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Seeing People Snap Over Very Little Things


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I have only been here 3 and a half years and I have to say I seen a lot for foreigners completely snap at Thai's over the smallest thing.

Anyone else?

Some of the things I have seen............

- A girl walking slow on her phone and the Aussie guy gave her a slight shove and yelled "would you F'ing move out the way".

- An American guy in McDonalds completely snapping at on Thai clerk saying "I lived here for 24 year and none of you can speak proper English in an American restaurant".

- JJ MArkets, saw a guy lose it saying "Why dont you speak F'ing English"

- English bloke refusing to leave the pub when it closed and scream at the owner to give him a drink or he would beat the crap out of him, then the owner snapped, he jumped over the bar and punched the ENglish guy and knocked him down, we had to hold the Thai guy back as he was going to grab his chair and use it on him.

- Seen a few lose it in 7 eleven lines.

- Seen a few lose it at immigration :)

Thats all I can remember for now.

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Disrespectful locals and foreigners is a common sight in a country which promote drunk wifebashing foreigners with money more than decent people who want to become part of this country. In my opinion you get what you give.

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I lost it at Robinsons sports depo a while back....twice...but was a controlled wobblie...if your not assertive here they fob you off..........i got my Adidas sneakers replaced due to poor manufacturing, but i did have to look like a dragon ready to spit fire or nothing was going to get done about it.

Yeah early this year i saw a western guy physical pick up a young thai woman walking slowly in front of him and push her to the side with a few words to go with the shove..

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Yes. I have even seen people turn violent, though that is a rare sight. Some also get very vociferous too.

Thailand, Thai logic (??) and the Thai way can be very frustrating at times and can drive you up the wall and be very stressful if you allow it to be. The idea is to know and understand it and back away when you are hitting that brick wall. Life is too short to get stressed out. Yet many are unable to see their own bad reactions are a waste of time.

Count to ten, turn away, take a deep breath and try a different tack later.

After all, we are here to enjoy life, are we not?

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All those things sound like they come from frustration , not really at what's happeneing at the time but overall about life , I had a hard time keeping clam when I was aclimatising myself , Thailand is a very frustrating place for a new visitor , especially one from the country as opposed to a city person.

It's not an excuse but more of a reason , the barking dogs, pollution , heat , traffic congestion , difficulty in finding things , poor service , overpricing, and so on ...... all take their toll on people when they fiirst arrive , and even afterwards as well , so people act out once in a while.

It's obviously not good behavior but it is understandable and something I could forvige if it's a one time thing. I think it's a pretty easy place to lose it without adding any booze to the equation or assuming all those people are just losers that came to Thailand. It really is pretty annoying until you adjust to the numerous things that detract from a normal quality of life you never had to deal with before.

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Disrespectful locals and foreigners is a common sight in a country which promote drunk wifebashing foreigners with money more than decent people who want to become part of this country. In my opinion you get what you give.

lol wow laugh.png

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I've seen a few people lose it on Thaivisa coffee1.gif

I think now it's a good time as any to post about when you lost it Blether whistling.gif

Moi? I'm a paragon of virtue and good behaviour, innocent and angelic in every way don't you know rolleyes.gif

In other words, cheating, prone to commit felony / misdemeanor, have no remorse and quite the pain in the ass. Did I leave out anything? rolleyes.gif

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I've seen a few people lose it on Thaivisa coffee1.gif

I think now it's a good time as any to post about when you lost it Blether whistling.gif

Moi? I'm a paragon of virtue and good behaviour, innocent and angelic in every way don't you know rolleyes.gif

In other words, cheating, prone to commit felony / misdemeanor, have no remorse and quite the pain in the ass. Did I leave out anything? rolleyes.gif

Tsk such anger....you need to relax my friend and enjoy what each member has to offer. We are not all the same....that's what makes the forum so entertaining! smile.png

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Anger? I have not... I was just testing Blether's lie detector. Ah I see now, it was set to sarcasm. One moment and I will reset it... rolleyes.gif

Ah right....thought for a moment there you were pushing his buttons...but I see you are only carrying out a preliminary scan. biggrin.png

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Best one for me was in the village. I guess a farang built a house there for him & his girl, and the isolation must have gotten to him, because he got quite pissed off with the lack of english from the locals. He was at a store, got all aggravated, shouting, "I said four! Don't you know how to count?!?! 1... 2... 3... 4", as he's counting on his fingers.

lol, what a dick. No idea why he decided to build a house in a 300 person village in Issan, but obviously the local language didn't come into play during his decision.

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Answer to your question majority of westerners that live in Thailand are a bunch of a holes.

Drinking with a supposed friend and his missis tonight, everything was fine until his gf made me one more drink, her bf snapped, saying "ok I see now you want stay with him, talk and drink, ok no problem I go now".

I stood up and left, uninterested in a babies tantrum. I moved across to the other bar, where my Thai police friend was sitting, I sat down, bin chatting until now, a few big Leo's shares between.

100% i do and rather sit and drink with Thais.

Westerners are full of bull.


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Seen expats fighting over freelancers at several clubs. Unbelieveable !! Why one of them couldn't just come back the next night and take his turn then is beyond me.

That's like fighting over a taxi at the airport. It's not as if they're in short supply.

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Seen expats fighting over freelancers at several clubs. Unbelieveable !! Why one of them couldn't just come back the next night and take his turn then is beyond me.

That's like fighting over a taxi at the airport. It's not as if they're in short supply.

Well...when a man is fixated...biggrin.png and drunk....laugh.png

So I've heard anyway....tongue.png

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The only time I really lost it and went with the descending red mist was at a 4 way traffic light junction in Khon Kaen near the non-aircon bus station. It was rush hour and I was at the head of the queue. I was on the north-south direction road and there was a traffic jam in the east-west direction. Every time the lights turned green for me some selfish bastard going east to west moved into the box junction area and, due to his exit being blocked, blocked my path. I sat through 2 green lights for me like this quietly fuming when, upon receiving a third green light and moving forward, nearly getting t-boned by a guy heading east to west who proceeded to lay on his horn and blocked my path yet again. Thai culture be damned, losing face be damned, arrogant westerner be damned. I was out of my car in a shot and, in no uncertain Thai terms, told him to move.He just sat in his car and stared into space. Copper just chilling on the corner starts to wander over to see why the foreigners gone nutso and, all credit due, made the guy back up as much as he could and allowed me to squeeze through the gap.

Thailand whatever. I would have done the same from Greenland to Ghana. There are thick selfish shits everywhere.

Although the American I witnessed in McDonalds who went mental because the girl had put pickle in his burger when he'd asked her not to and started ranting about "Dumb Thais" and spraying spittle everywhere may have been a tad over reactive.

"Just pick them out yourself wanke_r" was a thought.

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Although the American I witnessed in McDonalds who went mental because the girl had put pickle in his burger when he'd asked her not to and started ranting about "Dumb Thais" and spraying spittle everywhere may have been a tad over reactive.

"Just pick them out yourself wanke_r" was a thought.

Not to mention the fact that if he were home he'd know if you want it your way you have to go to BK.

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I can at times see why the Farangs can get a little upset here in Thailand but we are not so laid back as the locals are and we do not accept the way they do thing so over here.

What really winds me up is when I am in a shop either bein gserved or waiting inline when a local will just shout at what they want, or push to the front and expect to get served immediately. To make things worse the person who is serving also accepts this as a way of life and says not a word but serves them. This has also happened in my bank and at immigration. This is not a Farang thing the locals do the same to each other. No manners.

However I do except that there some Farang who (probably with the aid of alcohol)are not at all tolerant to others.

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I have learned not to let things get to me, but it is difficult some days. But losing it, even when you are 100% in the right does not often bring you any positive results, in fact you usually just end up looking like an arse.

When a Thai loses it they go all the way, so they resist the urge as long as possible. Westerners can get agitated and raise their voices and then return to a normal exchange, so they don't realize the same thing here is a deal breaker.

I still have issues while driving though, I'm working on it. Although sometimes...

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