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Uk: Birmingham Terror Suspects Accused Of Manufacturing Explosives


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UK: Birmingham terror suspects accused of manufacturing explosives < br />

2012-07-11 00:13:37 GMT+7 (ICT)

BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND (BNO NEWS) -- Three men who were arrested during a series of anti-terrorism raids in central England last week have now been charged with terrorism offenses, including the alleged manufacturing of explosives, police said on late Monday.

The three men, all in their twenties and from the Sparkhill area of Birmingham, were arrested on July 3 under the Terrorism Act 2000 on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. Four other men were arrested on July 4 and July 5 and also remain in custody.

The men charged on Monday were identified as 26-year-old Jewel Uddin, 27-year-old Omar Mohammed Khan and 23-year-old Mohammed Hasseen. They are accused of preparing acts of terrorism, including the manufacturing of an improvised explosive device (IED), the acquisition of firearms and other weapons, and the purchase of motor vehicles connected with their plans.

Uddin, Khan and Hasseen appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court on Tuesday morning. Police have until Wednesday evening and Thursday evening to charge the four other terrorism suspects, whose identities have not yet been released. They were previously identified as men aged 24, 22, 22 and 43.

West Midlands Police said the anti-terrorism raids last week followed the routine stop of a vehicle on the M1 motorway in South Yorkshire on June 30. The car was impounded on suspicion of having no insurance, but a subsequent search turned up two firearms, "offensive weapons" and other material which had been hidden inside the vehicle.

"As soon as the items were discovered in the impounded vehicle, our priority was to protect the public by pursuing and arresting those we believed to be involved," Detective Chief Superintendent Kenny Bell, the head of the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit, said last week. "Our inquiries are ongoing."

Police said the firearms are not automatic and were not loaded, but a small amount of ammunition was found. Other details were not immediately released, but officials said the arrests are not related to the upcoming Olympics or the arrests of six terrorism suspects in London also last week.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-07-11

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If they were making bombs in Bangkok, they wouldn't get caught, except maybe if they exploded a few bombs downtown, then they might get caught, but they'd be forgiven and sent home. If they exploded a few bombs in Bkk and wore red shirts, the government would pay their bail to get them out of jail and (again, using taxpayer money), and would give them a plane ticket home and a pat on the back.

Bomb makers of the world, come to Bangkok, it's a 'mai pen rai' place to do your thing.

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According to the BBC today they were on their way to an English Defence League rally. A marriage made in heaven.

How so? One group condemns violence, the other uses violence as a consistent tactic. Instead of uncritically swallowing the MSM spin how about pointing to exactly where in the EDL mission statement they advocate violence or cause hatred, which is certainly not the case in some of the Mosques and (ahem) community centers where young British born Muslims are radicalized.


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According to the BBC today they were on their way to an English Defence League rally. A marriage made in heaven.

How so? One group condemns violence, the other uses violence as a consistent tactic. Instead of uncritically swallowing the MSM spin how about pointing to exactly where in the EDL mission statement they advocate violence or cause hatred, which is certainly not the case in some of the Mosques and (ahem) community centers where young British born Muslims are radicalized.


Actions speak louder than words.


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According to the BBC today they were on their way to an English Defence League rally. A marriage made in heaven.

How so? One group condemns violence, the other uses violence as a

consistent tactic. Instead of uncritically swallowing the MSM spin how about

pointing to exactly where in the EDL mission statement they advocate

violence or cause hatred, which is certainly not the case in some of the

Mosques and (ahem) community centers where young British born Muslims

are radicalized.


While I am very glad that a bunch of clueless alleged terrorists have been nicked, Steely Dan's rosy view of their alleged target, the delightful English Defence League (EDL), is at best sad.

The EDL is an unpleasant organization of football hooligans and assorted low lifes keen on a spot of "muzzy bashing" ( to use their sophisticated phraseology), led by the son of Irish immigrants ( though perhaps being white and non Muslim makes that ok to EDL types) and from a family well known as IRA supporters (Luton has always been a key English hub for IRA fund raising and logistic support). This man who uses 4 different names is the self appointed leader of the EDL and has served time for beating up an off duty policeman and has had 2 further convictions for leading a riot of football hooligans and for assault.

Whatever the EDL "mission statement" might claim the EDL from the top down has a history of violence and moronic behaviour, not too surprisingly as it's older members are largely ex members of the BNP or NF, extreme right wing thugs.

Interestingly the EDL has recently taken over Steely Dan's preferred "patriotic" organization the British Freedom Party, probably in an effort to gain a more refined brand to try and win a few voters from gullible electors.

Some of the obviously non-violent types from the EDL had some of their photos published online recently by Hope not Hate, an avowed anti fascist website so their authenticity cannot be guaranteed. What does ring true is that the actual weapons are actually a bunch of pimped air rifles, apparent replicas and crossbows! Can't even get the hard man image right, better off indulging in some street thuggery instead.


As to the blanket contempt for the mainstream media, from Murdoch to the left of centre Guardian &Mirror, suggesting that the entire media world refuses to recognize the jihad threat to western civilization (obviously as they are all being bribed to do so by the Saudis or was it the Thetans?).

So as the whole conspiracy can only be exposed by brave individuals such as the EDL et al. Perhaps that's why Mr (leader of the EDL) Lennon/Yaxley-Lennon/Harris/Robinson thought that Brievik "is not alone in these feelings" (referring to his islamophobic approach and opposition to supporters of multiculturalism). Non violence?....

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I do chuckle at the comment 'actions speak louder than words' in light of the 19,202 and counting attacks by Islamic terrorists since 9/11. Never mind though, I guess that even though all Muslims are not tarred with this brush it is ok to collectively do so with the EDL due to actions of a few of their members.

The perennial opponents of the EDL are called Unite against (sic) fascism, they themselves have a long crib sheet of public order offenses including a counter demonstration against the EDL in Bolton where 55 UAF supporters were arrested out of a total of 71 arrests.


But never mind, they enjoy cross party support so their violence and intimidation is glossed over, a bit like that of say the Libyan rebels or Muslim brotherhood in Egypt is likewise ignored. Incidentally the EDL kick out any BNP supporters who they find trying to infiltrate. I will leave you to your blanket denials and sending flak at those directly above the target, so here is a musical interlude from your UAF friends.


Edited by Steely Dan
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According to the BBC today they were on their way to an English Defence League rally. A marriage made in heaven.

How so? One group condemns violence, the

other uses violence as a consistent tactic.

Instead of uncritically swallowing the MSM spin

how about pointing to exactly where in the EDL

mission statement they advocate violence or

cause hatred, which is certainly not the case in

some of the Mosques and (ahem) community

centers where young British born Muslims are



It seems that not only the self appointed leader of the "English" Defence League (sic) goes under a collection of aliases but so too do 2 of it's key backers and funders, the intriguing Alan Lake and Gaia/ Dominique Devereaux, better known in the real world as Alan Ayling and Ann Marchini, as revealed by the renowned left/ liberal mainstream media UK newspaper the Sunday Times owned by the obviously funded by Saudi, Muslim apologist, Rupert Murdoch.

Less amusingly it seems that while Muslim extremists can be pathetically inept in their activities, the "saviours" of western democracy are becoming more organized, see below:


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Meanwhile back on planet Earth we are discussing a foiled attack on the EDL by Islamic extremists armed with explosives and machete's, but in typical leftist deflect and project style demonizing the intended victim is par for the course. Your Guardian article is laughable in it's distortions and selective disclosure. However the news keeps coming and does not gel very well with your narrative, for example another right wing extremist....hang on... no, Islamic extremist charged with planning a car bomb attack on the Olympics.


So we have anti-aircraft missiles on rooftops, the army on standby and several arrests already due to the threat of right wing Islamic extremists. And by the way just in case you overlooked it the EDL and their like are protesting not just against overt violence, but gangs of paedophiles, seditious flag burners, benefit fraudsters, hate preachers, attacks on gays, honour killings and antisemitism from the usual suspects. It is little wonder the liberal left get so worked up against such shocking views.

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Meanwhile back on planet Earth we are discussing a foiled attack on the EDL by Islamic extremists armed with explosives and machete's, but in typical leftist deflect and project style demonizing the intended victim is par for the course. Your Guardian article is laughable in it's distortions and selective disclosure. However the news keeps coming and does not gel very well with your narrative, for example another right wing extremist....hang on... no, Islamic extremist charged with planning a car bomb attack on the Olympics.


So we have anti-aircraft missiles on rooftops, the army on standby and several arrests already due to the threat of right wing Islamic extremists. And by the way just in case you overlooked it the EDL and their like are protesting not just against overt violence, but gangs of paedophiles, seditious flag burners, benefit fraudsters, hate preachers, attacks on gays, honour killings and antisemitism from the usual suspects. It is little wonder the liberal left get so worked up against such shocking views.

So why is the EDL only focusing on Muslims?

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Talking of the real world we can agree that arresting alleged terrorists ( do still like that old fashioned legal concept of Innocent until...) is good news.

Where we differ is in your bizarre urge to defend the EDL, who do a great job of furthering their image of moronic street thugs and if given some appropriate colored shirts and some marching music would do a passable imitation of Ernst Rohm's Sturmabteilung (SA)! Swap saving Germans from communists and Jews for saving the English from Sharia and muslim caliphates.

If the EDL and their knuckledragging stormtroopers are the solution to England's problems, god help all of us!

Do me a favor and change the script a little. Labelling anyone who disagrees with your extremist views as leftist and heaven forbid a liberal ( that's only an epithet in the USA) is laughable.

The EDL are a nasty bunch of thugs as epitomized by their criminal self appointed leader, hence the need to takeover your BFP to try and lend a veneer of polish to an unpleasant bunch of street brawlers.

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So why is the EDL only focusing on Muslims?

You have drawn your Venn diagram incorrectly I fear. It is political Islam, the ideology they focus on, not Muslims in general. This is a very important distinction not mere semantics.

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Talking of the real world we can agree that arresting alleged terrorists ( do still like that old fashioned legal concept of Innocent until...) is good news.

Where we differ is in your bizarre urge to defend the EDL, who do a great job of furthering their image of moronic street thugs and if given some appropriate colored shirts and some marching music would do a passable imitation of Ernst Rohm's Sturmabteilung (SA)! Swap saving Germans from communists and Jews for saving the English from Sharia and muslim caliphates.

If the EDL and their knuckledragging stormtroopers are the solution to England's problems, god help all of us!

Do me a favor and change the script a little. Labelling anyone who disagrees with your extremist views as leftist and heaven forbid a liberal ( that's only an epithet in the USA) is laughable.

The EDL are a nasty bunch of thugs as epitomized by their criminal self appointed leader, hence the need to takeover your BFP to try and lend a veneer of polish to an unpleasant bunch of street brawlers.

I guess the establishment need the EDL in order to construct a straw man argument whenever the disasterous results of their immigration policies come to light. If the EDL acted like Hare Krishna's they would get murdered by the leftist/Islamist thugs whenever they protested. That all said I'm glad the EDL appear to be gravitating towards politics and away from solely marches as these are hard to regulate and will always attract the lowest common denominator.

I do see some hope though as the cat is now well and truly out of the bag concerning the ruin inflicted on the UK by New Labour. see the article below and note the usual leftist intimidation and accusations of racism for those pointing out the folly of their ideological obsession.


A sample extract-

Polls by YouGov for Prospect magazine last month suggest that the tone of opinion is hardening: 54 per cent of those surveyed said that “all further immigration should be halted”; and 53 per cent said the worst thing about the UK was “the number of immigrants”, ahead of welfare scroungers and crime. These people cannot all be crazed members of the English Defence League.

Indeed not, but as long as they provide a staw man to burn that's all that matters to some.

Edited by Steely Dan
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So why is the EDL only focusing on Muslims?

You have drawn your Venn diagram incorrectly I fear. It is political Islam, the ideology they focus on, not Muslims in general. This is a very important distinction not mere semantics.

OK. I have just re-read the URL for the EDL's mission statement and to my surprise is actually a reasonable statement. However the public face of (many) of it's members and their actions seem to be the exact opposite of reasonable. You would think that for the EDL to gain some form of acceptance of their agenda they would clean out the extremists from their membership and refresh the leadership.

Personally I believe the root cause of Islamic terror in the second half of the twentieth century up to the current date, has never been addressed by western governments i.e. the Balfour Convention. Let's hope that the Arab Spring will transform, over time, the injustices that have been carried out against the Islamic people by their previous rulers who have been supported by western governments for the sake of strategic political/commercial interests.

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So why is the EDL only focusing on Muslims?

Because the Bahias, Janes, Pastafarians, Hindus, 7th Day Adventists, Druids etc. are too peaceful?

In any case, the EDL wasn't making the explosives. It was 3 guys named Jewel Uddin, Omar Mohammed Khan and Mohammed Hasseen.

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So why is the EDL only focusing on Muslims?

You have drawn your Venn diagram incorrectly I fear. It is political Islam, the ideology they focus on, not Muslims in general. This is a very important distinction not mere semantics.

OK. I have just re-read the URL for the EDL's mission statement and to my surprise is actually a reasonable statement. However the public face of (many) of it's members and their actions seem to be the exact opposite of reasonable. You would think that for the EDL to gain some form of acceptance of their agenda they would clean out the extremists from their membership and refresh the leadership.

Personally I believe the root cause of Islamic terror in the second half of the twentieth century up to the current date, has never been addressed by western governments i.e. the Balfour Convention. Let's hope that the Arab Spring will transform, over time, the injustices that have been carried out against the Islamic people by their previous rulers who have been supported by western governments for the sake of strategic political/commercial interests.

And away we go, blame the "zionists". Instead of saying Balfour Convention (sic) why not come right out and blame the "jews". (BTW, it was the Balfour Declaration) Why bring it up? It has nothing to do with the 3 terrorists trying to kill UK nationals. Canada has a more legitimate gripe against the UK because the English gave away large portions of the country to buy the USA off, yet you don't see Canadians traveling to the UK to exact vengeance do you? Seriously, this business of blaming the victims for the violent acts of certain ethnic groups is tiresome.

Edited by geriatrickid
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So why is the EDL only focusing on Muslims?

Because the Bahias, Janes, Pastafarians, Hindus, 7th Day Adventists, Druids etc. are too peaceful?

In any case, the EDL wasn't making the explosives. It was 3 guys named Jewel Uddin, Omar Mohammed Khan and Mohammed Hasseen.

The post stated EDL is opposed to "overt violence, but gangs of paedophiles, seditious flag burners, benefit fraudsters, hate preachers, attacks on gays, honour killings and antisemitism". These activities are not the sole habitat of self professed Muslims, and are in fact banned within Islam (not sure about homosexuals, but more than likely, as in some branches of Christianity. I am sure you know the majority of.pedophiles are often identified from white collar occupations and very sadly some from Christian religious institutions, law enforcement and the teaching professions.

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So why is the EDL only focusing on Muslims?

You have drawn your Venn diagram incorrectly I fear. It is political Islam, the ideology they focus on, not Muslims in general. This is a very important distinction not mere semantics.

OK. I have just re-read the URL for the EDL's mission statement and to my surprise is actually a reasonable statement. However the public face of (many) of it's members and their actions seem to be the exact opposite of reasonable. You would think that for the EDL to gain some form of acceptance of their agenda they would clean out the extremists from their membership and refresh the leadership.

Personally I believe the root cause of Islamic terror in the second half of the twentieth century up to the current date, has never been addressed by western governments i.e. the Balfour Convention. Let's hope that the Arab Spring will transform, over time, the injustices that have been carried out against the Islamic people by their previous rulers who have been supported by western governments for the sake of strategic political/commercial interests.

And away we go, blame the "zionists". Instead of saying Balfour Convention (sic) why not come right out and blame the "jews". (BTW, it was the Balfour Declaration) Why bring it up? It has nothing to do with the 3 terrorists trying to kill UK nationals. Canada has a more legitimate gripe against the UK because the English gave away large portions of the country to buy the USA off, yet you don't see Canadians traveling to the UK to exact vengeance do you? Seriously, this business of blaming the victims for the violent acts of certain ethnic groups is tiresome.

Yes, you are correct it is the Balfour Declaration - why would I blame the Jews - I am not anti-semitic. As bit of detail I was educated at a private grammar school in London in with 600 Jewish pupils, I was one of only 12 non Jews. Why did I bring up the Balfour Declaration, it wasn't until the 20th century that Islamic terror really started to concentrate on western countries, originally primarily the Palestinians.

EDIT: I do not sympathise with or condone Islamic terror

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OK. I have just re-read the URL for the EDL's mission statement and to my surprise is actually a reasonable statement. However the public face of (many) of it's members and their actions seem to be the exact opposite of reasonable. You would think that for the EDL to gain some form of acceptance of their agenda they would clean out the extremists from their membership and refresh the leadership.

Indeed. Actually the EDL have repeatedly expelled members who exhibit racist beliefs, true, but not mentioned by the MSM. Democracy ideally should be through elected representatives, not by street protest, however the latter acts as a safety outlet if the mainstream politicians fail to represent the interests of their electorate. Regrettably street protests do attract hot heads, some of whom are undoubtedly racist or just plain violent.

If any political party in the UK addressed the 'reasonable' concerns laid out in the EDL mission statement then the EDL would lose it's raison d'etre. Unfortunately elements of the left have been so successful in stopping any debate on these issues. Worse still they have changed the demographics of the Country to an extent that possibly no mainstream opposition to them would get a mandate to address the disaster that their policies created.

P.S Balfour - Don't confuse pretext with motive, the pretext with Islamists mutates depending on what the liberals du pays are most likely to swallow.

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Talking of the real world we can agree that arresting alleged terrorists ( do still like that old fashioned legal concept of Innocent until...) is good news.

Where we differ is in your bizarre urge to defend the EDL, who do a great job of furthering their image of moronic street thugs and if given some appropriate colored shirts and some marching music would do a passable imitation of Ernst Rohm's Sturmabteilung (SA)! Swap saving Germans from communists and Jews for saving the English from Sharia and muslim caliphates.

If the EDL and their knuckledragging stormtroopers are the solution to England's problems, god help all of us!

Do me a favor and change the script a little. Labelling anyone who disagrees with your extremist views as leftist and heaven forbid a liberal ( that's only an epithet in the USA) is laughable.

The EDL are a nasty bunch of thugs as epitomized by their criminal self appointed leader, hence the need to takeover your BFP to try and lend a veneer of polish to an unpleasant bunch of street brawlers.

If the EDL and their knuckledragging stormtroopers are the solution to England's problems, god help all of us!

I dont think they are the only solution ,however they are the only ones with enough gumption to go out against that "Clear and present danger " that most of us agree islam is .

They are the canary in the coal mine ,they can feel the threat because they are closer to the people and the street than the totally effeminate,hormone fed rest of the population who has lost all sense of identity courage and pride for its own culture.

It makes my blood boil when I see everyday how low we have come and how we sheepishly swallow the lies we are being fed everyday .

Do not forget that EDL's counterpart (islam)operates on the same level of "thuggery" this is a case of fighting fire with fire ,as with some folks just sweet talk and mere apeasement "A la Chamberlain" simply does not work,we as the western civiisation are being slowly brought into submission by TERROR dont forget it .

See below and learn I hope that you will obtain " The fear of allah"

http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ http://www.prophetof...le_Pirate.Islam

Edited by sauvagecheri
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So why is the EDL only focusing on Muslims?

Because the Bahias, Janes, Pastafarians, Hindus, 7th Day Adventists, Druids etc. are too peaceful?

In any case, the EDL wasn't making the explosives. It was 3 guys named Jewel Uddin, Omar Mohammed Khan and Mohammed Hasseen.

The post stated EDL is opposed to "overt violence, but gangs of paedophiles, seditious flag burners, benefit fraudsters, hate preachers, attacks on gays, honour killings and antisemitism". These activities are not the sole habitat of self professed Muslims, and are in fact banned within Islam (not sure about homosexuals, but more than likely, as in some branches of Christianity. I am sure you know the majority of.pedophiles are often identified from white collar occupations and very sadly some from Christian religious institutions, law enforcement and the teaching professions.

Those things are NOT banned from Islam ,they are totally condoned and encouraged even taught in mosqs,and deeply ingrained in the moslem population ,they are part of the prophets behavior that must be emulated in order to be a "Good Muslim"Please do not listen to the propaganda .

Where are your sources to back your statement?The coran and hadith are clear all those things are permitted ..PERIOD .

Edited by sauvagecheri
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Talking of the real world we can agree that arresting alleged terrorists ( do still like that old fashioned legal concept of Innocent until...) is good news.

Where we differ is in your bizarre urge to defend the EDL, who do a great job of furthering their image of moronic street thugs and if given some appropriate colored shirts and some marching music would do a passable imitation of Ernst Rohm's Sturmabteilung (SA)! Swap saving Germans from communists and Jews for saving the English from Sharia and muslim caliphates.

If the EDL and their knuckledragging stormtroopers are the solution to England's problems, god help all of us!

Do me a favor and change the script a little. Labelling anyone who disagrees with your extremist views as leftist and heaven forbid a liberal ( that's only an epithet in the USA) is laughable.

The EDL are a nasty bunch of thugs as epitomized by their criminal self appointed leader, hence the need to takeover your BFP to try and lend a veneer of polish to an unpleasant bunch of street brawlers.

If the EDL and their knuckledragging stormtroopers are the solution to England's problems, god help all of us!

I dont think they are the only solution ,however they are the only ones with enough gumption to go out against that "Clear and present danger " that most of us agree islam is .

They are the canary in the coal mine ,they can feel the threat because they are closer to the people and the street than the totally effeminate,hormone fed rest of the population who has lost all sense of identity courage and pride for its own culture.

It makes my blood boil when I see everyday how low we have come and how we sheepishly swallow the lies we are being fed everyday .

Do not forget that EDL's counterpart (islam)operates on the same level of "thuggery" this is a case of fighting fire with fire ,as with some folks just sweet talk and mere apeasement "A la Chamberlain" simply does not work,we as the western civiisation are being slowly brought into submission by TERROR dont forget it .

See below and learn I hope that you will obtain " The fear of allah"

http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ http://www.prophetof...le_Pirate.Islam

To paraphrase Sam Harris - The only people who are talking realistically about Islam appear with few exceptions to belong to the far right; this does not bode well for the future of civilization. So yes, the EDL are at least on the right page. I did read a good article which explains perhaps how our politicians appear to be in complete denial and are still looking for the mythical moderate Islam. Muslims may be moderate, they may be secular, but Islam is immoderate to it's very core.


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Meanwhile back on planet Earth we are discussing a foiled attack on the EDL by Islamic extremists armed with explosives and machete's, but in typical leftist deflect and project style demonizing the intended victim is par for the course. Your Guardian article is laughable in it's distortions and selective disclosure. However the news keeps coming and does not gel very well with your narrative, for example another right wing extremist....hang on... no, Islamic extremist charged with planning a car bomb attack on the Olympics.


So we have anti-aircraft missiles on rooftops, the army on standby and several arrests already due to the threat of right wing Islamic extremists. And by the way just in case you overlooked it the EDL and their like are protesting not just against overt violence, but gangs of paedophiles, seditious flag burners, benefit fraudsters, hate preachers, attacks on gays, honour killings and antisemitism from the usual suspects. It is little wonder the liberal left get so worked up against such shocking views.

So why is the EDL only focusing on Muslims?

What a stupid question. rolleyes.gif
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OK. I have just re-read the URL for the EDL's mission statement and to my surprise is actually a reasonable statement. However the public face of (many) of it's members and their actions seem to be the exact opposite of reasonable. You would think that for the EDL to gain some form of acceptance of their agenda they would clean out the extremists from their membership and refresh the leadership.

Indeed. Actually the EDL have repeatedly expelled members who exhibit racist beliefs, true, but not mentioned by the MSM. Democracy ideally should be through elected representatives, not by street protest, however the latter acts as a safety outlet if the mainstream politicians fail to represent the interests of their electorate. Regrettably street protests do attract hot heads, some of whom are undoubtedly racist or just plain violent.

This, and an everything else you have said, is all true. They are a reaction to the highly undesirable muslim political movements that have set root in the UK. Unfortunately, the attract the same kind of people as the National Front etc. They have a real PR problem. Their basic message is a good one.

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A Muslim is an adherent to a religious faith, not the same as an Islamist. Just as a Jew is an adherent to a religious faith, not the same as a Zionist. Just imagine if people in the West referred to Jews in the same derogatory and racist way that is the norm when talking about Muslims! Under the laws they would be prosecuted and locked up.No wonder the Muslims despise us. We are our own worst enemy. Nobody likes a hypocrite!

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A Muslim is an adherent to a religious faith, not the same as an Islamist. Just as a Jew is an adherent to a religious faith, not the same as a Zionist. Just imagine if people in the West referred to Jews in the same derogatory and racist way that is the norm when talking about Muslims! Under the laws they would be prosecuted and locked up.No wonder the Muslims despise us. We are our own worst enemy. Nobody likes a hypocrite!

Not wishing to open the same old can of worms, but indeed Jew and Zionist are completely interchangeable throughout much of Islam and the western left wing. Take a look at the press from any OIC nation if you want to see what real racism looks like. Finally the basis for infidel hatred is all in the scripture and pre-dates Zionism by over 1000 years.

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A Muslim is an adherent to a religious faith, not the same as an Islamist. Just as a Jew is an adherent to a religious faith, not the same as a Zionist. Just imagine if people in the West referred to Jews in the same derogatory and racist way that is the norm when talking about Muslims! Under the laws they would be prosecuted and locked up.No wonder the Muslims despise us. We are our own worst enemy. Nobody likes a hypocrite!

Not wishing to open the same old can of worms, but indeed Jew and Zionist are completely interchangeable throughout much of Islam and the western left wing. Take a look at the press from any OIC nation if you want to see what real racism looks like. Finally the basis for infidel hatred is all in the scripture and pre-dates Zionism by over 1000 years.

You will know that Islam refers to People of the Book i.e. Jews and Christians who were in the region where Mohamed lived. You will also know Islam acknowledges the Prophets from the Jewish and Christian faiths. You have previously mentioned the highjacking of Islam by extremist agendas, so lets not brand all Muslims in a negative manner, as indeed the EDL Mission Statement underlines.

Edited by simple1
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A Muslim is an adherent to a religious faith, not the same as an Islamist. Just as a Jew is an adherent to a religious faith, not the same as a Zionist. Just imagine if people in the West referred to Jews in the same derogatory and racist way that is the norm when talking about Muslims! Under the laws they would be prosecuted and locked up.No wonder the Muslims despise us. We are our own worst enemy. Nobody likes a hypocrite!

They do. One need only peruse some of the TVF posts which drip with hate, particularly those which wish to blame the west or Christians or Jews for "provoking" this anti social behaviour.

The fact is that these 3 men join 3 other males; Anzal Hussain, Mohammed Saud, and Zohaib Ahmed in custody. Need I remind you that the latest arrests arose as the result of a a routine police stop of a vehicle on the M1 near Sheffield, South Yorkshire, on June 30. The police found guns, knives, machetes and a home-made explosive device. This is hardly suggestive of the boys heading out on a picnic, or engaged in the devotional pursuit of spreading love and peace. Messrs Uddin, Khan and Hasseen are charged under the Terrorism Act 2006.

How exactly, can non-believers be blamed by these fine upstanding members of the Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic groups? The last I saw, much of the aid given to Pakistan and Bangladesh comes from the infidels. What I don't quite understand is how people that are citizens of the UK, can justify taking up arms against the people that are taxed to provide the aid to their beloved homelands.

Why is it, I never read about Pastafarians, Methodists, Bahais, Jains. Druids, Jews, Calvinists, Atheists et al taking up arms against their neighbours in the UK? They have all suffered far worse over the centuries and yet, these assorted infidels do not collectively wage war against those that have allowed them the freedom of worship and protected their basic civil liberties?

Edited by Scott
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