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Mr Real Deal carrys a fire extinguisher at all times smile.png ...... But your right I should have used better examples to make my point if I didn't want the flames ...... but you can't be Mr Real Deal and only expect it one way ...... that would make me ........... Mr One Way Street Deal !

In case your wondering why ..... it's because I would rather look like a tinfoil hat wearing dumbass carring a fire extinguisher,.......... than a really smart pile of ashes !

evander holyfield is the real deal ,not you ! ;)

get in a ring with mike tyson more than TWICE and then maybe you can have that name !

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Wouldn't you start to run out of money if you payed the 7-11 clerk more because you thought she deserved it? Or the songtaew driver? Or the cook who prepared your food for minimum wage at the restaurant where you tipped the waitress? Heaven help you if your child goes to a village public school and has a good teacher.....you'll want to tip her as well?

We employ a full-time live-in gardener and his wife as a maid. We pay them well and give lots of incentive to stay. Not because of low wage scales or because we're trying to change the world, but because they are both dedicated, hard-working, honest employees who we trust completely. They put up with a 6 month trial period of learning to do things our way (if they wanted to stay) and now that they are both pretty much self-sufficient in caring for the house and the yard. My wife and I are growing older and lazier by the day......but thankful for two loyal workers. We'll take very good care of them as a result. But the waitress at the noodle stand or the Oishi girls who serve my gyozas, I'm not ready to resolve their low pay problems. If the barber cuts my hair exactly the way I want it, I give him 20 baht.....if not, I pay the price of the haircut and walk out and he's happy.

In some supermarkets in the US, you might be expected to 'tip' the bagger who bags your groceries (me? not) or takes them out to your car (me? yes). But here, it's a service that's provided and there's no tipping expected.

I'm all for playing Santa Claus on occasion, but the expat community isn't going to resolve low wage problems in this country.

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Another thing I failed to consider ....... I aplogise if everyone thought I was trying to pretend to be Evander, you are correct I am not. I hope that doesn't make the 6 O'clock news or go virial as an embarrasment to myself and my entire family. blink.png


Wouldn't you start to run out of money if you payed the 7-11 clerk more because you thought she deserved it? Or the songtaew driver? Or the cook who prepared your food for minimum wage at the restaurant where you tipped the waitress? Heaven help you if your child goes to a village public school and has a good teacher.....you'll want to tip her as well?

We employ a full-time live-in gardener and his wife as a maid. We pay them well and give lots of incentive to stay. Not because of low wage scales or because we're trying to change the world, but because they are both dedicated, hard-working, honest employees who we trust completely. They put up with a 6 month trial period of learning to do things our way (if they wanted to stay) and now that they are both pretty much self-sufficient in caring for the house and the yard. My wife and I are growing older and lazier by the day......but thankful for two loyal workers. We'll take very good care of them as a result. But the waitress at the noodle stand or the Oishi girls who serve my gyozas, I'm not ready to resolve their low pay problems. If the barber cuts my hair exactly the way I want it, I give him 20 baht.....if not, I pay the price of the haircut and walk out and he's happy.

In some supermarkets in the US, you might be expected to 'tip' the bagger who bags your groceries (me? not) or takes them out to your car (me? yes). But here, it's a service that's provided and there's no tipping expected.

I'm all for playing Santa Claus on occasion, but the expat community isn't going to resolve low wage problems in this country.

Actually I was really only refering to domestic help and the occational repair person and perhaps the occational contractor but not as much. I was refering to people you employ not people others employ.

Another thing I failed to consider ....... I aplogise if everyone thought I was trying to pretend to be Evander, you are correct I am not. I hope that doesn't make the 6 O'clock news or go virial as an embarrasment to myself and my entire family. blink.png

Are you Mike Tyson?


Cause im bored wating for the market to open ! I didnt think they might delete it , my comment as well I guess ....i'm still a noob

Are you dyslexic?

I see you have misspelled "noob".

Missing at least a k, and its not double o.

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because they are total hypocrites and also because a large proportion of them simply are very poor and trying to live here on a mere 20,000 a month or so for a single person when at least 50,000 is needed or as a couple with kids on 30,000 when at least 100,000 is needed unless you live in some shack and eat mama noodles all day with no air/con or car or proper education for their kids


Cause im bored wating for the market to open ! I didnt think they might delete it , my comment as well I guess ....i'm still a noob

Are you dyslexic?

I see you have misspelled "noob".

Missing at least a k, and its not double o.

It's the internet spelling of newbie , not that I was saying I was a knob , but you knew that ..... please refer to the post above yours before asking me difficult questions w00t.gif

... I hope that doesn't make the 6 O'clock news or go virial as an embarrasment to myself and my entire family. blink.png

No, you're doing fine as you are. Carry on, we're all ears.



I understood from the above that you were of the opinion that farang pay more for sexual services than Thais, and thus responded, trying to correct that myth, at least when comparing apples to apples on both sides of the transaction.

If you weren't actually specifically referring to the sex industry, or didn't mean to imply "always", then never mind, not really a topic of enough significance to pursue further. . .

You're a teacher, right?

Interesting that you have such extensive knowledge of the Prostitution scene in Thailand at all levels. Did you do a study on prostitution or something, or leading seminars at BKU on the socio economic issues around the paid sex industry? Perhaps considering the previous post which suggests your information extended to the D-Dek girls so I assume you have theoretical knowledge of the compensated dating issue; did you run a work shop on this?


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I understood from the above that you were of the opinion that farang pay more for sexual services than Thais, and thus responded, trying to correct that myth, at least when comparing apples to apples on both sides of the transaction.

If you weren't actually specifically referring to the sex industry, or didn't mean to imply "always", then never mind, not really a topic of enough significance to pursue further. . .

You're a teacher, right?

Interesting that you have such extensive knowledge of the Prostitution scene in Thailand at all levels. Did you do a study on prostitution or something, or leading seminars at BKU on the socio economic issues around the paid sex industry? Perhaps considering the previous post which suggests your information extended to the D-Dek girls so I assume you have theoretical knowledge of the compensated dating issue; did you run a work shop on this?


I did. If you would like to employ me I give lectures to Western people interested in Thai culture. I also have literally thousands of published words on the subject on the INTERNET under my real name which has a large reading audience.

I also give autographs for a small fee.

  • Like 1

I understood from the above that you were of the opinion that farang pay more for sexual services than Thais, and thus responded, trying to correct that myth, at least when comparing apples to apples on both sides of the transaction.

If you weren't actually specifically referring to the sex industry, or didn't mean to imply "always", then never mind, not really a topic of enough significance to pursue further. . .

You're a teacher, right?

Interesting that you have such extensive knowledge of the Prostitution scene in Thailand at all levels. Did you do a study on prostitution or something, or leading seminars at BKU on the socio economic issues around the paid sex industry? Perhaps considering the previous post which suggests your information extended to the D-Dek girls so I assume you have theoretical knowledge of the compensated dating issue; did you run a work shop on this?


I did. If you would like to employ me I give lectures to Western people interested in Thai culture. I also have literally thousands of published words on the subject on the INTERNET under my real name which has a large reading audience.

I also give autographs for a small fee.

Count me in!

Actually, in a rather unsubtle way I was pointing out the frankly appalling concept that an unknowing parent will send their child to be taught by someone who is not only a self confessed whorehound but also someone who exchanges knowledge for sexual favours. Part of the duty of a teacher is pastoral care. Now, I am not a teacher, have never been a teacher, but one would assume that trying to get free f#$ks from the girls you teach is not exactly in the handbook on pastoral care and it is a shame that a small minority of teachers have this as the raison d'etre for their vocation. Do they not cover pastoral care best practice in a 7 minutes online tefl course?



I understood from the above that you were of the opinion that farang pay more for sexual services than Thais, and thus responded, trying to correct that myth, at least when comparing apples to apples on both sides of the transaction.

If you weren't actually specifically referring to the sex industry, or didn't mean to imply "always", then never mind, not really a topic of enough significance to pursue further. . .

You're a teacher, right?

Interesting that you have such extensive knowledge of the Prostitution scene in Thailand at all levels. Did you do a study on prostitution or something, or leading seminars at BKU on the socio economic issues around the paid sex industry? Perhaps considering the previous post which suggests your information extended to the D-Dek girls so I assume you have theoretical knowledge of the compensated dating issue; did you run a work shop on this?


I did. If you would like to employ me I give lectures to Western people interested in Thai culture. I also have literally thousands of published words on the subject on the INTERNET under my real name which has a large reading audience.

I also give autographs for a small fee.

Count me in!

Actually, in a rather unsubtle way I was pointing out the frankly appalling concept that an unknowing parent will send their child to be taught by someone who is not only a self confessed whorehound but also someone who exchanges knowledge for sexual favours. Part of the duty of a teacher is pastoral care. Now, I am not a teacher, have never been a teacher, but one would assume that trying to get free f#$ks from the girls you teach is not exactly in the handbook on pastoral care and it is a shame that a small minority of teachers have this as the raison d'etre for their vocation. Do they not cover pastoral care best practice in a 7 minutes online tefl course?


I have taught at a number of colleges. But I don't think that is what you had in mind. My ex wife told me I worked too much and I needed a hobby; so I took up Thai women. It has worked for me.


I have taught at a number of colleges. But I don't think that is what you had in mind. My ex wife told me I worked too much and I needed a hobby; so I took up Thai women. It has worked for me.

how did it go for the students then?

Lesson one. Sell your arse; its the only future you can ever have.

Lesson two. Let me show you how to please a farang.



I have taught at a number of colleges. But I don't think that is what you had in mind. My ex wife told me I worked too much and I needed a hobby; so I took up Thai women. It has worked for me.

how did it go for the students then?

Lesson one. Sell your arse; its the only future you can ever have.

Lesson two. Let me show you how to please a farang.


I think you have me confused with someone else. I taught accounting in college. Have you got an obsession going on there ?

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I understood from the above that you were of the opinion that farang pay more for sexual services than Thais, and thus responded, trying to correct that myth, at least when comparing apples to apples on both sides of the transaction.

If you weren't actually specifically referring to the sex industry, or didn't mean to imply "always", then never mind, not really a topic of enough significance to pursue further. . .

You're a teacher, right?

Interesting that you have such extensive knowledge of the Prostitution scene in Thailand at all levels. Did you do a study on prostitution or something, or leading seminars at BKU on the socio economic issues around the paid sex industry? Perhaps considering the previous post which suggests your information extended to the D-Dek girls so I assume you have theoretical knowledge of the compensated dating issue; did you run a work shop on this?


I did. If you would like to employ me I give lectures to Western people interested in Thai culture. I also have literally thousands of published words on the subject on the INTERNET under my real name which has a large reading audience.

I also give autographs for a small fee.

Link for these word works please ??


I understood from the above that you were of the opinion that farang pay more for sexual services than Thais, and thus responded, trying to correct that myth, at least when comparing apples to apples on both sides of the transaction.

If you weren't actually specifically referring to the sex industry, or didn't mean to imply "always", then never mind, not really a topic of enough significance to pursue further. . .

You're a teacher, right?

Interesting that you have such extensive knowledge of the Prostitution scene in Thailand at all levels. Did you do a study on prostitution or something, or leading seminars at BKU on the socio economic issues around the paid sex industry? Perhaps considering the previous post which suggests your information extended to the D-Dek girls so I assume you have theoretical knowledge of the compensated dating issue; did you run a work shop on this?


I did. If you would like to employ me I give lectures to Western people interested in Thai culture. I also have literally thousands of published words on the subject on the INTERNET under my real name which has a large reading audience.

I also give autographs for a small fee.

Link for these word works please ??

That'll be a cold day in hades. I get enough hate male without advertising for it.


Link for these word works please ??

That'll be a cold day in hades. I get enough hate male without advertising for it.

All them males are just jealous.


Link for these word works please ??

That'll be a cold day in hades. I get enough hate male without advertising for it.

All them males are just jealous.

You know they are Sam. As I said before I conduct seminars for Western people on Thai culture. Sometimes they ask questions about women and the night life industry. Mostly they are jealous of the prices and they counter with some form or racist nonsense. Older Western women get downright angry and threatening. I had one lady even try to sue me for talking about Thai women in a positive light. Or what I considered a positive light.


That'll be a cold day in hades. I get enough hate male without advertising for it.

If that was intentional then it was very perceptive indeed. biggrin.png

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Link for these word works please ??

That'll be a cold day in hades. I get enough hate male without advertising for it.

All them males are just jealous.

You know they are Sam. As I said before I conduct seminars for Western people on Thai culture. Sometimes they ask questions about women and the night life industry. Mostly they are jealous of the prices and they counter with some form or racist nonsense. Older Western women get downright angry and threatening. I had one lady even try to sue me for talking about Thai women in a positive light. Or what I considered a positive light.

Dude, are you Bernard Trink?


Would love to attend one of your cultural lectures....'I lived with a dozen gogo girls and the schedule for the hong nam'


Would love to attend one of your cultural lectures....'I lived with a dozen gogo girls and the schedule for the hong nam'

All those thongs outside of the door makes it inpassablewink.png for the hong nam I mean!


Would love to attend one of your cultural lectures....'I lived with a dozen gogo girls and the schedule for the hong nam'

All those thongs outside of the door makes it inpassablewink.png for the hong nam I mean!

You are close to being correct.



Would love to attend one of your cultural lectures....'I lived with a dozen gogo girls and the schedule for the hong nam'

All those thongs outside of the door makes it inpassablewink.png for the hong nam I mean!

You are close to being correct.

And the newspaper adds the finishing touch of class to the picturerolleyes.gif ... anyway back to "Maid's Payments" apologies to the OP


Would love to attend one of your cultural lectures....'I lived with a dozen gogo girls and the schedule for the hong nam'

All those thongs outside of the door makes it inpassablewink.png for the hong nam I mean!

You are close to being correct.

Don't you find them uncomfortable to wear though? My mum always told me to wear 100% cotton. All those plastic fantastic thongs you are wearing will give you a spotty bum and todger.

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Would love to attend one of your cultural lectures....'I lived with a dozen gogo girls and the schedule for the hong nam'

All those thongs outside of the door makes it inpassablewink.png for the hong nam I mean!

You are close to being correct.

Don't you find them uncomfortable to wear though? My mum always told me to wear 100% cotton. All those plastic fantastic thongs you are wearing will give you a spotty bum and todger.

I have never worn anything but cotton boxers. I even have found a source in Thailand for 80 baht per pair.

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