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Thai Woman In Court In Uk For Beating Pensioner To Death After He Changes His Will In Her Favor


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trouble is life in a uk prison will be like a 5*hotel to her if found guilty,where's the rope.

The only real justice will be that she will have to eat farang food for the rest of her life. A fate worse than death for most thai women I know.

RIP to the old duffer. Shame he picked a bad one as she did him in.

Nice one mate, that made me laugh.


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There are a number of parts of this case that seem to be undisputed facts

She killed him

She killed him with 16 blows to the head with a hammer

She waited 15 hours while he slowly died

Three months before the attack he changed his will to benefit her.

Here's the speculative part on my part:

There are networks of Thai women in most large towns in the UK now made up of divorced ex-bar girls who trade information on how to get the best settlement, what to say in court, how to claim abuse etc. They also teach other how to abuse the welfare system,

She was undoubtedly part of that network in Cambridge as she'd been there a long time.

This makes me think that the claim of abuse is false. That the attempted suicide is false.

My speculation is that she worked really really hard to be the sweetest thing he'd ever met to manipulate him in to changing his will. Once that was done she got tired of being so nice and went back to being lazy. He got annoyed and threatened to change his will back. She reacted with fury and attacked him, probably not intending to murder him, but on an impulse. Once she realised he was dead she decided she needed a story and abuse and mental illness is what she's going for, which is why she did the various things she did. (None of which were more than superficial)

This is entirely my speculation at this point, with the facts separated above.

If she gets away with it, or only gets a short sentence or get psychiatric care, this will be passed in to the Thai exwives network knowledge base, you can get someone to change their will and then murder them so long as you claim abuse or that you went temporarily mad

Brtish law prevents probate being granted in the case of a beneficiary killing the testator.

So enough of the drivel, please.

Do you expect, that she knows the habeas corpus?

She might be disappointed...whistling.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for updating for us.

So the white knights were wrong. She was a wicked murderer after all, not a victim.

Poor guy.

No the "White Nights" where not wrong at all.

I and others, argued that it is for the courts to decide her guilt or innocence - they have done just that.

As a point of note, there are a number of responses in this thread in which a scenario has been dreamed up where if found guilty she gets a couple of years in gaol, or in which she gets off scott free after receiving help from women and immigrant support groups with arguing a case of having been abused.

Well she's been found guilty, the sentence is the maximum under the law and she didn't manage to wangle out of it with the help of anyone.

Those arguing that it is for the courts to decide her guilt and that the judicial system is not cushy pushover have been proven right.

But then they would be, almost a thousand years of trial by jury and innocent until proven guilty was a pretty good bet compared with the emotional, knee jerk response of he hang-em-and-flogg-em brigade.

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We could have course done it the Thai way and allowed the police to examine how much money she has, who she's connected to and what her family name is before decide to loose the file or not.

Justice for an old man murdered by a Thai women has been dished out in the UK.

Foreigners murdered here, how many of them receive justice?

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Must be a hard day for the White Knights here in the forum: a woman held responsible for her deeds!

But her "life sentence" means only a minimum sentence of 11 years.

Therefore unless she shows bad conduct, she will be free at age 60. And of course she will stay at a women's prison, which has far higher comforts than men's prisons. So it will not be too hard for her.

Now the remaining question is if she can depart to Thailand with 340,000 GBP when she is 60? The family of the victim will probably take another civil case to make the victim's will invalid. Hopefully they succeed.

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Must be a hard day for the White Knights here in the forum: a woman held responsible for her deeds!

But her "life sentence" means only a minimum sentence of 11 years.

Therefore unless she shows bad conduct, she will be free at age 60. And of course she will stay at a women's prison, which has far higher comforts than men's prisons. So it will not be too hard for her.

Now the remaining question is if she can depart to Thailand with 340,000 GBP when she is 60? The family of the victim will probably take another civil case to make the victim's will invalid. Hopefully they succeed.

As posted by someone else "British law prevents probate being granted in the case of a beneficiary killing the testator".

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As posted by someone else "British law prevents probate being granted in the case of a beneficiary killing the testator".


Once again, why should facts get in the way of a good old emotive rant?!

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While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

UK prison is far nicer accommodation that many people in Thailand have. Indeed being in a UK prison would probably be far nicer than scratching a living in a Thai factory or building site.

Wrong all the inmates who have done both THL and UK are adamant : Thailand is actually and surprisingly better.

Apparently the reason is that in Thailand they are out everyday, they see the sky, the sun etc, Not in UK.

The only reason they all ask to be transferred is the reduction of time.

Having seen neither the inside of a Thai prison or a UK prison, I can't speak from experience, but I am struggling to believe you on that one.

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While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

UK prison is far nicer accommodation that many people in Thailand have. Indeed being in a UK prison would probably be far nicer than scratching a living in a Thai factory or building site.

Wrong all the inmates who have done both THL and UK are adamant : Thailand is actually and surprisingly better.

Apparently the reason is that in Thailand they are out everyday, they see the sky, the sun etc, Not in UK.

The only reason they all ask to be transferred is the reduction of time.

Having seen neither the inside of a Thai prison or a UK prison, I can't speak from experience, but I am struggling to believe you on that one.

In UK they play pool, watch TV, play cards etc and have very good food three times a day. Think l would settle for that eh. biggrin.png
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he got beat with a hammer, and he left all his money to 'rimmer', lol.

He made a serious mistake that cost him his life. BUT she is now in prison and will not receive his estate.

It didn't work out well for either of them.

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One wonders how the judge came to the conclusion that it was "a determined effort to take her own life" when bearing in mind that she was taken to hospital, released from hospital and taken into custody all on the very same day. Looks like a determined effort to appear as if she tried to take her own life to me. This, according to the judge, had a bearing on the sentence. See below.

"Minimum 11 years" surely has to be the minimum life sentence in the UK. She got off lightly in my opinion.

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^ that's why we have courts and juries who hear the evidence, hear the witness statements, hear the accused's statement and hear what the police, prosecuting and defending counsels have to say.

We could of course skip all of that and opt for trial by Daily Mail readership vote and leave it to the Daily Mail to give a full and fair account of the case.

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"Minimum 11 years" surely has to be the minimum life sentence in the UK. She got off lightly in my opinion.

At least she got some serious sentence.

A man wouldn't have got off so lightly for the same severe crime.

They call it "positive discrimination" in my country. And it is openly admitted by leading judges.

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While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

UK prison is far nicer accommodation that many people in Thailand have. Indeed being in a UK prison would probably be far nicer than scratching a living in a Thai factory or building site.

Wrong all the inmates who have done both THL and UK are adamant : Thailand is actually and surprisingly better.

Apparently the reason is that in Thailand they are out everyday, they see the sky, the sun etc, Not in UK.

The only reason they all ask to be transferred is the reduction of time.

Having seen neither the inside of a Thai prison or a UK prison, I can't speak from experience, but I am struggling to believe you on that one.

Me neither but I believe what the inmates say.

it surprises me too.

the last one I saw it on Big trouble in THL on youtube a few days ago.

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Me neither but I believe what the inmates say.

it surprises me too.

the last one I saw it on Big trouble in THL on youtube a few days ago.

Thailand is internationally renowned for having appalling prison conditions, UK prisons are generally regarded as being cushy.

These reputations don't come from nowhere, regardless of what an inmate said on youtube.

I'm not trying to stick up for the UK here, but the weight of evidence stacks towards the inmate you saw talking out of their bottom. A simple google search will prove that.

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Some friends and I discussed this a little time back after two 'Fallang' in a week met there end and came up with a 'cunning plan' as the 'Black Adder' might say.


We let it be known there was part of our wills that made them null and void if death was not by a natural or legitimated cause.

It might sound hard and it was said to the wives with a smile but they have had a huddle over it and I don't think any of us will end up on the Issan barbi or pushing the wardrobe against the door a night while waiting for the bitches real 'boyfriend' to come and finish him off.

It might sound hard but I have heard of it happening to many times !

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Minimum 11 years on taxpayers money for the mistake from a cheap horny pensioner ? I hope the UK uses the victims assets to let justice be done.

Why not send her back without a penny ( after her bank accounts in Th are transferred back to UK ) like Th would do?

After her time in prison she is still eligible to get the pension from her " naturally deceased " husband, Mr Rimmer...

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If hope she gets the maximum sentence they can give for such a cold blooded b1tch

Clearly this woman thinks, like too many Thais in Thailand do, that she can kill westerners with total impunity. If she had done it here in Thailand...no problem...shed get away with it. But, she picked the wrong country to do it in. If found guilty though she still won't do hard/long time, but it'll be enough for her to know she should have killed him in her home country Thailand where the authorities wouldn't touch her.

Question: How many westerners get murdered or die suspiciously here in Thailand on average per year. What's the total over the last 10 years? And, how many westerners get killed at the hands of Thais overseas...I can think of several, in Australia, America and Britain in the last couple of years, for example. Now, compare that with how many Thais get killed by westerners whether in Thailand or abroad over the last 5 to 10 years.

The figures would, dare I say, be scarey.

Unfortunately, western governments, could, but don't do anything to stop this, or take adequate steps to protect their citizens. Thereby, giving Thais the "green light" to carry on.

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