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Getting To Bali From Thailand


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Hi. My girlfriend and I are going to Thailand for two months in February. In the middle of our trip, we were hoping to go to Bali, Indonesia for about two weeks. We have just began looking into prices, and it seems quite expensive.

Any hints or advice on the ways of getting there. Hopefully somebody has a hint on a cheap way of getting there. I have heard that it is cheaper not to go by air, but not too sure what is accurate. If you could also give a range in price, it would be much appreciated.


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All depends on your way of living.Backpacker or 5 star hotel and everything in between.

In principal Bali is expensive compared to other Indonesian regions.On the other hand it is the most beautiful part.

I only want to warn you that very recently Indonesia changed its visa policy for many countries.No free entry anymore.!

Please check with your local indonesian embassy or consul what is valid for you

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latest on visa;

Citizens of 10 countries are visa free

" 20 countries can obtain on arrival at USD 25,- for max.stay of 30 days

" all other countries need to obtain from their local embassies ahead

This all per 01 February 2004 :o

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Cheapest Way would have to be by boat - Sharpen up your sense of adventure. Maybe whilst going around Java you may be lucky to meet some people-smugglers and get a cheap holiday in Australia as well.

Then you can get a free holiday on a Pacific Island and a return air-fare (for free) to wherever your passport was issued. :o

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I know Bronco, he wants to know the cheapest way.

Unfortunately I cannot advise him about travel costs but I can warn him about the changed visa policy.

May be somebody else can give him some better advise about traveling, than he received thus far.


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I know Bronco, he wants to know the cheapest way.

Unfortunately I cannot advise him about travel costs but I can warn him about the changed visa policy.

May be somebody else can give him some better advise about traveling, than he received thus far.


It's my warped sense of humour Dutch, but I note that the Dutchies can't get a visa on arrival. Pay back time ? :o Perhaps Mickey should take a peek at an atlas and see how much water there is between Thailand and Indonesia. Mind you, certain cultural similarities suggest that early (prehistory) sailors made it both ways

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No hard feeling at all Dr.P

Let the diplomats clear the mess.

I have my multiple entry any how. By now you should know that I am a very obedient man when it comes to official regulations ( I was not always like that tho :o )

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Not sure if I understand this question but I think he wants to go from Thailand to Bali and back like Bronco said !!??

If yo udo mate, then why not look at taking the trains downto Singapore and flying from there. Mind you it may not work out that much of a saving. But it would make a nice adventure as you could stop onthe way at Penang and Kuala Lumpur. the trains inMalaysia are great and easy. The flight from Singapore is short so may be cheaper. Not sure about going overland through Java.......could be a litlle dodgy !!

Good luck.

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I got my Australian visa without leaving the house.Internet for 5 minutes and I could print at home. Valid for one yeat.Multiple.

Great country.Obviously trust my document without visual check or so.

I looked in my passport and it said valid for all countries of the world. However those damned visa rules and regulations per country !!

I agree with Dr.PP that this is a kind of pay back.The minister of foreign affairs was lately talking about those bloody Dutch colonials.The guy was not even born when this finished.Look at my history overview at terrorism thread.


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