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Democrats Will Never Join Pheu Thai Government: Former Premier Abhisit


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Suthep, a truly honest politician.


It would not surprise me at all if Thaksin is making overtures in the background with people who matter ... But I can't see how that would include Suthep.

While nothing is impossible, where is the advantage for either the PTP or the Democrats in this alleged proposal? It doesn't make sense...

for you

that makes it sound like you see a benefit to the PTP and the Dems to form a 2 party coalition...


This isn't Kansas anymore Dorothy. Read again Siripon's excellent encapsulation of Thaksin's character. He's a sociopathic autocrat.


ICD-10-GM Version 2012


Paranoid personality disorder

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Suthep, a truly honest politician.


It would not surprise me at all if Thaksin is making overtures in the background with people who matter ... But I can't see how that would include Suthep.

While nothing is impossible, where is the advantage for either the PTP or the Democrats in this alleged proposal? It doesn't make sense...

for you

that makes it sound like you see a benefit to the PTP and the Dems to form a 2 party coalition...


Your conclusion. I follow polyvalent logic.

Ah, so you were just tossing out the random insult... thanks for the clarification.

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tlansford said:

"OK Siripon does hit the max on the hyperbole meter more than most, but sociopathic autocrat - he's not that bad..............."

Here is a list of ways to identify a sociopath. This list is from "Profile of a Sociopath." Is is a pretty good list of sociopathic indicators.

  • Glibness/superficial charm
  • Manipulative and conning (cunning)
  • Grandiose sense of self
  • Pathological lying
  • Lack of remorse, shame or guilt
  • Shallow emotions
  • Incapacity for love
  • Need for stimulation
  • Callousness/lack of empathy
  • Poor behavioral controls/impulsive nature
  • Early behavior problems/juvenile delinquency
  • Irresponsibility/unreliability
  • Promiscuous sexual behavior/infidelity (maybe)
  • Lack of realistic life plan/parasitic lifestyle
  • Criminal or entrepreneurial versatility
  • Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
  • Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
  • Authoritarian
  • Secretive
  • Paranoid
  • Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
  • Conventional appearance
  • Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
  • Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
  • Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
  • Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
  • Incapable of real human attachment to another
  • Unable to feel remorse or guilt
  • Narcissism, grandiosity (self-importance not based on achievements)
  • May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_know_if_someone_is_a_sociopath#ixzz1y9wgXOV4


au·to·crat (ôprime.giftschwa.gif-krabreve.giftlprime.gif)


1. A ruler having unlimited power; a despot.

2. A person with unlimited power or authority: a corporate autocrat.

Based on the ones I underlined, I think Mr Thaksin might qualify as being a sociopath and possibly an autocrat.

But, hey, he's not that bad...........................is he?

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Suthep, a truly honest politician.


It would not surprise me at all if Thaksin is making overtures in the background with people who matter ... But I can't see how that would include Suthep.

While nothing is impossible, where is the advantage for either the PTP or the Democrats in this alleged proposal? It doesn't make sense...

for you

that makes it sound like you see a benefit to the PTP and the Dems to form a 2 party coalition...


If it makes Thailand a two party or fifty party country it really dosen't matter.

The whole show is to get Thaksin all his money back and let him come back to Thailand free of all charges and sentences. Plus any that have not been mentioned yet.

I really find it hard to believe that you can so easily over look that.

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Like I said in another post, Suthep had better be smart and have evidence. Abhisit needs to check the authenticity and evidence before allowing his deputy to make such proclamations. If it's just another lie by Suthep, then I too will start disbelieving in the Democrat's integrity. There's a lot for the Democrats to lose if they can't prove it and resorting to cheap tricks. I expect that from the PTP not Democrats.

Just because Abhist is a man with integrity it doesn't mean all Democrats have it. However they do have a lot more of it than the PT

I hate to say it but lack of integrity and false promises seem to work well for the PT maybe the Democrats should take a page from the how to get elected book of the PT. When they get elected don't carry out their promises just set in place polices that will benefit Thailand in the long run.

It is going take a long time to get the country turned around and the sooner they start the sooner it will happen.

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Suthep, a truly honest politician.


It would not surprise me at all if Thaksin is making overtures in the background with people who matter ... But I can't see how that would include Suthep.

While nothing is impossible, where is the advantage for either the PTP or the Democrats in this alleged proposal? It doesn't make sense...

for you

that makes it sound like you see a benefit to the PTP and the Dems to form a 2 party coalition...


If it makes Thailand a two party or fifty party country it really dosen't matter.

The whole show is to get Thaksin all his money back and let him come back to Thailand free of all charges and sentences. Plus any that have not been mentioned yet.

I really find it hard to believe that you can so easily over look that.

so how does a ptp/dem coalition government benefit the ptp and the dems?

of course Thaksin wants to return to Thailand (he has explicitly stated such), and he probably wants his money back, too ... And I have no doubts that he is doing everything he can to assure that.

But this little story about a 2 party coalition is IMO (1) completely unrealistic, and therefore (2) of no help to Thaksin. So why is it being bandied about?

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tlansford said:

"OK Siripon does hit the max on the hyperbole meter more than most, but sociopathic autocrat - he's not that bad..............."

Here is a list of ways to identify a sociopath. This list is from "Profile of a Sociopath." Is is a pretty good list of sociopathic indicators.

  • Glibness/superficial charm
  • Manipulative and conning (cunning)
  • Grandiose sense of self
  • Pathological lying
  • Lack of remorse, shame or guilt
  • Shallow emotions
  • Incapacity for love
  • Need for stimulation
  • Callousness/lack of empathy
  • Poor behavioral controls/impulsive nature
  • Early behavior problems/juvenile delinquency
  • Irresponsibility/unreliability
  • Promiscuous sexual behavior/infidelity (maybe)
  • Lack of realistic life plan/parasitic lifestyle
  • Criminal or entrepreneurial versatility
  • Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
  • Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
  • Authoritarian
  • Secretive
  • Paranoid
  • Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
  • Conventional appearance
  • Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
  • Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
  • Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
  • Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
  • Incapable of real human attachment to another
  • Unable to feel remorse or guilt
  • Narcissism, grandiosity (self-importance not based on achievements)
  • May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

Read more: http://wiki.answers....h#ixzz1y9wgXOV4


au·to·crat (ôprime.giftschwa.gif-krabreve.giftlprime.gif)


1. A ruler having unlimited power; a despot.

2. A person with unlimited power or authority: a corporate autocrat.

Based on the ones I underlined, I think Mr Thaksin might qualify as being a sociopath and possibly an autocrat.

But, hey, he's not that bad...........................is he?

not my post, actually.

Do you know Thaksin ?

Edited by tlansford
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tlansford said:

"OK Siripon does hit the max on the hyperbole meter more than most, but sociopathic autocrat - he's not that bad..............."

Here is a list of ways to identify a sociopath. This list is from "Profile of a Sociopath." Is is a pretty good list of sociopathic indicators.


Based on the ones I underlined, I think Mr Thaksin might qualify as being a sociopath and possibly an autocrat.

But, hey, he's not that bad...........................is he?

Well actually he didn't it was me - it was a joke, of course in your desire to vent it completely passed you by and were suddenly overtaken by a bout of wiki cut and paste - the mere mention of thaksin on here brings out the most extraordinary reactions..................

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Suthep, a truly honest politician.


It would not surprise me at all if Thaksin is making overtures in the background with people who matter ... But I can't see how that would include Suthep.

While nothing is impossible, where is the advantage for either the PTP or the Democrats in this alleged proposal? It doesn't make sense...

Now Tom, the reason why this makes no sense to both you and I hinges on one thing, neither your or I are inherently evil, neither one of us can get in to the machinations of this mind-set, let alone get to the bottom of it.... I sit sometimes aghast at the levels that both sides will stoop to, to discredit the other side.

Would this circus be allowed to continue elsewhere, no, they would all be made in to traffic wardens.

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tlansford said:

"OK Siripon does hit the max on the hyperbole meter more than most, but sociopathic autocrat - he's not that bad..............."

Here is a list of ways to identify a sociopath. This list is from "Profile of a Sociopath." Is is a pretty good list of sociopathic indicators.

  • Glibness/superficial charm
  • Manipulative and conning (cunning)
  • Grandiose sense of self
  • Pathological lying
  • Lack of remorse, shame or guilt
  • Shallow emotions
  • Incapacity for love
  • Need for stimulation
  • Callousness/lack of empathy
  • Poor behavioral controls/impulsive nature
  • Early behavior problems/juvenile delinquency
  • Irresponsibility/unreliability
  • Promiscuous sexual behavior/infidelity (maybe)
  • Lack of realistic life plan/parasitic lifestyle
  • Criminal or entrepreneurial versatility
  • Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
  • Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
  • Authoritarian
  • Secretive
  • Paranoid
  • Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
  • Conventional appearance
  • Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
  • Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
  • Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
  • Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
  • Incapable of real human attachment to another
  • Unable to feel remorse or guilt
  • Narcissism, grandiosity (self-importance not based on achievements)
  • May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

Read more: http://wiki.answers....h#ixzz1y9wgXOV4


au·to·crat (ôprime.giftschwa.gif-krabreve.giftlprime.gif)


1. A ruler having unlimited power; a despot.

2. A person with unlimited power or authority: a corporate autocrat.

Based on the ones I underlined, I think Mr Thaksin might qualify as being a sociopath and possibly an autocrat.

But, hey, he's not that bad...........................is he?

not my post, actually.

Do you know Thaksin ?

Not my post either. And I have previously been chastised by the mods after stating my observations about Thaksin and being told that was defamation.

But you need to define your term "know".

Until you are ready to clarify that rather sticky definition, I will say that I have first hand knowledge of Thaksin, yes. And all I will say as to the above, so as to avoid the possibility of getting scolded again by the mods, is that you should read that list above very, very carefully, and really look at some of Thaksin's antics in public. You may draw your own conclusions, but my first hand knowledge of the man gives me the confidence to say that any benefit of the doubt regarding the applicability of the above would be misplaced.

Draw your own conclusions, but before you allow your biases to cloud your judgement, look honestly at what he has done and what he continues to do. You will bear the moral burden of supporting a man like this.

Thaksin is a truly dangerous individual, and he scares me. What he might do in the future scares me. I love this country and my family lives here. I don't want to see it destroyed in the way other countries have been destroyed by similar people throughout history. If that means civil war...well, sometimes wars are necessary to defeat evil.

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So if the Dems won't go into coalition with PTP, they will have to win an election to get into government (hmm), or rely on another organisation to put them in power(hmm hmm)!

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tlansford said:

"OK Siripon does hit the max on the hyperbole meter more than most, but sociopathic autocrat - he's not that bad..............."

Here is a list of ways to identify a sociopath. This list is from "Profile of a Sociopath." Is is a pretty good list of sociopathic indicators.


Based on the ones I underlined, I think Mr Thaksin might qualify as being a sociopath and possibly an autocrat.

But, hey, he's not that bad...........................is he?

Well actually he didn't it was me - it was a joke, of course in your desire to vent it completely passed you by and were suddenly overtaken by a bout of wiki cut and paste - the mere mention of thaksin on here brings out the most extraordinary reactions..................

Most incredible are the defensive ones.



Edited by Buchholz
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Thaksin is a truly dangerous individual, and he scares me. What he might do in the future scares me. I love this country and my family lives here. I don't want to see it destroyed in the way other countries have been destroyed by similar people throughout history. If that means civil war...well, sometimes wars are necessary to defeat evil.

Be careful what you wish for....your side might lose.

I would suggest that civil wars are never necessary, I've seen what they do to a country. I suspect that you, and the others here that espouse the idea haven't.

Edited by JAG
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What kind of proof Suthep needs to produce for doubters to believe him here? He has already given dates, places, status of the mediators and even the time of the last approach.

If Korkaew can't believe that Thaksin would forgive the Democrats for killing reds in 2010 in exchange for his own amnesty it's Korkaew's problem. After May 19 speech Korkaew is denying the obvious, everybody else saw that Thaksin is not interested in justice for the reds anymore, never mind his later excuse of poor signal, and it wasn't the first time he brought the subject either.

Reconciliation with ammarts is his latest strategy.

National unity government with the Democrats is a big offer, I don't know if any other Thai party relegated to opposition would refuse that. BJT would ditch Dems in a moment but they are not the ones who can stop the amnesty bill so no one is inviting them.

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What kind of proof Suthep needs to produce for doubters to believe him here? He has already given dates, places, status of the mediators and even the time of the last approach.

If Korkaew can't believe that Thaksin would forgive the Democrats for killing reds in 2010 in exchange for his own amnesty it's Korkaew's problem. After May 19 speech Korkaew is denying the obvious, everybody else saw that Thaksin is not interested in justice for the reds anymore, never mind his later excuse of poor signal, and it wasn't the first time he brought the subject either.

Reconciliation with ammarts is his latest strategy.

National unity government with the Democrats is a big offer, I don't know if any other Thai party relegated to opposition would refuse that. BJT would ditch Dems in a moment but they are not the ones who can stop the amnesty bill so no one is inviting them.

and how can the dems stop the bill?

oh, i mean legally btw.

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So if the Dems won't go into coalition with PTP, they will have to win an election to get into government (hmm), or rely on another organisation to put them in power(hmm hmm)!

There's a Thai saying, "yark gin kong aroi aroi, tong jai yen yen" or "if you want to eat something delicious, you have to be patient". It will take some time and if the Democrats have the patience, I'm sure they can win the hearts of people. One thing the Democrats are pushing for now is to bring forth equality (I know some of you aren't believing this), especially under the rule of law. Both sides agree on one thing and that is, they both see things from totally opposite sides.

The Democrats reasoned that if the heinous crimes were wiped out, in the future, anyone with power and money can buy their innocence. We all understand how corrupt Thailand is but we can't give up and only hope that one day corruption will start to dwindle down. I don't see that happening with PTP, I'm sorry. I'll support the Red Shirts if they set their standards a little higher and actually pick people with integrity, even if they aren't the Democrats. However, Natthawut, Jatuporn, Jeng Dokjik, Yingluck and Oak Shinawatra are definitely not ones to run a country.

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tlansford said:

"OK Siripon does hit the max on the hyperbole meter more than most, but sociopathic autocrat - he's not that bad..............."

Here is a list of ways to identify a sociopath. This list is from "Profile of a Sociopath." Is is a pretty good list of sociopathic indicators.

  • Glibness/superficial charm
  • Manipulative and conning (cunning)
  • Grandiose sense of self
  • Pathological lying
  • Lack of remorse, shame or guilt
  • Shallow emotions
  • Incapacity for love
  • Need for stimulation
  • Callousness/lack of empathy
  • Poor behavioral controls/impulsive nature
  • Early behavior problems/juvenile delinquency
  • Irresponsibility/unreliability
  • Promiscuous sexual behavior/infidelity (maybe)
  • Lack of realistic life plan/parasitic lifestyle
  • Criminal or entrepreneurial versatility
  • Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
  • Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
  • Authoritarian
  • Secretive
  • Paranoid
  • Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
  • Conventional appearance
  • Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
  • Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
  • Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
  • Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
  • Incapable of real human attachment to another
  • Unable to feel remorse or guilt
  • Narcissism, grandiosity (self-importance not based on achievements)
  • May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

Based on the ones I underlined, I think Mr Thaksin might qualify as being a sociopath and possibly an autocrat.

Based on the whole bloody lot I think a lot of posters on TVF might qualify as being a sociopath.

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tlansford said:

"OK Siripon does hit the max on the hyperbole meter more than most, but sociopathic autocrat - he's not that bad..............."

Here is a list of ways to identify a sociopath. This list is from "Profile of a Sociopath." Is is a pretty good list of sociopathic indicators.

  • Glibness/superficial charm
  • Manipulative and conning (cunning)
  • Grandiose sense of self
  • Pathological lying
  • Lack of remorse, shame or guilt
  • Shallow emotions
  • Incapacity for love
  • Need for stimulation
  • Callousness/lack of empathy
  • Poor behavioral controls/impulsive nature
  • Early behavior problems/juvenile delinquency
  • Irresponsibility/unreliability
  • Promiscuous sexual behavior/infidelity (maybe)
  • Lack of realistic life plan/parasitic lifestyle
  • Criminal or entrepreneurial versatility
  • Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
  • Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
  • Authoritarian
  • Secretive
  • Paranoid
  • Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
  • Conventional appearance
  • Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
  • Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
  • Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
  • Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
  • Incapable of real human attachment to another
  • Unable to feel remorse or guilt
  • Narcissism, grandiosity (self-importance not based on achievements)
  • May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

Read more: http://wiki.answers....h#ixzz1y9wgXOV4


au·to·crat (ôprime.giftschwa.gif-krabreve.giftlprime.gif)


1. A ruler having unlimited power; a despot.

2. A person with unlimited power or authority: a corporate autocrat.

Based on the ones I underlined, I think Mr Thaksin might qualify as being a sociopath and possibly an autocrat.

But, hey, he's not that bad...........................is he?

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and how can the dems stop the bill?

oh, i mean legally btw.

Legally is how they are trying to stop it.

so how can they stop it legally?

if the bill (or process to pass it) is illegal.

which is exactly why they can't stop it... legally.

but fits in parliament and storming the chair of the house speaker seemed to stall it at least, so that's probably their best hope, more of the same.

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which is exactly why they can't stop it... legally.

but fits in parliament and storming the chair of the house speaker seemed to stall it at least, so that's probably their best hope, more of the same.

you missed the bit about the CC intervention, that's what actually stalled it. Legal intervention.

Sorry, I've dragged this OT.

On topic, power in numbers for those who can't see the benefit of the alleged proposal.

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The longer TS is out of Thailand the weaker he will become, it's a simple as that. Every day he is out of the country he is losing power, influence, and face.

Some of these guys are starting to get a taste for power and they like it.....and what does power bring in Thailand???? Always follow the money coffee1.gif

Edited by theblether
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which is exactly why they can't stop it... legally.

but fits in parliament and storming the chair of the house speaker seemed to stall it at least, so that's probably their best hope, more of the same.

you missed the bit about the CC intervention, that's what actually stalled it. Legal intervention.

Sorry, I've dragged this OT.

On topic, power in numbers for those who can't see the benefit of the alleged proposal.

i had actually typed a sentence about the CC's involvement, i kid you not. but i deleted it as i didn't want to get into that debate.

"you missed the bit about the CC intervention, that's what actually stalled it. Legal intervention"

the "legal intervention" part is very open to debate.

it's based on whether you interpret something as how it actually reads or not.

but it's open to interpretation, hence why i didn't want to bring it up.

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Again, after listening to both side of the rallies I'd like to point something out.

The Bluesky radio rallies invited everyone, including red shirts to listen to them. The speakers addressed the public equally, there were no 'us' or 'them' in terms of political colors. There were 'us' and 'them' only in terms of those who wish to see people punished for their crimes and those who don't. The speakers mostly pointed out the flaw of the government and Thaksin's crimes because they know that they are the root of the problem. They hope that their listeners will be able to talk to people who do not know, or do not understand the situation. Not once in their speeches have they called Red Shirts, uneducated, prai or any other derogatory because Thailand should be full of Thai people, not Thai Reds or Yellows or whatever color. This is very important to understand because Thailand should not be split into two where exists two standards ie: I'm a Red Shirt therefore police should turn a blind eye to my crimes and anyone else gets the shaft. That's where the country is heading right now and here's why.

The Red Shirt speakers consistently remind the listeners that there exists 'US' and 'THEM' in Thailand today. US being the Red-Shirts who yes, have made their voices heard and unleashed the dormant power of the people and THEM being everyone else who are not Red Shirts. Where does the political divide stop? When the country become all Red Shirts or when there is no such thing as Red Shirts and people come together and just be Thai. At this point, I see something very wrong with the Red Shirt movement because I don't see an end to it in the near future at all. It's a beast unleashed. The PTP government NEED the support of the Red Shirts and thus when people start to get smarter and say "wait a minute, they need us, not we need them", there will be black mailing going on. A village chief commits a crime, he better get away with it or gossips are going to start and support is going to dwindle. If you think this is an unlikely scenario, look at a few months ago when some drunk guy killed another guy and when he was arrested, he claimed that he was doing it to defend Yingluck. The people are going to want something back eventually and it's going to be 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours'.

Back on topic. The Democrats and PTP are two major parties right now and who knows when another might pop up. The Democrats right now are not indebted to anyone yet and can act freely and set their own agenda through slow reform. The PTP have to rely on Thaksin and Red Shirts. It's only a matter of time when the latter asks for too much and the former have to iron hand it or just drag the country down further in order to satisfy his supporters. I for one do not want to see them join up, ever. I have hopes on the Democrats in that they learned a valuable lesson after this and will not underestimate the Red Shirt citizens. I really hope that people will listen to both sides and analyze in detail, down to the words they use.

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and how can the dems stop the bill?

oh, i mean legally btw.

Legally is how they are trying to stop it.

so how can they stop it legally?

They cant stop it, they can only try to ensure its done in a legal and democratic manner. However, the Thai population can stop it legally by using their democratic right to vote against it in a referendum, or if they are not given this right then their democratic right to protest against charter change, as before. If they still fail they can vote in the next election against pro charter change politicians and for a repeal of the charter change politicians.

This proposed coalition initiated by Thaksin sounds credible and accutate. It makes sense for Thaksin to stack the deck in his favour, not only for the life of his government but well into the future.

With the Democrat Party in his back pocket it would be decades before any substantial opposition emerged. However, they would just be another tool in his tool chest, along with the redshirts, PTP, Amsterdam ect. But as like Thaksin has shown he has no loyalty to his tools and he discards them when he thinks they loose value. He has thrice disavowed the redshirts before the cock has crowed.

The logic of this proposal is undeniable, you would have to be part of the red haze lunatic fringe to miss the brilliant simplicity of the plan.

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and how can the dems stop the bill?

oh, i mean legally btw.

Legally is how they are trying to stop it.

so how can they stop it legally?

Is anything done legally here in Thailand, I mean really legally were kick backs are not paid and false promises made!smile.png
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The longer TS is out of Thailand the weaker he will become, it's a simple as that. Every day he is out of the country he is losing power, influence, and face.

Some of these guys are starting to get a taste for power and they like it.....and what does power bring in Thailand???? Always follow the money coffee1.gif

Sounds like were on the same page theBlether. But I predict post-46292-0-21463700-1340061371_thumb.jpg will be post-46292-0-32612000-1340061475_thumb.jpg Judas

Edited by waza
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