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Google Nexus7 Tablet / Review Cnet.Com

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I'll throw in my $0.02 fwiw.

I'll never buy a device from Google, Apple or Amazon as long as they insist on pushing to kill off MicroSD slots. Which puts me in a dilemma because the Nexus 10 is a pretty drool-worthy bit of kit. These manufacturers charging $50-100 per 16GB 'step-up' in their device models really rub me up the wrong way. Give me a machine with only 8GB fixed, and a MicroSD slot, any day.

I know a lot of people couldn't care less - especially the non-techies - but you'll care when you run out of space...

If any of the cloud loons are poised for the attack, you can back off as well laugh.png. Cloud is positioning itself very nicely, to start double-dipping into your wallet for data charges (telcos) and space charges (cloud providers).

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I wish that thing had the ability to make calls (via Bluetooth if need be) and a proper camera on the back; it certainly has the horsepower to record excellent video. It's small enough to fit in a jeans pocket (ok, just, but it does fit.)

The general pre-release consensus is that the 3G N7 will not support traditional GSM calling/texting out of the box.Whether it has the hardware capable to support this functionality remains to be discovered, and if so, can a MOD can be fashioned?

We may not know until developers get their hands on some units? Not sure but maybe T-Mo/USA will have product tomorrow (13 Nov)?


They're making progress: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1958686&page=6

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Very limited memory, not expandable.

Also Google tend to do one production run of a product, then never restock, so you buy as is with no hope of firmware updates.

Their products seem to be more attempts at market manipulation for Android, than serious products.

You're completely wrong about this, the stock Android devices, particularly the Google branded ones, are the first to get firmware updates and they continue to receive updates until the hardware is out of spec.

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The new Nexus 7 tablet models and pricing in the U.S. Google Play Store now...

No microSD expansion slot, no micro HDMI out, and no outward camera...

Ahh, and no Adobe Flash player support, at least officially, because of the Jelly Bean OS...

See a commentary on that issue, the challenge it creates for those who like to watch video content online that is Flash-based, and the problems it creates here...

But otherwise....



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Itching to upgrade from my 32gb xoom. Rooted and running jellybean its been and still is a great tablet.

This nexus looks the goods but lack of sd slot leaves a sour taste.

Could OTG a usb stick but its kinda ugly.

I want pure nexus but its just not ticking all the boxes

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