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Labor Ministry To Try To Remove Thailand From US Human Trafficking Watch List


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Labor Ministry to try to remove Thailand from US human trafficking watch list

BANGKOK, 25 June 2012 (NNT)-The Ministry of Labor is now trying to remove Thailand from the United States Human Trafficking watch list, and planning to enforce more restrictions on legal migrant workers.

Labor Minister Mr. Padermchai Sasomsap said in his statement that a study on the US watch list will be carried out in its effort to have Thailand removed from top nations notorious for human rights violation.

Relevant agencies and ministries will be coordinated to draft a plan according to the US criteria. He added that all of the requirements are expected to be complied with in order to improve the image of Thailand.

Meanwhile, the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare will address the issue of a baby born into a migrant worker family in Thailand by drafting a law which will force any pregnant legal migrant workers to return to their country to give birth.

Mr. Paderm said they are required to leave Thailand if they are in their 3rd month of pregnancy. They will only be able to return to Thailand to work after they have given birth. The department will try to finish this draft as soon as possible before seeking opinions from relevant agencies and neighboring countries.

He said he wanted them to understand that the new law is by no means to violate human rights, but it is Thailand’s attempt to clarify some negative criticisms such as child labors and human trafficking.


-- NNT 2012-06-25 footer_n.gif

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"pregnant legal migrant workers to return to their country to give birth"

I understand what the intent is, but wonder would this apply to say a western expat lady coming to Thailand to work legally on a WP and falling pregnant ?

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Typical Thia thinking then.

Hmmm so how to we get off this list that brings shame to our country. We could do everything we can to stop this happening and make sure that human rights are put before anything else, but where the fun and profit in that? I know, lets all work really hard to find some loop holes, and get on ourknees and beg to be taken off that list. Maybe they would like a trip to a soapy or a box full of cash?

Pile of crap as usual.

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This is a little like thr pot calling the kettle black. The USA government is doing very little to stop the flow of people being trafficked into USA. When the border states crack down the Obama government sues the state for inforcing the law.

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Meanwhile, the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare will address the issue of a baby born into a migrant worker family in Thailand by drafting a law which will force any pregnant legal migrant workers to return to their country to give birth.

And what precisely is the issue? Does the child automatically avail him/herself of a Thai passport? Nope. Is the company liable for the birth expenses? So what exactly is the issue with a child being born in Thailand? Beyond that, what if the father is Thai? They will deport Thai foetus?

Better still, just lock up all the foreign female employees under lock and key and prevent them procreating? Even better idea, don't import any labour at all, then you won't have the issue?

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The US no longer has any moral authority in the area of human rights. What a joke. Thailand should post a list of the US's human rights violations, so the US can start working on getting off that list.

You think the US cares if Thailand puts it on a list? I, OTOH, will be writing my representative and senators to let them know that even more scrutiny needs to be applied to Thailand.

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About self improvement and demonstrating they are the new gov, open to change, not responsible for the past.

As the U$ attempts to leverage into Thailand and the region, there's money to be made with conditions attached on both $ide$. Need to get off that list A$AP!

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This is a little like thr pot calling the kettle black. The USA government is doing very little to stop the flow of people being trafficked into USA. When the border states crack down the Obama government sues the state for inforcing the law.

I think you might be a little mixed up. Trafficking in persons is the illegal trade of human beings for commercial exploitation for forced labor. I think you're referring to illegal immigration, whereby Mexican immigrants slip across the border to pursue better economic opportunities in the US. Obama is suing the states that are "cracking down" because those states are violating Constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure. The states that are cracking down, it could be argued, are violating human rights; hence, Obama's legal action. And actually, the US is extremely aggressive in its efforts. Please, if I am mistaken, can you provide some evidence of the lack of US effort in this regard?

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The US no longer has any moral authority in the area of human rights. What a joke. Thailand should post a list of the US's human rights violations, so the US can start working on getting off that list.

Are you somehow trying to suggest that Thailand is in a position to lecture other countries about human rights? If you're correct, and the US has no moral authority to press the human rights issue (you may well be), then certainly no one else does, especially Thailand. See Thailand's military policies regarding the Rohingya, if in doubt. Also, I hardly think the world's most geopolitically important country is going to worry about anything that comes out of an unstable, corrupt, third-world country.

Edited by Unkomoncents
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BANGKOK, 25 June 2012 (NNT)-The Ministry of Labor is now trying to remove Thailand from the United States Human Trafficking watch list, and planning to enforce more restrictions on legal migrant workers.

That says it all - 'we want off the list' with one breath and with the other 'treat foreigners like dirt!

Reading the front page of TV is like the thoughts of a rabid, racist and xenophobic nationalist: No NASA, Thailand better than Myanmar, murder of foreigners, human trafficking of foreigners, international distrust etc.

Edited by AngryParent
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Labor Minister Mr. Padermchai Sasomsap said in his statement that a study on the US watch list will be carried out in its effort to have Thailand removed from top nations notorious for human rights violation.

Relevant agencies and ministries will be coordinated to draft a plan according to the US criteria.

Translation: we have just been giving lip service to date, but we are going to study the issue and draft a plan. Bottomline, we ain't done crap except give lip service.

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"The department will try to finish this draft as soon as possible before seeking opinions from relevant agencies and neighboring countries." Writing the draft "before" they consult with relevant agencies and neighboring countries. Not after consulting> Typical Thai approach.

The deportation of a pregnant woman is a blatant move to limit the number of immigrant births on Thai soil and therefore entitling them to Thai citizenship. Let's call it what it is. It's not a new method of eliminating human trafficking. It is nothing more than Thais repressing the possibility of an immigrant worker offspring being entitled to a Thai passport and ID card.

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"The department will try to finish this draft as soon as possible before seeking opinions from relevant agencies and neighboring countries." Writing the draft "before" they consult with relevant agencies and neighboring countries. Not after consulting> Typical Thai approach.

The deportation of a pregnant woman is a blatant move to limit the number of immigrant births on Thai soil and therefore entitling them to Thai citizenship. Let's call it what it is. It's not a new method of eliminating human trafficking. It is nothing more than Thais repressing the possibility of an immigrant worker offspring being entitled to a Thai passport and ID card.

Didn´t he mean he will remove the World from the Thailands trafficking watch list?
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... remove Thailand from the Human Trafficking Watch List? ... unneccessary to actually do anything about it ... sounds like Thailand needs another good advertising campaign? ... featuring lots and lots of smiling Thais ... yup, the perception should do the job alright, Thai-style!

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"Relevant agencies and ministries will be coordinated to draft a plan according to the US criteria. He added that all of the requirements are expected to be complied with in order to improve the image of Thailand."

That is all that this, and all previous administrations, cared about: image.

Deportation of pregnant women will put Thailand on many more lists of country's with inhumane practices, from Xenophobia to extreme and cruel treatment of vulnerable women. It will pile on the list of human rights violations record of Thailand.

Maybe a downturn in the economy, foreign investment fleeing to Burma or Cambodia and closure of industrial facilities will make Thailand eat a slice of humble pie and improve its image with proactive attitudes. The feudal mentality is alive and well and spreading.

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Typical Thia thinking then.

Hmmm so how to we get off this list that brings shame to our country. We could do everything we can to stop this happening and make sure that human rights are put before anything else, but where the fun and profit in that? I know, lets all work really hard to find some loop holes, and get on ourknees and beg to be taken off that list. Maybe they would like a trip to a soapy or a box full of cash?

Pile of crap as usual.

They have a plan

"planning to enforce more restrictions on legal migrant workers"

That for sure will stop the human trafficking tighten up on the ones who are here legally.

Is Jutporn still talking sounds like some of his silly ranting.

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This is a little like thr pot calling the kettle black. The USA government is doing very little to stop the flow of people being trafficked into USA. When the border states crack down the Obama government sues the state for inforcing the law.

Nice try but not a fact. They tried to stop illegal stopping of people because of the color of their skin. It didn't work the supreme court said it was OK. So if you look like a mexican they can just stop you and demand proof of your right to be in America.

Hardly the case here. For the most part they turn the other way. The real funny thing is Arizona who passed the original law is just like Thailand they need these people to fill jobs that they won't or can't do. Like a day's work for a day's pay.

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The Ministry of Labor is now trying to remove Thailand from the United States Human Trafficking watch list, .......

Didn't we have something similar already?

Ministers wanted several countries to with draw the Terrorist warning they had up for Thailand,

(as Thailand has only friends and no enemies),

just a few days before those "Assassins" suffered a minor work accident?

He (Mr. Paderm) said he wanted them to understand that the new law is by no means to violate human rights, but it is Thailand’s attempt to clarify some negative criticisms such as child labors and human trafficking.

New born child laborers? Is he worried that new born babies are working in factories, building sites or in the tourist industry? Or maybe a real worry for him, babies are taking away his job? At least babies would make more sense when they squeak, giggle and cry then many of today's politicians here in the Land Of Silliness.

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........ , what if the father is Thai? They will deport Thai foetus?

Especially the ones with Thai fathers!!! A "good" Thai family would never accept a "Immigrant labourer Baby' in their mids.

Seeing how Burmese, Laotian and Cambodians migrants are treated here in Thailand, I assume abuse and sexual assaults on migrant workers must be pretty much the norm. So no surprise they don't want pregnant migrants here (might give a bad impression on Thailand)

I'm pretty sure, if a Thai becomes father of an immigrant labourers baby he either raped her (abused the power he has over a migrant worker), didn't have the money to pay for the abortion and run away already or he might be really in love with the girl in which case, his family spend a fortune having monks around the house/property, scaring the evil spirits away that took possession of this poor bloke (Nasty witch in Myanmar blew powder in the air who miraculously landed in the poor blokes eyes and made his mind blind). If that doesn't work, he will be send for a while to become a monk in a monastery far away or in real bad cases, there is always the psychiatry giving the right medication to forget about Burmese Sweetheart.

PS: ... a few months down the line, the Burmese woman left the resort. No, no baby but 40'000 baht more in her pocket. The Thai bloke (since back from the monastery and hospital) is sitting most days on the terrace of his family home and steers holes in to the air with a silly, emotionless smile in his face.

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The US no longer has any moral authority in the area of human rights. What a joke. Thailand should post a list of the US's human rights violations, so the US can start working on getting off that list.

So you wouldn't care if you were mistaken for a Burmese fisherman, put in a boat without an engine, life preservers, food or water and then to be towed out to sea and set loose?

How about being crammed into a shipping container and dropped into the Gulf of Thailand? Would that work for you?

How about you are mistaken for a drug dealer and are gunned down in the street without due process?

How about being in the wrong place at the wrong time and getting sewed up by the BiB on some trumped up charge?

How about having to buy your way out of an internment camp where you have spent the last 5 years of you life, not knowing if you have a future or whether you'll simply disappear one day?

Yeah, keep telling us how Thailand is a shining star in the realm of human rights and how evil the US is. We'll be waiting with baited breath.

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