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How To Find Good Graphic Designers In Chiang Mai?


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There are many printing companies in Chiang Mai who have designers working for them, and many art galleries etc.

However, in case of the former, I can imagine they will often treat the work as a routine job.

What are the best ways to find designers with an artistic vision, who speak a decent level of English, and who are familiar with the technicalities of preparing print ready materials? It could be both digital drawing and traditional art.

I visited a few printing companies, without much success. Now I am thinking of visiting some art galleries. Any recommendations?

Any general tips on how to find good graphic designers who speak decent english, have artistic vision and are reasonably priced?

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Why are you limiting yourself to Chiang Mai ?? I have teams of Graphics designers, Writers, Web designers and not one of them is in Chiang Mai

There are many places to find these with people who speak english as a frist language and can do the work for a fraction of anything you can find here in Chiang Mai.

Send me a Pm and I can give you contact (not allowed to post links in threads)


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Why are you limiting yourself to Chiang Mai ??

Because I live in Chiang Mai and it is easier to follow up on the work if I can meet the designer in person as the work progresses.

Well Ok I was just trying to help you out wai.gif and I live in Chiang Mai also but would not waste my time when there is a perfectly easier way than looking for a needle in a haystack (AS YOU ARE FINDING OUT) and then when you do find someone you have to go and meet them and realize the communication thing is a real issue and you find yourself starting all over again.

Good luck with that, and while you are looking for worker in Chiang Mai, you could have 50 SUPERB graphic designers fighting over your job and the the work could of already been completed communicating using Skype, email, etc you certainly don't have to meet anyone in person.

But hey good luck with your search, like i was saying just trying to help


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Why are you limiting yourself to Chiang Mai ??

Because I live in Chiang Mai and it is easier to follow up on the work if I can meet the designer in person as the work progresses.

Well Ok I was just trying to help you out wai.gif and I live in Chiang Mai also but would not waste my time when there is a perfectly easier way than looking for a needle in a haystack (AS YOU ARE FINDING OUT) and then when you do find someone you have to go and meet them and realize the communication thing is a real issue and you find yourself starting all over again.

Good luck with that, and while you are looking for worker in Chiang Mai, you could have 50 SUPERB graphic designers fighting over your job and the the work could of already been completed communicating using Skype, email, etc you certainly don't have to meet anyone in person.

But hey good luck with your search, like i was saying just trying to help


Maybe you are right. I´ll send you a pm

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There are many fine graphic designers in Chiang Mai, and I suspect you'll be getting PM's from some of them.

I think DK's opinions are rigid, strident, and he's probably dealing with low-quality design needs that can be done "one-off," using templates, for rather standard looking websites, or whatever, on the cheap. These posts of his are consistent with what I perceive as the main purpose of his being on this forum is to promote himself.

If you can find a person here you "resonate" with, that you can have good face-to-face communication with, particularly if this site-to-be has a unique aesthetic quality you wish it to express, you'll be better served locally.

Please do perform a search on this forum on: "graphic design."

PM me if you wish some further advice.

good luck, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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There are many fine graphic designers in Chiang Mai, and I suspect you'll be getting PM's from some of them.

I think DK's opinions are rigid, strident, and he's probably dealing with low-quality design needs that can be done "one-off," using templates, for rather standard looking websites, or whatever, on the cheap. These posts of his are consistent with what I perceive as the main purpose of his being on this forum is to promote himself.

If you can find a person here you "resonate" with, that you can have good face-to-face communication with, particularly if this site-to-be has a unique aesthetic quality you wish it to express, you'll be better served locally.

Please do perform a search on this forum on: "graphic design."

PM me if you wish some further advice.

good luck, ~o:37;

My whole online business is a multi million baht a year business and the graphics that are created for me by my team are TOP KNOTCH and the best money can buy, now if you feel that the local market offers better value knock yourself out.

The reality is that I used a service that when you post your job and have around 50 or more graphic designers fighting for your business and you have the opportunity to choose the best applicant after looking through their portfolios browsing the feedback from past customers etc its is way easier better quality and WAAAAAAAAAAAAY cheaper than a local option.

I built a team of top knotch graphic designers although I will admit it took a few tries to find the real gems who I now employ full time


PS although I have been contacted by multiple persons, I DO NOT OFFER GRAPHIC SERVICES NOR AM I LOOKING FOR ANY BUSINESS DOING GRAPHICS, I will leave that for Orang37 and others who are fighting for the scraps, I will merely direct you to the service I use and offer some advice on using the service the best way.

I have looked all over Chiang Mai years ago, and the prices are STUPID, and just take advantage of the ILL informed, not to mention the language issue, why go through all that shit when its real easy to find 5 STAR GRAPHICS at 1 star prices by outsourcing your job and having TOP QUALITY GRAPHIC DESIGNERS FIGHTING OVER YOUR JOB.

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My whole online business is a multi million baht a year business and the graphics that are created for me by my team are TOP KNOTCH and the best money can buy, now if you feel that the local market offers better value knock yourself out.

I built a team of top knotch graphic designers although I will admit it took a few tries to find the real gems who I now employ full time

More bragging, more posing. Ho-hum. I do not believe you created any kind of "team" of graphic designers: you just went shopping and found some people who could meet your needs. I could care less about whether your business is hugely or modestly successful, I do care about your using this forum to fluff yourself, while returning content of little value to others. The "ad hominem" remarks in your reply, which are just mild-entertainment for me, just confirm for me my initial impressions of your behavior here.

PS although I have been contacted by multiple persons, contrary to the monkeys statement above, I DO NOT OFFER GRAPHIC SERVICES NOR AM I LOOKING FOR ANY BUSINESS DOING GRAPHICS, I will leave that for Orang37 and others who are fighting for the scraps, I will merely direct you to the service I use and offer some advice on using the service the best way.

there is no statement I have made on this thread that implies you, yourself, are offering design services. Nor, have I implied that I provide any graphic design services, even though I am capable of doing that. I am busy writing a novel, thanks.

I have looked all over Chiang Mai years ago, and the prices are STUPID, and just take advantage of the ILL informed, not to mention the language issue, why go through all that shit when its real easy to find 5 STAR GRAPHICS at 1 star prices by outsourcing your job and having TOP QUALITY GRAPHIC DESIGNERS FIGHTING OVER YOUR JOB.

By the way, my major point in my first response was that there are excellent farang designers in Chiang Mai, several of whom are on this forum, but, ThaiVisa code-of-conduct indicates it would not be proper for me to post their names. And, I bet you don't speak a word of Thai, and do not have the interpersonal skills to establish a relationship with a Thai designer.

Please understand, I am not attacking your "soul," or impugning your character, here: I am responding to what I perceive as your on-line behavior in your "persona" on this forum. If I did swerve off-track into speaking to you in an "ad hominem" less-than-respectful manner, I apologize.

best, Bill

Edited by onthedarkside
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