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Sleeping Tablets And Imodium


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i'll be in pattaya for a week or so from next weekend .i was wondering if it is easy to get hold of imodium if you need it or is it best to bring some in case .on my previous vists i havn't had a problem but i like to be prepared .

also i would like to get something to help me sleep on flight .i fly to uk on midnight flight out of bangkok .its a pain if you can't get a couple of hours kip.anyone know if its possible to get something over the counter or even any tips on sleeping ,and no, drinking more does not work.

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YOu can buy imodium in pharmacies in Bangkok, so I would imagine that you can get it in Pattaya.

For sleeping on the planes, I use melatonin.

Don't see the logic in pumping your body full of chemicals unless it's absolutely necessary. I always found that a big meal at the airport right before departure, and a beer were enough.
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YOu can buy imodium in pharmacies in Bangkok, so I would imagine that you can get it in Pattaya.

For sleeping on the planes, I use melatonin.

Don't see the logic in pumping your body full of chemicals unless it's absolutely necessary. I always found that a big meal at the airport right before departure, and a beer were enough.

You're getting your chemicals right there!

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YOu can buy imodium in pharmacies in Bangkok, so I would imagine that you can get it in Pattaya.

For sleeping on the planes, I use melatonin.

Don't see the logic in pumping your body full of chemicals unless it's absolutely necessary. I always found that a big meal at the airport right before departure, and a beer were enough.

Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the body. Sunlight, more specifically, the blue light waves, inhibits the production of it. Darkness allows for the production, and it makes people sleepy. So by taking supplemental melatonin, you are fooling the body into thinking it is nighttime and time for sleep.

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some very good replies ,some informative even educational and some very funny .thanks .

i would like to stress the imodium question is just in case .last time i brought some with me just in case but didn't need it

so it was wasted(out of date).much better if you can get it if you need it .got to say its more likely to be needed in bali .

i have never taken sleeping pills before on a flight but every time i use the nighttime flight ,arriving in the morning, the next day is a struggle as i find it difficult to kip on the plane for some reason.the thing about melatonin was very interesting.

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I have never had any trouble with my stomach when in Thailand, but if you get the Thai two step its best to get the local medication, Imodium some times does not work.

Last time I tried to get meds for my stomach in Thailand the pharmacist gave me medicinal charcoal, it didn't help, however the Imodium I got a few days later did :)

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Xanax and other benzo's are controlled substances in Thailand, regardless of how easy it may be to get them otc in Thailand. Please don't discuss how or where to get them on Thaivisa.

You can buy Imodium in any pharmacy in Pattaya, but I would suggest reading up on how it works and not just take it at first sign of a Bangkok-belly. It's not a good drug.

I know the previous poster didn't think charcoal works, and I guess it also depends on the problem, but charcoal is an age-old remedy for stomach related problems and I've personally beat a lot of stomach bugs within a few hours with charcoal. It is sold under the brand name CA-R-BON in packs of 10 tabs for 18 baht, so it won't break the bank either.

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thanks for all the info .

i would certainly try the CA-B-ON first if i got a bad belly .didn't know it was a remedy for the "thai two step".

does anyone know if MELATONIN is available in the pharmacy in pattaya.

Edited by Phil Conners
: bold font removed - see forum rules, netiquette
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I was told by a doctor that sleeping pills are almost impossible to find in Thailand. Not sure why. In the U.S. you can buy them everywhere. Even at the supermarkets.

There are "sleeping pills" (aka, sleep aids), then there are sleep prescription medications,

The former are for practical purposes ineffective, and a waste of money, that's why they are not controlled and sold over the counter.

The latter are medically prescribed, are effective, can be dangerous and technically could put one to sleep forever.

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I was told by a doctor that sleeping pills are almost impossible to find in Thailand. Not sure why. In the U.S. you can buy them everywhere. Even at the supermarkets.

There are "sleeping pills" (aka, sleep aids), then there are sleep prescription medications,

The latter are medically prescribed, are effective, can be dangerous and technically could put one to sleep forever.

And are easily found "over the counter".

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I was told by a doctor that sleeping pills are almost impossible to find in Thailand. Not sure why. In the U.S. you can buy them everywhere. Even at the supermarkets.

There are "sleeping pills" (aka, sleep aids), then there are sleep prescription medications,

The former are for practical purposes ineffective, and a waste of money, that's why they are not controlled and sold over the counter.

The latter are medically prescribed, are effective, can be dangerous and technically could put one to sleep forever.

There are 2 very common types of "sleeping aids" found everywhere in the U.S. over the counter. Diphenhydramine is the chemical used in one and Doxylamine is the other ( the latter found in Nyquil). I have found them both quite useful for those occasional sleepless nights. Unfortunately I have never been able to find them in Thailand..

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