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Congratulations Chris! :o You must be rapt about finally getting the dang thing! So it took about 5 months all in all? That's not much over average anyway... I'd be happy to get it at that time, as the earliest my wife could come is mid-March anyway after her finals (which is only a month away now! :D)

I think the only reason it took this long was the need for an xray, which we could not get done until after our baby was born in January.

3 months or there abouts seem to be the norm.

I am amazed to the post that application approved on the spot. Must be very good migration agent!!!!

Spoke to a few people from north east they seem to have the longer waits? We are from Chiangrai. But at the end of the day I can't understand why the Dept cant be transparent or in my case communicate where everything is at, I know I still have life to live and need to prepare for depature from Thailand.

Every case is different, but what they seem to forget when they prolong the agony is that this is only the start of the process. When we get to Australia we will have two more years of the process. I know this was the experience of my brothers wife ; who came from US.

Rob Chambers is the other Aussie at the embassy for immigration.

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My wife just had her interview on the 15th - From what I can gather it went well. At the end of the 90mins the case officer said something like wow that went quickly.... I guess thats a good thing. However she did request more information from me about tax (a second follow up). I've already shown very sufficient funds and a very good job offer back in Aus. Also group certificates , payment slips, tax reuturns (oz), bank statements .... I'll be calling her tomorrow to ask more but what more would they want to know?

My wife just had her interview on the 15th - From what I can gather it went well. At the end of the 90mins the case officer said something like wow that went quickly.... I guess thats a good thing. However she did request more information from me about tax (a second follow up). I've already shown very sufficient funds and a very good job offer back in Aus. Also group certificates , payment slips, tax reuturns (oz), bank statements .... I'll be calling her tomorrow to ask more but what more would they want to know?

That's pretty much what happened with us too, but they asked for the tax docs before the interview which we gave to them at the interview. You're probably all set, so it's time to sit back and wait a couple of months... that's the worst part. :o They'll ask you if they want something. I also asked them if they wanted more and they told me that they'll let me know if/when they do. There's no hurrying or trying to pre-empt them in my experience. Obviously it's better to give as much as you can at the start tho.

Howdy all, just another boring question regarding timelines.

Alot of info out there on the Net is dated, and it's hard to find anything current, so better to ask the pro's here straight up.

My wife and I applied for Aussie Spouse Visa on Nov 4, 2005, and got the interview about 6 weeks later on Dec 14. Now almost a month later and we're still waiting. I realize it's pretty fast and all anyway, but being apart from your spouse really sux (as y'all know). At the interview our case worker told us that our app was perfect and she'd contact us "early next year". We're worried, tho, that the holiday period (xmas & new year) might've slowed things down a bit.

So what are average waits after the interview? I mean, in people's experiences.

Will we still need to wait months, or can we expect a resolution within the next month or so (2 months after interview)? :o

Any info would be helpful!

We really miss each other and want this wait to be over already! Call us impatient but it's hard when you've been together almost every day for a year and then you're not anymore! :D



Howdy all, just another boring question regarding timelines.

Alot of info out there on the Net is dated, and it's hard to find anything current, so better to ask the pro's here straight up.

My wife and I applied for Aussie Spouse Visa on Nov 4, 2005, and got the interview about 6 weeks later on Dec 14. Now almost a month later and we're still waiting. I realize it's pretty fast and all anyway, but being apart from your spouse really sux (as y'all know). At the interview our case worker told us that our app was perfect and she'd contact us "early next year". We're worried, tho, that the holiday period (xmas & new year) might've slowed things down a bit.

So what are average waits after the interview? I mean, in people's experiences.

Will we still need to wait months, or can we expect a resolution within the next month or so (2 months after interview)? :o

Any info would be helpful!

We really miss each other and want this wait to be over already! Call us impatient but it's hard when you've been together almost every day for a year and then you're not anymore! :D


My fiancee applied March 3 2005 and just picked her visa up 16th February.There is no definate time frame for Fiancee or Spouse Visa,it depends on your application and if every thing is simple.I had complications because my fiancee has a 12yr old son coming on the same visa.

All I can really say is the department tested us out to the limit which seems harsh but in reality, I'm reasonably happy that all has ended well and its certainly given me insight to immigration problems,especially if you are on any type of pension.

After all the problems I have had I'm very conversant with Centrelink Assurance Of Support now.

I'd be more than happy to pass on any information that any one needs on these matters.

After reading this forum for almost two years I'm set now and wish every one else the very best.



That's pretty much what happened with us too, but they asked for the tax docs before the interview which we gave to them at the interview. You're probably all set, so it's time to sit back and wait a couple of months... that's the worst part. :o They'll ask you if they want something. I also asked them if they wanted more and they told me that they'll let me know if/when they do. There's no hurrying or trying to pre-empt them in my experience. Obviously it's better to give as much as you can at the start tho.

That's just it, she had already asked for extra documents which I provided at the interview. What she asked for after the interview was exactly what I had given her. To me it sounds like she hasn't understood what I have submitted. I have sent another letter being pretty clear though.

Now the wait.


That's pretty much what happened with us too, but they asked for the tax docs before the interview which we gave to them at the interview. You're probably all set, so it's time to sit back and wait a couple of months... that's the worst part. :o They'll ask you if they want something. I also asked them if they wanted more and they told me that they'll let me know if/when they do. There's no hurrying or trying to pre-empt them in my experience. Obviously it's better to give as much as you can at the start tho.

That's just it, she had already asked for extra documents which I provided at the interview. What she asked for after the interview was exactly what I had given her. To me it sounds like she hasn't understood what I have submitted. I have sent another letter being pretty clear though.

Now the wait.

Yeah, they're a bit clueless sometimes, it really makes you worry doesn't it!

I've gotten anxious about our's, because I think it's a special case (see my other post).

Would it be detrimental to move over to BKK until my wife gets a result? The thought of having to be apart months and months more is not sitting well with me at all! The only thing is, I used my current job in the application as source of funds...


That's pretty much what happened with us too, but they asked for the tax docs before the interview which we gave to them at the interview. You're probably all set, so it's time to sit back and wait a couple of months... that's the worst part. :D They'll ask you if they want something. I also asked them if they wanted more and they told me that they'll let me know if/when they do. There's no hurrying or trying to pre-empt them in my experience. Obviously it's better to give as much as you can at the start tho.

That's just it, she had already asked for extra documents which I provided at the interview. What she asked for after the interview was exactly what I had given her. To me it sounds like she hasn't understood what I have submitted. I have sent another letter being pretty clear though.

Now the wait.

That's just incompetent service. The same thing happened to us. But when I started to take notes in a second interview, Our new case officer stopped asking for any more documents. We got really bad treatment from first case officer, made complaint to Canberra, they changed case officers. I told the new one that I was going to include this in any complait that if I intended to make against the dept. That is why she stopped asking.

Don't be scared to push these people. That is the only way things seem to get done. When I hear people recieving advice in 1-3 months I wonder were the consistancey is in the process. I know when I pay you money I expect service. The dept should be know different to this concept.

I did lodge the complaint against the dept. friday last, following a strong letter campaign, and we got the application approved on Friday. I can not understand the principles the dapt works under here, but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to do this stuff. The one thing the dept lacks is good old common recpect for the rights of an individual. Read their client service strategy and see if they abided by these rules. If they did go and buy yourself a lotto ticket, because u are very lucky. :o

I did lodge the complaint against the dept. friday last, following a strong letter campaign, and we got the application approved on Friday.

You said that you got the visa on the day you went to the embassy to file a complaint. When I thought about it, if they can give it to you on the day you complain, why couldn't they give it to you a month before? What was your app doing up until that time? Just sitting on someone's desk somewhere waiting? The process sounds really fishy to me. It makes me wonder what percentage of their processing time (our waiting time) is just idle time. This comes back to a point I made in another post, you would think after all this time they would have streamlined the process and made it more efficient. It doesn't seem right to me that these things should take months and months to process. :D

Ahhh, I'm just venting, nevermind me... :o

While I remember... Our original plan was my wife would come after her finals (late March), but it's not looking so likely at the moment (we figured about 5 months would be enough time to get the visa). What chance you reckon of her asking our case officer for her passport back so she can come here after her exams on a tourist visa while we wait for the spouse visa? Any likelihood of that? :D


I think the pressure should be applied constantly to these officials. My wifes application required the intervention of our local member at the time ( who was the sectretary to the foriegn affairs committe then). Keep on trying maybe even letters to the editor in your local rag. These people need to realise they work for us should be made to be accountable.

It can happen my wife will be doing citizenship next Oz day.

good luck to all

As another poster mentioned before there are 500 hours available for tuition to the holder of a 309 visa via the tafe system. This is not limited to english studies but can be used for citizenship subjects, one other thing you can exceed 500 hours by appling to the school.

regards to all

I think the pressure should be applied constantly to these officials. My wifes application required the intervention of our local member at the time ( who was the sectretary to the foriegn affairs committe then). Keep on trying maybe even letters to the editor in your local rag. These people need to realise they work for us should be made to be accountable.

I acquired a couple of names from a previous post to whom I am going to send a letter outlining the situation and requesting information. If you know any email addresses of other people who you think would benefit us corresponding with, please let me know. As I said before, it's the breakdown of communication that is the most frustrating part of the process. They should know that the whole process would go alot more smoothly if everyone was on the same page about what's going on! :o



We got approval only because I am pain in ass.

Yeah right. I only wanted an answer to a simple question or two.

The reason we had to wait for so long was we had beautiful baby 1-01-06 and then had to wait to do the medical that also included a chest xray.

My question to the Dept in December was how soon after a satisfactory medical could we expect approval on the visa. The reason for this was for planning to realise assets here in Chiangrai before we go back. Quite a legitimate queation in light of getting approval soon after they got the medical. They also knew we were going to have a baby in January.

I don't know about u guys but I call this a insensitive act. :o

I don't know about u guys but I call this a insensitive act. :o

This is typical of bureaucracy. The public servents come to work and see a stack of files on their desk.

They treat each one as a numbered file and work through the stack from the top to the bottom.

There seems to be no priority system.

It would be nice if they gave more consideration to the circumstances of the individuals in each of the files.

In fairness though, if they did re-arrange the stack of files and processed those files first where the applicants had babies on the way, then other applicants would have to wait longer in the queue.

Babies and other personal issues are really the responsibility of the couples, not the Immigration Dept.

Having said that, no harm can be done by kicking a few bureauracratic <deleted> if the expected reliable service is not forthcoming.

Having said that, no harm can be done by kicking a few bureauracratic <deleted> if the expected reliable service is not forthcoming.

Today I sent a letter to some folks in the Embassy in Bangkok and to the Immi Dept in Canberra merely requesting information. Me and mine have to make some real-time decisions and the lack of info on the visa has put us in a tight spot, never mind the frustration about not knowing what's going on... We're not demanding they give us the visa asap just to inform us what to expect as far as timelines go. I don't think it's unreasonable for them to tell us if something is holding things up.

It was actually a very polite and honest piece of work. :D

We'll see how it pans out... :o


There seems to be no priority system.

Your right Mightymouse. There should be no need for priority system and yes babies are parents responsibility.

But when you don't get question answered this is a problem. Surely someone can make a caculated decision in the office. I have managed a agency where the priority was to focus on outcomes for clients. If you dont put straegies in place to handle outcomes u tend only to react.

This is still a social service for people, that proves itself not very socialable.

Here is a copy of letter sent to me from Immigration Canberra

Thank you for your further correspondence of 17 February 2006 regarding


level of service received at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok.

The global focus of the Department is moving towards that of a more

efficient and individualised standard of service that is sensitive to


clientโ€s needs. The quality and effectiveness of the service

provided by

the Departmentโ€s staff is regularly reviewed and comments such as

yours are

particularly valuable in contributing towards improving the



The Department also shares your concerns regarding the lack of

communication and level of personal service, and as such my Branch Head


forwarded your email to the Principal Migration Officer in Bangkok for


response. I am confident that the PMO will be in contact with you in



May I also take this opportunity to congratulate you on the approval of

your wife's visa, and wish you both every happiness for the future.

Yours sincerely

Rachael Faulkner

Overseas Resources & Liaison Section

Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs

Phone: 61 (0)2 6264 4506

I think the main issues that I have encountered is lack of communication, and poor efficient and individualised standard of service that is sensitive to each clients needs.

Don't sell yourself short, u pay the money u deserve service. Imagine getting this type of service buying a car; the concept of service does not change. Might not be a good comparision but I think when we make excuses for the Dept we sell ourselves short. :o

Don't sell yourself short, u pay the money u deserve service. Imagine getting this type of service buying a car; the concept of service does not change. Might not be a good comparision but I think when we make excuses for the Dept we sell ourselves short. :o

I had a "discussion" with my father about this. He basically said that the Dept isn't selling anything and also they're not in a competitor's market so good customer service isn't necessary (where else can you go?). While that is true, I still believe that they are supplying a service and need to provide good quality customer service.

At the very least, consistency and better communication is key.

As Chris said, it's a sad state of affairs we have to complain and make a ruckus, it shouldn't be necessary at all if the process was satisfactory.


Rather than writing letters of complaint to the Immigration Dept. and having them reply with insincere words designed to fob you off, write to the Federal Ombudsman. They are the official watchdog and they do thoroughly investigate all signed complaints.

Australian Government agency complaints

The Ombudsman can investigate complaints about Australian Government departments' and authorities' actions and decisions to see if they are wrong, unjust, unlawful, discriminatory or just plain unfair. The Ombudsman also seeks remedies for

those affected by defective administration, and acts to improve public

administration generally.

Rather than writing letters of complaint to the Immigration Dept. and having them reply with insincere words designed to fob you off, write to the Federal Ombudsman. They are the official watchdog and they do thoroughly investigate all signed complaints.

Australian Government agency complaints

The Ombudsman can investigate complaints about Australian Government departments' and authorities' actions and decisions to see if they are wrong, unjust, unlawful, discriminatory or just plain unfair. The Ombudsman also seeks remedies for

those affected by defective administration, and acts to improve public

administration generally.

You're right, letters of complaint don't help anything (mine was just a sincere request for information, not a complaint at all).

Does anyone have contact info for the Ombudsman? Nevermind, here it is: http://www.comb.gov.au/complaints_investig...e_ombudsman.htm


To make complaint to the Ombudsman, the first thing they will ask is what steps u have made to resolve the issue with the dept.

Unfortunatly u have to start at the dept first then if issue is not resolved satisfactory, then u go to the ombudsman. That is if u are not satisfyed with the reply from the dept then u should make this approach. :o

To make complaint to the Ombudsman, the first thing they will ask is what steps u have made to resolve the issue with the dept.

Unfortunatly u have to start at the dept first then if issue is not resolved satisfactory, then u go to the ombudsman. That is if u are not satisfyed with the reply from the dept then u should make this approach. :D

I'm hoping that I won't need to go that far. The fact they responded so fast (next day!) to my letter when I was expecting not to hear anything is very positive indeed! I just pray that it continues, and things don't fall to the wayside when things die down... :o

  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy all. Just a quick update... still waiting, but heard from the Embassy last week that they "hope to make a decision shortly". That's about the most positive thing they've ever told us. Still no timeframe, but who knows, could be any day now! :o

In the meantime, my time off from work has been approved so at the very least I'll go over for Songkran if she's not here by then. :D


Gah it sounds like they haven't even gotten around to doing our's yet! :D

How long does it take on average to process an app? I mean assuming all the documents are there, have been looked at it and any special criteria taken care of. Does it take days or weeks to go over the documents and make a decision? :D

Here we are 4 months later and it sounds like they have barely looked at it other than making sure all the necessary documents are there. It sounds to me like the embassy is understaffed to take care of the load, that it's not a case of doing the checks or whatever that's taking time but merely a case of not enough manpower to keep up. :o



My fiancee got her spouse visa approved on the spot, but we hired an agent who charged us a bundle to get it done for us.

We got all the paperwork for my agent then he booked an interview and the guy told us there is no need for me to look over your document and your spouse visa will be approved today.

My agent said im lucky and also told me if its not approved on the spot the interviewer maybe suspicious or just wants to check a few things.

He also said it depends on who interviews you and some are really biased and might not like you just by the look of you.

My fiancee got her spouse visa approved on the spot, but we hired an agent who charged us a bundle to get it done for us.

We got all the paperwork for my agent then he booked an interview and the guy told us there is no need for me to look over your document and your spouse visa will be approved today.

My agent said im lucky and also told me if its not approved on the spot the interviewer maybe suspicious or just wants to check a few things.

He also said it depends on who interviews you and some are really biased and might not like you just by the look of you.

That's pretty lucky. How long did it take from start to finish and which Embassy?

Our case worker was pretty impressed with our app but we did have something that needed some investigation but that's all sorted out now. My question is not for an average time for the whole thing but more a case of once all the checks are done and the app is ready for review, then how long does it take. Cuz my concern is if they haven't "gotten around to it" after 4 months, will it take another 4 to process the dang thing? :o


My fiancee got her spouse visa approved on the spot, but we hired an agent who charged us a bundle to get it done for us.

We got all the paperwork for my agent then he booked an interview and the guy told us there is no need for me to look over your document and your spouse visa will be approved today.

My agent said im lucky and also told me if its not approved on the spot the interviewer maybe suspicious or just wants to check a few things.

He also said it depends on who interviews you and some are really biased and might not like you just by the look of you.

That's pretty lucky. How long did it take from start to finish and which Embassy?

Our case worker was pretty impressed with our app but we did have something that needed some investigation but that's all sorted out now. My question is not for an average time for the whole thing but more a case of once all the checks are done and the app is ready for review, then how long does it take. Cuz my concern is if they haven't "gotten around to it" after 4 months, will it take another 4 to process the dang thing? :o

It was done at the immigration office in sydney next to central station, i never went to any embassy.

Also my agent told me some cases can take up to a year to approve and its not uncommon. But they are basically government workers and you know alot of them are bludgers.

How did your interviewer look when he/she was asking questions??

Sometimes they can be <deleted> too. But if your case worker thinks you got no problems im sure he is right, maybe they are looking for a reason to not grant it but if everything in the application is done correct and you have met every requirements then im sure you will get it.

He finally got it.

A very happy ending to a long wait. :D

Thanks! :D

Unfrigginbelievable mate, I'm still not quite over the shock of the news.

We're both ecstatic as you can imagine. My wife's excited voice was so giddy on the phone, very cute!

It was a shocker to be sure :D

Thanks Mr Mouse, your help was very much appreciated. :o

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