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Best Thai Language School?


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I am planning on coming to Thailand in August and staying for about 5 or 6 months. I want to go to a school to learn to speak Thai. I can already speak and read a little but need improvement.

What are the best schools in Thailand? It doesn't matter where they are located. Also I don't want to spend a fortune on paying for a school either.

Thanks in advance :)

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There are many good schools to learn Thai Language.......and there are also many bad ones!

Where will you be staying in Thailand? Most of the major cities have many schools. I live in Chiang Mai and we have several including Pro Language, Wallen, and the Chiang Mai University. All these schools are popular with students, but each school is very different in their teaching methods and styles.

You would be best to go along to several schools and 'try them out' so see which one suite you best. I think all these schools provide a free trial lesson, and they will show you the course material.

I attend Pro Language and its great for me, so I can recommend that one.

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