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GMM Grammy Defends Self On Euro 2012


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The content should be available to True subs but GMM is blocking it. How is that True's fault? Here is another thought what is GMM business model if they are buying satellite and cable rights and then trying to sell them on to their competitor -could only happen in Thailand.

It's TRUEs fault because they refused to pay for the content. That is why GMM is blocking it. What is so hard to understand about all this?

It is not True's fault. They receive & broadcast the EUFA Championship games without extra payment because they relay the Thai free-to-air channels, without any interference or extra payment. It is Grammy that is blocking this with total bullsht about contacting EUFA over the problem.

What satellite dish does the crappy Grammy box use? True's. Actually True should be charging Grammy for this.

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The content should be available to True subs but GMM is blocking it. How is that True's fault? Here is another thought what is GMM business model if they are buying satellite and cable rights and then trying to sell them on to their competitor -could only happen in Thailand.

It's TRUEs fault because they refused to pay for the content. That is why GMM is blocking it. What is so hard to understand about all this?

It is not True's fault. They receive & broadcast the EUFA Championship games without extra payment because they relay the Thai free-to-air channels, without any interference or extra payment. It is Grammy that is blocking this with total bullsht about contacting EUFA over the problem.

What satellite dish does the crappy Grammy box use? True's. Actually True should be charging Grammy for this.

Again.. it's not TRUE's satellite. They rent some of the transponders on Thaicom 2/5. Why do you think they don't offer all the HD channels to their SAT subscribers that they offer their cable subscribers? Because they don't want to pay for the extra transponders on the satellite. Blame whomever you want really it's your prerogative. TRUE had the chance to pay for the games and they chose not to.

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How can you say it is True's fault for refusing to pay for something that it could not possibly make money from at the prices asked?

True refused to pay for the content for 2 main reasons Number 1 They can't make money from it because Channel 3,5,9 get all the AD Income and number 2 because by law they should already have the feed as they have an agreement with the terrestrial channels to rebroadcast their content which clearly NBTC is trying to enforce-hence the fine. You can't blame a company for smart business practice-Well I guess you can-this is the internet.

If a company offers something at a price that makes no financial sense how can you lay fault on someone for not buying it??

ok.. you win.. it's not TRUE's fault. It's the customer's fault for not paying the correct people so they can watch the games.

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The content should be available to True subs but GMM is blocking it. How is that True's fault? Here is another thought what is GMM business model if they are buying satellite and cable rights and then trying to sell them on to their competitor -could only happen in Thailand.

It's TRUEs fault because they refused to pay for the content. That is why GMM is blocking it. What is so hard to understand about all this?

It is not True's fault. They receive & broadcast the EUFA Championship games without extra payment because they relay the Thai free-to-air channels, without any interference or extra payment. It is Grammy that is blocking this with total bullsht about contacting EUFA over the problem.

What satellite dish does the crappy Grammy box use? True's. Actually True should be charging Grammy for this.

Again.. it's not TRUE's satellite. They rent some of the transponders on Thaicom 2/5. Why do you think they don't offer all the HD channels to their SAT subscribers that they offer their cable subscribers? Because they don't want to pay for the extra transponders on the satellite. Blame whomever you want really it's your prerogative. TRUE had the chance to pay for the games and they chose not to.

You need to read my post again. I said that the gammy box uses True's satellite dish. That's dish not satellite.

Most of the posts have been 'I hate True' so therefore True is in the wrong here. Just firing off posts without thinking the issue through. I'm not accusing you of that but you are barking up the wrong tree.

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I have cancelled my platinum package with True and explained to them exactly why. This fiasco is the final straw, their customer service resembles that of a UK government department in the 1970's. The only product I will miss is the recently added BBC Knowledge channel.

BBC Knowledge is carried on True's Gold package.

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Someone told me last night that Thailand's polorised politics is behind this. True is known as a Democrat supporting company whereas Paiboon at least makes the right noises toward the government. I don't know if this is true(!) but ti wouldn't surprise me!

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Cut the BS. I bought the good old wired antennae. Hooked it up to my LED TV.

I'm not paying GMM for a box to watch a football tournament. But then again I believe that they've got the NFL!!! hmmmmm.

Yeah me too. I watched the France England game on terrestrial TV with commentary from BBC radio 5 live. OK the sync was a bit out but I survived the experience and at least not held to ransom by True. Their product is way over priced.

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Cut the BS. I bought the good old wired antennae. Hooked it up to my LED TV.

I'm not paying GMM for a box to watch a football tournament. But then again I believe that they've got the NFL!!! hmmmmm.

Yeah me too. I watched the France England game on terrestrial TV with commentary from BBC radio 5 live. OK the sync was a bit out but I survived the experience and at least not held to ransom by True. Their product is way over priced.

I don't get this. How are True holding anyone to ransom? They're not showing the Euros because they didn't buy the rights. No one is forcing anyone to have True.

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I dont get the problem and why Grammy has to defende themselves: They have the rights, end of story. If True offers sth to their customers that they cannot deliver because negotiations breakdown, they are the bad/dumb guys.

Fully agree. The people here saying GMM are at fault are the sad farts who are desperate to watch the thing. For all you care I could have bought the rights and given your all the middle finger if True didn't pay me a trillion baht for second rights to broadcast.

It's as we see it -- True BELIEVED they would get unfathomable rights to the doggie dish through the NBTC. The NBTC basically says "Look, AT ALL COSTS, TRUE should broadcast the games, even if it means them getting shafted 'up theirs'". But of course TRUE wouldn't budge. Just a bunch of silly farangs and Thais and their silly game after all. Not like these people will be out in numbers on the streets demolishing the city over it anyways.

But that's just the thing -- if you paid 400 million baht (or so) for the rights to something -- then I think that gives you the "right" to make the deals with those who DON'T have the "rights". It's just the sheer arrogance and unwillingness of businesses here to 'cooperate' with each other. Not like it's much different elsewhere -- I mean, would Apple pay for the rights to use another companies' stuff? Oh wait, they do (but in the meantime find ways to make their own stuff and get around through copyright loopholes).

Good on True for getting slapped with a 'fine', as pathetic and pointless as it is. They'd hurt more in terms of loss of face and lost subscribers than a pathetic THB20,000 fine. I mean, that's a lot for you and me, but for a billion baht company?? These laws are so retarded --- being drawn up by children who have no concept of scales (but of course... they serve their purpose well -- allows the corrupt to remain corrupt without losing so much as chump change).

Enjoy the games online.

Edited by theajarn
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Someone told me last night that Thailand's polorised politics is behind this. True is known as a Democrat supporting company whereas Paiboon at least makes the right noises toward the government. I don't know if this is true(!) but ti wouldn't surprise me!

It's Thaksin's fault. blink.pngwhistling.gif

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I can't believe the comments I am reading. Too much sun and Chang for sure.

This has nothing to do with TrueVisions. This is all about Grammy and its partners either trying to sell set top boxes or extort a large fee from True for the rights. True according to the NBTC "must carry" the matches as it is in their contractual obligation with the airing of terrestrial TV stations. This is correct. But Grammy are not allowing them access to the signal based on a complete load of B....... that UEFA need to approve the airing. They do not- it is a load of nonsense. Grammy is the full rights holder in Thailand for both terrestrial and satellite otherwise how could they air through their own boxes??? Also the claim to have just done a deal with DTV And Cable Holding -so did they seek approval for that from UEFA -not likely.

The NBTC Vice Chairman said "True is using legal loopholes to hold consumers hostage for business gains". What planet is this guy from. There is no business gain to True if you logically think about it and it is Grammy holding the consumers hostage.

Grammy cites concerns that the True signal can be received outside of Thailand. True has said it will encrypt the signal. So close that argument. And anyway how many Astro boxes from Malaysia are in the Kingdom-thousands. Its a huge blag by Grammy trying to confuse the issue. There is no issue. The law says True must air the programming and Grammy is stopping it from doing so. NBTC should fine itself for failure to ensure that Grammy gives True the decryption keys.

Get with the programme guys this is not about True airing the Euro in its own right it is about Grammy blocking regular programming on terrestrial channels carried by True.

Nuff said

Want some cheese with your wine!! GMM has 400 million reasons to sell their set tops! True had the option to share the costs and in True form dropped the ball again!!

True is also holding consumers hostage by making them buy TRUE subscriptions. Oh wait... according to your logic, TVs are holding people hostage by making them buy TVs to watch the game!!

GMM paid 400 million for the rights. They HAVE the right to give ANYONE the finger. If you don't like it, then next time I suggest you start a campaign, raise 400 million baht for the betterment of society, and buy the rights to watch the games yourself. Then you can hand those rights to everyone else. For free.

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Why do True have to pay a fine of 20,000 Baht a day if they don't broadcast the Footy.

If Grammy don't give them the code then how can they broadcast. Shouldn't it be Grammy paying the fine until they allow True in.

Dont understand the situation at all.

Can somebody explain

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I refuse to buy a box from GMM but in the same time I realize that I with action I loose my matches but that is my problem and not a GMM mistake. True proved to be a company who is only in it for the money ( which is also allowed ) Time to look for another provider and with me I hope many will do the same. Suggestions on alternatives are welcome wai.gif

I refuse to buy a box from GMM but in the same time I realize that I with action I loose my matches but that is my problem and not a GMM mistake. True proved to be a company who is only in it for the money ( which is also allowed ) Time to look for another provider and with me I hope many will do the same. Suggestions on alternatives are welcome wai.gif

Done it already. Switched over my hotel completely to cable.

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There's a lot of garbage being written on this subject, GMM have the rights. End of story.

It's normal practise in the West for major players such as Sky TV to bid for the rights and retain them.

It's called business.

FIFA and UEFA, along with F1 and the IOC are the sharpest operators in the World of TV rights. True have come up against the real big boys and lost.

Sounds like a quote from the Godfather.

When Thailand stops operating like greedy American companies and starts to apply Thai compassion, all the better.

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I refuse to buy a box from GMM but in the same time I realize that I with action I loose my matches but that is my problem and not a GMM mistake. True proved to be a company who is only in it for the money ( which is also allowed ) Time to look for another provider and with me I hope many will do the same. Suggestions on alternatives are welcome wai.gif

Name another company and I WILL drop ubc/true and subscribe!
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There's a lot of garbage being written on this subject, GMM have the rights. End of story.

It's normal practise in the West for major players such as Sky TV to bid for the rights and retain them.

It's called business.

FIFA and UEFA, along with F1 and the IOC are the sharpest operators in the World of TV rights. True have come up against the real big boys and lost.

Yes GMM have the rights but in their wisdom they have decided to sell on the rights to terrestrial TV. True carry the terrestrial channels and are legally obligated by NBTC to carry all content. GMM have ordered the terrestrial channels to block the signal going through to True. True is not to blame here. GMM are trying to get a fee from True for something that should be carried in the normal course of airing the terrestrial channels. Technically GMM are holding True to ransom and who gets fined? Well this IS Thailand :-)

The actual fault lies with the NBTC who do not have the proper laws in place to cover such instances. A must carry rule in most countries has a copyright exemption in place to cover this contingency. We don't seem to have got that far yet in the Kingdom.

I might be one of the few to agree with you on this. If GMM does not want to True to air the games then show them on one the channels that only they can broadcast.

Edited by arkom
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If you live in a condo, unplug true from the aerial socket and plug the tv straight in to aerial socket in the wall, most condos have an aerial on the roof that carries the free channels. I have it the bedroom for the wife, we also have extra channels run through there from the condo.

Those in houses buy a simple aerial and plug it ion, i know the picture is not great and the commentary is in Thai but ho hum

If you have dual sound channel (I/II button on your remote) then you can receive the English commentary too!

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If true show the free to view channels as a norm then they should be shown, end of story there is no other reasoning aka custom and practice. if I paid for advertising on free to view I would like to know why my adverts cannot be seen by all?

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I refuse to buy a box from GMM but in the same time I realize that I with action I loose my matches but that is my problem and not a GMM mistake. True proved to be a company who is only in it for the money ( which is also allowed ) Time to look for another provider and with me I hope many will do the same. Suggestions on alternatives are welcome wai.gif

Name another company and I WILL drop ubc/true and subscribe!

Astro seem to be good enough for me to be honest..

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I refuse to buy a box from GMM but in the same time I realize that I with action I loose my matches but that is my problem and not a GMM mistake. True proved to be a company who is only in it for the money ( which is also allowed ) Time to look for another provider and with me I hope many will do the same. Suggestions on alternatives are welcome wai.gif

Name another company and I WILL drop ubc/true and subscribe!

Astro seem to be good enough for me to be honest..

And therein lies the real truth of the matter. Having an Astro box alleviates all the angst of dealing with TV guff in Thailand. You may not get ALL the EPL games but you certainly get the best games and all in HD. Better HD offer overall.

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I can't believe the comments I am reading. Too much sun and Chang for sure.

This has nothing to do with TrueVisions. This is all about Grammy and its partners either trying to sell set top boxes or extort a large fee from True for the rights. True according to the NBTC "must carry" the matches as it is in their contractual obligation with the airing of terrestrial TV stations. This is correct. But Grammy are not allowing them access to the signal based on a complete load of B....... that UEFA need to approve the airing. They do not- it is a load of nonsense. Grammy is the full rights holder in Thailand for both terrestrial and satellite otherwise how could they air through their own boxes??? Also the claim to have just done a deal with DTV And Cable Holding -so did they seek approval for that from UEFA -not likely.

The NBTC Vice Chairman said "True is using legal loopholes to hold consumers hostage for business gains". What planet is this guy from. There is no business gain to True if you logically think about it and it is Grammy holding the consumers hostage.

Grammy cites concerns that the True signal can be received outside of Thailand. True has said it will encrypt the signal. So close that argument. And anyway how many Astro boxes from Malaysia are in the Kingdom-thousands. Its a huge blag by Grammy trying to confuse the issue. There is no issue. The law says True must air the programming and Grammy is stopping it from doing so. NBTC should fine itself for failure to ensure that Grammy gives True the decryption keys.

Get with the programme guys this is not about True airing the Euro in its own right it is about Grammy blocking regular programming on terrestrial channels carried by True.

Nuff said

Want some cheese with your wine!! GMM has 400 million reasons to sell their set tops! True had the option to share the costs and in True form dropped the ball again!!

True is also holding consumers hostage by making them buy TRUE subscriptions. Oh wait... according to your logic, TVs are holding people hostage by making them buy TVs to watch the game!!

GMM paid 400 million for the rights. They HAVE the right to give ANYONE the finger. If you don't like it, then next time I suggest you start a campaign, raise 400 million baht for the betterment of society, and buy the rights to watch the games yourself. Then you can hand those rights to everyone else. For free.

Actually I agree with -except the current TV law in Thailand (NBTC) say that if you are carrying the terrestrial channels on cable and satellite as a rebroadcast you "must carry" all content. Unfortunately the law makes no proviso in the case of a rights owner encrypting part of the content. I don't believe it has ever happened before in the Kingdom.

As for buying the rights -The reason for all this malarkey is that GMM and their partners paid way to much for the rights and made it an unfathomable situation. And don't get me started on the kickbacks involved here and political and local sports officials involved in this deal.

You are right, it is what it is -so find a way around the cesspool like we always do living in this paradise.

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