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Garden Gnomes In Thailand?

tim armstrong

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Maybe I've been here a bit too long or I'm just bored with seeing dozens of plaster chickens lining the highways, together with the unlikely addition of zebras and giraffes. Incidentally, except in a few temples, I've never seen a plaster chicken anywhere else except on the roadside. So who buys them and where do they all go ?

But to the point, I really want a garden gnome. Despite many near accidents while driving down the highways and attempting to scan the flocks of yellow and black chickens, I've never seen a gnome amongst them. I have seen some clever sculptures of children playing, but there is nothing quite like a gnome

While it's not England or somewhere else where the craft of gnome making is at an advanced level, and much appreciated, there must be one of the little fellas hiding here somewhere, or is Thailand really gnomeless ?

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Good one quiet man. I hadn't thought of that. But maybe there is a retired gnome quietly smoking his pipe in the garden of some English guy near Changmai, who hasn't worked for 20 years.

must have had a rib removed if he can smoke his own pipe. tongue.png

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No gnomes, but the MiL's neighbour has a DC3


It seems complete (the wings are against the fence), apparently belongs to a farang (not me) who is going to use it in his restaurant, he's apparently paying 1000 Baht a month rent for it.

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No gnomes, but the MiL's neighbour has a DC3


It seems complete (the wings are against the fence), apparently belongs to a farang (not me) who is going to use it in his restaurant, he's apparently paying 1000 Baht a month rent for it.

Hmmmmmmm, the props are missing so it won't go far eh. biggrin.png
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No gnomes, but the MiL's neighbour has a DC3


It seems complete (the wings are against the fence), apparently belongs to a farang (not me) who is going to use it in his restaurant, he's apparently paying 1000 Baht a month rent for it.

He could always try running it on red bull.

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There are a few of the Guys you are after living in villages around here and I see them quite often. They are usually staggering around in the half light with brownish, wrinkly faces, baggy clothes or string vests and bottles with just a few sips left inside. In the mornings as I ride my Bike around I normally see some of them in the laying down or 'slumped' position which I guess is how Gnomes sleep. Strange, but they always still seem to have the bottles with just a few sips inside laying around with them.

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There are a few of the Guys you are after living in villages around here and I see them quite often. They are usually staggering around in the half light with brownish, wrinkly faces, baggy clothes or string vests and bottles with just a few sips left inside. In the mornings as I ride my Bike around I normally see some of them in the laying down or 'slumped' position which I guess is how Gnomes sleep. Strange, but they always still seem to have the bottles with just a few sips inside laying around with them.

You should stop loitering and pedal faster, and do NOT check up how much is left in a guys bottle. rolleyes.gif Edited by transam
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There are a few of the Guys you are after living in villages around here and I see them quite often. They are usually staggering around in the half light with brownish, wrinkly faces, baggy clothes or string vests and bottles with just a few sips left inside. In the mornings as I ride my Bike around I normally see some of them in the laying down or 'slumped' position which I guess is how Gnomes sleep. Strange, but they always still seem to have the bottles with just a few sips inside laying around with them.

You should stop loitering and pedal faster, and do NOT check up how much is left in a guys bottle. rolleyes.gif

Do you consider this an invasion of your privacy ? wink.png

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No gnomes, but the MiL's neighbour has a DC3


It seems complete (the wings are against the fence), apparently belongs to a farang (not me) who is going to use it in his restaurant, he's apparently paying 1000 Baht a month rent for it.

very <deleted> cool.

Excellent bush planes, know of a few still in service in northern BC

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I haven't seen one of these types of gnomes yet in the land of the politically incorrect


or this;


Thats racist bro.

Can you please explain to me why you consider these racist? I just don't see it.

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There are a few of the Guys you are after living in villages around here and I see them quite often. They are usually staggering around in the half light with brownish, wrinkly faces, baggy clothes or string vests and bottles with just a few sips left inside. In the mornings as I ride my Bike around I normally see some of them in the laying down or 'slumped' position which I guess is how Gnomes sleep. Strange, but they always still seem to have the bottles with just a few sips inside laying around with them.

You should stop loitering and pedal faster, and do NOT check up how much is left in a guys bottle. rolleyes.gif

Do you consider this an invasion of your privacy ? wink.png

Absolutely, and he should watch the road on that bike instead of being nosy. smile.png .
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I haven't seen one of these types of gnomes yet in the land of the politically incorrect


or this;


Thats racist bro.

Can you please explain to me why you consider these racist? I just don't see it.


The black lawn jockeys often had exaggerated features, such as big eyes with the whites painted in, large red lips, large, flat nose and curly hair. These pieces were typically painted in gaudy colors for the uniform, with the flesh of the statue a gloss black. These statues are widely considered offensive and racially insensitive and many remaining samples have now been repainted using pink paint for the skin while the original sculpture's exaggerated features remain. Further questions ask SiamSam I think he is an expert.smile.png

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Don't gnomes just get some people going. I'm not interested in the non PC or the tacky ones, but the traditional variety. Apparently the Chief gnome in the UK, now about 110yrs old, is on some large country estate and worth a cool million quid.

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I haven't seen one of these types of gnomes yet in the land of the politically incorrect


or this;


Thats racist bro.

Can you please explain to me why you consider these racist? I just don't see it.

because the black (non-reflective) one has a much bigger package

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