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Iaea, Iran Fail To Reach Deal On Nuclear Probe


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IAEA, Iran fail to reach deal on nuclear probe < br />

2012-06-09 05:33:52 GMT+7 (ICT)

VIENNA, AUSTRIA (BNO NEWS) -- The United Nations (UN) nuclear watchdog on Friday said no progress was made after hours of talks with an Iranian delegation in an effort to seal a deal on resuming a long-stalled investigation into suspected nuclear weapons research by Tehran.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Deputy Director General Herman Nackaerts said there was no progress after a long, eight-hour meeting with the Iranian delegation in Vienna, the capital of Austria. The nuclear watchdog had hoped to seal a deal to get Iran to sign the so-called 'Structured Approach' document.

"The Agency team came to the meeting in a constructive spirit with the desire and intention of finalizing the paper," Nackaerts said following the meeting. "We presented a revised draft which addressed Iran's earlier stated concerns. However, there has been no progress and, indeed, Iran raised issues that we have already discussed and added new ones. This is disappointing."

The 'Structured Approach' agreement, reached between IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano and Iranian officials during a meeting last month in Tehran, would allow IAEA inspectors to resume a long-stalled investigation into suspected nuclear weapons research by Iran. "I was assured that agreement on the structured approach would be expedited and that the remaining differences between Iran and the Agency would not be an obstacle to reaching agreement," Amano said on Monday, expressing hope Iran would sign and implement the document.

However, following Friday's meeting, Iran's Ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, told the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) that "everything is moving in the right path" and that talks will continue. "This is a special issue," he was quoted as saying, adding that any agreement should be determined with patience and accuracy.

Nackaerts said a date for a follow-up meeting has not yet been set.

International concerns regarding Iran's nuclear activities have been increasing for decades. And while Iran has repeatedly stated that its nuclear program is for the peaceful purpose of providing energy, many countries contend it is seeking to develop nuclear weapons and may be close to obtain them.

Amano said earlier this week that the Iranian government is not providing the necessary cooperation to enable the agency to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran. This is needed before the IAEA can conclude that all nuclear material and activities in Iran is for peaceful purposes.

Amano spoke during the year's second meeting of the IAEA's Board of Governors in Vienna. "I urge Iran to take steps towards the full implementation of all relevant obligations in order to establish international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program," he said on Monday.

The latest developments this week came amidst allegations that the Iranian government may be attempting to destroy evidence of its nuclear activities. Recent satellite images obtained by the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) shows sanitization activity at the Parchin nuclear facility site where Iran is suspected to have conducted high explosives tests pertinent to the development of nuclear weapons.

The DigitalGlobe satellite imagery from late May shows that two buildings at the same site as the suspected testing chamber have been demolished. The satellite images also show clear evidence of tracks likely made by heavy machinery during the demolition process and extensive evidence of earth displacement.

The ISIS revelations came after news of activity at the site's suspected explosives testing chamber building in early April. Satellite images then showed unidentified items lined up outside the building and a stream of water emanating nearby. This raised allegations that Iran is attempting to cleanse the site, using the stream of water to wash the inside of the building or the items outside.

"The newest image raises concerns that Iran is attempting to raze the site prior to allowing an IAEA visit," the think thank's founder David Albright wrote in a report late last month. "The razing of the two buildings may also indicate that Iran has no intention to allow inspectors access soon. In 2004, Iran razed the Lavisan-Shian site, which held the Physics Research Center (PHRC), interfering with the ability of the IAEA to investigate allegations that the PHRC was involved in military nuclear activities."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-06-09

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Iran are obviously working on nuclear weapons in my view, and they see it as their right to do so. My opinion on the Iranian leadership both clerical and political, is that they see themselves as 'above' the IAEA and infact above most of the world. It is not only Israel they look down upon and disrespect, it is most of the secular world. I am talking mainly about the leaders and hardliners, I have an Iranian friend who is neither of those things and he loves western people and hollywood movies etc. and many normal Iranians do not share the extreme views of the leadership.

However, the leadership remind me of Mugabe in the sense that even while their own country is failing in so many ways, and crippled by oppression, they still sneer at the international-community and genuinely "look down" on other nations which have much more sophisticated and efficient societies and happier people. I think the nuclear issue is just an extension of this superiority complex, Iran's leaders have a blind-spot when it comes to accepting their failings, and instead look down on more successul powerful nations and therefor will not listen or discuss nuclear issues openly with the community.

Since the Islamic revolution, huge numbers of Iranians have been lifted out of poverty, health and education have both improved, but that has to be put alongside extremely high income from oil. Traditionally Iranians hold wealth-accumulation in high disregard, it is not seen as the purpose of life. This means that the state can and does withhold a lot of money without it being seen as an affront. And this money is certainly enough to fund a nuclear weapons programme. The truth is that we don't know what the normal majority of non-hardline Iranians think about all this, but my guess is that they don't want this conflict with the international community and would yield to the IAEA if they were in power.

In Your view.l Fortunately your view doesn't count for much.
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Iran are obviously working on nuclear weapons in my view, and they see it as their right to do so. My opinion on the Iranian leadership both clerical and political, is that they see themselves as 'above' the IAEA and infact above most of the world. It is not only Israel they look down upon and disrespect, it is most of the secular world. I am talking mainly about the leaders and hardliners, I have an Iranian friend who is neither of those things and he loves western people and hollywood movies etc. and many normal Iranians do not share the extreme views of the leadership.

However, the leadership remind me of Mugabe in the sense that even while their own country is failing in so many ways, and crippled by oppression, they still sneer at the international-community and genuinely "look down" on other nations which have much more sophisticated and efficient societies and happier people. I think the nuclear issue is just an extension of this superiority complex, Iran's leaders have a blind-spot when it comes to accepting their failings, and instead look down on more successul powerful nations and therefor will not listen or discuss nuclear issues openly with the community.

Since the Islamic revolution, huge numbers of Iranians have been lifted out of poverty, health and education have both improved, but that has to be put alongside extremely high income from oil. Traditionally Iranians hold wealth-accumulation in high disregard, it is not seen as the purpose of life. This means that the state can and does withhold a lot of money without it being seen as an affront. And this money is certainly enough to fund a nuclear weapons programme. The truth is that we don't know what the normal majority of non-hardline Iranians think about all this, but my guess is that they don't want this conflict with the international community and would yield to the IAEA if they were in power.

In Your view.l Fortunately your view doesn't count for much.

Can you expand on what you say? I was not really an advocate of the fact the Iran was building Nukes, but times and information change and the information from IAEA is concerning. What is wrong with Yunla's post and why? I am not having a go, I am genuinely interested.

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Iran are obviously working on nuclear weapons in my view, and they see it as their right to do so. My opinion on the Iranian leadership both clerical and political, is that they see themselves as 'above' the IAEA and infact above most of the world. It is not only Israel they look down upon and disrespect, it is most of the secular world. I am talking mainly about the leaders and hardliners, I have an Iranian friend who is neither of those things and he loves western people and hollywood movies etc. and many normal Iranians do not share the extreme views of the leadership.

However, the leadership remind me of Mugabe in the sense that even while their own country is failing in so many ways, and crippled by oppression, they still sneer at the international-community and genuinely "look down" on other nations which have much more sophisticated and efficient societies and happier people. I think the nuclear issue is just an extension of this superiority complex, Iran's leaders have a blind-spot when it comes to accepting their failings, and instead look down on more successul powerful nations and therefor will not listen or discuss nuclear issues openly with the community.

Since the Islamic revolution, huge numbers of Iranians have been lifted out of poverty, health and education have both improved, but that has to be put alongside extremely high income from oil. Traditionally Iranians hold wealth-accumulation in high disregard, it is not seen as the purpose of life. This means that the state can and does withhold a lot of money without it being seen as an affront. And this money is certainly enough to fund a nuclear weapons programme. The truth is that we don't know what the normal majority of non-hardline Iranians think about all this, but my guess is that they don't want this conflict with the international community and would yield to the IAEA if they were in power.

In Your view.l Fortunately your view doesn't count for much.

Can you expand on what you say? I was not really an advocate of the fact the Iran was building Nukes, but times and information change and the information from IAEA is concerning. What is wrong with Yunla's post and why? I am not having a go, I am genuinely interested.

With pleasure GJ. I was not having a go either, i was responding to a poster who stated that " Obviously Iran is working on a nuclear weapon". It is not obvious at all, indeed all the informed opinion from people who are in a position to know, ie, inspectors, even the CIA have grudgingly admitted that there is no evidence at all. Indeed, all the evidence suggests that the opposite is the case. But of course this will never satisfy the warmongers in the West who have never forgiven Iran for overthrowing the Shah, who was installed by the CIA / Mi6, because they had the temerity to think that the natural resources of Iran belonged to Iran, and not Western multinational oil companies. America and their cheerleaders in the West really do have to get over this belief they have that all the oil in the world belongs to them! It doesn't. Might is not necessarily right. Thats all.

Thanks Exsexyman (i always read it as if you are from Essex LoL), that is more comprehensive stuff for people to consider, I lean heavily on your side, and have had enough of war personally not to be a war mongerer. I have had a good enough life that if it ends tomorrow its ok, what I worry about now is what my children face in the future, and when I was their age life was nowhere near as precariously positioned. All you can do as a responsible parent is do whatever you can for them, non of my thoughts are for me.


Edited by GentlemanJim
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I do know several Iranians including a best friend from school, and have enjoyed the generous hospitality of their homes many times. They discuss the matter of the Iranian Govt mishandling relations with the international community, with great sadness, and I believe that many if not most Iranians share this view that they would prefer to have a more compliant and friendly relationship with the community and by inference the IAEA.

Sadly, there is a huge hardline community in Iran including the leadership and as such the normal Iranians' opinions on the IAEA and relationship with the rest of humanity are views that (to quote your wise words) "doesn't count for much" to the leadership. This to me is a source of great sadness because in any future confrontation it will be the majority of moderate Iranians who suffer and not the hardline leaders who will be safely ensconced in bunkers.

It would appear from the attitudes of certain of our esteemed members that they too have Iranian friends, but of the bearded hardline annhialationist variety. I suspect they would be drinking buddies if it wasn't haram.

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Iran are obviously working on nuclear weapons in my view, and they see it as their right to do so. My opinion on the Iranian leadership both clerical and political, is that they see themselves as 'above' the IAEA and infact above most of the world. It is not only Israel they look down upon and disrespect, it is most of the secular world. I am talking mainly about the leaders and hardliners, I have an Iranian friend who is neither of those things and he loves western people and hollywood movies etc. and many normal Iranians do not share the extreme views of the leadership.

However, the leadership remind me of Mugabe in the sense that even while their own country is failing in so many ways, and crippled by oppression, they still sneer at the international-community and genuinely "look down" on other nations which have much more sophisticated and efficient societies and happier people. I think the nuclear issue is just an extension of this superiority complex, Iran's leaders have a blind-spot when it comes to accepting their failings, and instead look down on more successul powerful nations and therefor will not listen or discuss nuclear issues openly with the community.

Since the Islamic revolution, huge numbers of Iranians have been lifted out of poverty, health and education have both improved, but that has to be put alongside extremely high income from oil. Traditionally Iranians hold wealth-accumulation in high disregard, it is not seen as the purpose of life. This means that the state can and does withhold a lot of money without it being seen as an affront. And this money is certainly enough to fund a nuclear weapons programme. The truth is that we don't know what the normal majority of non-hardline Iranians think about all this, but my guess is that they don't want this conflict with the international community and would yield to the IAEA if they were in power.

The Iranians will NEVER allow inspections it simply is not going to happen ,(just like Saddam Hussein stalled and delayed the inspections he agreed to after his defeat.which led to the invasion of Iraq)Saddam jerked us around in a similar fashion for years .

In order to understand this ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity

The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

Once they succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links






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