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Thaksin Unhappy With Government Economic Team's Performance


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Thaksin unhappy with government economic team's performance

Nophakhun Limsamarnphun


BANGKOK: -- Fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra has reportedly expressed concern over the performance of the government's economic team and suggested there should be a reshuffle of portfolios.

According to close aides of Thaksin, who continues to play an influential role in Prime Minister Yingluck Shinwatra's Cabinet, the ousted former premier is unhappy because most economic policies have been defensive over the past several months.

Kittirat Na Ranong is currently the deputy premier and finance minister, while Boonsong Teriyapirom is commerce minister and Mom Rajawong Pongsawad Sawadiwad is industry minister.

Dealing with the heavy economic toll from last year's massive flooding disaster has been the major task of the economic ministers. As a result, they have not had time to focus on other crucial, longer-term issues such as Thailand's strategy for membership of the upcoming Asean Economic Community (AEC), which will become effective in 2015.

Shortly after winning the general election in 2011, the government was planning to set up a national AEC committee, grouping together all ministers and other top policy-makers concerned with the 10-country single market and production base. The idea behind the committee was to prepare the country ahead of 2015.

However, the first Yingluck Cabinet was preoccupied with many immediate political and economic issues, so there was no national AEC committee set up to coordinate the various ministries' policies and strategies.

People close to Thaksin and the ruling Pheu Thai Party have indicated that both the commerce and industry portfolios will be changed. Suwat Liptapanlop, the ex-leader of the Chat Pattana Party, for example, is tipped to become the new industry minister, replacing Pongsawad.

Suwat is a veteran politician who worked under Thaksin while the latter was prime minister. However, Suwat and 110 other politicians were banned from engaging in politics or taking up political posts for five years after the Constitution Court ruled that they were guilty of election fraud. That ban was lifted on May 30, allowing Suwat and the others to return to politics.

In addition, Yukol Lim-laemthong, the former permanent secretary of agriculture, is tipped to become the new agriculture minister, replacing Thira Wongsamud. Overall there will be around 10 portfolio changes in the upcoming Cabinet reshuffle, which is expected to take place in July.

Sukumol Khun-pleum, the minister of culture and sports, said her Palang Chon Party would stay as a member of the Pheu-Thai-led coaliation government, but her husband, Sonthaya, will take up her portfolio in the upcoming Cabinet reshuffle.

Like Suwat, Sonthaya was among the 111 politicians who faced the five-year ban on taking up political posts.

Meanwhile, some ministers in the Pheu Thai quota may also lose their Cabinet jobs, including Suchart Thada-Thamrongwej, the education minister, and Yongyuth Wichaidith.

Due to the scandal over temple land acquired by the Alpine property developer, Yongyuth will likely lose the Interior Ministry portfolio, but may still remain as a deputy prime minister. Other veteran politicians who may be appointed to the new Cabinet include Pongthep Thep-kajana, a former justice minister, and Warathep Rattanakon, a former finance minister.

While Prime Minister Yingluck prefers to delay any Cabinet reshuffle to avoid negative consequences, it is unlikely that she can resist the growing pressure for portfolio changes, especially from her own brother, Thaksin, beyond the end of July.


-- The Nation 2012-06-16

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with all the allegations against this man how can anyone take his opinion seriously i mean seriously i dont know why he evens makes the news

Moreover why is he being given so much 'air time'

Just a chance if everyone ignored him he might just 'go away'

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He's just an angry old has-been passing away his twilight years in the dessert.

Unloved, unwanted and esteemed only for his wealth and ability to cheat.

His past caught up with him. Old crimes are now coming to court and back into the nations minds.

So he sits there moping in his dessert home throwing verbal grenades at politicians of all parties. Losing friends and support day by day.

Fading into insignificance.

Just another sad old man....

(Pink Floyd. Animals)

That might be true if he wasn't virtually running the government through his sister and cronies.

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with all the allegations against this man how can anyone take his opinion seriously i mean seriously i dont know why he evens makes the news

Moreover why is he being given so much 'air time'

Just a chance if everyone ignored him he might just 'go away'

I like reading Thaksin's comments because they show increasing signs of his hopeless situation and reveal his unhappiness. His Karma has caught up with him. I expect that many government MPs realize that Thaksin is their biggest obstacle to being able to pillage the coffers for the full 4 years, and that they are somehow making sure that he stays in Dubai. There are no true friends amongst thieves.

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He sets the policies ("Thaksin Thinks, Pheu Thai Acts"), picks the ministers and MPs, and when they fail to deliver results, it's not his fault, he should grow a pair & admit having got it wrong, before the new reshuffle, the one which PM-Yingluck says isn't coming.

But it takes areal man, to admit a mistake, and say 'Sorry'. wink.png

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Hmm, Thaksin says something one would expect the Thaksin bashers would agree with, yet the bashers are so blinded with hate, they disagree.

I take it then, that the bashers are now of the view that the government performance is excellent.

Ok, then, I'm just going to have a cup of tea, while the bashers contemplate that thought.

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He's just an angry old has-been passing away his twilight years in the dessert.

Unloved, unwanted and esteemed only for his wealth and ability to cheat.

His past caught up with him. Old crimes are now coming to court and back into the nations minds.

So he sits there moping in his dessert home throwing verbal grenades at politicians of all parties. Losing friends and support day by day.

Fading into insignificance.

Just another sad old man....

(Pink Floyd. Animals)

I know it is just a trifling detail, but I am sure you meant desert....

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He's just an angry old has-been passing away his twilight years in the dessert.

Unloved, unwanted and esteemed only for his wealth and ability to cheat.

His past caught up with him. Old crimes are now coming to court and back into the nations minds.

So he sits there moping in his dessert home throwing verbal grenades at politicians of all parties. Losing friends and support day by day.

Fading into insignificance.

Just another sad old man....

(Pink Floyd. Animals)

I know it is just a trifling detail, but I am sure you meant desert....

........unless he was referring to the fruits, jelly men and chocolate soldiers with which he surrounds himself.

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He's just an angry old has-been passing away his twilight years in the dessert.

Unloved, unwanted and esteemed only for his wealth and ability to cheat.

His past caught up with him. Old crimes are now coming to court and back into the nations minds.

So he sits there moping in his dessert home throwing verbal grenades at politicians of all parties. Losing friends and support day by day.

Fading into insignificance.

Just another sad old man....

(Pink Floyd. Animals)

I know it is just a trifling detail, but I am sure you meant desert....

Haha - well, he is getting his just deserts!

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He's just an angry old has-been passing away his twilight years in the dessert.

Unloved, unwanted and esteemed only for his wealth and ability to cheat.

His past caught up with him. Old crimes are now coming to court and back into the nations minds.

So he sits there moping in his dessert home throwing verbal grenades at politicians of all parties. Losing friends and support day by day.

Fading into insignificance.

Just another sad old man....

(Pink Floyd. Animals)

I know it is just a trifling detail, but I am sure you meant desert....

Or the dessert of his life.
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I'm really uphappy with my landlords decision to keep my 45,000 baht depostit after last years flood in Muang Ake. Wondering if I can re-shuffle my cabinet (landlord) to one that will pay what's due. I'm back (in the states) get my teaching certificate and will return with reconcillation to save the country. Wait for me!!!!

I'm gonna re-enstate my throne as all time snooker champ and have my sister appoint me back as best teacher ever!!!

Yes, I did hold that title.

Or I will demote her to putting sandbags around my now jungle of a house!

Rockets will win NBA championship in 5!!

Edited by dukechance
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Hmm, Thaksin says something one would expect the Thaksin bashers would agree with, yet the bashers are so blinded with hate, they disagree.

I take it then, that the bashers are now of the view that the government performance is excellent.

Ok, then, I'm just going to have a cup of tea, while the bashers contemplate that thought.

A criminal on the run, giving his opinion about the governments Economic Team. He who used his time in office mainly to steal money. No wonder that hard working people feel some hate if they see that their tax money get stohlen.

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If you can string enough sound bites and meaningless editorials together, before you know it a whole year's hugely deficit budget has disappeared down the black hole. Thailand can't survive four years of disappearing large deficit budgets. That's the real reason coups happen.

Edited by lannarebirth
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"According to close aides of Thaksin, who continues to play an influential role in Prime Minister Yingluck Shinwatra's Cabinet, the ousted former premier is unhappy because most economic policies have" not involved his receipt of tea-money into a Dubai bank account!


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He's just an angry old has-been passing away his twilight years in the dessert.

Unloved, unwanted and esteemed only for his wealth and ability to cheat.

His past caught up with him. Old crimes are now coming to court and back into the nations minds.

So he sits there moping in his dessert home throwing verbal grenades at politicians of all parties. Losing friends and support day by day.

Fading into insignificance.

Just another sad old man....

(Pink Floyd. Animals)

clap2.gif I love Pink Floyd.thumbsup.gif Edited by Skywalker69
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I think he is preping the uneducated reds that he placed in government for the elbow

it is rediculous that this convict is in charge - surely there must be some hard evidence to show that he is pulling the strings which I would imagine breaks many regulations - then sack the lot of them

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Hmm, Thaksin says something one would expect the Thaksin bashers would agree with, yet the bashers are so blinded with hate, they disagree.

I take it then, that the bashers are now of the view that the government performance is excellent.

Ok, then, I'm just going to have a cup of tea, while the bashers contemplate that thought.

Oh we agree with him alright, but we realise the hypocrisy of the statement. I thought that you might be more familiar with hypocrisy.

So it appears the manager is not happy with the performance of the team he picked. Naturally the fault is not his, it never is. Just as well he is also the team owner or else he might be told to sling his hook.

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with all the allegations against this man how can anyone take his opinion seriously i mean seriously i dont know why he evens makes the news

Can someone tell him that he is the one cause the problem by putting incompetent minsters in important jobs

Edited by givenall
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I don't suppose that it occurred to Mr T that his economic teams (and all the rest of the squad) have been so busy concentrating on getting him his amnesty & re-writing the only constitution to be accepted by referendum that they've dropped the ball.

Also he doesn't understand that putting yes-men (& women) into key positions is unlikely to result in competent decision-making.

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