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More Foreign Tourists Become Interested In Thai Massage: TAT


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TAT: More foreign tourists become interested in Thai massage

BANGKOK, 27 June 2012 (NNT) – Foreign tourists have been most interested in Thai massage while visiting the country, according to the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Governor Suraphon Svetasreni said that TAT has been successful with its “Discover the Other You” campaign, which promotes creative tourism among overseas travelers.

Within one month after its launch, nearly 11,000 travelers from 119 countries have signed up with the project before 3 winners, from Croatia, Taiwan and Australia, were awarded free trips to Thailand.

Mr. Suraphon said that creative tourism is now a popular trend around the world, as holiday-makers have become more interested in getting involved with local culture and activities while traveling.

According to the TAT, foreign visitors have been most keen in learning Thai massage, Thai cuisine and Muay Thai boxing.


-- NNT 2012-06-27 footer_n.gif

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According to the TAT, foreign visitors have been most keen in learning Thai massage, Thai cuisine and Muay Thai boxing.

Of course, if any of those foreigners actually tried to take their studies of those subjects any more seriously than a half-assed lesson taken on holiday, they would be told that only Thais can really do them properly.

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Interesting TAT, Very few would have time in their holiday of average 9 days. To learn this traditional massage/and foot will take every day for 3 weeks to get a certificate. Believe me I did the course. at 70 I must be the oldest bone breaker in Thailand. But I,m good-when I'm good I'm good when I'm bad I'm BETTER. (Dianna Ross once said this in N.Y Central park)

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The Thai gov and TAT have no idea.

In Australia mention the word massage or massage parlor and everyone thinks of local prostitutes. Nothing to do with Thailand. Where's that?

Thai's do massage ?? Yeah... so what. Many countries have massage businesses.

Millions of people come here for five main reasons which are immune to any flood,coup,riots ,airport closures ,rampant corruption ,scams and tsunamis'.

1 cheap hookers (boy and girl)

2.cheap drugs

3.cheap golf courses ( japs and koreans)

4 fake goods

5.buying isan trophy wives

Eliminate the above and this place will turn into a ghost town. The Philipines is already picking up trade (sex) from LOS.

Beaches here are mostly average or filthy unless you're from Europe and dont know any better,

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What the Philippines lack are good cheap golf courses..... They already have all the scams.

and "It's more fun in the Philippines" is a better slogan.. (in a range of ridiculous slogans)

Edited by bangon04
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The Thai gov and TAT have no idea.

In Australia mention the word massage or massage parlor and everyone thinks of local prostitutes. Nothing to do with Thailand. Where's that?

Thai's do massage ?? Yeah... so what. Many countries have massage businesses.

Millions of people come here for five main reasons which are immune to any flood,coup,riots ,airport closures ,rampant corruption ,scams and tsunamis'.

1 cheap hookers (boy and girl)

2.cheap drugs

3.cheap golf courses ( japs and koreans)

4 fake goods

5.buying isan trophy wives

Eliminate the above and this place will turn into a ghost town. The Philipines is already picking up trade (sex) from LOS.

Beaches here are mostly average or filthy unless you're from Europe and dont know any better,

Maybe that is why TAT is trying to attract a better type of foreigner to visit.

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Living in a real world, If TAT are trying to entice a better class of foreigner, first they would have to get rid of the farang already here-with exeptions of course, all the old rickety dirty men, all the beer swillers, back packers,and people that hate Thailand.

BUT yes BUT, it would have to spend trillions on knocking down all the bars, sending the girls and boys home to Issan, more jobless.

Get rid of every scam, corrupt practices, illegal this illegal that, clean up all it's beaches-and seas, Get it's rail service up to date.

Make the whole place more secure for tourists, and have the police do the job they are supposed to do.

YOU have to have things more--shall I say up--- if you expect hi so tourist business. Thailand is what it is, and if the airport is overflowing and the stats are right we do not need higher end tourists, as there will be no room for them.

Well we could do with a few, just for the image.

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The Thai gov and TAT have no idea.

In Australia mention the word massage or massage parlor and everyone thinks of local prostitutes. Nothing to do with Thailand. Where's that?

Thai's do massage ?? Yeah... so what. Many countries have massage businesses.

Millions of people come here for five main reasons which are immune to any flood,coup,riots ,airport closures ,rampant corruption ,scams and tsunamis'.

1 cheap hookers (boy and girl)

2.cheap drugs

3.cheap golf courses ( japs and koreans)

4 fake goods

5.buying isan trophy wives

Eliminate the above and this place will turn into a ghost town. The Philipines is already picking up trade (sex) from LOS.

Beaches here are mostly average or filthy unless you're from Europe and dont know any better,

What makes you think you have a better understanding ............. the ability to sterotype and judge others by your own standards?

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Living in a real world, If TAT are trying to entice a better class of foreigner, first they would have to get rid of the farang already here-with exeptions of course, all the old rickety dirty men, all the beer swillers, back packers,and people that hate Thailand.

BUT yes BUT, it would have to spend trillions on knocking down all the bars, sending the girls and boys home to Issan, more jobless.

Get rid of every scam, corrupt practices, illegal this illegal that, clean up all it's beaches-and seas, Get it's rail service up to date.

Make the whole place more secure for tourists, and have the police do the job they are supposed to do.

YOU have to have things more--shall I say up--- if you expect hi so tourist business. Thailand is what it is, and if the airport is overflowing and the stats are right we do not need higher end tourists, as there will be no room for them.

Well we could do with a few, just for the image.

Tar everyone with the same brush - all "farang" must be dirty old men and /or beer swillers? How many 'farang" currently live in Thailand and how many fit your description? Can you share your in depth research, methodolgy and statistical modelling (if used) with us please? Your perception of the 'real" world must be facinating. But, it is your perception, not reality - unless of course you did do the valid research.

Equally, your inference that anyone from Isaan is involved in the sex trade is a generative stereotype.

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Baerboxer, if you read into this more, it's a kick back to the people that do not want the usual people here, suggesting to clean up the place to make room for the higher end tourist, I was pointing out how it would affect all walks of life, if TAT want the clean and tidy Hi So tourist. It was not meant to slant the Issan boys and girls, A regular poster has the notion that all ex pats or most fit this dirty old brigade, a dig at him. hope you can see my meaning now.

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Many Massage Ladys are being paid to go Abroad...Friend of mine just pulled a 3 month stint in Korea where she made much more money then here....I predict there will be a shortage on Massage ladys in the future....

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Many Massage Ladys are being paid to go Abroad...Friend of mine just pulled a 3 month stint in Korea where she made much more money then here....I predict there will be a shortage on Massage ladys in the future....

Let's get Chalerm to have a crackdown on this

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LOl,Lol! Lol!

And TAT new campaign slogan" Come To Thailand For Masagg and Then Get Stabbed, If They Do Not Rip You First!"

This gusy at TAT are really a joke but then again, this is one agency that has lots of money and as in the case of their previous governor, its full of corruption. never invite a TAT official as a guest for any event and treat them and all their immediate families like corrupted garbage who steal tax payers money.

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Living in a real world, If TAT are trying to entice a better class of foreigner, first they would have to get rid of the farang already here-with exeptions of course, all the old rickety dirty men, all the beer swillers, back packers,and people that hate Thailand.

BUT yes BUT, it would have to spend trillions on knocking down all the bars, sending the girls and boys home to Issan, more jobless.

Get rid of every scam, corrupt practices, illegal this illegal that, clean up all it's beaches-and seas, Get it's rail service up to date.

Make the whole place more secure for tourists, and have the police do the job they are supposed to do.

YOU have to have things more--shall I say up--- if you expect hi so tourist business. Thailand is what it is, and if the airport is overflowing and the stats are right we do not need higher end tourists, as there will be no room for them.

Well we could do with a few, just for the image.

Tar everyone with the same brush - all "farang" must be dirty old men and /or beer swillers? How many 'farang" currently live in Thailand and how many fit your description? Can you share your in depth research, methodolgy and statistical modelling (if used) with us please? Your perception of the 'real" world must be facinating. But, it is your perception, not reality - unless of course you did do the valid research.

Equally, your inference that anyone from Isaan is involved in the sex trade is a generative stereotype.

Instead of your statistical modelling...a much simpler solution...just open your eyes, after you take the rosey spectacles off of course..whistling.gif

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Tar everyone with the same brush - all "farang" must be dirty old men and /or beer swillers? How many 'farang" currently live in Thailand and how many fit your description? Can you share your in depth research, methodolgy and statistical modelling (if used) with us please? Your perception of the 'real" world must be facinating. But, it is your perception, not reality - unless of course you did do the valid research.

Equally, your inference that anyone from Isaan is involved in the sex trade is a generative stereotype.

I guess you'd like statistical modelling & in depth research outlined for you when someone contends that the sky is blue too

Edited by seminomadic
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Living in a real world, If TAT are trying to entice a better class of foreigner, first they would have to get rid of the farang already here-with exeptions of course, all the old rickety dirty men, all the beer swillers, back packers,and people that hate Thailand.

BUT yes BUT, it would have to spend trillions on knocking down all the bars, sending the girls and boys home to Issan, more jobless.

Get rid of every scam, corrupt practices, illegal this illegal that, clean up all it's beaches-and seas, Get it's rail service up to date.

Make the whole place more secure for tourists, and have the police do the job they are supposed to do.

YOU have to have things more--shall I say up--- if you expect hi so tourist business. Thailand is what it is, and if the airport is overflowing and the stats are right we do not need higher end tourists, as there will be no room for them.

Well we could do with a few, just for the image.

Tar everyone with the same brush - all "farang" must be dirty old men and /or beer swillers?

Equally, your inference that anyone from Isaan is involved in the sex trade is a generative stereotype.

I would think after a 172 posts (actually after 1) you wouldn't be surprised by the use of such wide brushes used by some here. wink.png

Edited by Nisa
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Nisa you are a pain, you have selected a part of post bits to collect brownie points again. nit picking at posts arguing points, now using others to bait. if you cannot stop your game a few chosen words from me to you will have me suspended-with a smile-so stop niggling and looking at your posts you do not get much acclaim.

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Nisa you are a pain, you have selected a part of post bits to collect brownie points again. nit picking at posts arguing points, now using others to bait. if you cannot stop your game a few chosen words from me to you will have me suspended-with a smile-so stop niggling and looking at your posts you do not get much acclaim.

Not sure what you are getting your panties in a bunch over. I didn't remove anything from your post and I wasn't arguing but was agreeing with another poster by responding to a couple lines in their post to let them know I understood and agreed with their frustration and certainly didn't direct my comments to any specific person except for the poster I was replying.

Edit: After reexamining the other poster's post I realize I actually removed what could have been seen as insults directed at you. Here is the complete post with what I removed in red since it had nothing to do with what I was responding.

Tar everyone with the same brush - all "farang" must be dirty old men and /or beer swillers?
How many 'farang" currently live in Thailand and how many fit your description? Can you share your in depth research, methodolgy and statistical modelling (if used) with us please? Your perception of the 'real" world must be facinating. But, it is your perception, not reality - unless of course you did do the valid research.

Equally, your inference that anyone from Isaan is involved in the sex trade is a generative stereotype.
Edited by Nisa
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Interesting TAT, Very few would have time in their holiday of average 9 days. To learn this traditional massage/and foot will take every day for 3 weeks to get a certificate. Believe me I did the course. at 70 I must be the oldest bone breaker in Thailand. But I,m good-when I'm good I'm good when I'm bad I'm BETTER. (Dianna Ross once said this in N.Y Central park)

And therein lies the BS quotient. I have a feeling that the TaT is celebrating some folks that take a 3 hour "course" in Thai massage or cooking.

These course are not much in terms of teaching technique. I'll take your word for it on the massage. In respect to Thai cooking, a proper course isn't going to be any different than elsewhere, and those courses can take months. Maybe they classify a Thai cooking course as going to the 7-11 and having the clerk tell you how to put the wieners in the microwave and heat them up?

There has always been a core group that visited Thailand to learn the language, or study the art and even to learn cooking and take muay Thai instruction. I doubt these numbers have increased over the past few years.The numbers will however increase depending upon what one considers "education" Mind you, they hand out education visas like candy, so I dunno.tongue.png

Edited by geriatrickid
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