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Do You Ask About Your Wife’S/Girlfriend'S Past Relationships And What She Done Before You Met?


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I think you are wrong. The bias against the elderly is a lot less prevalent here than in the west. Here they tend to be respected. Nor are quite large differences in age between local couples uncommon (I am talking about a 20 year or so difference). To say it is soley for money or that the woman is repulsed by her aging husband, is a gross exaggeration. I think your comments tell us much more about your own prejudices.

Just a brief true account:

I know a Thai female nurse in her early 30s who considers herself married to a Thai medical doctor who's somewhere in his 60s and retired from a government hospital. They've been together for a number of years as a couple, although I gather the doctor has a real wife closer to his age somewhere in the distant background.

There's no element of prostitution in their relationship. And the nurse certainly could find another mate closer to her age if she wanted to. Exactly what they do together, and how or why they do it, I've never really wanted to ask. But they do seem quite content with each other.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Given that Thailand is stuck with it's reputation as the brothel of Asia and will be for the foreseeable future it would be wise if you did not ask your lady too much about her past before you met.

Only if your total exposure to Thai females is slithering through the rancid underbelly of Thailand. Your post is an insult to the millions of normal Thai women ( who for some reason a number of TVF posters seem to never come within a million miles of ) Not aimed at you kerryk but I've ran into a number of scrawny, seedy old western bastards when I worked in the hotel trade who seemed to think that everybody from the doorgirl to the housemaid to the receptionist was on the game.and a (as once charmingly described to me by some old <deleted> ) "life support system for a ####"

Quite distressing for the girls having to endure the "charms" of these turds with a fake smile on their face which the aforementioned turds took as a sign of encouragement..

Given that Thailand is stuck with it's reputation as the brothel of Asia and will be for the foreseeable future it would be wise if you did not ask your lady too much about her past before you met.

Only if your total exposure to Thai females is slithering through the rancid underbelly of Thailand. Your post is an insult to the millions of normal Thai women ( who for some reason a number of TVF posters seem to never come within a million miles of ) Not aimed at you kerryk but I've ran into a number of scrawny, seedy old western bastards when I worked in the hotel trade who seemed to think that everybody from the doorgirl to the housemaid to the receptionist was on the game.and a (as once charmingly described to me by some old <deleted> ) "life support system for a ####"

Quite distressing for the girls having to endure the "charms" of these turds with a fake smile on their face which the aforementioned turds took as a sign of encouragement..

Why oh why do people think that it is only in cases such as those that people have to put up with "turds" in their jobs. Many of us have to deal with unpleasant people in our working life. When I worked for the NHS I was always being treated badly by patients, their relatives and the management, and I earned a much smaller amount for doing it ( comparatively ) than a bar girl does. At least a bar girl can and does say no if she doesn't actually want to do the horizontal with a farang, unlike those in the THAI trade.

I have to wonder if those with such negative views of the farang trade have ever actually talked to a real live bar girl!

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Do you really need someone to explain why the type of girl BJB's talking about are being defiled?

I know enough about life to know that, 9 times out of 10, a young girl will be unable to find much enjoyment taking a portion off a predatory 70 year old man. They grimace and bear it for the financial reward they receive at the end of their ordeal which may very well mean the difference between her child eating well that month or not.

If the girl is a "professional" hooker then fine. Her enjoyment of the act (or lack thereof) is of little consequence - it's her job, after all - but to coax a young, inexperienced country girl into having sex that'll likely have her retching during and after upon recollection by playing on her desperation for the cash to feed her kid is utterly disgusting . . . especially when you purport to be running some sort of finishing school.

You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day 100% agree!

I think you are wrong. The bias against the elderly is a lot less prevalent here than in the west. Here they tend to be respected. Nor are quite large differences in age between local couples uncommon (I am talking about a 20 year or so difference). To say it is soley for money or that the woman is repulsed by her aging husband, is a gross exaggeration. I think your comments tell us much more about your own prejudices.

The generally higher level of respect that Thais have for older people doesn't translate to a non-working Thai woman's greater ability to hold down her lunch should she engage in sex with a 70 yr old. <deleted> to that culture chestnut the dirty old men roll out. If it's so bloody acceptable then why is the country so desperate to shed its image as Asia's brothel? Why don't girls put their tour of duty at a go-go on Cowboy on their CV if they apply for a normal job? Why do freelancers carry a change of respectable clothes if they spend the night at a punter's place? Why are so many bargirls emotionally damaged by their experiences in the industry? Let's cut the BS and tell it like it is.

I will concede that there may very well be cases where old guys are in relationships with women significantly younger but surely most would concede that the lifestyle/money provided by a relatively well-off elderly man will play a larger part in compensating her for her toil than the old geezer would readily admit.

Look, I've no problems with old blokes getting laid. Why shouldn't they but, hey, there are professional prostitutes aplenty to accommodate their desires. Grooming young farm fresh girls for a life on the game is bang out of order.

<Why are so many bargirls emotionally damaged by their experiences in the industry?>

Perhaps you have some actual facts to back that up, and not some hearsay BS promulgated by an NGO out to keep themselves in enough readies to go out and partake of the "good things" available in LOS.

I would say that I personally know more emotionally damaged women back 'ome than I do emotionally damaged bar girls in Thailand.

<Grooming young farm fresh girls for a life on the game is bang out of order>

And the % of bargirls that fitted that category when they started is?

I would doubt that it would even register statistically, as unlike those in the THAI trade, the vast vast majority of bargirls in the farang trade would have been neither fresh nor innocent.

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I know everything about my wife's past. She must of been with some right looser's. But least i don't have to worry about meeting them........they all commited suicide. blink.png

Did she ever meet anyone who was educated enough to spell 'loser' correctly?

Some people are just sad. My comment was a joke and i get attacked by a wannabe teacher. I will give myself 100 lines and one weeks detention. There are some sour old men about. jerk.gif

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<Why are so many bargirls emotionally damaged by their experiences in the industry?>

Perhaps you have some actual facts to back that up, and not some hearsay BS promulgated by an NGO out to keep themselves in enough readies to go out and partake of the "good things" available in LOS.

I would say that I personally know more emotionally damaged women back 'ome than I do emotionally damaged bar girls in Thailand.

<Grooming young farm fresh girls for a life on the game is bang out of order>

And the % of bargirls that fitted that category when they started is?

I would doubt that it would even register statistically, as unlike those in the THAI trade, the vast vast majority of bargirls in the farang trade would have been neither fresh nor innocent.

Well you must know some pretty ropey old boilers back home then, eh?

You're being deliberately obtuse. What facts does one need save the experience of having spoken to enough bargirls to tell that many of them are pretty much FUBAR. Perhaps in your mind, bargirls and prostitutes aren't "damaged goods". Perhaps they make ideal partners with which to settle down, start/add to a family with, throw one's financial eggs in with and generally live happily ever after with, right?

Look, if you're going to post, then at least read what's been written. Of course a lot of these bargirls would have fit into the "farm-fresh" category at the outset. The point that has clearly been lost on your minor IQ is that it is one thing to avail oneself of their services once they're "established" in the "trade" but it is quite another to groom them by deliberately seeking them out - YOUNG - to break them into an industry that WILL have adverse effects on several important aspects of their lives.

As to your comments on the difference in freshness and innocence between those girls/women destined for farang and Thai markets, well if you're Thai and can genuinely relate your direct experience at the Thai punter's end of the market then, by all means, let's hear your input.

Oh sorry, what's that you say??!!

You aren't Thai??!!

You don't have any experience with hookers servicing the Thai market??!!

You don't have a bloody clue what you're talking about??!!

Hmm, thought as much.

Edited by HardenedSoul
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Hmm is it possible that Ol' Kerry has given up?

You all could learn something if you started reading and stopped attacking. I realize you have very fragile young egos and have to be constantly on the lookout for 70 year old men stealing your women but in wisdom there is knowledge and security. Chances are greater with a Thai women than most others that the lady will have some old men in her background because of the cultural differences in the Thai society and the societies that you are used to at home. You have been raised in a youth culture that has taught you to think of old age as an ugly, dirty and defiling part of life. Your Thai lady has not. She has been taught to respect old age and has none of the negative stereotypes branded in her brain that you young men from the West have. You would all do well to look at Thai history and realize that Thailand although changing has changed much less rapidly than most of the other economic hot spots in Asia over the past 40 years. Given that Thailand is stuck with it's reputation as the brothel of Asia and will be for the foreseeable future it would be wise if you did not ask your lady too much about her past before you met. Good luck to you all and don't worry so much about the old guys.

Most old men do not think or behave like you. You are not representative of the old people I know, nor of most old people in the world.

This is not an argument between old and young; in fact some young people share your peculiar prostitution-centric outlook on life.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Please tell me what my quote above has to do with your post? Put up or shut up. Where in the above post did I say anything prostitution centric? If on the other hand you made it up then I expect an apology. My name is Kerry in case you are wondering who you quoted.

I said you have a "prostitution-centric outlook on life" which is true. You never stop boasting about your relationships with prostitutes, and never miss an opportunity to post about your decades of experience as a procurer of sex.

It is very funny that you asked for an apology for this, as that merely demonstrates that you are actually aware that your obsession with sex workers is not something to be proud of.

I must say though, you are very good at debating... with yourself.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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You all could learn something if you started reading and stopped attacking. I realize you have very fragile young egos and have to be constantly on the lookout for 70 year old men stealing your women but in wisdom there is knowledge and security. Chances are greater with a Thai women than most others that the lady will have some old men in her background because of the cultural differences in the Thai society and the societies that you are used to at home. You have been raised in a youth culture that has taught you to think of old age as an ugly, dirty and defiling part of life. Your Thai lady has not. She has been taught to respect old age and has none of the negative stereotypes branded in her brain that you young men from the West have. You would all do well to look at Thai history and realize that Thailand although changing has changed much less rapidly than most of the other economic hot spots in Asia over the past 40 years. Given that Thailand is stuck with it's reputation as the brothel of Asia and will be for the foreseeable future it would be wise if you did not ask your lady too much about her past before you met. Good luck to you all and don't worry so much about the old guys.

Most old men do not think or behave like you. You are not representative of the old people I know, nor of most old people in the world.

This is not an argument between old and young; in fact some young people share your peculiar prostitution-centric outlook on life.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Please tell me what my quote above has to do with your post? Put up or shut up. Where in the above post did I say anything prostitution centric? If on the other hand you made it up then I expect an apology. My name is Kerry in case you are wondering who you quoted.

I said you have a "prostitution-centric outlook on life" which is true. You never stop boasting about your relationships with prostitutes, and never miss an opportunity to post about your decades of experience as a procurer of sex.

It is very funny that you asked for an apology for this, as that merely demonstrates that you are actually aware that your obsession with sex workers is not something to be proud of.

I must say though, you are very good at debating... with yourself.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

The way that posting works is, you post a quote and then agree or disagree with it. You don't make up stuff unless you say that is what you are doing. Unless you can quote me stop lying about me. I expect an apology when someone lies about me. Don't post something I have said unless you are going to discuss it. Don't discuss what you think and attribute it to me. Post what I have said. If you can't quot me leave me out of your fiction. If you think I have boasted about my relationship with a prostitute please quote it or apologize. My wife is reading this and waiting for you to put up or shut up.

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So now Kerry thinks every factory working girl raffles her self off......

This is a Thai news story Sam. Don't make yourself look foolish. Look up the story before you post!

You do that effortlessly K.....I read the story, long time ago.....did you read it ??...or just the headlines ??.....cos you really seem to jump to absurd conclusions.

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The way that posting works is, you post a quote and then agree or disagree with it. You don't make up stuff unless you say that is what you are doing. Unless you can quote me stop lying about me. I expect an apology when someone lies about me. Don't post something I have said unless you are going to discuss it. Don't discuss what you think and attribute it to me. Post what I have said. If you can't quot me leave me out of your fiction. If you think I have boasted about my relationship with a prostitute please quote it or apologize. My wife is reading this and waiting for you to put up or shut up.


Kerry's got some explaining to do. From the doghouse laugh.png

On a serious note, though, I seem to recall a thread where you were bragging about your exploits with prostitutes. Just come clean with the wife; don't make Brit trawl through old threads looking for evidence.

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The way that posting works is, you post a quote and then agree or disagree with it. You don't make up stuff unless you say that is what you are doing. Unless you can quote me stop lying about me. I expect an apology when someone lies about me. Don't post something I have said unless you are going to discuss it. Don't discuss what you think and attribute it to me. Post what I have said. If you can't quot me leave me out of your fiction. If you think I have boasted about my relationship with a prostitute please quote it or apologize. My wife is reading this and waiting for you to put up or shut up.


Kerry's got some explaining to do. From the doghouse laugh.png

On a serious note, though, I seem to recall a thread where you were bragging about your exploits with prostitutes. Just come clean with the wife; don't make Brit trawl through old threads looking for evidence.

This is better than Ozzie TV

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The way that posting works is, you post a quote and then agree or disagree with it. You don't make up stuff unless you say that is what you are doing. Unless you can quote me stop lying about me. I expect an apology when someone lies about me. Don't post something I have said unless you are going to discuss it. Don't discuss what you think and attribute it to me. Post what I have said. If you can't quot me leave me out of your fiction. If you think I have boasted about my relationship with a prostitute please quote it or apologize. My wife is reading this and waiting for you to put up or shut up.


Kerry's got some explaining to do. From the doghouse laugh.png

On a serious note, though, I seem to recall a thread where you were bragging about your exploits with prostitutes. Just come clean with the wife; don't make Brit trawl through old threads looking for evidence.

Words are cheap. Put up or shut up.

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The way that posting works is, you post a quote and then agree or disagree with it. You don't make up stuff unless you say that is what you are doing. Unless you can quote me stop lying about me. I expect an apology when someone lies about me. Don't post something I have said unless you are going to discuss it. Don't discuss what you think and attribute it to me. Post what I have said. If you can't quot me leave me out of your fiction. If you think I have boasted about my relationship with a prostitute please quote it or apologize. My wife is reading this and waiting for you to put up or shut up.


Kerry's got some explaining to do. From the doghouse laugh.png

On a serious note, though, I seem to recall a thread where you were bragging about your exploits with prostitutes. Just come clean with the wife; don't make Brit trawl through old threads looking for evidence.

It is quite funny....from the guy that boasts knowing the inner workings intimately of thai hookers....even his boasts of living with bunches of gogo girls at a time.

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I once had a work college back in the States who met his American born Thai wife at a New Jersey university; they were both students together in the same group.

A couple of years into the marriage and this guy considered himself very happy and believed his wife was a mild decent girl that butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

One day the guy met an old friend he knew from university and discovered that not long prior to his marriage that his then Thai girlfriend went to a party and ended up in a bed with two guys having a threesome. The worse of it was that he knew these two guys and was still in contact with them, plus it appeared everyone knew except him.

He questioned his wife and asked her why she had never confided in him regarding this incident and that because of it, he now feels humiliated and would never be able to face his old university friends again. Not long after that, the marriage ended in divorce, because it was just something the guy could not live with.

So hiding the past can have two opposite affects. Firstly, if a person discovers something unsavoury about they’re partner’s past, it could have devastating results or on the other hand, what one doesn’t know, may never hurt them? That is the question.

That's very sad that the man was so unable to accept that his wife had a past that is quite "normal" for many people, that he had to throw it all away.

These days, it would be unreasonable to expect that a woman would be virginal on her wedding day.

As for the other people knowing, by all means cut them from his life if he couldn't face them, but why make his wife suffer for it? She was the same person after he found out as before, it is just his inability to accept the truth that is at fault here. Better to spend some money on a good psychologist, than a divorce.

BTW, the chance of him finding someone compatible that doesn't have the same sort of past is almost nil, IMO.

When I spoke with my work college after the divorce, he said the clincher was that he discovered his wife could be two different people and believed he hardly knew her at all.

He said; when she was with him, the sex part was so, so and that she could be rather inhibited in lots of ways towards him. But during later conversations with other people who knew her before the marriage, his wife had a reputation of being an out going party girl who had limited inhibitions and was partial to being easy and sleeping around.

There was probably a lot more to this story than what my friend was letting on and afterwards for some reasons he just did not trust her anymore.

But it does prove a point that no matter how long we are with people, we never truly get to know what they are really like and I always consider people that are reluctant to mention their past and have obvious secrets as suspect.

What is a work college???
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The way that posting works is, you post a quote and then agree or disagree with it. You don't make up stuff unless you say that is what you are doing. Unless you can quote me stop lying about me. I expect an apology when someone lies about me. Don't post something I have said unless you are going to discuss it. Don't discuss what you think and attribute it to me. Post what I have said. If you can't quot me leave me out of your fiction. If you think I have boasted about my relationship with a prostitute please quote it or apologize. My wife is reading this and waiting for you to put up or shut up.


Kerry's got some explaining to do. From the doghouse laugh.png

On a serious note, though, I seem to recall a thread where you were bragging about your exploits with prostitutes. Just come clean with the wife; don't make Brit trawl through old threads looking for evidence.

It is quite funny....from the guy that boasts knowing the inner workings intimately of thai hookers....even his boasts of living with bunches of gogo girls at a time.

Aaaahhhh you found that one too, right ?


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So now Kerry thinks every factory working girl raffles her self off......

This is a Thai news story Sam. Don't make yourself look foolish. Look up the story before you post!

You do that effortlessly K.....I read the story, long time ago.....did you read it ??...or just the headlines ??.....cos you really seem to jump to absurd conclusions.

Same to you Sam. Put up or shut up. The factory ladies put on a lottery. They did it then and they do it now. If you want the specifics they are in the news story.

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Why oh why do people think that it is only in cases such as those that people have to put up with "turds" in their jobs. Many of us have to deal with unpleasant people in our working life. When I worked for the NHS I was always being treated badly by patients, their relatives and the management, and I earned a much smaller amount for doing it ( comparatively ) than a bar girl does. At least a bar girl can and does say no if she doesn't actually want to do the horizontal with a farang, unlike those in the THAI trade.

I have to wonder if those with such negative views of the farang trade have ever actually talked to a real live bar girl!

Seriously mate what are you running on about in relation to the points I made?

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It's too bad that more women don't post on Thai Visa.

The depth of ignorance of men when it comes to women here is awesome.

Number one Thailand is at full employment. Other countries like Australia are even trying to import Thai workers.

Number two The myth of the poor farm girl is just that a myth.

Number three The problem with being a woman in a country where the naughty night life is a large percentage of the GNP is a lot of people are employed by or as a part of the naughty night life business.

All these things combine to make it a good idea that if you are not a pretty liberal male it is better to leave sleeping dogs lie.

Fear is the biggest motivator in the posts I have read here so far. Fear that a significant other will say something, like an affair with older man or a different looking man or many men.

Bigotry comes in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes it is race, creed, color, age or sex. If you are a bigot it is another good reason not to ask a partner about a previous sex life.

Me I don't care but it is obvious from reading the thread that many posters have some major hang ups about Thai women. They tag and classify women as, "farm fresh." What real man would refer to a woman as, "farm fresh." Beyond belief. They are people not eggs. But people who think of women as objects so shallow that they judge others by age or appearance instead of character or morality these people especially should never ask a significant other about past encounters.

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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


I would have thought You and Kerry would be on the same level of desirability with Thai girls.

Due to your relative physical characteristics.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

Hardened Kerry posted that late last year, but I thought he was a married man?

"I don't spend any money on airfare because I live in Thailand. Sex with two good looking 18 year old uni girls costs less than dinner for one at a decent restaurant. So most nights when I go out I weigh the relative merits of each experience. Paying for women simply gives me the option of saying goodbye without tears. Nor do I feel the least bit guilty as I am helping with their education. They win, Thailand wins and I win. "

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May I remind you all that this is what Brit said and what we are looking for, "You never stop boasting about your relationships with prostitutes, and never miss an opportunity to post about your decades of experience as a procurer of sex."

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May I remind you all that this is what Brit said and what we are looking for, "You never stop boasting about your relationships with prostitutes, and never miss an opportunity to post about your decades of experience as a procurer of sex."

Yes...we have all seen that.

Thing is....I lived with hundreds of sheep for years....you never see me boasting about that do you ??

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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

I don't think that quote is about prostitutes. I don't think prostitutes are even mentioned. If I read the post correctly (I do read pretty good) it is about good girls. I think I only mentioned good girls and I was talking about why I left Pattaya. I have been married three times. I am used to giving money to good girls.

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It's too bad that more women don't post on Thai Visa.

The depth of ignorance of men when it comes to women here is awesome.

Number one Thailand is at full employment. Other countries like Australia are even trying to import Thai workers.

Number two The myth of the poor farm girl is just that a myth.

Number three The problem with being a woman in a country where the naughty night life is a large percentage of the GNP is a lot of people are employed by or as a part of the naughty night life business.

All these things combine to make it a good idea that if you are not a pretty liberal male it is better to leave sleeping dogs lie.

Fear is the biggest motivator in the posts I have read here so far. Fear that a significant other will say something, like an affair with older man or a different looking man or many men.

Bigotry comes in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes it is race, creed, color, age or sex. If you are a bigot it is another good reason not to ask a partner about a previous sex life.

Me I don't care but it is obvious from reading the thread that many posters have some major hang ups about Thai women. They tag and classify women as, "farm fresh." What real man would refer to a woman as, "farm fresh." Beyond belief. They are people not eggs. But people who think of women as objects so shallow that they judge others by age or appearance instead of character or morality these people especially should never ask a significant other about past encounters.

I'm sorry but your credibility is stretched beyond belief so had that insigthful, thought-provoking diatribe come from anyone but you, it might actually carry some weight.

I used the term "farm fresh" to highlight the innocence and unspoilt nature of many of the young girls BJB grooms at his "finishing school", not to describe if they came from battery or free range chickens. Frankly, any impartial reader noting attitudes towards women from both you and I on TV forums would, without fail, conclude that it is you who objectify women.

It is you who seeks to excuse and justify your encounters with them with euphemisms like "helping".

It is you that has spent half a life time satisfying your desires by paying for it even as a younger man.

I live within spitting distance of soi Cowboy yet have only been to a gogo bar twice in the 4 years I've lived in BKK and the second time, I had to be dragged kicking and screaming. I'm not a puritan or a prude by any stretch of the imagination but I prefer not degrade myself by joining a bunch of drooling morons behaving as though they've just been let out after serving a dime and a half at the local penitentiary.

I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

Hardened Kerry posted that late last year, but I thought he was a married man?

"I don't spend any money on airfare because I live in Thailand. Sex with two good looking 18 year old uni girls costs less than dinner for one at a decent restaurant. So most nights when I go out I weigh the relative merits of each experience. Paying for women simply gives me the option of saying goodbye without tears. Nor do I feel the least bit guilty as I am helping with their education. They win, Thailand wins and I win. "

So did I, ed. So did I.


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