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Jomtien Bar Inspections - Round 2


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The BIB's are at it again in Jomtien.

Several bar owners have been arrested in the past few days by Soi 9 police.

The latest craze for the BIB's is to arrest 'the responsible person' after they ask to see a 'bar licence' (ใบอนุญาตจัดตั้งสถานประกอบการ), which is impossible to obtain in Jomtien, which is a separate 'khet' from Pattaya, and is in a different 'zone', and therefore any 'bar' in Jomtien cannot obtain said licence, and is therefore under the current legislation operating illegally.

A 'bar' is defined as a commercial premises where girls are allowed to sit with customers and consume drinks (ie hostesses), and then if things develop, can leave the 'bar' together. ''Bars'' can have girls only over 20 years of age, and they can only serve drinks, not sit with customers.

Further, 'bars' in Jomtien under current licence rules and regulations licenced premises that are not 'bars' can serve beer and alchohol only between 1100hrs and 1400hrs and then 1700hrs until 0000hrs. at 0000hrs it is ''check bin'', lights off, music off and home.

Checks with the Amphoe in Banglamung confirm that no establishment in Jomtien can obtain a 'bar' licence, and therefore cannot have 'hostesses'.

However, in the recent "crackdown' it seems the BIB's from Soi 9 requested a young lady in a Jomtien 'bar'' they believed to be under age, and in charge of a ''bar'' without a 'bar' licence. to 'meet' at Soi 9, and when she walked in the door they promptly placed her under arrest and asked her to sign an arrest report that she had been arrested by them in Jomtien, placed in custody and taken by them to Soi 9,alleging she was under age with a false ID, and allegedly demanded that she plead guilty to being in charge of a 'bar', without a 'bar'' licence.

The young lady in question hands over an ID card and turns out to be 25 years old, and refused to sign the arrest report, which contained a series of allegedly false statements by the BIB's in question regarding where she was arrested, and what was said, and what offences she was 'guilty'' of, and advised she would not plead guilty to any offence, at which time the scene turned nasty, and young lady was advised if she pleaded guilty, she could stay in the police cells over night, go to Court in the morning, get a fine of 2,000 baht and walk out of Court in the afternoon, but if she stuck to her not guilty, she would be held at Soi 9 for 48 hours with no bail before being sent to the Court, and would get a jail sentence. At this point, she was taken off to the cells and locked up for an hour or so and refused a telephone call.

The young lady stuck to her story, and on the arrival of a friend and after a couple of calls, a lawyer was appointed at 0100 hrs, and under extreme pressure from the lawyer, who asked why it was Soi 9 and not Dong Tan police ( at which point a panicked inspector tried to send her to Dong Tan, but could not because the computer had already generated a case number) and under extreme pressure and with great reluctance, the BIB's finally agreed bail of 50,000 would suffice if she intended to plead not guilty. The lawyer questioned why bail was 50,000 for an offence carrying a fine of 2,000 baht to be told by the BIB ''up to me'' (maybe hoping a young Thai could not find 50k cash, and would pleag guilty after all as it was so ''easy'').

The lawyer contacted a friend of the young lady and asked her friend to bring 50,000 bail money to Soi 9, but while the lawyer was out, and the friend was out collecting cash, there was allegedly an hour long interrogation session involving threats of long jail sentences, and it being explained how ''easy' it would be if she only pleaded guilty, and took one night in jail and a 2,000 baht fine. There was allegedly a very senior BIB involved in this in a room full of police officers, where the young lady in question was allegedly subjected to persistent threats, and not allowed to have a lawyer or friend in the room with her, and told how simple it would all be - if she would just plead guilty. Young lady refuses, then it is back off to the cells.

The friend then turns up with 50k, and the lady in question sticks to her story, and with pressure from the lawyer, was bailed about 0400 hrs after hours of delays and dragging feet, and friends receiving evil looks from the BIB's.

The threats, plea's, coercion and haranguing to plead guilty allegedly continued even as she was completing bail documents. The threats continued until she was leaving Soi 9. The following day the inspector called again allegedly trying to persuade her to change her story and just plead guilty and save all the hassle of an investigation and a Court date. Young lady refused, and when inspector asked for documents advised on legal advice that she would make no statement, and provide no documents whatoseover, and if the BIB's wanted them, they could apply via official channels, and she was eagerly awaiting her day in Court.

By the time the inspector called, he was unaware that on being bailed, and her phone being handed back, the lady in question as it turns out is well connected, and has a family member in another province who is a very senior BIB, and also an aunt who is a senior licencing official, has a close family friend who is a Criminal Court Judge, as well as having some serious connections in Bangkok, and in many provinces. None of which she told the Soi 9 BIB;s, but knew enough to remain silent and sign nothing that was not true.

The story will no doubt unfold, but allegedly the young lady it seems has not broken any law, as the 'bar' allegedly' is not a 'bar' under the rules, and has another licence (which the BIB's allegedly refused to copy as evidence) and said young lady was the simply the accountant for another company that owns the bar and some other properties, and was only in the bar to finalise a stock take and audit for monthly tax and insurance reporting, and was not in fact guilty of any offence whatsoever.

The young lady's family allegedly have whisked her off to Bangkok to speak with the Department of Special Investigations, Department of Internal Affairs, and are in the process of filing a Court case against the BIB's for wrongful arrest, and false imprisonment, as well as lodging an official complaint at Soi 9 and RTP Headquarters in BKK calling for an investigation.

The bottom line is for all Jomtien 'bars' that this licence cannot be obtained, a fact that Dongtan police are well aware of, so the Soi 9 allegedly chance their arms, to demonstrate they are çracking down' on unlicenced 'bars' although it seems this time things may not have turned out as well as the Soi 9 BIB's expected.

Som nam na.

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It seems to me that those in charge of Pattaya/Jomtien will not be happy until there are no more bars. This will suit the new "family image" they wish to show to the world, and apparently will not bother the Russian target market one jot as they only seem interested in buying fruit, condos, clothes and alcohol from 7/11 to drink in their rooms.

If I was a bar owner or bar worker I would be looking elsewhere.

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Is there no end to the devious manner the plod will use in Thailand to extract money from any and all? I know, it's a rhetorical question.

The Jomtien soi 9 BiB have to work at it a bit harder as they don't have the same level of scum that Pattaya has for extracting tea money.

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Is there no end to the devious manner the plod will use in Thailand to extract money from any and all? I know, it's a rhetorical question.

The Jomtien soi 9 BiB have to work at it a bit harder as they don't have the same level of scum that Pattaya has for extracting tea money.

? i think you will find he is referring to Pattaya soi 9 BIB.

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Oh yes the old 'just sign the confession and all will be ok' line....had that used against me in soi 9 whilst all the crocodiles were circling, like the said young lady above my lawyer had bigger teeth than them and bit back clap2.gifthumbsup.gif

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They will try anything here.Well played by the girl by the way.To put her under so much pressure and issuing threats to her is disgusting behaviour by weak people.

The only thing i think she did wrong was turn up to the police station by herself.

Years ago they tried to set my girl up for fraud.A disgruntled foreigner and a thai women who was connected with the police tried to set her up.When she walked into the station she did so with two lawyers

next to her to the dismay of the accusers and to the bib.If she wasnt accompanied by laywers then who knows what stunt they would of tried to pull.

The case was dropped and the foreigner left pattaya with his tail between his legs and his not so faithful girlfriend is doing allot of playing behind his back.

If the police ever call you to the station bring a lawyer with you.They are priceless witnesses and they bib are vey hesitent to pull any tricks when a lawyer is there.

I just signed up after seeing this post.The girl did good.And some posters here will try to let you believe that the police are doing there best solving crimes so forth.

You are not fooling anyone except yourself.And you are not cool.

They are dangerous people when in a pack but behind all the threats and bravado they are weak.

Edited by pigsgetshaton
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Such hypocrites. I don't see the BIB doing anything about the bars on Soi Whitehouse and they are the biggest

law breakers in Jomtien. Always going over the limit on music and closing time. Because they are off the main

street, they operate with impunity. Must be big kickbacks involved.

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Seems tea money contributions are low at Soi 9, local bar owners and baht bus mafia unable to contribute because to many punters stay in Jomtien.

Looks to me the competing police/authorities are involved in 'Bar Wars'.

I bet these busts are brought on by revenge, paybacks, protection, intimidation, favors & business deals gone bad.

A local told me the new Jomtien Beer Bar complex is leased by the 'group' that run PatPong in Bangkok.

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What about the 50 brand new beer bars built in Jomtien next to the fresh market?

Are they all operating illegally?


Straight from licensing office at Banglamung.

It is illegal to operate a 'girlie' bar in Jomtien, as you cannot have a 'bar licence'. I will try to post the thai word for it here later. Phonetic it is something like a 'bai annuyat sattan boorikan', which allows later opening and 'girlie' stuff.

Said 'sattan boorikan' must have photo of licence, opening hours, etc. The three white licences you see on the bar walls are for sale of alcohol, cigarettes, etc. The alcohol licence is a 'papet sam'.

Any bar that is open in Jomtien that allows girls to sit with customers drinking, or has 'hostesses' , and 'barfines' or 'offs' is operating illegally, as he zoneing laws in Jomtien do not allow this particular licence.

There is a scurrilous rumour that some of the bars in question pay 3,000 per month tea money, and if foreign owned another 3,000 to Soi 5.

Apparently, the licensing people in Banglamung are well aware that all bars in Jomtien that are open amd fall into this category are illegal, but can't close them down, but technically the 'responsible person' can be fined, but it is not a criminal offence, it is a licence offence.

The Soi 9 BIB's who do these raids are just out to make a few extra pesos obviously, and in this case it has gone badly wrong.

RTP HQ have off the record confirmed the case is under investigation, and that it 'appears' there have been some 'irregularities'.

The girl in question is 24, four foot nothing and 39 kilos - a Rottweiler trapped in a Chihuahau body lol.

Can't wait to see what develops.

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I'm sorry but I just can't understand how if something is illegal, it can't be shut down. From what you're saying,

it sounds like every bar in Jomtien could be shut down because they don't have the licenses.

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Is there no end to the devious manner the plod will use in Thailand to extract money from any and all? I know, it's a rhetorical question.

The Jomtien soi 9 BiB have to work at it a bit harder as they don't have the same level of scum that Pattaya has for extracting tea money.

? i think you will find he is referring to Pattaya soi 9 BIB.

My bad. Things must be pretty slow if the Pattaya soi 9 plod are having to go over the hill to Jomtien for shake downs. I guess their cut from the jet ski mafia must not be enough to cover the payments on the new Merc.

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What about the 50 brand new beer bars built in Jomtien next to the fresh market?

Are they all operating illegally?


Straight from licensing office at Banglamung.

It is illegal to operate a 'girlie' bar in Jomtien, as you cannot have a 'bar licence'. I will try to post the thai word for it here later. Phonetic it is something like a 'bai annuyat sattan boorikan', which allows later opening and 'girlie' stuff.

i thought it was illegal to operate a 'girlie' bar anywhere in thailand not just jomtien

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What about the 50 brand new beer bars built in Jomtien next to the fresh market?

Are they all operating illegally?


Straight from licensing office at Banglamung.

It is illegal to operate a 'girlie' bar in Jomtien, as you cannot have a 'bar licence'. I will try to post the thai word for it here later. Phonetic it is something like a 'bai annuyat sattan boorikan', which allows later opening and 'girlie' stuff.

i thought it was illegal to operate a 'girlie' bar anywhere in thailand not just jomtien

Don't they all pay a monthly 'fine'?

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What about the 50 brand new beer bars built in Jomtien next to the fresh market?

Are they all operating illegally?


Straight from licensing office at Banglamung.

It is illegal to operate a 'girlie' bar in Jomtien, as you cannot have a 'bar licence'. I will try to post the thai word for it here later. Phonetic it is something like a 'bai annuyat sattan boorikan', which allows later opening and 'girlie' stuff.

i thought it was illegal to operate a 'girlie' bar anywhere in thailand not just jomtien

Actually hostesses entertaing customers against a fee is allowed as long as it is not of a sexual nature :rolleyes:

But only in approved "entertainment" zones and the proper license.

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

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