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Why Do Some Ass,,,,S Find They Have To Come On Here To Pull Girls Down


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The vast majority of Thai whores sell their wares because it's easy money

You could delete the nationality and you would still be right.

or some times is the only way to make any real money.

There are many other ways, like selling your kidney, but that is not as much fun as selling the vaginathumbsup.gif

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Women take a massive, massive step in their psyche when they go down that road, I believe the women that have the nous and strength to turn around and walk back up the road deserve respect wai.gif

Women become hookers because they are lazy. Being lazy doesn't deserve respect.

We weren't talking about treating ALL WOMEN like second class citizens, just hookers.

I think I know a little about this subject as I'm about to marry a hooker, and I can assure you, she's lazy, and hasn't done anything in her life that she didn't want to do.

She's a very lucky lady.

And sorry, you're marrying her because?

I marrying her because my wife (and father in law) is insisting on it ......... also great girl, very pretty, speaks good English, wealthy.

Not to mention she will be adding her farm to my existing wifes farm, and maybe building us a new house to all live in.

Sleeping arrangement will be interesting. thumbsup.gif

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They are still human beings, no matter what work they do.

I have found through life the ones that put people down are just trying to put themself up, a lack of self respect.

Well said. Way too many people denigrating others for their work choices. Remember what Jesus said and did.

I don't understand why we should "wai" anyone though, hooker or not. It's not necessary for farangs to do so, most would not do it properly, and with one unfortunate exception I have never wai'd anyone in LOS.

What did Jesus say and do?

Who's Jesus?

I used to have a Gardner named Jesus Rodriguez, but I don't think it's the same guy. rolleyes.gif

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I used to have a Gardner named Jesus Rodriguez, but I don't think it's the same guy. rolleyes.gif

I do not know, could be, because i am still waiting for a response on what Jesus did and what he saidtongue.png

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I never wai anyone but I will treat everyone as an equal until such time, if ever, I am given a reason not to.

Why not? It is a social custom in this country, just as in others is shaking hands or kissing on the cheeks in friendly meetings. Don't you do either of those things?

If you refuse to wai because it is a "foreign" custom, you are already not treating people as equal, you obviously treat them as their social habits are inferior to yours.

If you don't wai because it ends up spilling the beer in your hand on your shirt, that is a wise decision biggrin.png

How many times do you see people actually wai.gif except when it's part of their job or to people richer than them or to older family friends they don't see all the time ?

Yep, I can visualize besth waiing the hotel receptionist, the waitress in the restaurant, the taxi driver, etc.

Not at all.

My comment was about "not waiing to anyone".

I agree that a lot of newcomers/tourists wai to anything that moves when they shouldn't, but that still doesn't hurt anyone. Not even themselves really, they already have a "0" level social status.

After a while, you get enough awareness of how it works to just get by without any major screw ups.

It is not exactly rocket science. It surely can be confusing at the beginning, but it is all fairly simple and definitely expected in work and/or certain social situations. (My hi-so Chinese rich girlfriend told me so tongue.png )

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Women take a massive, massive step in their psyche when they go down that road, I believe the women that have the nous and strength to turn around and walk back up the road deserve respect wai.gif

Women become hookers because they are lazy. Being lazy doesn't deserve respect.

We weren't talking about treating ALL WOMEN like second class citizens, just hookers.

I think I know a little about this subject as I'm about to marry a hooker, and I can assure you, she's lazy, and hasn't done anything in her life that she didn't want to do.

You know ONE woman well who has worked in this sector, but doesnt mean her situation is the same as all.

I completely disagree with your thoughts that women become hookers because they are lazy.

(In any case, as an aside, if someone wants to be lazy, that is THERE choice. If it isnt harming you or others, why do they still not deserve respect? AND, im sure many people aim to make a living the easiest way possible, rather than gut-wrenchingly hard. Thats not laziness, thats weighing up output/imput, which is actually pretty smart.)

SOME of these women may be lazy, and some may work their asses off..LITERALLY!

I really dont think having to listen to the boring stories most of these guys spew out, or pandering to their weird sexual fantasies, and their sweaty bodies, and their tightfisted bargaining to pay shit money for a lay, could really be termed as easy.

If working in a "regular" job would earn them the same or similar to what they earn in the bar-scene, you really think most women would still choose "bar" work. Some of you will surely think "yes" because you like to think the girl enjoys herself. Maybe some times they do, (probably when a bit tipsy or high or whatever, as yeh, most people seem to enjoy when in an altered state). Some women have high sex drives, but if any guys honestly think that means she enjoys having sex with anything that has a dick, thats deluding yourself.

This is about cold hard cash.

There is no other viable option for earning the same amount of cash.

Most of these girls have kids, and parents/families they need to take care of.

They probably start out with the intention of only doing it for a short time, but end up getting caught up in a cycle.

I dont class it as laziness. I class it as having no real viable option.

For even if they were to break their back in a rice field from dust till dawn, they wouldnt make nearly the same kind of money.

Being a rice farmer would make them hard-working, but it would also make them very poor.

You're just living in a fantasy world.

Ok there is a few girls who don't have much choice, for one reason or an other. But if you remove all those who do it because they are lazy, drug addicts and without moral sense, you will have to close 95% of all the gogo, night clubs and othe whorehouse in Thailand.

Actually I think 99% will be closer to reality.

Yeah so trafficking gets 1% ... that makes sense coffee1.gif

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They are still human beings, no matter what work they do.

I have found through life the ones that put people down are just trying to put themself up, a lack of self respect.

Lack of self-esteem more probably.

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I gave a Russian family (mum, dad and two little ones) a lift down our soi to their hotel this evening, saved the little ones a long walk on a hot evening.

When I dropped them off in front of the hotel the mother gave me a wai.

I don't regard this as out of place, rather someone acting gracefully, if a little culture disorientated.

The idiocy in this thread is the attention to someone's stated disrespectful attitudes to prostitutes, when in truth the real disrespect is the objectification inherent in a John paying a prostitute for sex.

But as always, a great deal of discussing the motives and morality of the prostitutes and little if any discussion on the motives and morality of their Johns.

Edited by GuestHouse
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I used to have a Gardner named Jesus Rodriguez, but I don't think it's the same guy. rolleyes.gif

I do not know, could be, because i am still waiting for a response on what Jesus did and what he saidtongue.png

You could try asking on the farang bhuddist thread.

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But as always, a great deal of discussing the motives and morality of the prostitutes and little if any discussion on the motives and morality of their Johns.

On the face of it, it is rather transparent. A punter is seeking a service and is willing to pay a price. The service provider either obliges or not. In a macro view, it is all about supply and demand. The motive for the punter is to receive a service. When you mention morality, you then drag the entirety of western judeo-christian dogma into a culture that has zero concept of what you hold dear. And then you have to examine the actual "morality" of said judeo-chritian dogma. Words and actions.

Time to face facts, Thailand would not be known as one of the world's top sex tourist destination without some substance to backup the claim. Do away with the supply and the demand will go elsewhere. With an unemployment rate hovering around 1%, there is no need for any man, woman or child to be involved in the sex industry in Thailand. So whose motives do you want to examine?

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Would YOU work for 3,000 a month when you have children/ family to support and you can make several times that by lying on your back and thinking of England ( or Thailand as the case may be ). It's not like they sold their soul because an old fat man poked them for a few minutes.

You can make several times that on minimum wage in Bangkok as well.

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