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Starting A Business, Is It Worth The Hassle?


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I would recommend concentrating on a business (or businesses) in which you already have solid experience back home.

Setting up a new business in a new country is difficult, setting up a new business in a new country and a new industry is very difficult.

I have shared my experiences here before.

I tried to start a biz based on what I was doing very well at in the UK....it tanked.

I then tried my hand at 3 other businesses here that I had never had any experience in , all failed

So I decided to keep the rest of my cash offshore earning interest.

I was lucky that I did not commit more than a couple of million baht to these ventures, if I had continued to throw good money after bad I would be broke by now.

If I had the chance to do it again I would go down the 7/11 route, but I have been so put off with rules and regulations here that I am past bothering.

So my advice would be that unless you absolutley MUST earn a living here don't bother trying, I know some will say that's a very negative approach, but I am just sharing my experiences, It's obviously up to the OP to make a decision for himself, but as previously said stay away from Internet cafe's (which are getting even less business these days with the arrival of smart phones) and coffee shops, I have lost count of the number of them that I have seen come and go here in Chiang Mai.

But good luck to you if you go for something

Counteropinion: if you can work as hard as the locals then setting up a business is worthwhile, though you may not have the support network that locals may have as well as the language/cultural obstacles, it is acheivable.

You have some good advice above.

1) Be an experienced businessperson

2) Learn the language and culture

3) Work long hours

With the above three points you will probably do well.

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