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Move To Bar Pregnant Migrant Workers From Thailand


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Move to bar pregnant workers

Thanongsak Muennoo

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Labour Minister Phadermchai Sasomsap is mulling a plan to bar migrant workers who are more than three months' pregnant from the country.

The aim of the initiative is to discourage migrant workers from having babies in this country in order to end a misunderstanding that Thailand exploits child labour.

"Children of migrant workers have in fact stayed around factories and sometimes help with their parents' work, because if they stay at home, they are completely on their own. But some non-governmental organisations have misinterpreted their presence [at work sites] as exploitation," Phadermchai said.

He said that to protect the image of Thailand, he was seriously considering the plan to require pregnant alien workers to leave.

"I have already asked the Labour Protection and Welfare Department to draft the regulation," he said. "I will then present the draft to relevant agencies as well as neighbouring countries for consultation."

The labour minister insisted this was not a violation of human rights.

"The migrant workers can return after they deliver their babies," he said.

Phadermchai said the presence of migrant workers' children at factories was one of the reasons that Thailand was still on the United States' Tier 2 Human Trafficking Watch List.

He said some non-governmental organisations (NGOs) had reported sightings of migrant workers' children shelling shrimp in Samut Sakhon.

"I would like to ask the NGOs to allow us to explain before reporting these misunderstandings to the International Labour Organisation," he said.

Phadermchai said his ministry was committed to tackling human trafficking and other labour problems.

"If they report to us, we can check if the problems really exist. If they do exist, we will take action to solve them," he said.

He vowed to take harsh action against officials involved in human trafficking and exploitation of alien workers.


-- The Nation 2012-06-26

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"He said that to protect the image of Thailand, he was seriously considering the plan to require pregnant alien workers to leave"

This sounds like a policy that coud have been put in place in the late 1930's in Germany !!!

How exactly is Thailand's imaged tarnished by have pregnant aliens in country ?

This goverment is just getting more bizzare by the day

So what happens if a western lady is employed by an MNC in Thailand at a senior position falls pregant in Thailand ?...going to kick her out as well for the duration ?

So much for trying to get off the human rights watch list....think they should go up one position is they enact this one

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Shame, Thailand, shame.

The labour minister insisted this was not a violation of human rights.

So we're to believe that just because your ignorant, lackey face says so?! I can see the border situation now: shakedowns of pregnant women. If only Thais really knew about their "image" among those that have lived in the Kingdom: little, boneheaded Nazis with disingenuous smiles.

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Here's a novel idea. How about establishing and enforcing laws which prohibit exploiting all inhumane labor practices? Then, all foreigners and children would be included, and it would not be necessary to target pregnant women since this would be a universal law. Very easy solution...in theory. Now all that remains is to convince the Thai business owners who exploit cheap labor to agree.

When god was asked about the reality of this happening, he responded: "Not in my lifetime".

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

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"He said that to protect the image of Thailand, he was seriously considering the plan to require pregnant alien workers to leave."

Does that include alien workers who have been impregnated by Thai men? As I hear, that happens quite frequently.

"The aim of the initiative is to discourage migrant workers from having babies in this country in order to end a misunderstanding that Thailand exploits child labour."

Apart from the alleged child labour issue, does Thailand NOT exploit alien labourers in general by paying them a pittance, subjecting them to unusually long work hours, stripping them of pactically all rights while they're here, denying them decent healthcare, denying their children schooling, and so on?

"He vowed to take harsh action against officials involved in human trafficking and exploitation of alien workers."

A noble pledge. Perhaps the good minister - instead of hanging himself up on pregnant alien labourers - should foremost look into the problem that foreign labourers are still illegally "imported" by the truck load into this country in order to be exploited by oh so image-conscious Thais. If discovered, the usual practice is to detain the illegal aliens often for weeks on end, then simply deport them, while the real culprits - the factory owners, construction companies, fishing fleet operators, etc. - generally get away with a slap on the wrist.

"Children of migrant workers have in fact stayed around factories and sometimes help with their parents' work, because if they stay at home, they are completely on their own. But some non-governmental organisations have misinterpreted their presence [at work sites] as exploitation."

How about if the good minister would propose that companies with large numbers of workers with children - regardless whether those workers are Thais or foreigners - were required to set up day care facilities that could accommodate the children while their parents are toiling?

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

I may be wrong but foreigners born here to non Thais, are not entitled to Thai nationality. I believe that law was changed long ago,

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How about if the good minister would propose that companies with large numbers of workers with children - regardless whether those workers are Thais or foreigners - were required to set up day care facilities that could accommodate the children while their parents are toiling?

Nah, not gonna happen. TIT. Rather exploit the workers or spit the dummy with a knee-jerk. Golden Rule #1 = Never touch the business owners. :(

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This clown seems to be a relative of the Science technology Minister, Ministery of irrigation, The present PM and her brother, as well as the Agriculture, Transport Ministeries, Deputy PM's. etc. Has no one ever pointed out the problems that inbreeding can result in, to these people?

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""The migrant workers can return after they deliver their babies," he said."

He should have added "and without their babies" otherwise nothing will be changed in the perception of child labour.

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

I may be wrong but foreigners born here to non Thais, are not entitled to Thai nationality. I believe that law was changed long ago,

As I understand it from from friends who were working here and whose child was born in Thailand, the child has the right to apply for Thai citizenship but must pass written and oral exams on Thai culture and history, both exams conducted in Thai. I am also lead to believe that most Thais would find the tests difficult to pass.

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

Being born in Thailand does not give you Thai citizenship. The children of illegal immigrants are not citizens. This isn't the US. In fact the majority of countries in the world do not do this, it is mainly only North and South American immigrant countries that do. European and Asian countries mostly do not.

Anyway I'm not surprised at this. Not a surprise that once again clueless NGOs once again end up hurting the very people they are pretending to 'help'. There is nothing the Thais can do to make NGOs less clueless, so instead they just deport the problem.

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

I may be wrong but foreigners born here to non Thais, are not entitled to Thai nationality. I believe that law was changed long ago,

As I understand it from from friends who were working here and whose child was born in Thailand, the child has the right to apply for Thai citizenship but must pass written and oral exams on Thai culture and history, both exams conducted in Thai. I am also lead to believe that most Thais would find the tests difficult to pass.

Frome Parentvine.net

"Babies born in Thailand will get a Thai birth certificate, but they are not eligible for Thai citizenship unless they have at least one Thai parent. If you are a foreign national, you will have to register your baby’s birth with your own embassy or consulate, and take whatever steps they require to get citizenship, passport, social security number, or any other important documentation."

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First point...

the babies will NOT be helping their parents work for YEARS.

Pregnant is years away from actually carrying a bucket on a job site.

Point two

Does he mean banning women with children from coming to Thailand?

it's only children above 4-6 years that could be carrying anything.

Point three

Is this more about

'babies born in Thailand having a potential claim to Thai residency'

and 'not being real Thais' they 'shouldn't be allowed this'?

This last is the only possible reason to not allow pregnant migrants in.

Prevent the newborns having any proof of birth in Thailand to use later.

Jingoist claptrap.

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They are using the term 'migrant' labor. How far will this regulation extend. Do female Filipino teachers, for example, have to return to the Philippines? Will all immigration check points have a 'pee on the stick' check point for all women entering the Kingdom on anything other than a tourist visa?

How far along would a pregnant woman be before getting deported? What is the airlines won't let her fly?

This whole thing beggars belief. Basically, they have to outlaw children entering Thailand if you follow the logic presented.

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It makes me sick to hear this...

The question is really ;; who is he talking about? the "rich" white people- or the "poor" burmese people... I know that if I ever had a baby with my pinoy, I would not use any thai systems... just go back to the mothership when schooling began...

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Thailand has ALWAYS been a racist country. Just look at property ownership laws.

Maybe they should just ban sex period. Or sterilize all foreigners who come to work here. That will fix the perceived problem.

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It makes me sick to hear this...

The question is really ;; who is he talking about? the "rich" white people- or the "poor" burmese people... I know that if I ever had a baby with my pinoy, I would not use any thai systems... just go back to the mothership when schooling began...

Without a doubt they mean poor Burmese, Lao and Cambodians. With maybe a few indians too.

Basically anyone who will take a job from a Thai and expect services for their newborn children,

which could include all the pinoy band members.

Migrant could be thought of as anyone smuggled in to be a slave on a shrimp boat

or pick veggies on a farm, or work on any job site for a pitance.

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I have trouble visualising a month old baby mixing cement on a building site.

To me this is what he is saying, if it is alright for the woman to return to Thailand after giving birth outside the country.

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"The migrant workers can return after they deliver their babies," he said.

Makes no sense at all. What would make sense and what would be a lot cheaper to enforce would be to fine and jail the owners of the businesses that allow the children of their employees to help with the work. If they wanted to avoid arrest they could provide day care for those employees in need or pay a better wage so the employees could afford their own day care.

Again, the NGOs are correct in reporting this, the owners of the businesses should take the responsibility to fix the problem rather than having the government write new laws that will have little or no impact on the problem at all.

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

I may be wrong but foreigners born here to non Thais, are not entitled to Thai nationality. I believe that law was changed long ago,

Thats correct...1970's sometime I think it was

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