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Abhisit To Deliver Speech On Good Governance In Penang Wednesday


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How come Thailand did so well at the same time as the rest of the world. Are you trying to give Thaksin credit for that.

And if Thailand did so well under him financially how come the Government in 2012 had to transfer part of it debt from the late 90's over to another department so they could spend more money on projects t make them personally wealthy?

Actually you are very wrong. The Thai economy outpaced almost all of the ASEAN region and the rest of the world during the period. Many Asian leaders visited Thailand to find out more about 'Thaksinomics' and used many of his policies in their home countries.

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It must have been the will of the people. The MPs that the people elected made the decision.

Unless you're saying that the governments just prior to the Democrat government weren't the "will of the people" either. And a question you could ask about that prior coalition is "Why did parties back the PPP party when they had campaigned that they wouldn't?"

So why was the deal done at the residence of the army chief?

You are wasting your time mate.

The select coterie of die hards on here just spin and spin and repeat the same old same old.

Nobody got shot by the army.

Yinglucks administration is not a majority.

It's not really the popular will.

All red shirts are stupid terrorists.

Abhisit is wonderful.

What happened in the Temple was done by black shirts or red shirts or any other shirts except khaki.

Anyway the nurse, photographer, old man et al deserved to be shot by the army, that didn't really do it, because they shouldn't have been there anyway and it's their fault that they ran into the bullets..........

They deserved to be shot because they were there and knew the risks.

But the army didn't kill anyone anyway, it was some one else, who had stolen all their guns.

The thaivisa show continues and my Mother's the Pope.

Same goes for you TV Red Shirt, Thaksin, Yingluck, Chalerm, Jatuporn lovers.thumbsup.gif
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It must have been the will of the people. The MPs that the people elected made the decision.

Unless you're saying that the governments just prior to the Democrat government weren't the "will of the people" either. And a question you could ask about that prior coalition is "Why did parties back the PPP party when they had campaigned that they wouldn't?"

So why was the deal done at the residence of the army chief?

You are wasting your time mate.

The select coterie of die hards on here just spin and spin and repeat the same old same old.

Nobody got shot by the army.

Yinglucks administration is not a majority.

It's not really the popular will.

All red shirts are stupid terrorists.

Abhisit is wonderful.

What happened in the Temple was done by black shirts or red shirts or any other shirts except khaki.

Anyway the nurse, photographer, old man et al deserved to be shot by the army, that didn't really do it, because they shouldn't have been there anyway and it's their fault that they ran into the bullets..........

They deserved to be shot because they were there and knew the risks.

But the army didn't kill anyone anyway, it was some one else, who had stolen all their guns.

The thaivisa show continues and my Mother's the Pope.

Same goes for you TV Red Shirt, Thaksin, Yingluck, Chalerm, Jatuporn lovers.thumbsup.gif

At least he got two things rite.

1 All red shirts are stupid terrorists.

2 Abhisit is wonderful.

Actually the first one is only partially rite some of them are greedy self serving care nothing about any one else servants to the paymaster who is there idol of what they want for themselves. Except they might not want to live in Dubai.

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Abhisit Vejjajvia has been invited to deliver a speech on good governance and anticorruption

Will be a very short one then. rolleyes.gif

Well Abhisit wasn't corrupt and even with the corrupt coalition partner the government was the last corrupt democratic government for a decade.

Abhisit and Korn maybe, but what about the rest of the corrupt dems?

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So why was the deal done at the residence of the army chief?

You are wasting your time mate.

The select coterie of die hards on here just spin and spin and repeat the same old same old.

Nobody got shot by the army.

Yinglucks administration is not a majority.

It's not really the popular will.

All red shirts are stupid terrorists.

Abhisit is wonderful.

What happened in the Temple was done by black shirts or red shirts or any other shirts except khaki.

Anyway the nurse, photographer, old man et al deserved to be shot by the army, that didn't really do it, because they shouldn't have been there anyway and it's their fault that they ran into the bullets..........

They deserved to be shot because they were there and knew the risks.

But the army didn't kill anyone anyway, it was some one else, who had stolen all their guns.

The thaivisa show continues and my Mother's the Pope.

Same goes for you TV Red Shirt, Thaksin, Yingluck, Chalerm, Jatuporn lovers.thumbsup.gif

At least he got two things rite.

1 All red shirts are stupid terrorists.

2 Abhisit is wonderful.

Actually the first one is only partially rite some of them are greedy self serving care nothing about any one else servants to the paymaster who is there idol of what they want for themselves. Except they might not want to live in Dubai.

so since you only see two things that are 'rite' in that post, you must think that the rest are 'rong'.

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"Abhisit is, of course, a strong proponent of good governance and opposes authoritarianism. He adheres to those principles," Lim said.

And when that doesn't work, just roll out the tanks and the Army and throw a full moon coup party.

See there is the bullsh!t again. The Dems were not in power when the last coup occurred. But never mind you make it up as you go along in your misguided attempt to be funny.

"Lighten Up Francis!" ~ Bill Murray, Stripes.

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No different than many two bit parties in established western democracies who sell their party to the best bidder of two close or tied contenders from the vote, and do deals for whatever and where ever for the week after the vote to get a team together to govern, As with the Maori Party in New Zealand which has allowed the National Party to take power and then govern for the last two terms. And these two parties were and are from two completely different platforms.

As said above and moving back on topic. in the whole of Thailand they had to go to Ahbisit to find some one who understands good governance. Penang is just yet another knowledgeable group who understands the scum that are running this country currently could not be called on.

There's just one nagging detail to this good governance.. Mr. Abhisit's government was plagued by multiple corruption scandals.

The icing on the cake is the fact that he did not remove the accused murderer from his party and allowed him to continue sitting with the Democrat caucus.

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It is strange that even though Pheu Thai and Thaksin are running the country, an ex-prime minister, whose party was defeated in the last general election, was selected to speak at this conference on good governance. It would have been a natural occurence to invite the current prime minister or party leader or other high-ranking member of the elected ruling party, not a defeated party. So this may imply that the current lot in power are seen by international observers as not credible or respectable enough to be delivering a speech on good governance.

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"Earlier, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng of Singapore told reporters that the speakers greatly influenced the course of governance in their respective nations."

Lim Guan Eng is Chief Minister of Penang! Not Singapore!

The level of reporting by English dailies in Thailand is quite crappy, but this is an all-time low. Singapore and Penang are so totally different - geographically, physically, politically... whatever. Even the spelling of the two has nothing in common. Yet, this numbskull can get it so wrong.

Just don't understand why The Nation can't hire real reporters instead of getting bird-brained street-pups like this 'writing' for them.

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I suppose he can talk from experience having been in a coalition with Newin's bunch.

Almost everyone has been in coalition with Newin. And everyone HAS been in a coalition with the other virtuous Political party Barnhans. His nickname is slippery eel for a reason.


Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

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How can it be the will of the people when parties campaign that they won't join a coalition with a particular party and then do?

The red shirts don't want an unbiased army and judiciary. If Thaksin had his way, the army and judiciary would be biased in his favour. Given what he got away with when they weren't, where would we be now if they were?

The Democrats may not get a majority on their own, but if they can put together a coalition made up of a majority of MPs, then that will be "the will of the people". They did that in 2008 when a group of MPs decided that they didn't want to be part of Thaksin's proxy parties anymore.

Sent from my shoe phone

Thaksin's way;

  • Thaksin's economic policies, helped Thailand recover from the 1997 Asian financial crisis and substantially reduce poverty.
  • GDP grew from 4.9 trillion baht in 2001 to 7.1 trillion baht in 2006.
  • Income in the Northeast, the poorest part of the country, rose by 46% from 2001 to 2006.
  • Nationwide poverty fell from 21.3% to 11.3%.
  • Thailand's Gini coefficient, a measure of income inequality, fell from .525 in 2000 to .499 in 2004 (it had risen from 1996 to 2000) )
  • The Stock Exchange of Thailand outperformed other markets in the region
  • After facing fiscal deficits in 2001 and 2002, Thaksin balanced the national budget, producing comfortable fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005. Despite a massive program of infrastructure investments, a balanced budget was projected for 2007.
  • Public sector debt fell from 57 per cent of GDP in January 2001 to 41 per cent in September 2006.
  • Foreign exchange reserves doubled from US$30 billion in 2001 to US$64 billion in 2006.
  • Thaksin's 30-baht/visit universal healthcare program won the applause of the general public. Prior to the program's introduction, a large portion of the population had no health insurance and only limited access to healthcare. The program helped increase access to healthcare from 76% of the population to 96%.
  • During the Thaksin government, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS as well as the overall prevalence rate noticeably declined.
  • The Thaksin era also saw the opening of a number of government one-stop service centers to reduce red tape for anything from investment to utilities and ID-card processing.
  • After more than 30 years of planning and debate, the Thaksin government finally completed the construction of the new Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

Thank god the yellows/ army/ Dems saved us from the evil dictator. Things have been so much better since he was removed.

How come Thailand did so well at the same time as the rest of the world. Are you trying to give Thaksin credit for that.

And if Thailand did so well under him financially how come the Government in 2012 had to transfer part of it debt from the late 90's over to another department so they could spend more money on projects to make them personally wealthy?

Because the last dem government did not pay it off either and borrowed $US 45 Billion (1.43 Trillion Baht) so they could spend it on projects to make them/their coalition partners personally wealthy like the "dust free roads" project just one of the 175 "irregularities" of the "Investing from Strength to Strength" programme instigated by the Abhisit government?

The Pheu Thai Party has uncovered in a study on some 175 irregularities involving the Abhisit Vejjajiva government, party spokesman Prompong Nopparit said while filing his party's report at Government House.

"I want the prime minister to instruct relevant agencies to check into graft violations," he said.

Prompong said the irregularities happened in connection with the economic revitalisation projects launched in 2009.

Projects plagued by corruption included the Bt5.3 billion procurement supervised by the Office of Vocational Education Commission, he said.

He urged for the Department of Special Investigation, the Public Sector Anti Corruption Commission and the Anti Money Laundering Office to work in concerted efforts to root out corruption.


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Pretty clear indication Amsterdam's smear campaign hasn't really been that effective on the international stage.

I agree insight mate but speaking at this conference seems to be akin to appearing on the international stage as Widow Twanky opposite Les Dennis in Panto in Ipswich this season. biggrin.png

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I suppose he can talk from experience having been in a coalition with Newin's bunch.

Almost everyone has been in coalition with Newin. And everyone HAS been in a coalition with the other virtuous Political party Barnhans. His nickname is slippery eel for a reason.


Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

and his surname is accordingly chip shop if you hack it about a bit

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Who or what is the Penang Institute?

Perhaps, the first stop on understanding, why Mr. Abhisit was invited, would be to understand what this group is all about.

The group focuses on Penang affairs and fell on hard times. It has restructured and repackaged itself. (Nothing wrong with that, when you are not getting any traction and are marginalized.)

Interesting to see, no political leader of importance from other Asean countries was invited save for the Singapore chap, but then Penang is an ethnic Chinese enclave and has strong ties to Singapore. Malaysia and Singapore are locked in a battle of words now and any opportunity Singapore can find to highlight why it's so much better than Malaysia is jumped at.

I do note that the chairperson of the Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party, Philippines was also a key note speaker . This political party is a marginal group with limited political success in the Phillippines.

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but this is like being asked to sing in the lounge at the Airport Holiday Inn off of Route 53, in Rochester, NY, or at the Cozy Inn next to Luton Airport, or Ollies Bed and Brew in the Australian outback. It's the rubber chicken circuit.

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Who or what is the Penang Institute?

Perhaps, the first stop on understanding, why Mr. Abhisit was invited, would be to understand what this group is all about.

The group focuses on Penang affairs and fell on hard times. It has restructured and repackaged itself. (Nothing wrong with that, when you are not getting any traction and are marginalized.)

Interesting to see, no political leader of importance from other Asean countries was invited save for the Singapore chap, but then Penang is an ethnic Chinese enclave and has strong ties to Singapore. Malaysia and Singapore are locked in a battle of words now and any opportunity Singapore can find to highlight why it's so much better than Malaysia is jumped at.

I do note that the chairperson of the Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party, Philippines was also a key note speaker . This political party is a marginal group with limited political success in the Phillippines.

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but this is like being asked to sing in the lounge at the Airport Holiday Inn off of Route 53, in Rochester, NY, or at the Cozy Inn next to Luton Airport, or Ollies Bed and Brew in the Australian outback. It's the rubber chicken circuit.


But at least he was asked. And he can sing.... a bit.

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Pretty clear indication Amsterdam's smear campaign hasn't really been that effective on the international stage.

I agree insight mate but speaking at this conference seems to be akin to appearing on the international stage as Widow Twanky opposite Les Dennis in Panto in Ipswich this season. biggrin.png

Oh No it isn't, (sorry couldn't resist it)

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So, back to the original topic which seems to have been raped by a couple of anarchists.

Why was no one from PTP chosen?

"raped by a couple of anarchists"? Bit strong isn't it - did they not agree with you?

It was like the Basil Brush show. Furry and red but ultimately just an empty bag of wind

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Pretty clear indication Amsterdam's smear campaign hasn't really been that effective on the international stage.

I agree insight mate but speaking at this conference seems to be akin to appearing on the international stage as Widow Twanky opposite Les Dennis in Panto in Ipswich this season. biggrin.png

Oh No it isn't, (sorry couldn't resist it)

Mate that's cheesier than a bag of Wotsits. biggrin.png

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Pretty clear indication Amsterdam's smear campaign hasn't really been that effective on the international stage.

I agree insight mate but speaking at this conference seems to be akin to appearing on the international stage as Widow Twanky opposite Les Dennis in Panto in Ipswich this season. biggrin.png

Oh No it isn't, (sorry couldn't resist it)

Mate that's cheesier than a bag of Wotsits. biggrin.png

... but it is the average political discussion on here, with all the fat trimmed.

BTW - Oh yes it is.

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How can it be the will of the people when parties campaign that they won't join a coalition with a particular party and then do?

The red shirts don't want an unbiased army and judiciary. If Thaksin had his way, the army and judiciary would be biased in his favour. Given what he got away with when they weren't, where would we be now if they were?

The Democrats may not get a majority on their own, but if they can put together a coalition made up of a majority of MPs, then that will be "the will of the people". They did that in 2008 when a group of MPs decided that they didn't want to be part of Thaksin's proxy parties anymore.

Sent from my shoe phone

Thaksin's way;

  • Thaksin's economic policies, helped Thailand recover from the 1997 Asian financial crisis and substantially reduce poverty.
  • GDP grew from 4.9 trillion baht in 2001 to 7.1 trillion baht in 2006.
  • Income in the Northeast, the poorest part of the country, rose by 46% from 2001 to 2006.
  • Nationwide poverty fell from 21.3% to 11.3%.
  • Thailand's Gini coefficient, a measure of income inequality, fell from .525 in 2000 to .499 in 2004 (it had risen from 1996 to 2000) )
  • The Stock Exchange of Thailand outperformed other markets in the region
  • After facing fiscal deficits in 2001 and 2002, Thaksin balanced the national budget, producing comfortable fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005. Despite a massive program of infrastructure investments, a balanced budget was projected for 2007.
  • Public sector debt fell from 57 per cent of GDP in January 2001 to 41 per cent in September 2006.
  • Foreign exchange reserves doubled from US$30 billion in 2001 to US$64 billion in 2006.
  • Thaksin's 30-baht/visit universal healthcare program won the applause of the general public. Prior to the program's introduction, a large portion of the population had no health insurance and only limited access to healthcare. The program helped increase access to healthcare from 76% of the population to 96%.
  • During the Thaksin government, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS as well as the overall prevalence rate noticeably declined.
  • The Thaksin era also saw the opening of a number of government one-stop service centers to reduce red tape for anything from investment to utilities and ID-card processing.
  • After more than 30 years of planning and debate, the Thaksin government finally completed the construction of the new Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

From the same source:

  • Thaksin was charged with illegally concealing billions of baht of his wealth by transferring ownership of Shin Corp. shares to his drivers and maids, without their knowledge. Thaksin tearfully told the Constitutional Court that it was an honest mistake before the Court acquitted him on the charges.
  • The transfer of shares from Thaksin and Potjaman to Parnthongtae was claimed to have been a sham, since there was no actual transfer of money. Panthongtae said the shares were sold to him at cost. Thaksin stated he had a written agreement proving the transfer to his son. Prior to the transfer, Panthongtae had signed an agreement with his father to settle a 4.5 billion baht debt from buying 300 million shares of the Thai Military Bank (TMB). However, the actual market value of the TMB shares at that time was only 1.5 billion baht. This showed a "fake debt" of 3 billion baht had been created.
  • Pintongtha also was accused of being nominee for her parents. She said that the money from her mother was a "birthday present". This birthday present was used to buy 367 million shares of Shin Corporation, which leaves her brother with the same amount.
  • DSI, AEC, and Securities and Exchange Commission discovered that both WinMark and the two funds are owned by Thaksin and his former wife.
  • In an email to his supporters, Thaksin claimed that the court was used as a tool. He also noted how the Thai stock market rose to the benefit of many companies, not just his, and claimed that all charges against him were politically motivated.
  • In April 2009, Privy Councilor General Pichitr Kullavanijaya reported he had been informed by former US ambassador to Thailand Ralph L. Boyce that Thaksin had laundered 100 billion baht (US$2.8 billion) through Cayman Island bank accounts to organize the anti-government protests.
  • On 4 November 2009, it was announced that Thaksin Shinawatra had been appointed a special advisor to the Cambodian government and Hun Sen.

Edited by Buchholz
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Who or what is the Penang Institute?

Perhaps, the first stop on understanding, why Mr. Abhisit was invited, would be to understand what this group is all about.

The group focuses on Penang affairs and fell on hard times. It has restructured and repackaged itself. (Nothing wrong with that, when you are not getting any traction and are marginalized.)

Interesting to see, no political leader of importance from other Asean countries was invited save for the Singapore chap, but then Penang is an ethnic Chinese enclave and has strong ties to Singapore. Malaysia and Singapore are locked in a battle of words now and any opportunity Singapore can find to highlight why it's so much better than Malaysia is jumped at.

I do note that the chairperson of the Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party, Philippines was also a key note speaker . This political party is a marginal group with limited political success in the Phillippines.

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but this is like being asked to sing in the lounge at the Airport Holiday Inn off of Route 53, in Rochester, NY, or at the Cozy Inn next to Luton Airport, or Ollies Bed and Brew in the Australian outback. It's the rubber chicken circuit.

Don't be so cruel.

It was an international event of major importance and the current government have been slapped in the face with a wet kipper ( to quote an esteemed member ) for not being worthy of invite and have consequently lost even more of their international credibility.................

Meanwhile, Abhisits incisive comments on good governance are......................neither reported nor remarked.

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I am guessing Suthep wasn't available. rolleyes.gif

And Yingluck was busy... doing something.... somewhere... which may or may not have involved someone.


Your obsession does need treatment, I think.

Maybe she was out shopping or perhaps working.

Either way she's not exactly accountable to you.

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I am guessing Suthep wasn't available. rolleyes.gif

And Yingluck was busy... doing something.... somewhere... which may or may not have involved someone.


Your obsession does need treatment, I think.

Your obsession is rearing its often-deleted head again.



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