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Cost Of A Traditional Thai Wedding?


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My girlfriend and I are planning a wedding that will take place in 3 years. I am a freshmen in college and she is a senior in college. BTW im from america and she is Thai. We plan to get married after i graduate from college and before graduate school. We want to have the ceremony at Hilton Pattaya. We are looking at 200-250 guests. We were hoping the total for arrangements and the ceremony to be around 1 million baht. Does anyone know if out budget is possible or will it be much more expensive than we are thinking? Thanks!!!

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Where are all the guests staying, are you paying?

I paid about 600K for a traditional Thai wedding up country about the same amount of guests you mention. i'd imagine the Hilton would be a lot more expensive than that.

As mentioned, call and speak with them

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Where are all the guests staying, are you paying?

I paid about 600K for a traditional Thai wedding up country about the same amount of guests you mention. i'd imagine the Hilton would be a lot more expensive than that.

As mentioned, call and speak with them

Okay thanks. No only my family and hers would stay at the hotel. She lives in Sriracha so im assuming the guests would just drive there. My girlfriend and i were thinking 500k each.

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Do it at the court house or Thai district office in this case, forget the "Big Show"then take that money and pay in on a house. You will like you decision in a few years rather than blowing the money

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Just read the OP's other posts ...

I really miss the whole club thing because here in America I am not old enough to do that stuff yet. I also cant get back to Thailand until this summer after I graduate from Highschool. (my bolding for clarity)


Edited by David48
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million baht on a thai wedding!! you could buy a condo in pattaya for that. would be a nice big wedding for a mill though. good luck

ps will there be elephant rides for the kids?

Edited by krisb
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You would have to check with the hilton directly. However my wedding this month cost about 800,000 baht, at a differnt local. I expect the Hilton will be more expensive however. Unless your heart is stuck on the hilton take your time and look around there are places you may find you like better. I foud the hilton to be too sterile and bussiness for my taste but everyone has differnt tastes so maybe its good for your needs. Also just like in the US, if you plan on 1million, expect it to be closer to 1.5million once all the little things you forget are added in. Good luck

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Is it just me that thinks 1 million baht is not infact traditional?

Yes there are some rich Thais but a truly traditional wedding can be done with a lot less money. The OP is still very young and I am sure his parents and inlaws would prefer them to spend money on their future not just a wedding.

Each to their own.

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My traditional Thai wedding cost 300,000 baht with about 400 guests that I didn't know! This was in 2009 and in Sam Phran just west of Bangkok. The best day of my life!

The same wedding in Oz would have cost AUD$50,000 at least. This was not at a Hilton though but a small private resort by the river. I could not imagine spending so much money on a wedding and agree with other posters that you could use the money more wisely. But each to their own. Good luck with the planning. You have plenty of time!

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Do it at the court house or Thai district office in this case, forget the "Big Show"then take that money and pay in on a house. You will like you decision in a few years rather than blowing the money

Ha! My wife and I actually did that - she was divorced already and we married in a registry office in Bang Rak six years ago before, pragmatically, buying a condo and two cars. At the time we were like, 'well, no-one comes to celebrate the divorce', but now of course 'divorce parties' have taken off in some countries like the US. Another 'gem' of wisdom we had about all this traditional Thai wedding fluff was that traditionally and historically, the vast majority of Thai couples just start living together without anything. The Thai wedding industry is just based on misplaced notions of what Thai royalty did centuries ago.

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I'm recently married with a lady from a well respected middle class Bangkokian family. The first thing my future father in -law said to me, was not to spend stupid money on a wedding ceremony because its was not important at all.

So we just went to the Amphur with her sister and friend an got married, afterwords we had some nice dinner in a good restaurant with her sister and friend.

No Buddhist wedding ceremony at all, even my wife is a devoted Bhuddist or big wedding party at all.

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Is it just me that thinks 1 million baht is not infact traditional?

Yes there are some rich Thais but a truly traditional wedding can be done with a lot less money. The OP is still very young and I am sure his parents and inlaws would prefer them to spend money on their future not just a wedding.

Each to their own.

not so much as the hilton is not traditional.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Do it at the court house or Thai district office in this case, forget the "Big Show"then take that money and pay in on a house. You will like you decision in a few years rather than blowing the money

My girlfriends mom bought her a house already. She thinks that because its once in a lifetime she wants to go big.

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You certainly have enough budget, i did the same in a big hotel in Bangkok with around 250 guests of which i knew about 10 excluding my family and friends. The cost was about half of your budget and you would get alot back through gifts.

But i have to agree with others it is a pretty pointless exercise and just an excuse to show off and you do realise you'll have to have your picture taken with all the guests so start practising your fake smile .

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However my wedding this month cost about 800,000 baht ...

Out of curiosity ... did you pay a sin-sot?

If yes, how much did you give?

I told her family im not going to pay a sinsot and they are alright with it. I will just be finishing graduate school and will be broke. But they wanted 1million for the sinsot seems kinda pricy
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You certainly have enough budget, i did the same in a big hotel in Bangkok with around 250 guests of which i knew about 10 excluding my family and friends. The cost was about half of your budget and you would get alot back through gifts.

But i have to agree with others it is a pretty pointless exercise and just an excuse to show off and you do realise you'll have to have your picture taken with all the guests so start practising your fake smile .

I agree. If it were up to me it wold have 30 people and be in Phuket.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I million for sinsod ??/ OMG !! and talking of "tradition" its the girls parents who should take care of the wedding cost, which is then usually drawn back through the Sinsod and the balance is then returned to the couple.

In my opinion 1 million for a wedding is absolutely absurd, any big money on a one day event is just a waste.

You already admit you will be broke from College etc, why put that kind of financial strain or burden on your relationship right from the start, seems crazy to me. Is this really what you want or what the parents want to make a big show and impress people.

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I never heard of a Thai tradition that involved either the Hilton Hotel or Pattaya.

(Unless the tradition in question was buffalo fleecing)

I thought traditional weddings were done in the bride's home village?

In which case 5-10kbht would be more than enough.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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  • 2 weeks later...

200 - 300 K. seems like a realistic amount if done in the village with minimial catering.

10 K won't even cover the beer.

Don't be daft smile.png . We know that folk make money on the side from anything, and a certain party knows this. sad.png

HUH - Yeah, I'm really not understanding this. Try again eeh

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You certainly have enough budget, i did the same in a big hotel in Bangkok with around 250 guests of which i knew about 10 excluding my family and friends. The cost was about half of your budget and you would get alot back through gifts.

But i have to agree with others it is a pretty pointless exercise and just an excuse to show off and you do realise you'll have to have your picture taken with all the guests so start practising your fake smile .

I agree. If it were up to me it wold have 30 people and be in Phuket.

It is up to you,
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200 - 300 K. seems like a realistic amount if done in the village with minimial catering.

10 K won't even cover the beer.

Don't be daft smile.png . We know that folk make money on the side from anything, and a certain party knows this. sad.png

HUH - Yeah, I'm really not understanding this. Try again eeh

์No, don't want to burst your bubble. sad.png
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