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My Birma Domains... Time To Bay.

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The domains is gonna to be a GOLDMINE some day;-) I dont give a <deleted>....K about what you all say;-)

a silly question if i may, if you do not give an F, why did you make a thread?

For have ****** like you to comment;-)

Edited by tombkk
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The domains is gonna to be a GOLDMINE some day;-) I dont give a <deleted>....K about what you all say;-)

a silly question if i may, if you do not give an F, why did you make a thread?

For have **** like you to comment;-)

was it satisfactory?

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The domains is gonna to be a GOLDMINE some day;-) I dont give a <deleted>....K about what you all say;-)

a silly question if i may, if you do not give an F, why did you make a thread?

For have **** like you to comment;-)

You know....once you realise the error of you ways...the burma/myanmar thing and some mispelt domain names.....its not so bad really....don't feel you need to raise the aggression levels to compensate for the failures.

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The domains is gonna to be a GOLDMINE some day;-) I dont give a <deleted>....K about what you all say;-)

a silly question if i may, if you do not give an F, why did you make a thread?

For have ****like you to comment;-)

You know....once you realise the error of you ways...the burma/myanmar thing and some mispelt domain names.....its not so bad really....don't feel you need to raise the aggression levels to compensate for the failures.

its better he puts his anger out here then go on a shooting rampagelaugh.png

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Don't get hung up on the names. If you know what you are doing, ANY domain can be a goldmine.....

even when its for a non existing country and misspelled., after all look at names like agoda, does not make any sense, just need a few hundred million $ to make it knownwai.gif and your got a diamondminebiggrin.png

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Don't get hung up on the names. If you know what you are doing, ANY domain can be a goldmine.....

Speaking from experience Paul ??

But perhaps your angle is different to his....what you mean is make money from the site working it.....what our switched on entrepreneur wants to do is just onsell the domain names once Myanmar has changed its name back to Burma.....oh and yeah becomes a huge brothel.

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Don't get hung up on the names. If you know what you are doing, ANY domain can be a goldmine.....

Speaking from experience Paul ??

But perhaps your angle is different to his....what you mean is make money from the site working it.....what our switched on entrepreneur wants to do is just onsell the domain names once Myanmar has changed its name back to Burma.....oh and yeah becomes a huge brothel.

well said, his angle would not have worked even if he got the name right and the spelling, because he did not register variations, for example if i had a golf business and wanted domain name golfburma but he already had it, i could also do burmagolf or golfinburma or golf-burma and so on

The value of domain name is NOT only in the name itself, but also the spelling and phrasing for SEO purposes.

golfinburma would be easier to optimize because its already a search phrase

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Norwegians.... always at the cutting edge of stuff.

They will NEVER keep the MYANMAR name.... That is the military name;-)

No, it's the historical name, and the correct name as approved by the UN. You might want to read up a bit on the country's history. Wikipedia even has an entry just for the country name.

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Besides the EPIC fail on the Burma/Myanmar thing, you also spelt tourist wrong (burmaturist.com)

Also I would imagine they will get their own suffix, like Malaysia (.co.my) and Indonesia (.co.id) etc. Here we have .co.th but it is not widely used, in those countries all websites have the country suffix.

Come on tell us, how much? cheesy.gif

Unless OP got a bulk discount its usually $5-$7 per domain, so few hundred$$

Verisign controls .com and charge between $7-8 per domain (bulk). Most registrars now charge around $10 for a .com, though if you are a big buyer you may find it a little cheaper. The cheapest consumer price I'm able to find at this time is $9.43 for a .com, including free privacy protection.

Some registrars sell the domain at a loss first year, presumably in the hope that you will renew the domains many years to follow.

Where is that ??

Thing is, don't they offer the cheap rego initially and then up the yearly renewals and privacy fees etc ??

For a .com domain name it should cost around $9-$10 even with discounts. Same with name renewals.

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How much did you pay for the domains?


The reason I asked that, is that a lot of people had just jumped on the idea and called it stupid, without even asking a few more facts. A few more thoughts:

- People are always asking on here for ideas on businesses. Why jump on someone immediately that has tried something and just put them down - instead of being a bit more constructive.

- It can takes tens, hundreds or thousands of attempts to make any break thru

- When you're brain storming for ideas, a key rule is don't dismiss any suggestion as stupid

The comments on misspelling may not have taken into account that there are websites not in English. The word "turist" for example isn't a mispelling, it is the Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and no doubt other languages aside from just these Scandanavian ones.

Thanks to the people who have taken time to explain a bit more on how things could have been improved. I don't know much about this subject (I would have looked at the annual costs tho') :)

Seems like a lottery to me, but again if the costs are low and you can afford it + the rewards are high, then who knows? - Proview have just got another $60mio out of Apple for ipad rights in China. Doubt it's in that class, and very different IP category but...?

Good luck with it :)

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Bought my self some domain name for Burma today:


You sure you purchased them today ?

Not going to go through them all but..............


Created on: 2012-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Expires on: 2013-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Updated on: 2012-07-03 17:11:25 UTC


Per Alvin Vihovde

Solbrisveien 1

Randaberg, 4070



Created on: 2012-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Expires on: 2013-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Updated on: 2012-07-03 17:11:25 UTC

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Bought my self some domain name for Burma today:


You sure you purchased them today ?

Not going to go through them all but..............


Created on: 2012-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Expires on: 2013-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Updated on: 2012-07-03 17:11:25 UTC


Per Alvin Vihovde

Solbrisveien 1

Randaberg, 4070



Created on: 2012-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Expires on: 2013-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Updated on: 2012-07-03 17:11:25 UTC

Your awesome, you posted the same info as me except I chose to omit Dagling's registrant details , kudo's to you for "outing" him.

Edited by Spoonman
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Bought my self some domain name for Burma today:


You sure you purchased them today ?

Not going to go through them all but..............


Created on: 2012-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Expires on: 2013-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Updated on: 2012-07-03 17:11:25 UTC


Per Alvin Vihovde

Solbrisveien 1

Randaberg, 4070



Created on: 2012-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Expires on: 2013-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Updated on: 2012-07-03 17:11:25 UTC

Your awesome, you posted the same info as me except I chose to omit Dagling's registrant details , kudo's to you for "outing" him.

remember the name, it will be the in the top 300 richest men in the world in a few yearsgiggle.gif

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I've got 5 Myanmar sites; property rental and expat type domain names if anyone is interested lol

Myanmar, not Burma though, so I hope that the OP is wrong and the rest of the world is right. After all, the Junta still leads most of the country.....

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I don't mind the use of the name Burma. For a start it is shorter than Myanmar and most people still remember this name.

However if BURMAEXPATSCLUB.com is typical of the quality of domain name registered by the OP, then his first attempts at cybersquatting are destined for failure and he has wasted his money.

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