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Do You Mix With Other Falang


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Wrong post, sorry.

MAybe I should clarify.

When I say old farang I mean those know all's that have been there for a long time - propped up by a bar , had a few girls rout them for most of their cash and are now bitter beyond belief.

Unless you are spending your time in bars too where would you be encountering these people and why would they concern you?

Some of the generalization you use in your posts make you sound a bit odd and may tend to put you in one of those groups you find so distasteful. You may be trying to be colorful with your speech but it is not working very well.


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Yes, I do although I`m generally a quiet person.

Met some decent people to have a chat with from time to time.

I`d always acknowledge someone saying Hi or nodding a Hello.

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In Phuket so lots of farangs and activities by and for us. I have met some really genuinely great people and am happy with those that I call friends, some I met though Thaivisa. Having said that, I have also found that there seems to be a lot of bitter, low life scum farangs living here that don't give an f about anyone but themselves, and don't seem to have anything in common with me other than proximity. I see this reflected in the posts of a lot of Thaivisa board members. So no, I usually go out of my way to not mix with them.

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Wrong post, sorry.

MAybe I should clarify.

When I say old falang I mean those know all's that have been there for a long time - propped up by a bar , had a few girls rout them for most of their cash and are nowbitter beyond belief.

You won't see many of those, they spend every waking hour in front of a computer on ThaiVisa.

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I've met one or two that I trust enough to have round to my gaff for a beer.

Frankly, most of the foreigners I see/meet in bars/clubs are drunken clowns who, even after years in Thailand, still behave like they've never seen pussy before. At best, just being associated with them is bloody embarrassing and, at worst, it can lead to becoming involved in a punch-up over the smallest thing.

Consequently, I avoid piss-heads like the plague which leaves about 1% of all the foreigners in BKK as a pool for potential friends tongue.png

Exactly my observation. The bunch I met (including so called teachers) were so engrossed with their current girl ventures, boost and picking a fight with someone passing through that dared to look at a girl in the bar it was sad.

I was born and spent my youth in the centre of Glasgow - one asked where I came from - when I told him he said 'so that makes you tough' what a tosser, I left after that drink before I was forced to give him the old Glasgow kiss

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BKK - Most of my closest and best friends here in Thailand are foreigners. :)

Agreed, and they are not all the typical generalization. I have Thai friends from work, but again both in Bangkok and Trat most of my closest friends are foreigners.

Look forward to seeing you in e. football season!

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Play nice krobert, it’s not like you live here either.wink.png If we disallowed all who are not full-time or haven’t lived here for lets say 30 yearswhistling.gif , there would be very few posters indeed.tongue.pnglaugh.png

I am trying to VF, at least I spend half my time there.

I think I will just restrict my use of this site to a couple of areas of interest to minimise the BS

Thank you for your consideration to other members

The pleasure is all mine - have fun in dreamworld

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OK the flamefest (and you know who you are) is officially over, offending posts have been removed from view and any further insult hurling may result in suspension of posting privileges. Rein it in, fellas.

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Wrong post, sorry.

MAybe I should clarify.

When I say old falang I mean those know all's that have been there for a long time - propped up by a bar , had a few girls rout them for most of their cash and are nowbitter beyond belief.

So many stereotypes, so little time. I think you read TV too much. Either that, or a poor trolling attempt. Especially using terms you don't understand, like "typical monger". You remind of the reasons why I don't go out of my way to make farang friends in Thailand.

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My bf is Aussie, my best male friend is English, my best female friend is Aussie and then i have friends that are Polish, Indian, Singaporean, American, British, French..and on and on..(and then of course Thai)..all ages, all sexes, all diferent personalities and financial statuses. Im not in touch on a daily basis, because im a happy loner, but I am SO thankful to know a variety of such interesting people. I honestly have no idea why anyone limit themselves in such a way. I can joke in a way with a Brit that i cant joke with with my bf..just as my bf can joke with another Aussie in a way i wouldnt be able to. I have some very intellegent Thai friends who are fluent in English, but still, i could not have the level of depth of conversation i could have with another native English speaker regarding some things..just as a Thai could not with me. I personally really couldnt imagine anything more dull than to limit myself in such a way.

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A good falang is hard to find. ....

I usually met other foreigners through Thai friends. They believe that if they invite only one foreigner he will feel lonely, so they invite other people with falang friend or partner....

Where you get your Thai friends from? Never heard or have this happened to me for the little few years I have been here. The vast majority of foreigners I know I meet randomly (street, events, etc.). When my Thai friends invite me out, they don't bother ensuring there's another foreigner to make me feel at home. I can only speak words in Thai...

I'll talk to anyone and give a chance to a chat. Even talked to a few Nigerians about the "I want to invest money in your country" scam or the holy man about "you so lucky" b.s. It's entertaining and keeps me up to date on the latest scams... although I am dissapointed on the lack of creativity...

I live in Bangkok, most don't consider Bangkok friendly, but I don't have any issues here (nothing perfect, and you can't be friends with everyone)... But I noticed that if you don't act like you are God's gift to mankind/woman, then people (foreigners and Thais) will be happy to chat where appropriate.

Having said that, I find the hardest people to talk to is foreigners wearing suit and tie... Never had a problem with people who look like they could rip my head off with one finger, but suit and tie... wacko.png

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I think I would go a bit crazy if I did not go out on a night and have a few beers and a good chat with friends in English. We have great times and laughs.

For those who like to live in isolation or seem to be hiding from us other foreigners, up to them.

Great during the football season to have all that friendly banter between each other over matches, scores and referees decisions.

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I have a very large group of expat friends met over 16 years in Bangkok and the region. Some i know through work, or work related networks, some were random, or accidental acquaintances.

What they all have in common is they are in thaliand for work or business as well as truly enjoying the place itself. Many have settled in permanently so a tight core group remains

Over the years this network has shrunk and expanded as networks and groups of friends naturally do. People have wed, had children and done whatever it is people naturally do.

I guess it comes down to whether or not you are here living your life or waiting for it to end.

So yes, I mix with farang. I was out for lunch with a group of friends yesterday, and i will be watching the F1 with a group of friends today.

in your case this is probably necessary, we know you came here to escape and find interest among foreign men since you are fugly

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Wrong post, sorry.

MAybe I should clarify.

When I say old falang I mean those know all's that have been there for a long time - propped up by a bar , had a few girls rout them for most of their cash and are nowbitter beyond belief.

I would like to apologize for any confusion I might have caused. My original post, that I edited/replaced with "Wrong post, sorry.' seems to have a life of it's own. The original post was written in error due to reading "have seen the odd falang" as "have seen the old falang" my bad. But, in order to play fair here is the original post discussing the "old falang" and how we are sometimes treated by others.


You might want to consider your future when avoiding the “old falang” just because they are “old falang.” You too will be old one day and you, as is the case with me, might find it a little offensive and can make a decent man very unhappy. Personally, I am not a “typical monger.” I came here to retire and live a decent lifestyle which I cannot afford in Canada. There is a local bar/pub here in CM, a couple of kms from the party district, where a lot of falang hang out, mostly teachers and the like but, it also draws a few Thai. For the most part, a stop off during the week will find a few falang and an age range of 40 something and up, me being on the “up” side of things. I have always found making simple conversation easy in a pub, buy your pint and talk to the folks nearby, you meet some good people that way. Of course you meet some nutjobs as well but, life is full of ups and downs. All of that changes in this pub on Friday or Saturday night because that's when the younger crowd comes in. Now I'm not so old I can't remember my own arrogance of youth so I'm not dissing for the sake of it but, some of these folks are the most obnoxious dickwads you'd ever want to meet. I've had them sneer at me, I've overheard the classic “watch out for the dirty old man” slur, I've had them try to push me aside so they can mosey up to the bar. I might be in my 60s but I'm still fairly big and not particularly soft. The pushing usually stops with a disapproving glance, if it escalates, a stand up from the bar stool with a face to face might be necessary. Anyway, the point I'm making here is that if you distance yourself from other people strictly based on their age (edit: ethnicity) you are cutting yourself off from the occasional good human being based on a catch all dismissal. I've lived in CM for nearly a year and, although I've met a few guys I wouldn't give the time of day to after getting to known them, I've also met a few really decent guys, it works that way all over the world.

Agism is as common as racism and when your youth passes you will probably get to experience it too, it is hurtful and creates a sense of loneliness in a room full of people. Old is not a disease, it is part of life.

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BKK - Most of my closest and best friends here in Thailand are foreigners. smile.png

Agreed, and they are not all the typical generalization. I have Thai friends from work, but again both in Bangkok and Trat most of my closest friends are foreigners.

Look forward to seeing you in e. football season!

Yes look forward to it mate. Likely I'll be watching more on the GMM box tho, and as Brian suffered the same fate he's bought one for Crossbar which is good news for me :)

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Except the Farang friends of my "old man' which are just Farang I know but the age difference is to much that we could have something in common, I don't have any Farang friends here in LOS.

Not that I want to but it simply never happens for the past 6 years since I moved here that I mad some new friends or evan a so called "best friend".

I must admit that I am a bit shy and just try to get out of the way of other Foreigners.

My bets friend is my Thai GF. wub.png

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I think an Aussie in Hat Yai hit the nail on the head. If you would not want them as friends back home. Why have them as friends here?

I agree - this is the principle I will stick with, it is just I have not met any that were not there solely for the boose and women..

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I have been based in Hua Hin for over 25 years now and I can honestly say that I have far fewer farang friends in town than I did when I first came here.

When I first came to Hua Hin there was probably no more than 20 or so farang living there and you could go for days without seeing any of them.

Therefore because there was so few, the friendships that I made were based on a type of kindred spirit.

Where can I get decent bread, newspaper, fax machine and so on, but nowadays there are so many farang and consequently their needs are well catered for, that you just take everyone for granted and get on with your own life.

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i have lived here for 8 years. i have farang friends and thai friends. Wow i hear you say, thats odd! why you you live in thailand and talk to anyone who isn't thai?

well, the answer is that i am happy to talk to anyone that is pleasant affable and equally happy to make my aquaintance.

If someone behaves in an unpleasant manner, is rude or offensive i tend to avoid them. I have no interest in their nationality, religion at all. I judge people on the manner in which the treat me.

Apologies in advance but am i missing something hidden in the depths of the topic?

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