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Lets Have Some Good Succesful Storys, Im Sick Of Reading About Thai Girls Being All Bad


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sorry i havnt been around, i had to serve a 7 day holiday for sticking up for thai ladys, but never mind ,

there will allways be some sob stories, like there will allways be great happy stories, you will allways get that,

i would just sooner focus on the stories that are good,

im more then happy with my wife and mylife in thailand, yes i would like to spend all my time in thailand, and one day who knows if the pig farm really took off,

but while im fit and able ill keep working for a while,, the money i earn a day keeps us for a month,

so please keep your stories coming in,, lets tell people that we are happy and if you try hard you can have a good life here in the land of smiles,

and i say you work hard becouse ive said it before in another post, i think, just in my opinion some people dont work that hard at there relationship, thinking if it goes wrong ill just go get another, i dont think that trying very hard, not like they would try and work through the tough times say in the uk,,

it is a hard thing trying to get to no each other when yu dont speak the same,act the same, my wife couldnt speak english, well not to speak of, i sent her to school, and she picked it up and to be honest she,s still learning, but one thing she likes to read so that helps her,

take care all jake

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Have been with my Issan 'other half' 8 years at the start we had our ups and downs 50% of which were probably my fault!

We spend 6 months here and the other in the States, whilst here she works and is up at 05.30 am 6 days a week and does not get home until 9 pm, she does not have to do these hours but does so for extra money.

When we are in the US she does not work but still gets up by 06.30 am prepares breakfast then we go for a hour or so exercise , back home we do the house work, potter around the garden then lunch followed by a round of golf or a trip to the mall.

The extra money she earns in Thailand is for the most part used to send back home to 'mom'.

I have made a point during our time together not to get to involved with her family (my choice) I make a point of seeing them (armed with a few gifts) a couple of times a year this arrangement appears to continue to keep all parties happy.

Any relationship has to be worked at and compromises sometimes have to be made as long as it is not a 'one way street' and both sides give and take I personally cannot see why being married to a Thai or any other nationality should not work if both parties want it to.

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Well this is a welcome change....married and living in Thailand for 3 years to a beautiful Isan girl. We are both in our mid 30's so a little different but have to say (as with anywhere in the world) when you meet the right person it will work out. My wife is the bread winner in the family, we have an "extended" family but they pay their own way, we have 7 rai of land which we grow our basics on and the only time we 'fight" is over the remote control. Speak and understand Thai quite well and still can not understand the Thai Soaps but the wife gets a kick out of them,.

For a truly happy marriage to an Isan woman my suggestion would be to have two TV's.

Good to hear all the positive stories out there.

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see there is more of us happy couples then bad,

like ive said a thousand times im more then happy with my life here, and ive got a little plan up my sleave that if it comes off could make us both happier then ever as i wouldnt have to be away and work as much,

at the moment as some know a work away, weather it be in brazil africa or at the moment in rainy scotland, yes im not rich i still come to work,

but to be honest i think as we are its not a bad thing, as when i get home we have so much to talk about and other things that im not going to go into on herewub.png

so my situation at the moment is good, yes it will get better, we love each other, i ring home twice a day, im lucky that im on 12hour nightshift so i ring 1,30am british time then when i get to my caravan i ring again 8am, we have a good chat , she tells me all thats going on with her and the kids, the animals, sends me pics on email, the world is a very small world nowadays, itsd not so bad being away,

and im not just saying this but i get so much respect not just from my family, the inlaws but the whiole village no im a worker and im working for my wife and children, you cant buy that repect you have to earn it,

just my thoughts boys

be happy jakewai.gif

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I never thought I would settle down, even swore to it. It had more to do with independance and money but honestly, I am way to eccentric and itinerent for a relationship. I met my wife to be nearly 3 yrs ago on Christmas day in an Andaman Natl Park - camping. She is ever charming asthe day I met her. We have had no serious fall outs, she has never lied to me or grubbed a satang. I have given nothing to her family aside from gifts from usa. We camp and take trips and everyone that visits us. on FB always comment how loving, fun and happy we look. I found my hobo and I love her very much. She has been to US a few times now with me and my parents and extnd family thonk the world of her. We will be wed in just a few weeks.

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im really pleased for you mate, and im also glad that you have melted in with the family, they do like it when they see that you arnt shy of working, im really pleased for you, you will find it a beautiful place to live if you ever do, im in scotland at the moment working, i too arnt rich enough just to say sod it im retiring, but ill get there,


also to you, its great to read all these stories,, people who want to come should read all these stories instead of the ones were the falang gets ripped off, im sure that there is more succes stories than bad ones,

werever you meet your g/f wife, if you love each other that is the main thing, love and care for each other and things will only get better with time, it has with me and my wife,


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  • 2 weeks later...

well done to the 2 of you ozzie,

im pleased for you both, pass my regards onto your wife,

i love it here as you know im like you and still have to work, but ive got goals to go for now, our pigs make a little bit of money and i can develop that more when i do finnish work, this period give both myself the wife and her mama time to learn about keeping pigs,

living in thailand in my opinion is what you want to make of it, and you will find that in the farming section there is more succes storys then anywere,

and i think that is down to you both have to work together to make things happen,

its a great life and im sure when you do live here youll find that out too,


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well done to the 2 of you ozzie,

im pleased for you both, pass my regards onto your wife,

i love it here as you know im like you and still have to work, but ive got goals to go for now, our pigs make a little bit of money and i can develop that more when i do finnish work, this period give both myself the wife and her mama time to learn about keeping pigs,

living in thailand in my opinion is what you want to make of it, and you will find that in the farming section there is more succes storys then anywere,

and i think that is down to you both have to work together to make things happen,

its a great life and im sure when you do live here youll find that out too,


Good on ya i am a farmer and i understand alot about farming and pigs are a good investment and another if you have enough land is chickens as a bread and butter income. :)

I dont have any real intention to live in Thailand permanantly because there are far more options for my wife and myself here in Aus, I think we will just continue with 1/3 in Thailand and 2/3 in Aus it works well for both of us :) And again it's so much better the positive happy stories than the negative!

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congratulations on your little girl mate, bet you cant wait to get back. i was hoping to be able to go back in october for a visit but its looking like work commitments are going to prevent another visit this year, looks like itll be january at least before i manage to fly out

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Happy for you and all the mates that have good histories, another one.

I have very good luck, She is very beatiful, smart, like to travel, work hard, no drink or smoke, she si very healthy and have a great body, she is very spiritual Budist and have a mix between strong woman and lovely girl all these things help a lot to build a great relantioship. We have sugar cane and rice in the north, we work together in IT business/projects, we have many plans and we already did a lot of things together, we travel a lot and we have almost the same preferences, we like small towns, mountains, healthy and natural life, and many hobbies in common.

We have similar university degree both on IT, 0 family problems plus the family of she give us the land for stay on Thailand but we have plans to try live/or a long stay in another country, I like New Zealand :)

0 fights or complains, except when we travel xD

I don't know what more I can say, my last big project finish like 4 months ago I have my savings but she is working and she pays for everything rent, food, dinners, etc. I only do the home tasks xD, looking for new projects, clients, etc. of course when I have full time work and a big budget I bought for she everything that she want, nothing crazy but a motorbike, everything for work the land, it stuff plus an iphone 4s (she love mac stuff) and many fashion stuff, jewerly, gold, cloth, accesories, etc.

Still we live cheap but good, saving for the next long trips. She want to have a baby but we are still young and I know that with a baby, travel around is pretty complicated for visas etc.

I am pretty happy :)

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Just married my TGF this week after a year together so will let you know how it works out but so far she and her family have looked after me very well and I am hopeful for the future after having one bad marriage to an Irish girl that made my life hell.

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Hope there is not a Thailand related moral here:whistling.gif

There was once a little bird that got separated from the migrating flock.

He was exhausted and hungry and near death from the cold.

Eventually he just fell out of the sky; as luck would have it he fell into a barn yard into a fresh warm pile of cow manure. He was immediately revived by the warmth and started to eat odd seeds and stuff in the manure and eventually slept.

He awoke with the sun shining and continuing to warm him and ate some more, he was so happy that he started to sing his little heart out.

However there was a hawk hovering above the farmyard and of course he heard and spotted our little friend.....

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Just married my TGF this week after a year together so will let you know how it works out but so far she and her family have looked after me very well and I am hopeful for the future after having one bad marriage to an Irish girl that made my life hell.

Congratulations. I hope you will have a bright future together.

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OP, I am right in thinking from reading your posts on this topic that you have a child/children with your ex British wife ?

And yet you stated that your life only began when you met your thai wife ?

What a awful thing to say that your life only began when you met your wife. When you had children before you met her. What about your other children do they mean nothing in your life.

Good feel happy topic but you need to get a grip of what's important on life.

If I have miss read anything and I am wrong please tell me and I will delete this straight away.

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Married for 43 years. brought her two daughters to the US ,now have four grandchildren (three in college) and two great grandkids. She has a house in Bangkok, her brother and family live there,

we visit every two years, are thinking about moving but who knows. Dont't know what I would have done without her.

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Met my wife in Phuket in 1992. Made a couple of more visits, got a marraige Visa and brought her to the USA and got married. We have been married for 20 years and I have never regretted a single day. Our son will graduate High School soon and we are planning on retiring to rural Buriram in a little over two years. I am a pretty good judge of character and that is why I took a chance on her, the bonus is she is also very lovely. I could not ask for a better wife (unless she was rich), and I am completely happy.

Edited by rsokolowski
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Well depend where u look.

Got friends who ended in trouble because they look in walking street in pattaya and she suck their money.

I met a working girl, no tatooes... Tatoo are a sign of trouble... and no gogo, normal lady from small town in South. 10 years younger, she is cheap.... And like to buy cheap, eat at home, wake up at 8am everyday, and go work, and make her own money.

3 years together now and happy. I pay my due and help her extra only in real emergency. Not married so far.

Try to see her 5 to 6 months a year. I m too young to retire in thailand and i will be bored. I m mid 40. Do some business around in usa or else... What you think?

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Women are pretty much the same all around the world. There are good ones and bad ones everywhere. You can easily find a woman in the USA that is just interested in your money. You have to keep your eyes open and use what your big head (the one on your shoulders) is telling you. If you are a horrible judge of character there is little hope, but if you keep your eyes open and have situational awareness of what is going on around you you will probably be fine.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to find a great lady in Thailand, there are a lot of them. Just use your head (the one on your shoulders) and we aware of what is going on around you.

I have been married to my wife from Thailand since 1993 and have not regretted my decision for a single minute.

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I too have a beautiful wife , she is my light , my joy , my love of every new day .We have onlt been together for 5 years , married for 4. Everyday is just like the day we first met. I am a lucky man to have such a beautiful caring , loving wife in my life . Good luck and best wishes to everyone who feels the same

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