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How Evil Is It To Do A Runner?


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First rule, of course, is never let a psycho move in with you. Psychos can be great in bed, but they make poor LTR. Men should learn to recognize a psycho, so that they would never fall into the trap.

and how does one recognise the typical psycho's oh wise one ?.....is there stamp or tattoo secreted somewhere on their person one looks for.....whistling.gif ...waiting with baited breath for your wise council...rolleyes.gif

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What would you do if a Thai woman attacked you with a weapon? Let her slice you up or would you punch her out? Either way you lose, so why put yourself in that position? Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.

What do you mean - either way you lose?

You punch out or do whatever is necessary to defend yourself and you win.

Then they call the police and have you arrested and jailed (and in Thailand deported).

Ever tried the 'she hit me first' defense either in court or with a policeman who wants to 'teach you a lesson'?

Have I got this right, the 'cowardly to run away brigade' think it's OK to hit women?

So if someones trying to kill you with a knife you just stand there and let them ?

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What would you do if a Thai woman attacked you with a weapon? Let her slice you up or would you punch her out? Either way you lose, so why put yourself in that position? Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.

What do you mean - either way you lose?

You punch out or do whatever is necessary to defend yourself and you win.

Then they call the police and have you arrested and jailed (and in Thailand deported).

Ever tried the 'she hit me first' defense either in court or with a policeman who wants to 'teach you a lesson'?

Have I got this right, the 'cowardly to run away brigade' think it's OK to hit women?

So if someones trying to kill you with a knife you just stand there and let them ?

Not so long ago l disarmed a Thai lady who was going to bash her aging husband with an empty Vodka bottle. He had drunk it and deserved a bash with the shit he was coming out with but l'd rather deal with her than fix his broken head, or worse. biggrin.png
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Not so long ago l disarmed a Thai lady who was going to bash her aging husband with an empty Vodka bottle. He had drunk it and deserved a bash with the shit he was coming out with but l'd rather deal with her than fix his broken head, or worse. biggrin.png

His head probably hurt to hell in the morning anyway and he wasn't going to get his other one nursed to help him feel better. biggrin.png

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That won't happen though. Instead, everything will be gone & sold within a couple weeks, then it's probably back to the village to cry about how poor & hard done by you are. Of course, don't blame yourself, and just blame the nasty farang who did this to you! Then make sure to sit around and drink lao khao with your friends, while crying about how hurt you are, and everyone schemes up ideas on how to get back at that nasty farang! That's kind of what I'm expecting will happen, hence me contemplating doing a runner, which would normally be unthinkable for me.

At the end of the day only you can make the decision as to what to do and dont listen to the old farts on TV who most likely in similar relationship with their "child brides" and dont have the balls to do anything about their sad little lives...

If its time to go...its time to go...leave the note, leave some cash if you wish and out the door and dont look back....in situations like this look after number 1

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How long have you lived in this country?

This sounds like tourist talk.

Excluding previous trips, 3 years full time. I'm up in Issan, so maybe it's different where you are. For example, I know of a lady who ended up in hospital in critical condition, because she was selling black market lottery, and screwed someone out of 3000 baht. I know of two husbands who murdered their wives over jealously -- one subsequently hung himself, and the other is now in a cell, probably for life. There's mafia all over the place around here, and they're only a phone call away.

Do you seriously believe if I throw someone back into abject poverty, there'll be no consequences, and all of my rights will be protected under the rule of law? What Thailand do you live in? That's not at all how it works, or at least not up here.

If you leave too much money, she has resources to come find you...leave less.

Nah, no worries, there won't be any finding me. I wouldn't mind going to South America or something, but with the dogs it's tough, and leaving them behind simply isn't an option. They're coming with me, regardless of where I go.

I have to smile at those guys saying they would sit down and talk it out. You think you are talking to a logical, rational and reasonable person who will shed a tear, hug you and say "i understand". Wrong. You are talking to an insane, irrational and completely unreasonable person who will try every emotional blackmail she can, and failing that, cut your liver out given half a chance.

Exactly. And it'll be all my fault, and all the blame will land on me, even though that notion is ridiculous. I don't know, I guess I was a little delusional before, as I can understand abject poverty, but just assumed if you enter into a genuine loving relationship with someone, and provided a healthy & stable environment, that person would actually do something with themselves. But nope, I was obviously wrong on that.

For example, take the house. Nice 4 bdrm, 2 storey, rent is only 4500/month, and we already have one roommate who pitches in 1000/month. You could EASILY get a couple more roommates, cut True Cable and switch back to KTV at 350/month, don't turn air conditioning on in the bedroom, and total monthly expenses would only be 8000/month. That's it, and easily done even by 4 people working at 7/11 for 7000/month each. Let alone investing say 20k of the the money I leave into selling shirts at the market, where you can easily make 12-15k/month, and I know this, because we've done it before. As with every little venture though, within a few weeks it's finished, shrug the shoulders, say "mai bpen rai", and don't worry about it.

That won't happen though. Instead, everything will be gone & sold within a couple weeks, then it's probably back to the village to cry about how poor & hard done by you are. Of course, don't blame yourself, and just blame the nasty farang who did this to you! Then make sure to sit around and drink lao khao with your friends, while crying about how hurt you are, and everyone schemes up ideas on how to get back at that nasty farang! That's kind of what I'm expecting will happen, hence me contemplating doing a runner, which would normally be unthinkable for me.

I'm sure you've worked this out already. Move away from Esarn to somewhere more expensive where people who act like this with no money can not afford to pay 'mafias'. Where it's more expensive to live so people are more educated and can't stand this kind of people.

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but then again it seems it all comes down to the type of woman you choose to let under your roof.

You sleep with poor homeless women, I sleep with a woman who owns a house.

Is that because you can't own it ?

I provided a house for a woman once (in the UK) the judge let her keep it, now it's their turn to house me.

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So if someones trying to kill you with a knife you just stand there and let them ?

Better to avoid that sort of situation in the first place.

I'm sure you've worked this out already. Move away from Esarn to somewhere more expensive where people who act like this with no money can not afford to pay 'mafias'. Where it's more expensive to live so people are more educated and can't stand this kind of people.

So your advice is leave Thailand.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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but then again it seems it all comes down to the type of woman you choose to let under your roof.

You sleep with poor homeless women, I sleep with a woman who owns a house.

Is that because you can't own it ?

I provided a house for a woman once (in the UK) the judge let her keep it, now it's their turn to house me.

The Judges ?

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The only reason to rate you an a**hole is the fact that you had to get permission/validation/support from a forum full of other a**holes to do what you already know you must.

Man up, and "Drop off the key, Lee"

Edited by Sateev
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I give you a 1 as well.

No kids, not married. Take your dogs and go far away and enjoy.

Is there a change she might come looking for you? If there is be careful where you settle down.

Agree. cut and run.

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Everybody has their reasons and it takes two to Tango as they say.

I wouldn't call what you propose as doing a runner if you intend leaving a chunk of cash and there is no marriage or kids then its not exactly desertion is it?

Leaving a note of explanation indicates you have some sense of responsibility and respect of the fact that she is worthy of knowing that you have chosen to leave and that you have your reasons.

Being worried about repercussions (of a final nature) would indicate that you either don't trust this woman or you know her well enough to think that she could be capable of such a thing. Otherwise there wouldn't be any such need for the "runner" method. That said,.. if she is that way inclined from a character perspective then IMHO you are wise to get out while you can and however you can.

Definitely not an A-hole IMHO,... $#it happens,... just move on and live as purposeful a life as you can muster.

I wish you well.


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I give you a 1 as well.

No kids, not married. Take your dogs and go far away and enjoy.

Is there a change she might come looking for you? If there is be careful where you settle down.

Agree. cut and run.

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Change your mobile nr asap authorities can track you down....I have done it...they find your whereabouts within minutes and meters , not only on TV but in real life as well. You must have your reasons...why do I hear stories like this almost daily ?

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Change your mobile nr asap authorities can track you down....I have done it...they find your whereabouts within minutes and meters , not only on TV but in real life as well. You must have your reasons...why do I hear stories like this almost daily ?

I havent seen the OP admit to committing a crime! Why would the authorities want to track him down through his mobile.. on the grounds of what, ditching his partner? This is beginning to sound totally stupid.

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How long have you lived in this country?

This sounds like tourist talk.

Excluding previous trips, 3 years full time. I'm up in Issan, so maybe it's different where you are. For example, I know of a lady who ended up in hospital in critical condition, because she was selling black market lottery, and screwed someone out of 3000 baht. I know of two husbands who murdered their wives over jealously -- one subsequently hung himself, and the other is now in a cell, probably for life. There's mafia all over the place around here, and they're only a phone call away.

Do you seriously believe if I throw someone back into abject poverty, there'll be no consequences, and all of my rights will be protected under the rule of law? What Thailand do you live in? That's not at all how it works, or at least not up here.

If you leave too much money, she has resources to come find you...leave less.

Nah, no worries, there won't be any finding me. I wouldn't mind going to South America or something, but with the dogs it's tough, and leaving them behind simply isn't an option. They're coming with me, regardless of where I go.

I have to smile at those guys saying they would sit down and talk it out. You think you are talking to a logical, rational and reasonable person who will shed a tear, hug you and say "i understand". Wrong. You are talking to an insane, irrational and completely unreasonable person who will try every emotional blackmail she can, and failing that, cut your liver out given half a chance.

Exactly. And it'll be all my fault, and all the blame will land on me, even though that notion is ridiculous. I don't know, I guess I was a little delusional before, as I can understand abject poverty, but just assumed if you enter into a genuine loving relationship with someone, and provided a healthy & stable environment, that person would actually do something with themselves. But nope, I was obviously wrong on that.

For example, take the house. Nice 4 bdrm, 2 storey, rent is only 4500/month, and we already have one roommate who pitches in 1000/month. You could EASILY get a couple more roommates, cut True Cable and switch back to KTV at 350/month, don't turn air conditioning on in the bedroom, and total monthly expenses would only be 8000/month. That's it, and easily done even by 4 people working at 7/11 for 7000/month each. Let alone investing say 20k of the the money I leave into selling shirts at the market, where you can easily make 12-15k/month, and I know this, because we've done it before. As with every little venture though, within a few weeks it's finished, shrug the shoulders, say "mai bpen rai", and don't worry about it.

That won't happen though. Instead, everything will be gone & sold within a couple weeks, then it's probably back to the village to cry about how poor & hard done by you are. Of course, don't blame yourself, and just blame the nasty farang who did this to you! Then make sure to sit around and drink lao khao with your friends, while crying about how hurt you are, and everyone schemes up ideas on how to get back at that nasty farang! That's kind of what I'm expecting will happen, hence me contemplating doing a runner, which would normally be unthinkable for me.

I'd say you've already made the emotional step, it only remains to plan your physical move. On that aspect, if you're going to do it, do it properly. I would be very, very thorough and very careful. Do not leave a trail to follow IN ANY RESPECT. If you think some little thing won't matter, think again - it will.

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When you gotta cut you gotta cut, not an asshol_e act at all the way described and Iam sure she/he will appreciate it after the initial shock has worn off.

out of 10 I rate it a 1.

Not an a-hole at all... let's face it, she only married you for the money, so now she can go find another sucker. Good for you..

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First rule, of course, is never let a psycho move in with you. Psychos can be great in bed, but they make poor LTR. Men should learn to recognize a psycho, so that they would never fall into the trap.

and how does one recognise the typical psycho's oh wise one ?.....is there stamp or tattoo secreted somewhere on their person one looks for.....whistling.gif ...waiting with baited breath for your wise council...rolleyes.gif

Yes, check the scalp under her hair. There will be a tattoo that reads '666'

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Change your mobile nr asap authorities can track you down....I have done it...they find your whereabouts within minutes and meters , not only on TV but in real life as well. You must have your reasons...why do I hear stories like this almost daily ?

Forgot to take you meds again today ?

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From reading what you've written I don't think it's even slightly evil. You want out, you know what she's going to be like. Just make sure you plan it perfectly. If she's away for the weekend or something, so much the better. Best if you have a couple of days before she knows that you can get out of the country. Block her and all her friends and family from your facebook. Google your name and check what comes up and remove it if need be. If she doesn't know what country you go to and how to contact you, you'll be fine.

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3 year relationship, no kids or marriage, and me doing a runner. Just leave a note (in Thai) explaining my rationale, with a sizable chunk of money in it to feel good knowing I left them in a position where if they wanted, they could easily get themselves setup with a decent life. Then disappearing never to be seen again. Other than a (rented) house full of furniture and electronics, we don't have anything together, and I'm happy to leave all that behind. I have two large dogs that will be coming with me, but that's all I care about.

I mean, if this was Canada I wouldn't even fathom doing it. I'm more than man enough to sit down and discuss things, but well, this is Thailand. I already know how the conversation will go, and I just don't see the point in doing it. That, and the last thing I want is some pissed off, deeply hurt Thai on my hands, who no longer has anything to lose.

So on a scale of 1 - 10, how big of an asshol_e does that make me?

If she had enough of you she wouldn't give a shit so I personally think your being nice so good luck to you and the dogs and get the *Snip* out of there ....

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