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Back Home In England After 7 Months In Thailand


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Maybe if people like Richard didn't milk benefits they're not really entitled to

Maybe you should reserve that opinion for people that are not UK citizens?

Citizenship is irrelevant. I reserve that opinion for all those who claim benefits to which they are not entitled; regardless of their citizenship. Most benefit fraudsters are British, anyway.

Benefit Fraud

Benefit fraud is estimated to cost the UK £1.5 billion a year according to figures published in the National Fraud Indicator 2011 by the National Fraud Authority.

Examples of benefit fraud are:

  • Someone who has not disclosed they are going abroad, living abroad, or has changed address.

Benefit fraud is not a victimless crime. Benefit cheats are stealing from everyone who pays taxes and who claims benefits legitamately, including the people who need it most.

I don't agree with that but I would say that most people that DON'T claim benfits that are entilteld to them are UK citizens.

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This amount is to cover your bills. Period. Its a vicious circle, you need the internet to look for jobs, you require transportation costs, food etc... 71 quid doesnt go far at all.

Just think of those people that couldn't find jobs because internet had not been invented eh?

Or before welfare created generations of miscreants living on the dole, believing they are entitled to handouts simply because they waste air.

I don't think that was Anyron Bevan's plan though was it?

Yes, another of the Brits inventions that has spiraled out of control, although it dates back much earlier that Anyron Bevan. Try the English Poor Laws which went into law in 1536.


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Maybe if people like Richard didn't milk benefits they're not really entitled to

Maybe you should reserve that opinion for people that are not UK citizens?

Citizenship is irrelevant. I reserve that opinion for all those who claim benefits to which they are not entitled; regardless of their citizenship. Most benefit fraudsters are British, anyway.

Benefit Fraud

Benefit fraud is estimated to cost the UK £1.5 billion a year according to figures published in the National Fraud Indicator 2011 by the National Fraud Authority.

Examples of benefit fraud are:

  • Someone who has not disclosed they are going abroad, living abroad, or has changed address.

Benefit fraud is not a victimless crime. Benefit cheats are stealing from everyone who pays taxes and who claims benefits legitamately, including the people who need it most.

I bet that figure does not include the money that is NOT given out as benefits because people live overseas and thus (for example) do not claim housing benefit or have state housing. If I moved back to the UK it would cost the taxpayer at least 50k Baht a month more.

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Whether you receive just the basic JSA or other benefits, such as housing benefit, depends upon your circumstances.

My wife was unemployed for most of last year. She got her contribution based JSA, but no more because I was deemed to be earning too much. When her contribution based JSA finished after 6 months she did not receive any income based JSA because again, I was deemed to be earning too much.

"Too much" was based on my earnings for the previous complete tax year and ignored the fact that they had gone down since then and were now low enough for us to struggle without her wage!

Maybe if people like Richard didn't milk benefits they're not really entitled to, those who really need them could find it easier!

But maybe I'm misjudging him and he really needs the £142. Tickets to Thailand are expensive at this time of year!

I paid into the UK "system" since I started work at 21 (I'm fifty now). I've paid every penny of tax I've ever owed (PAYE). I brought up two kids, paid into a company pension scheme, paid a mortgage for 25 years, paid council tax, paid car tax, paid a fortune on cigarette duty (my choice, my shilling) and spent most of my money in the UK economy.

I don't have an accountant to advise me how to avoid tax with clever offshore schemes like the rich and famous. My only assets are my house and about GBP15,000 in shares and GBP500 premium bonds.

I've claimed unemployment benefit (JSA) twice in my life. And you think I'm claiming a benefit I'm not entitled to? Get real.

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Citizenship is irrelevant. I reserve that opinion for all those who claim benefits to which they are not entitled; regardless of their citizenship. Most benefit fraudsters are British, anyway.

Benefit Fraud

Benefit fraud is estimated to cost the UK £1.5 billion a year according to figures published in the National Fraud Indicator 2011 by the National Fraud Authority.

Examples of benefit fraud are:

  • Someone who has not disclosed they are going abroad, living abroad, or has changed address.

Benefit fraud is not a victimless crime. Benefit cheats are stealing from everyone who pays taxes and who claims benefits legitamately, including the people who need it most.

I bet that figure does not include the money that is NOT given out as benefits because people live overseas and thus (for example) do not claim housing benefit or have state housing. If I moved back to the UK it would cost the taxpayer at least 50k Baht a month more.

Every elections the the tories claim that the labour party is planning to impose income tax on expats overeas.

I know it's really someting the tories want to do and will blame it on labour if/when it happens but I always say "bring it on".

I can be in my NHS doctor's clinic every week with a bad back, claiming disability benefit and NHS dental treatment, free schooling and signing on. I'd make sure the barstewards were paying me more than they would ever get from me.

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Citizenship is irrelevant. I reserve that opinion for all those who claim benefits to which they are not entitled; regardless of their citizenship. Most benefit fraudsters are British, anyway.

Benefit Fraud

Benefit fraud is estimated to cost the UK £1.5 billion a year according to figures published in the National Fraud Indicator 2011 by the National Fraud Authority.

Examples of benefit fraud are:

  • Someone who has not disclosed they are going abroad, living abroad, or has changed address.

Benefit fraud is not a victimless crime. Benefit cheats are stealing from everyone who pays taxes and who claims benefits legitamately, including the people who need it most.

I bet that figure does not include the money that is NOT given out as benefits because people live overseas and thus (for example) do not claim housing benefit or have state housing. If I moved back to the UK it would cost the taxpayer at least 50k Baht a month more.

Every elections the the tories claim that the labour party is planning to impose income tax on expats overeas.

I know it's really someting the tories want to do and will blame it on labour if/when it happens but I always say "bring it on".

I can be in my NHS doctor's clinic every week with a bad back, claiming disability benefit and NHS dental treatment, free schooling and signing on. I'd make sure the barstewards were paying me more than they would ever get from me.

Yes, that reminds me, must make an appointment with the dentist for a free check-up, clean and polish...it's simply AWFUL what they charge in Pattaya... ;-)

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Every elections the the tories claim that the labour party is planning to impose income tax on expats overeas.

I know it's really someting the tories want to do and will blame it on labour if/when it happens but I always say "bring it on".

I can be in my NHS doctor's clinic every week with a bad back, claiming disability benefit and NHS dental treatment, free schooling and signing on. I'd make sure the barstewards were paying me more than they would ever get from me.

We seem to be in somewhat the same boat.

They give me sh1t because I have not seen my doctor in 3 years. I tell them that he told me it was wasting my and his time, the piece of spine I had removed was not going to grow back. They say they have no record of my meds. I say I don't have the money to which they respond that my prescriptions are free. I say fine and are they going to pay for me to get to the doctors, go the the chemist to fill the prescription and return home. No they say.... That's why I order over the internet and pay myself saving the taxpayer money.

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Never even got a thank you so if the odd poster on TV gets the impression that I'm pished off with Thais then you got it right !!

Shouldn't that read , ............... " I'm pished off with my ex wife " ? rolleyes.gif

By the way, what did you serve, few weeks local , then a Cat D after assessment for a few weeks then on a TAG with HDC ? ( Do they still do that, HDC ?)

Or did you do the 4.5 months banged up ?

Cat D is great !! smile.png

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Every elections the the tories claim that the labour party is planning to impose income tax on expats overeas.

I know it's really someting the tories want to do and will blame it on labour if/when it happens but I always say "bring it on".

I can be in my NHS doctor's clinic every week with a bad back, claiming disability benefit and NHS dental treatment, free schooling and signing on. I'd make sure the barstewards were paying me more than they would ever get from me.

We seem to be in somewhat the same boat.

They give me sh1t because I have not seen my doctor in 3 years. I tell them that he told me it was wasting my and his time, the piece of spine I had removed was not going to grow back. They say they have no record of my meds. I say I don't have the money to which they respond that my prescriptions are free. I say fine and are they going to pay for me to get to the doctors, go the the chemist to fill the prescription and return home. No they say.... That's why I order over the internet and pay myself saving the taxpayer money.

I'm inclined to agree with you. I have Fibromylagia which is one of those "illnesses" that we all have within us (same as cancer) and needs normally an event or experience to set it off........

I need medication including 300 MG daily of Tramadol and others meds including Gabapentium (Spelling) but if i dont GO to the Doctors every month they say "oh you must be feeling better"........

Its just one long game thats played out time after time using taxpayers money.....

Edited by Chivas
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Never even got a thank you so if the odd poster on TV gets the impression that I'm pished off with Thais then you got it right !!

Shouldn't that read , ............... " I'm pished of with my ex wife " ?

You obviously don't know the full story !!!

Pished off with Thais was spot on !!

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Never even got a thank you so if the odd poster on TV gets the impression that I'm pished off with Thais then you got it right !!

Shouldn't that read , ............... " I'm pished of with my ex wife " ?

You obviously don't know the full story !!!

Pished off with Thais was spot on !!

Well, did you get HDC or not, D Cat or Not ?

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Never even got a thank you so if the odd poster on TV gets the impression that I'm pished off with Thais then you got it right !!

Shouldn't that read , ............... " I'm pished off with my ex wife " ? rolleyes.gif

By the way, what did you serve, few weeks local , then a Cat D after assessment for a few weeks then on a TAG with HDC ? ( Do they still do that, HDC ?)

Or did you do the 4.5 months banged up ?

Cat D is great !! smile.png

Excuse my french but did I bollacks...........

I actually thought there there was no one left that didn't know my story..........Couldnt possibly tell all here in a few sentances as took a month of my time to write a Blog of what happened on another forum !!

Without going into the detail in total I had 15 months (of which 9 was the Benefit Fraud crap)

Banged me up in Exeter a "B" cat nick for the first month which was local to me (Plymouth) and did another six and a half months in Channings Wood. No Tag nothing-never even had a parking ticket in my life previously either. Channings Wood is "C" cat and I was banged up (hate that term !!) with Ex Professional footballer Luke Mc Cormick (drunk driver killed 2 kids) of Plymouth Argyle......

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Never even got a thank you so if the odd poster on TV gets the impression that I'm pished off with Thais then you got it right !!

Shouldn't that read , ............... " I'm pished of with my ex wife " ?

You obviously don't know the full story !!!

Pished off with Thais was spot on !!

Well, did you get HDC or not, D Cat or Not ?

Just posted.....

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Just think of those people that couldn't find jobs because internet had not been invented eh?

Or before welfare created generations of miscreants living on the dole, believing they are entitled to handouts simply because they waste air.

I don't think that was Anyron Bevan's plan though was it?

Yes, another of the Brits inventions that has spiraled out of control, although it dates back much earlier that Anyron Bevan. Try the English Poor Laws which went into law in 1536.


I don't hink Anyron Bevan was an advocate of the workhouse?

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Surely you must qualify for ophthalmic care FOC as well?

Only if you want John Lennon glasses.

Any others you need to pay for.

You receive vouchers. http://specs4cheap.co.uk/information/information_id/14 . The eye sight test is free and of course you would probably have to top up the voucher but its certainly a help.

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Never even got a thank you so if the odd poster on TV gets the impression that I'm pished off with Thais then you got it right !!

Shouldn't that read , ............... " I'm pished off with my ex wife " ? rolleyes.gif

By the way, what did you serve, few weeks local , then a Cat D after assessment for a few weeks then on a TAG with HDC ? ( Do they still do that, HDC ?)

Or did you do the 4.5 months banged up ?

Cat D is great !! smile.png

Excuse my french but did I bollacks...........

I actually thought there there was no one left that didn't know my story..........Couldnt possibly tell all here in a few sentances as took a month of my time to write a Blog of what happened on another forum !!

Without going into the detail in total I had 15 months (of which 9 was the Benefit Fraud crap)

Banged me up in Exeter a "B" cat nick for the first month which was local to me (Plymouth) and did another six and a half months in Channings Wood. No Tag nothing-never even had a parking ticket in my life previously either. Channings Wood is "C" cat and I was banged up (hate that term !!) with Ex Professional footballer Luke Mc Cormick (drunk driver killed 2 kids) of Plymouth Argyle......


But you went to jail anyway? So what was the point?

Should have stitched up the missus and left yourself free to take care of the kid.

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Surely you must qualify for ophthalmic care FOC as well?

Only if you want John Lennon glasses.

Any others you need to pay for.

You receive vouchers. http://specs4cheap.c...formation_id/14 . The eye sight test is free and of course you would probably have to top up the voucher but its certainly a help.

You get them free should you have the misfortune to serve at her majestys pleasure.........!!

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but if i dont GO to the Doctors every month they say "oh you must be feeling better"........

Its just one long game thats played out time after time using taxpayers money.....

Last couple of years they have not raised the meds issue much. They do always raise the not going to doctor issue but he is quite happy to write a letter saying that for me to do so would be a waste of time and could have a negative effect on other patents who would be delayed by my being there. I do fully understand the need for a benefits overhaul but it does seem that the disabled are getting a rough ride. They have now outsourced some of the stuff to Atos healthcare I think it's called which means if anything goes wrong then they blame each other with me or us sitting in the middle.

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Never even got a thank you so if the odd poster on TV gets the impression that I'm pished off with Thais then you got it right !!

Shouldn't that read , ............... " I'm pished off with my ex wife " ? rolleyes.gif

By the way, what did you serve, few weeks local , then a Cat D after assessment for a few weeks then on a TAG with HDC ? ( Do they still do that, HDC ?)

Or did you do the 4.5 months banged up ?

Cat D is great !! smile.png

Excuse my french but did I bollacks...........

I actually thought there there was no one left that didn't know my story..........Couldnt possibly tell all here in a few sentances as took a month of my time to write a Blog of what happened on another forum !!

Without going into the detail in total I had 15 months (of which 9 was the Benefit Fraud crap)

Banged me up in Exeter a "B" cat nick for the first month which was local to me (Plymouth) and did another six and a half months in Channings Wood. No Tag nothing-never even had a parking ticket in my life previously either. Channings Wood is "C" cat and I was banged up (hate that term !!) with Ex Professional footballer Luke Mc Cormick (drunk driver killed 2 kids) of Plymouth Argyle......


But you went to jail anyway? So what was the point?

Should have stitched up the missus and left yourself free to take care of the kid.

Yes Sorry theres no way I can even start to tell an extensive story that took a month to write up.......

We both would have gone down but any sentance would have been shared. Did I do wrong to take the rap for nothing-too bloody right I did !!

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I can see why the OP is upset with England...................

He now realizes that he is not a hansum man after all..............for that he blames the English girls, I would be more inclined to blame his genetic pool and lack of mirror. coffee1.gif

Maybe if he bought the girls a few pints of the p*sh beer he alludes to he would get some action........however I fear their reaction in the morning. It's a terrible thing to wake up next to a munter coffee1.gif

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I can see why the OP is upset with England...................

He now realizes that he is not a hansum man after all..............for that he blames the English girls, I would be more inclined to blame his genetic pool and lack of mirror. coffee1.gif

Maybe if he bought the girls a few pints of the p*sh beer he alludes to he would get some action........however I fear their reaction in the morning. It's a terrible thing to wake up next to a munter coffee1.gif

Not merely a munter, but an international criminal fraudster, traveling the world defrauding innocent tax payers in the UK, and innocent kids in Thailand pretending he's a real teacher coffee1.gif

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Anyway Richard99, let me apologize for my rude behaviour............I should have introduced myself before insulting you. I'm theblether and welcome to Thaivisa welcomeani.gif

May I say you pressed all the right buttons for your first topic. Excellent stuff wai.gif

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I can see why the OP is upset with England...................

He now realizes that he is not a hansum man after all..............for that he blames the English girls, I would be more inclined to blame his genetic pool and lack of mirror. coffee1.gif

I am a hansum man, I am I am I am I am!! (can you hear stamping feet?) Though I readily admit to having woken up with one or two growlers in my younger, wilder days - English girls I might add - but never in Thailand, not so far anyway wai.gif

Seriously though, I don't hate England per se or English girls at all! I just prefer Thailand at the moment. I enjoy the weather, the lifestyle, the nightlife and, ok, masquerading as a teacher - I was an IT consultant in my old career, my English is quite good, I have a degree....and wait for it...a TEFL certificate.

I don't plan to be a lifer in Thailand and I certainly won't be buying a condo. I'd like to work there as long as possible, come back to England once or twice year and wait for my pension.

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