals..thumbsup.gif

You only need to count: How many countries did the US attack in the last 20-50 years, how many did China attack.

Good point. But from a economic point of view China has taken over more control of other countries in the world than the Yanks have. In the end who will be the winner. Leave us not forget India is going to be a factor to be dealt with down the line. They are predicted to have a larger population than China in 40 years.

dont rationalise this one old chap "h90" was talking about military control...from a ecomomic point of view in the early 80's one could accuse the Japanese of the same thing....if one looks at Saudi investment in the US, one could suggest Saudi Arabia has control over vast portions of the US..

As regards India...this could be very true provided Pakistan doesnt bomb the cr*p out them...as suggested earlier history is coming full circle...Thousands of years ago China was an empire and so was India and very powerful...we are just coming full circle that all

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The only reason GI want to set up in Pattaya (U-ta-pao) is for cheap sex.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The only reason there is cheap sex in Pattaya is because of the GI.

Aussie "GI's" far as I understand....

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